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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Water Supply

Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Water Sector Governance and Infrastructure Support Project (WaSGISP)



Country: NEPAL
Credit No.: 7132-NP

Assignment Title: Consulting Services for Project Support Team at Department of Water Supply
and Sewerage Management (DWSSM) and NWASH Support
Reference No.: NP-DWSSM-290179-CS-QCBS

The Government of Nepal has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the
Water Sector Governance and Infrastructure Support Project and intends to apply part of the
proceeds for consulting services for Project Support Team at Department of Water Supply and
Sewerage Management (DWSSM) and NWASH Support.

The consulting services (“the Services”) include dedicated technical assistance to the Project
Management Unit (PMU) at DWSSM in overall planning, management, documentation, and
reporting by providing high quality governance, institutional, technical assistance, and capacity
building during all stages of Project implementation. The consulting service holds the key
responsibility of Strengthening Sector Governance and Institutional Capacity, Component 1 of the
project. A total of 386 person months of the Services is estimated and the Service is expected to
commence from January 2023, with the implementation period of PST for approximately five

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at the following website:

The Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management now invites eligible consulting firms
(“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should
provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant
experience to perform the Services.

The shortlisting criteria are: qualifications and experience of the firm, such as:
(a) General experience of the firm
(b) Specific experience (Within last 7 years)
(c) Technical and managerial capability of the firm

Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of
The World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrower, November 2020 (“Procurement
Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications but should indicate
clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the
case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for
the entire contract, if selected.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS)
method as set out in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers”, July 2016,
revised November 2020.

Further information and clarification can be obtained at the address below during office hours
between 10:00 to 17:00 hours.

Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person or by
mail or by e-mail) by 7 September 2022, 14:00 hrs.

In case, the last date of submission of the EOI documents happens to be a declared public holiday,
the next working day will be deemed as the due date but the time will be same as stipulated.

Contact Address:
Water Sector Governance and Infrastructure Support Project
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
DWSSM Building, Panipokhari, Kathmandu
Tel: 01-4421395
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Water Sector Governance and Infrastructure Support Project (WaSGISP)
Project Support Team (PST)
Terms of Reference

1 Context

The Ministry of Water Supply (MoWS), Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
(DWSSM) and the International Development Association (IDA) are in advance stages of preparing a
six-year Water Sector Governance and Infrastructure Support Project (Project).

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen sector institutional capacity for service
delivery under federalism and increase access to improved water supply and sanitation services in
selected municipalities. The proposed Project has four interconnected components:

Component 1: Strengthening Sector Governance and Institutional Capacity, Project Management

Component 2: Increasing Access to Climate-resilient, Improved and Safe Water Supply and Sanitation
Component 3: Reducing Climate Hazards impacting WSS infrastructure through Integrated Water
Resources Management (IWRM) and Watershed Management
Component 4: Contingency Emergency Response (CER) component is about climate-related events and

Considering the Project’s objective to support the federalization of the WSS sector, the municipalities
(three Municipalities and three Rural Municipalities)1 will be responsible for the implementation of
Component 2, which has over 75 percent of the Project’s investments, while the Federal Project
Management Unit will be responsible for the implementation of Components 1, 3 and 4.

2 Implementation Arrangement

2.1. Project Management Unit, DWSSM

Under the DWSSM, a Project Management Unit (PMU) will be headed by a full-time Project Director
(PD) and staffed with key project management and technical staff. The PMU, which will be supported

(1) Birendranagar Municipality in Surkhet District; (2) Dipayal Silgadi Municipality in Doti district; (3) Sharada Municipality in
Salyan District; and (4) Joshipur, (5) Janaki, and (6) Bardagoriya Rural Municipalities (Gaonpalikas) in Kailali District

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by a Project Support Team (PST) engaged by the Project, will be responsible for overall project
management, financial management, providing governance, institutional, technical, and associated
handholding support to the Municipalities as well as submitting progress reports in compliance with the
policies and procedures (technical, institutional, fiduciary and safeguards) agreed between GoN and the
Bank. The PMU/PST will both supervise and guide the Municipal Support Team (MST) to assist and
empower the Municipalities for infrastructure design, construction supervision, and reporting.

