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Mathematics as a medium

of communication.

Objective: Students should describe

the importance of Mathematics as a
medium of communication.
What, in your opinion, is a language?
Some definitions of “language”?
• The method of human communication, either
spoken or written, consisting of the use of
words in a structured and conventional way.
• Communication of thoughts and feelings
through a system of arbitrary signals, such as
voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols
based on rules for combining its components,
such as words or symbols.
Definitions of “language”(Cont.)
• Any nonverbal method of expression or
communication - a language of gesture and
facial expression.
• The method of human communication, either
spoken or written, consisting of the use of
words in a structured and conventional way.
• The system of communication used by a
particular community or country.
These above definitions describe language in terms of
the following components:
• A vocabulary of symbols or words
• A grammar consisting of rules of how these symbols
may be used
• A community of people who use and understand these
• A range of meanings that can be communicated with
these symbols
NB: Each of these components is also found in the
language of Mathematics.
Math as a language and ordinary
• Words used as part of ordinary language while
mathematics uses symbols,
• Certain ideas are put in certain ways, e.g. =
not written as equal in maths,
• Both ordinary language and maths language
are codified,
• Maths language is abbreviated and ordinary
language is more elaborative
Mathematics is used to communicate
information about a range of subjects.
Here are three broad categories:
• Mathematics describes the real world

• Mathematics describes abstract structures

• Mathematics describes mathematics

Universal nature of Mathematics
• Mathematics is the only language shared by all
human beings regardless of culture, religion or
location. E.g. value of pi; shopping
• All people have the ability to be "literate" in the
shared language of math. This is called numeracy,
and it is the shared language of numbers, i.e.
• With this language we can explain the mysteries
of the universe or the secrets of DNA. E.g. Gravity
How, in your opinion, could effective
communication in the Mathematics
classroom lead to better teaching and
learning of the subject?
Role of communication. In the
Mathematics class
Communication refers to use language skills in
mathematics lesson e.g. reading, writing,
discussing, encouraging thinking in the math
• In this way, learners don’t just focus on math
knowledge as such, but they communicate
their thoughts, explanations and clarifications
in different ways.
Mathematics as a medium of
• When language skills are used in the
mathematics lesson e.g. reading,
writing, discussions/discourse,
thinking is encouraged in the math
Mathematics as a medium of
• In this way, learners don’t just focus on math
knowledge as such, but they communicate
their thoughts, explanations and clarifications
in different ways.
• Communication in the math class is connected
with the sharing of ideas and clarification of
• Communication helps build meaning.
Mathematics as a medium of
• When learners are challenged to think and
reason, to communicate their thinking to
others, it teaches them to be clear and
• Listening to others helps the learner to
develop their own understanding of the
• Conversations between learners and the
teacher help to understand math knowledge.
Mathematics as a medium of
• Communication in the math classroom also
helps the teacher to find out what the
learners understand about the subject.
• When the teacher knows how the learners
think, s/he can plan more effective lessons.
• Learners who are not comfortable in speaking
in front of others, might be encourage to tell
the teacher about their views and problems in
Mathematics as a medium of
• “Communication is a very important
component in the teaching and learning
situation”. Discuss how communication is part
of the Mathematics lesson and how it
contributes to learners’ understanding of the

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