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Multiple choice questions.

1. _______ contains all the deleted files and folders.

a) Computer b) Recycle Bin c) None of these
2. The right bottom of the desktop contains.
a) Start button b) Notification area c) None of these
3. You can easily restore the deleted files once again from the:
a) Hard disk drive b) Floppy disk c) Recycle bin
4. __________ means to change the name of an existing file or folder
a) Rename b) Creation c) Deletion
5. You can move a folder by using:
a) Copy and Paste b) Cut and Paste c) Copy and Cut
6. What kind of software seems useful in the beginning, but will cause damage to the computer once
a) Worm b) Virus c) Trojan Horse
7. _________ feature of windows7 allows you to create a copy of data for future use.
a) Backup and Restore b) Spyware c) Keylogger

8. McAFee, Symantec and Kaspersky are examples of:

a) Operating system b) antivirus c) Backup

9. A __________ is attached to a CPU for capturing keystrokes.

a) Wire b) Key c)Keylogger
10. A copy of data which is used to restore and recover the data is called___________
a) CD b) Backon c) Backup
11. A _________ is a set of instruction used to perform some tasks.
a) Hardware b) Software c) CPU
12. Which of the following is not a hardware component?
a) CPU b) Keyboard c) MS-Word
13. A __________ does not require a host on computer.
a) Worm b) Virus c) Spam

Answer the following questions:

1) What is operating system?

Ans: It is a software program that manages the hardware and software resources. It manages the
functioning of input, output, memory, processing and storage unit.

2) What is the use of Recycle Bin?

Ans: It is the location in a computer system that stores the deleted files, until it is permanently deleted
from the recycle bin.

3) How will you copy and move a file from E drive to D drive?
Ans: To copy and move a file from E: drive to D: drive are
Open the drive E: in windows explorer
Select the file that you want to move from the current location.
Press Ctrl + X to remove the file from its current location and paste it at new location in D drive.

4) How will you create a file on computer?

Ans: The work we do in computer is being saved as a file, we can create different types of file. A file can be
created like text file, audio file video files and image file.

5) Explain spyware.
Ans: It gets installed into the computer without the user’s knowledge and send out data regarding the
computer user’s browsing habits to the author of the creator.

6) Explain different types of threat.

Ans: There are basically two types of threat: Natural threats and Human threats.
Natural threat includes: Fire, Flood and lightning.
Human threats: includes: Theft and Virus.

7) Write different measures to protect a computer.

 Setting up personal user account and passwords.
 Using secure passwords.
 Use of protective softwares.
 Locking up user account with the help of passwords.

8) What is hardware?
All the physical components of a computer system are termed as hardware, eg Keyboard mouse, Joystick,

9) Define keylogger
Ans: Keyloger is a piece of hardware that is added manually to the keyword and captures all the keyboard
strokes while typing.

10) What do you mean by backup of data?

Ans: A copy of data that can be used to restore and recover the data is called a backup. It can be used to
restore and recover the data.

11) What is an antivirus?

Ans: It is a software program that detects, prevents computer system from malicious program, such as

12) Write the steps to scan your computer system using Norton Antivirus.
Ans: To scan computer system using Norton Antivirus:
Double click on the Norton internet security. The antivirus window appears on your screen.

13) Neeta wants to update the antivirus which is installed on her computer system. Help her to do so.

Ans: Connect to the Internet.

 Click on Norton Internet security

 In the Norton Internet security window click on Live update.
14) Rahul want to change the User Account Settings for his system to change password. Suggest him a
way to do this.

Ans: To change the User Account Settings:

Open Control Panel  click on User Account.

Click on the necessary changes by choosing appropriate options.

15) Name any four antivirus programs.

Ans: McAFee, QuickHeal, Kaspersky,

16) Differentiate between application software and system software

Ans: The software that helps a user to carry out specific task, where as System software is a set of
programs to manage our computer system.

17) What is a file and folder?

Ans: All the work we do in computer system is being saved by giving a name to it, which is called as file.

A folder is a named collection of files, It is used to organise files. It may contains files and sub-folder.

18) How do you delete a file from the computer system

Ans: To delete a file from recycle bin, open the folder containing the file,, right click on the file and choose
delete from the drop-down menu.

19) Write the steps to turn ON/OFF the firewall.

Ans : Open Control panel
Choose system and security in control panel
Select windows firewall in the right list.

20) How do you scan the files in the computer system using an Antivirus software?

Ans: We can scan files in the computer system to check whether the system is infected by virus:

To scan the files:

Click the Antivirus icon from the system tray

Click on “Scan now” option to check for virus.

21) What is the use of UAC? Write the steps to change UAC setting.

Ans: User Account Control helps prevent malware from damaging a PC and helps organizations
deploy a better-managed desktop. To change UAC settings:

 On your keyboard, press Windows+R to open the Run window.

 Type Control Panel. Then select OK.
 Select User Accounts. Then select User Accounts (Classic View).
 Select Change user account control settings. ...
 Move the slider. ...
 Restart the computer.

Long Answer questions:

Q1. Explain different types of Viruses.

Ans: A computer virus is a piece of software that can 'infect' a computer, install itself and copy itself to
other computers, without the users knowledge or permission.

Malware: It is a malicious software. Malware can harm any type of software that could harm a computer
system, interfere with and gather a user's data.

Trojan horse : A Trojan horse appears to be harmless but performs malicious function such as deleting or
damaging giles.

Worm are malicious software that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers. It often uses a
computer network to spread itself..

Spyware is a software that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their
knowledge. Spyware can monitor and log the activity that is performed on a target system..

Adware can automatically cause pop-up and banner advertise to be displayed in order to generate revenue
for its author or publisher.

Q2. How do you protect your computer hardware? Write any five methods.

Ans: To protect the hardware components we can perform the following :

 We should keep the computer clean

 Computer must be kept at moderate temperature.
 There should be surge protects into computer system.
 We must discharge the static electricity from our body.

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