The PMU will also be responsible for implementing federal and provincial aspects of improving sector
governance and institutional capacity and building resilience of water supply and sanitation
infrastructure through integrated watershed management, working closely with the municipalities.

A dedicated section within DWSSM will be responsible for regulation and water business support to
provinces and municipalities to implement sector policy reforms, regulation, planning technical
backstopping to local governments.

2.2. Municipal Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Unit

Participating Municipalities will formally establish a dedicated Municipal Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene Unit (M- WASH Unit), as part of their organizational structure, and equip the Unit with
adequate human resources, operating tools, and logistics. The key functions of M- WASH Unit include
developing WASH governance, policy and institutional arrangements, programming and regulation of
Municipality-wide water and sanitation services, as well as planning, managing, and monitoring the
implementation of local water supply and sanitation services as provided by the Constitutional
provisions and Local Governance Operations Act, 2017

3 Municipal Support Team (MST)

Due to the limited capacity at the Municipality level, a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) will be
established in each Participating Municipality, for the Project period, with appropriate skills, authority,
and autonomy to deliver the Project objectives. DWSSM will depute an experienced Project Manager
and related technical professionals to execute PIU’s executive functions. Municipality will depute
representative from M-WASH Unit in PIU. In selected Participating Municipalities, representatives
from selected WSUCs may be deputed into the PIU.

A dedicated Municipal Support Team (MST), engaged by the Project for each Participating
Municipality, will provide focused technical assistance to the PIU for the implementation of governance
and institutional support, and planning, design and construction supervision of infrastructure projects

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primarily aimed at empowering, facilitating, and supporting M-WASH Unit in executing its core
functions for developing, preparing WASH plans, and managing safe water and sanitation services.

The MST will work as an integral and extended arm of PIU. A special note should be taken of the fact
that the MST is a key interface between the Project and the Municipality towards meeting the objective
of providing an efficient, equitable, safe, and reliable water supply and sanitation delivery under a
municipality wide approach. In this regard, the MST must be guided by the overall objective of building
safe, sustainable, and efficient water and sanitation systems within the municipality with the aim of an
equitable reach, leaving no one behind, and creating a benchmark for standard of services to be adopted
in the Project and future investments.

4 Objective of Project Support Team (PST)

The key objective of the Project Support Team (PST) is to provide dedicated technical assistance to the
PMU at the DWSSM in overall planning, management, documentation, and reporting by providing high
quality governance, institutional, technical assistance, and capacity building during all stages of project

The PST will prepare standard operating procedures (SOPs), guidelines, templates on specific
requirements for all stages of project implementation including environment and social safeguards,
procurement and contract management, financial management, and train MSTs in their effective use,
troubleshoot challenges encountered by MSTs, as well as monitor compliance to the requirements as
specified in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM). The PST will also be responsible for the
detailing and elaboration of the Project Implementation Manual (PIM). The MST shall support and
coordinate with the PST for completing the PIM. Regular visits to the participating municipalities will
be an integral domain of the key responsibilities of PST to provide handholding support to the MST so
that the MST can effectively fulfill its responsibilities. The PST will need to be dynamic also while
being flexible to adapt itself to the evolving situation based on the experiences gained.

5 Scope of the Services

The scope of the PST consulting services will include, but not necessarily be, limited to the following:

5.1. Project Planning and Monitoring

• Prepare a detailed work plan and finalize it based on the discussion with PMU, participating
Municipalities, and PIU.

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• Facilitate PMU in the organization of project kick-off meeting with the participating
municipalities, provincial governments, and other related stakeholders to jointly agree on the
key actions.
• Advise the PMU on all project-related issues, including policy, financing agreements,
documenting, and reporting to the Bank.
• Ensure regular organization of management meetings and progress review meetings among
PMU and PIU. Prepare minutes of the meeting, and review progress of the action plan agreed
in the subsequent meeting. Bring the attention of PMU for any action required on the key issues.
• Assist the PMU to closely monitor MST in their assigned tasks, and monitor the deliverables
on time & in close coordination with the PIU and M-WASH Unit, and provide regular feedback.
• Design specific modules to expand the NWASH MIS to include climate resilience monitoring,
service standards, sanitation planning, watershed management, and water quality modules as
well as benchmarking and monitoring protocols & processes for urban water utilities and
service providers. Provide dedicated support to the DWSSM to roll out the expanded N-WASH
MIS in the participating municipalities first, and then to the other municipalities as decided by
• Develop and facilitate operationalization of project progress monitoring system for all three
components following the Government and World Bank requirements.
• Regularly undertake joint field visits with the M-WASH Unit and PIU to the project sites,
assure construction quality, review progress of the activities, conduct quality assurance and
provide concrete suggestions for improvement.

5.2. Governance and Institutional Support

• Prepare a proposal for M-WASH Unit functions, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for
inclusive and gender responsive staffing.
• Develop a model WASH Governance and Operations Directives highlighting the structures and
processes for the municipality to plan, manage, and regulate municipality-wide water and
sanitation services. The WASH Governance and Operation Directives will include, among
others, (a) establishment of an Integrated Water Management Board (where such Boards are
appropriate and its linkage with the M-WASH Unit), (b) asset management, (c) key
performance indicators for the service providers on service standards, water quality, tariff,
serving the unserved and vulnerable population, as well as financial management and audit
statement, citizen engagement and grievance redress, and (d) functional linkages between the
M-WASH Unit, municipal wards, and service providers.
• Develop a menu of potential capacity building and technical assistance activities in the first
year to enable municipalities and provincial governments to address their capacity gaps in

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accordance with their constitutional roles under federalism. This will include strengthening
technical capacity for designing, and operating energy efficient & climate resilient water and
sanitation infrastructure.
• Based on the outcome of a participatory Water Sector Federalism Implementation Assessment,
determine remaining institutional and capacity gaps to deliver the required services to be
addressed in the second and third year of the project.
• Identify good practices and capture lessons learnt from the implementation of the reforms, and
prepare knowledge products and communication materials with clear target audiences.
Organize cross fertilization sessions for participating municipalities, and work with other
specialists in designing and organizing training & workshop modules.
• Develop outreach and communication materials to support M-WASH Unit to help
operationalize on Menstrual Health Management at the community and school levels.
• Provide support to strengthen the enabling environment to encourage private sector operations,
and financing for water and sanitation services based on assessment findings.
• Support the establishment including the technical and commercial capacity building, of
corporatized utility operator in the selected municipalities. Develop Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) and associated guidelines for utility management addressing utility system
design and performance improvement, water tariffs rationalization, promotion of financial
sustainability, creditworthiness, commercial strengthening, customer management and service
delivery, purchase operations equipment, carrying out O&M, and improving procurement.
• Facilitate PMU to: (a) roll out a federal WASH Policy, Act and Regulation at different levels,
(b) organize national, provincial, and municipal level WASH training, and (c) reviews for sector
learning and knowledge management.

5.3. Technical Guidance, Oversight and Monitoring

• Provide technical trouble shooting support to Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in the design,
implementation, and monitoring stage of infrastructure projects.
• Review and update the existing engineering design guidelines in due consultation with
DWSSM to reflect the agreed changes in the design parameters, incorporate climate change
and disaster-resilient assessment, treatment components and other parameters for use by the
• Develop a tailor made WSP guideline to the M-WASH Unit for use by the service providers to
assess the catchment characteristics of water sources, and prepare long-term plans for
catchment protection, conservation, and monitoring of water quality and quantity.

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• Prepare the Project Implementation Manual (PIM) with great details and elaboration on project
implementation specifics for both the project packages. The MST shall support and coordinate
with the PST for completion of PIM.
• Prepare and/or update quality assurance and quality control manual prepared by DWSSM. The
manual should define and/or update consistent, comprehensive, and uniform system of quality
assurance and control at each main stage of subproject implementation (i) identification, (ii)
feasibility, (iii) detailed design, (iv) procurement, and (v) construction and supervision.
• Undertake regular monitoring visits to the participating municipalities to gather firsthand
progress information and identify constraints. Provide troubleshooting measures during the
field visit.
• Along with the Project Implementation Unit, conduct sample quality assurance audits to ensure
that the quality of construction work is as designed.

5.4. Procurement Management

• Support PMU on overall procurement related matters including but not limited to: preparing
and evaluating expression of interests (EOIs), preparing bidding documents, Request for
Proposal documents, assist in preparing bid evaluation criteria, attend pre-bid meetings,
preparing evaluation reports, assist in conducting contract negotiations (as applicable), assist in
responding to any procurement related complaints that may arise, and assist in contract
documentation/amendments and contract management work activities etc.
• Assist PMU in construction supervision works, to ensure compliance with the designs,
drawings and specifications, quality of works, of tasks implemented by the PMU. Facilitate
PMU to maintain/update procurement plans with adequate consideration to the appropriate
market approach, procurement method etc.
• Support PIUs in updating/maintaining procurement plans.
• Share the relevant procurement documents to established PIUs, (as and when available), such
as the Bank approved model bidding document under National Procurement Procedures,
Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) already approved by the Bank for the
project etc.
• Assist in monitoring compliance of agreed procurement procedures, and timely completion of
procurement activities undertaken by the PMU and PIUs.
• Periodically, prepare project procurement reports of activities undertaken by the PMU and PIUs
for the Bank’s review.
• Provide training to the PIUs to prepare quality bidding documents, and confirm that they are
complete and correct, so that the potential bidders can submit competitive bids and construct
the subprojects as designed.

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• Conduct field visit to the municipalities to assess procurement practices, documentation, and
provide solutions to the challenges encountered. Bring urgent attention on the risks to the PIU,
Municipality, and PMU.

5.5. Financial Management

• Support PMU to operationalize the Computerized Government Accounting System (CGAS)

and Sub-national Treasury Regulatory Application (SuTRA) for accounting and reporting of
the Project expenditures. PMU shall also coordinate to implement the financial reporting
templates based on Nepal Public Sector Accounting Standards for annual reporting by the
• Support PMU in recommending to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) the release of conditional
grants to the municipality based on the verification criteria/requirement as specified in the
Project Implementation Manual (PIM).
• Conduct field visits to the municipalities to assess financial management practices, account
keeping, and provide solutions to the challenges encountered then and there.
• Follow up and ensure that the municipalities submit acceptable financial reports to the PMU as
specified in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM).
• Support the PMU to coordinate with the municipalities to ensure timely and quality internal
audit at the municipality level. The PMU shall record and monitor the internal audit issues.
• Ensure that there are no pending audit reports that are to be submitted to the World Bank.

5.6. Social and Environmental Safeguards Support

• Develop procedures, mechanisms, and capacity to support PMU/PIUs to ensure the satisfactory
implementation of Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) including the
Stakeholder Management Plan (SEP), Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), Indigenous
Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF), and Labor Management Procedures (LMP). Support and
provide guidance to the PMU/ PIU for incorporating and integrating Environmental & Social
procedures and requirements in subprojects.
• Support PMU/PIUs in screening, assessing, and managing Environment and Social risks, and
impacts of the project planning, design, construction and operation to ensure that the WaSGISP
sub-projects do not include any activities that are included in the “Exclusion List” of the
investments in ESMF. Also, ensure that the other environmental and social risk management
instruments including the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs),
Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) etc.

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are prepared and implemented as required within the prescribed timelines. Lastly, ensure that
these follow the E&S guidance for site selection, planning, and engineering design.
• Review and ensure that the recommendations and mitigation measures provided in
ESIA/ESMPs on environmental and social risk managements (ESIA, ESMP, RAP, IPP etc.)
are reflected in the design and costing (initial as well as recurring expenditure) in the Sub-
Project DPRs and bidding documents, as applicable.
• Support PMU in monitoring of the implementation of the E&S risk management instruments
by the PIUs, and include in the project’s periodic physical accomplishment report (monitoring
report on the E&S performance of sub-projects). It will conduct spot-checks through site visits
wherever necessary.
• Undertake periodic field visits to supervise the overall implementation of E&S risk
management actions in WaSGISP sub-projects.
• Support the PMU and PIUs to implement, and track key environmental and social
commitments, as expressed in the Project’s Environmental and Social Commitment Plan.
• As part of the overall project progress monitoring, provide guidance and quality assurance in
project reports on environmental and social activities.

5.7. Progress and Financial Reporting

• Prepare and report on the progress & financial progress being implemented under the project
as per the template and timelines elaborated in the Project Implementation Manual (PIM).
• Based on the feedback received, improve subsequent reports.

6 Reporting Requirements

• The PST will report to the Project Management Unit (PMU) with certified report to meet
contractual obligations between the PMU and PST.
• Major reporting requirements from the PST is summarized in the Table 1 below, and the
reporting schedule & templates will be proposed in the Consultant’s Inception Report and set
forth for an agreement with the PMU.
• All reports should be submitted in 2 hard copies along with an electronic copy in editable and
non-editable versions (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Auto CAD, etc.) and .pdf format. All
data and documents must be handed over to the PMU before the assignment will be considered
as completed.

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Table 1: Reporting Requirements

Report Timeline Description

Inception report Within 45 days after the • Detailed work plan and manning
commencement of the schedule (synchronization of experts'
services input schedule and output delivery)
• Methodology
• Preliminary assessment of the outputs
required, and an action plan to achieve
them, including review of existing
situation and information
Project Implementation Within 90 days after the • Details and Elaboration on the project
Manual (PIM) commencement of the implementation specifics for the entire
services WaSGISP.

Other Manuals, guidelines, As per the request by • In Consultation with Project

directives etc. to implement Project Management Unit Implementation Unit (PIU) and the
project activities at field (PMU) Municipality

Monthly Progress Reports Within 10 days of the • Progress on delivery of each of the
(Physical Progress, Financial consecutive month outputs.
Progress, and others as per • Key issues and constraints.
the requirement) • Attempts made to resolve the issues

Quarterly and/or Semi- 10th day after the • Progress on delivery of each of the
annual Progress Reports completion of each outputs.
(Physical Progress, Financial quarter or semester as • Key issues and constraints.
Progress and others as per the applicable • Updated project schedule.
requirement) • Any changes in project design and
Annual progress report Each 12 months following • Summary of reporting requirements
the commencement of outlined above for all aspects of works
services and activities under the project

Final Report One month prior to the • Project completion report, and summary
Contract Completion Date of all other reports, summary of annual
progress reports, progress, and issues
under the project.
Other specific reports time to time as stipulated in the scope of services.

7 Indicative Inputs, Qualification, and Experience of the firm and PST personnel

The consulting services for the technical assistance will be recruited from a Consulting Firm for about
60 months, and the Consultant shall have following minimum experience:

• The Consultant shall have minimum five (5) years of general experience.
• The Consultant shall have experience in project management/ construction supervision in at
least one (1) multi-year water supply or sanitation project, funded by international
development partners with a consulting cost of at least NPR 50 million.

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• The Consultant shall have experience in detail design/design review in at least one (1) water
supply or sanitation project with project cost of each project being at least NPR 1 billion.
• It is desirable that the Consultant is experienced in project management/ construction
supervision of minimum one number of a (1) multiyear development project with consulting
cost of at least NPR 50 million.
• The Consultants should have demonstrated work experience in development & formulation
of different strategies or guidelines or procedures or training modules or training curriculum
for water supply or sanitation areas/ sector.

• The Consultant should be familiar with multilateral or bilateral donor-funded project

implementation procedures, including technical, fiduciary, and safeguard requirements.

The Consultant shall provide an expert team of professionals for the said assignment. Indicative
requirements are presented in the Table 2.

Table 2: Outline of Team Composition and Input Requirements of Project Support Team (PST)

A Key Experts Unit Number Office Field Total

1. Team leader PM 1.00 48.00 12.00 60.00
2. Financial Management Specialist PM 1.00 24.00 6.00 30.00
Procurement and Contract Management
3. PM 1.00 24.00 6.00 30.00
4. Governance and Institutional Specialist PM 1.00 24.00 6.00 30.00
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
5. PM 1.00 20.00 4.00 24.00
Capacity Development and Municipality
6. PM 1.00 20.00 4.00 24.00
Support Specialist
B Non-Key Experts
7. GESI and Social Development Specialist PM 1.00 24.00 6.00 30.00
8. Environment Management Specialist PM 1.00 24.00 6.00 30.00
9. NWASH MIS Expert PM 8.00 12.00 4.00 16.00
C Support Staff
10. IT & Data Support PM 1.00 48.00
11. Financial Support PM 1.00 48.00
12. Environmental and Social Support PM 1.00 48.00
13. Office Manager PM 1.00 60.00

Note: PM is person-month
Approximately 25% travel inputs for each key expert in the PST is required in the participating municipalities. Much of it is
expected during the first two years to ensure that the introduced systems and behaviors are fully internalized, monitored
progress is being realized as per the agreed plan, and then gradually on an intermittent basis to provide technical
troubleshooting support and compliance monitoring.
Note: Various experts/staff to be deployed as per the project needs, according to the approved personnel schedule, and approved
implementation plan.

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8 Qualification and Scope of Services

The listed experts in the Table 3 are the best estimates of the Client and only indicative in nature. The
Consultant should do its own assessment on the expert and supporting staff requirement, and their
corresponding input should be indicated in the proposal. However, all the positions listed under the
“key experts” is mandatory and the Consultant shall ensure that it provides suitable candidates for each
position. Any failure to meet this requirement will impact its technical score. The experts described
below are expected to have excellent networking, organization, and communication skills (written and
verbal – in both English and Nepali), and dedication towards the assignment.

Table 3: Scope of Services and Qualification/Experience Requirements of Personnel

Position Key Scope of Services Qualification and Experience

Team Leader–Project Overall responsibility for the execution of the Master’s degree in civil
Management work in accordance with the ToR. engineering/ public policy/ urban
Specialist development/ or any relevant field.
Reporting to the Project Director, Project
Management Unit (PMU), the Team Leader is
S/he should have minimum 12
responsible for providing dedicated technical
years of experience in governance
assistance to the PMU in overall planning,
reforms, institutional
management, monitoring, documentation, and
development, project
reporting by providing high quality governance,
management, with management
institutional, technical assistance, and capacity
related experience in at least 2
building support during all stages of project
number of water supply or
implementation. The Team Leader will lead the
sanitation projects as a Team
PST in preparation of the standard operating
leader. Duration of each service
procedures (SOPs), guidelines, templates on
shall not be less than 1 year and
specific requirements of project
s/he should have preferably 3 years
implementation including environment &
of experience in water supply or
social safeguards, procurement & contract
sanitation design, implementation,
management, financial management while also
management under donor-funded
ensuring that the MSTs are fully trained to
deliver required work output. Troubleshoot
challenges encountered by the MSTs, and
monitor compliance to the requirements as
specified in the Project Implementation Manual
(PIM). The Team Leader shall ensure that the
PST carries out regular visits to the
participating municipalities to provide
handholding support to the MST so that the
MST can effectively discharge its
Financial Facilitate Project Management Unit (PMU) to Master’s degree in finance/
Management operationalize the Computerized Government accounting/ economics or business
Specialist Accounting System (CGAS) and Sub-national administration.
Treasury Regulatory Application (SuTRA) for
accounting and reporting of the project S/he should have at least 10 years
expenditures. Support PMU in recommending of overall work experience in
to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) the release of financial management, preferably
conditional grants to the municipality, based on with 5 years of experience in donor
the verification criteria as specified. Conduct funded projects.
field visit to the municipalities to assess
financial management practices, account
keeping, and provide solutions to the challenges

11 | P a g e
encountered. Follow up and ensure that the
municipalities submit acceptable financial
reports to the PMU as specified in the Project
Implementation Manual (PIM). Support PMU
to coordinate with the municipalities to ensure
timely and quality internal audit at the
municipality level. The PMU shall record and
monitor the internal audit issues. Ensure that
there are no pending audit reports that are to be
submitted to the World Bank.
Procurement and Provide guidance and supervision to the Project Master’s degree in law/
Contract Management Management Unit (PMU) on overall construction management/
Specialist procurement related matters. Facilitate PMU business administration/ civil
for maintaining/updating procurement plans of engineering/finance.
PMU, sharing of Bank approved model
documents under National Procurement S/he should have at least 10 years
Procedures, monitor compliance of agreed of working experience in
procurement procedures, and timely procurement and contract
completion of the procurement activities. management, preferably 5 years of
Provide training to the PIU and M-WASH Unit experience in procurement or
at the participating municipalities to prepare contract management work
quality bidding documents, and confirm that activities of World Bank funded
they are complete & correct so that the potential projects.
bidders can submit competitive bids (after
issuing notice) and construct the subprojects as
designed. Conduct field visits to the
municipalities to assess procurement practices,
documentation, and provide solutions to the
challenges encountered. Bring urgent attention
on the risks to PIU, Municipality, and PMU.
Governance and Prepare a proposal for M-WASH Unit functions Master’s degree in public policy/
Institutional Specialist and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for development studies/ urban
inclusive and gender responsive staffing. planning /civil engineering/ or
Develop a model WASH Governance and business management.
Operations Directives highlighting structures
and processes for the municipality to plan, S/he should have at least 10 years
manage, and regulate municipality-wide water of experience in local governance
and sanitation services. Provide support to reforms, institutional
encourage private sector operation and development, preferably 5 years in
financing for water and sanitation services donor-supported projects. S/he
based on the assessment findings. In should have at least 5 years of
coordination with the Team Leader, develop experience in water supply and
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and sanitation at the Municipality
associated guidelines for utility management level.
addressing the utility system design &
performance improvement, water tariffs
rationalization, promotion of financial
sustainability, creditworthiness, commercial
strengthening, customer management and
service delivery.

12 | P a g e
Monitoring and Work with the Team Leader to design Master’s degree in civil
Evaluation (M & E) monitoring and evaluation system of project engineering or relevant discipline.
Specialist implementation at the federal, provincial, and
local levels including applying monitoring S/he should have at least 10 years
indicators including quality assurance. Support of experience in designing,
the municipalities in acquainting them with use implementing, and reviewing
of dedicated portals, analyze data from M&E systems in public sector,
monitoring portals, and identify potential areas preferably with 5 years work
of improvement, and work with other specialists experience in the water and
to identify performance monitoring indicators sanitation sector.
for assessing implementation status of reforms
and quality assurance at the municipality level.
Undertake regular monitoring visits to the
participating municipality to gather firsthand
progress information and constraints. Provide
trouble shooting measures during the field
visits. Along with the Project Implementation
Unit (PIU), conduct sample quality assurance
audits to ensure quality of construction work as

Capacity Assess, develop, and apply capacity building Master's degree in civil
Development and assistance to enable municipalities and engineering/ social science/
Municipality Support provincial governments to address their economics/ business management/
Specialist capacity gaps in accordance with their or a related field.
constitutional roles under federalism. Identify
S/he should have at least 10 years
good practices and capture lessons learned from
of experience in capacity building,
the implementation of the reforms, and prepare
of which 5 years shall be in the
knowledge products & communication
Municipal capacity building on
materials with clear target audiences. Organize
water and sanitation
cross fertilization sessions for the participating
municipalities, and work with other specialists
in designing and organizing training &
workshop modules. Based on the outcome of
participatory Water Sector Federalism
Implementation Assessment, determine
remaining institutional and capacity gaps to
deliver the required services support.
GESI and Social Develop procedures, mechanisms, and capacity Master’s degree in relevant social
Development to support PMU/PIUs in the implementation of sciences discipline.
Specialist Environment and Social Management
Framework (ESMF), and resettlement S/he should have at least 10 years
frameworks for screening, assessing, and of work experience in social risk
managing environment & social risks, and management in development
impacts of project construction and operation. projects, preferably 5 years of
Undertake periodic field visits to monitor and working experience in donor-
provide support in order to ensure that the funded projects.
PMU/PIUs integrate environment & social
requirements, and specifications are
incorporated into the subproject DPRs,
documents and construction contract clauses.
Environment Develop procedures, mechanisms, and capacity Master’s degree in Environmental
Management to support PMU/ PIUs in the implementation of Management or equivalent.
Specialist Environment and Social Management
Framework (ESMF), and relevant E&S S/he should have at least 10 years
instruments for screening, assessing, and of experience in environmental
managing environment & social risks, and risk assessment and management,
impacts of project construction and operation. preferably 5 years of working
Undertake periodic field visits to monitor and

13 | P a g e
provide support in order to ensure that the experience in donor funded
PMU/PIUs integrate environment & social projects.
requirements and specifications into the
subproject DPRs, documents and construction
contract clauses.

NWASH MIS Expert Design specific modules to expand the Master’s degree in civil
NWASH MIS to include climate resilience engineering/ computer science/
monitoring, service standards, sanitation any other relevant discipline.
planning, watershed management, and water
S/he should have at least 5 years of
quality modules as well as benchmarking, and
working experience in developing
monitoring protocols and processes for urban
information technology tools, or
water utilities and service providers. Provide
automation, or smart solutions for
dedicated support to DWSSM to roll out the
public project, preferably in water
expanded N WASH MIS in the participating
or sanitation sector or NWASH
municipalities first and then to other
MIS handling.
municipalities as decided by DWSSM.

Unallocated (Private As defined by the PMU. Minimum Bachelor’s degree in the

sector participation, relevant Field (Preferably Master’s
Electrical/Mechanical, degree in the relevant discipline).
Water Quality and
S/he should have at least 5 years of
Wastewater Expert,
working experience in the related
and support staff)

9 Project Duration

The total duration of the consulting service will be 60 months. The consulting services are expected to
commence from January, 2023.

10 Payment Modality

• Payments will be based on the submission of monthly time-based invoices.

• Evidence of payments to the experts / staffs for the previous month shall be submitted along with the

11 Working Hours and Days

The working hours and days shall be in accordance with the government working system of Nepal. No
overtime payment shall be made for the key personnel for additional working hours, if any.

12 Facilities, Inputs, and Counterpart Personnel

12.1. Facilities to be Provided by the Client

• The geo-technical or other investigations, survey, wastewater and water supply sample testing
as required (not covered by this ToR) will be managed through the provisional sum allocated
in the contract.

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• PMU will provide the Consultant with all relevant studies, reports, data, and maps that are in
its possession.
• PMU will assist the Consultant to acquire any other relevant studies, reports, data, and maps
from other sources at the expense of the Consultant itself.
• PIU will support PST by deputing counterpart personnel as per the need.

12.2. Facilities to be Managed by the Consultant

• The Consultant shall manage the office space including its maintenance required for the smooth
functioning of the services, and the associated cost shall be reflected in the financial proposal.
• The Consultant shall carefully work out the number and position of support administrative and
support staff (draft persons, CAD-operators, office managers, office secretaries, messengers
etc.,) required for the proper delivery of the consulting services, and will include the associated
costs in its financial proposal. The Consultant shall ensure the adequacy of the support staff
proposed in its proposals. Any additional staff or inputs shall be the responsibility of the
Consultant at its own costs. If any of the support staff is deemed inadequate by the Client to
deliver the services, the Client shall instruct the Consultant to deploy such staff from the
Consultant’s own cost.
• The Consultant will ensure that the mobilized key experts, and the supporting staff shall have
access to the necessary office space, logistics, and consumables such as the computers, laptops,
photocopiers, printers, communication and other equipment, and accessories including other
facilities for the entire contract period. It is expected that the cost of such expense will be part
of the Consultant’s financial proposal, and the Employer will not pay for these elements
• The Consultant shall ensure that their mobilized staff on the project will get access to vehicles
for delivering the services. For this purpose, the Consultant shall hire the vehicles for the entire
contract period, and the vehicles shall be well maintained during the contract period. The cost
for the hire, repair/maintenance, and operation of these vehicles & equipment including fuel,
lubricant, drivers, vehicle registration renewal and insurance etc. shall be included in the
financial proposal of the Consultant.

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