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Cultural Origins Personality Clothing Style Friends

North American Rebellious, antisocial, and violent Bussinesware and fingerless gloves no friends

Hair Style What do You Value Must? Feelings About People? Tragic Love Affairs
Wild color Power People are obstacles to be destroyed it they cross me Your lover Rose, mysteriously vanished.

Most Valued Person Most Valued Possession Family Background Enemies

Myself Photograph Corporate Managers Ex-friend, Benton
Well to do, with large homes, safe neighborhoods, nice Caused him to lose his face (deformed scar).
cars, etc. Sometimes your parent(s) would hire servants, What he would to you?Just throw himself on you . He
although this was rare. would Set a up a crime or other transgression that you
You had a mix of private and corporate education. didn't commit.

Chlidhood Environment Family Crisis Life Goals Role Specific Lifepath

In a decaying, once upscale neighborhood, now holding off You are the inheritor of a family debt; you must honor this Become feared and respected You were an Assassin/Hitman for Hire
the boosters to survive. debt before moving on with your life. I'm ruthless and profit centered; you will work for
anyone, take any job for the money.
I have a rival Solo from another Corp (Bob Grimstone).
My Operational territory is Combat Zones
HANDLE Bráulio NAME Joker

ROLE Solo DESCRIPTION How People See Me? PLAYSTYLE What Type of Player Am I? Warrior

REPUTATION I.P. 12 Gain a powerful tool or weapon

Wild color hair
Busssinesware with fingerless gloves Prove your skill in battle
Rebellious, antisocial, and violent The thrill of the hunt
Establish a stronghold
Act out the accents and mannerism of your character


INT [4] 4 DEX [9] 9 MOVE [ 6 ] 6 TECH [ 4 ] 4 LUCK [ 4 ] 0 RUN 18m HP [ 45 ] ENC 80 kg
REF [9] 9 BODY [ 8 ] 8 EMP [ 3 ] 1 WILL [ 6 ] 6 STR [8] 8 LEAP 3.6m REC [8] MENC 400 kg
COOL [ 5 ] 5 HUM [ 30 ] [2] STA [ 45 ]

STUN SAVE HP STAMINA WOUNDS When you are encumbered, subtract 1 from your REF, DEX, and SPD for

PART EFFECT STAT DAYS every 5 kg you exceed your encumbrance

7 or less on 1d10

When your current HP goes below your

DEATH SAVE W THRESHOLD wound threshold, you have -2 to all checks

When your current HP goes to 0 or lower

8 or less on 1d10 22 or less
you have -4 to all checks, -6 do MOVE and must do a
DEATH SAVE every turn or die.


Skill Total Level Stat Misc Cost Skill Total Level Stat Misc Cost Skill Total Level Stat Misc Cost Skill Total Level Stat Misc Cost Role Ability
Awareness skills Education skills (...) Ranged Weapon Skills Technique Skills (...) Combat Awareness
Concentrarion +8 2 6 2 Language: +4 4 Archery +9 9 Photography/Film +4 4 Damage Deflection
Conceal/Reveal Object +7 3 4 3 » Streeslang +6 2 4 2 Autofire (x2) +13 4 9 8 Pick Lock +4 4 Fumble Recovery
Lip Reading +4 4 » English +10 6 4 2 Handgun +15 6 9 6 Pick Pocket +4 4 Initiative Reaction
Perception +6 2 4 2 » +4 4 Heavy Weapons (x2) +11 2 9 4 Sea Vehicle Tech +4 4 Precision Attack 6
Tracking +4 4 Library Search +4 4 Shoulder Arms +13 4 9 4 Weaponstech +4 4 Spot Weakness
Body Skills Local Expert +4 4 Social Skills Role Ability Threat Detection
Athletics +11 2 9 2 » Your Home +6 2 4 2 Bribery +5 5 Backup
Contortionist +9 9 » +4 4 Conversation +3 2 1 2 Charismatic Impact
Dance +9 9 » +4 4 Human Perception +7 6 1 6 Chameleon
Endurance +8 2 6 2 » +4 4 Interrogation +11 6 5 6 Combat Awareness 6 2
Resist Torture/Drugs +10 4 6 4 Science +4 4 Persuasion +10 5 5 5 Credibility
Stealth +11 2 9 2 Tactics +4 4 Personal Grooming +5 5 Interface
Control Skills Street Survival +4 4 Streetwise +5 5 Maker
Drive Land Vehicle +12 3 9 3 Tactics +8 4 4 4 Trading +5 5 Moto
Pilor Air Vehicle (x2) +11 2 9 4 Wilderness Survival +4 4 Wardrobe & Style +5 5 Medicine
Pilor Sea Vehicle +9 9 Fighting Skills Technique Skills Operator
Riding +9 9 Brawling +15 6 9 6 Air Vehicle Tech +4 4 Teamwork
Education Skills Evasion +13 4 9 4 Basic Tech +4 4
Accounting +4 4 Martial Arts (x2) +9 9 Cyberteck +4 4
Animal Handling +4 4 » Jiu Jitsu (x2) +10 1 9 2 Demolitions (x2) +4 4
Bureaucracy +4 4 » +9 9 Electronics/Security (x2) +4 4
Business +4 4 » +9 9 First Aid +6 2 4 2
Composition +4 4 Melee Weap. Blades +14 5 9 5 Forgery +4 4
Criminology +4 4 Melee Weap. Bludge +9 9 Land Vehicle Tech +4 4
Cryptography +4 4 Performance Skills PA Tech +4 4
Deduction +4 4 Acting +5 5 PA Pilot +4 4
Education +6 2 4 2 Play Instrument +4 4 Paint/Draw/Sculpt +4 4
Gamble +4 4 » +4 4 Paramedic (x2) +4 4
Ref Combat Sense
9 =

Weapon Type Attack Damage Shots RoF Range Conc. Rel. WA Ammo Weight # Clips Note

UZI x 2 SMG +13 2d6+1 30 20 150m J VR 2 30 2 laser sight + 1 WA. 9mm bullet 500
Nova 757 Cityhunter P +15 3d6 18 2 50m J ST 2 12 1 laser sight +1 WA. 11 mm bullet 480
Colt M-18 Assault Rifle RIF +13 5d6 35 3 400m C VR 1 35 3 laser sight +1 WA. 5.56 mm bullet 750
-> Autofire mode AUTO +13 30

Weapon Type Attack Damage WA Conc. Weight Rel. Note
Wolvers MEL +15 5d6 P 1 ST AP dmg
Punch MA +10 3d6

Armour EV Effect SP Weight (kg) Note

Subdermal armor 11 1
Light armor Jack 0 11 3
Subdermal armor 11 3
Kevlar 0 7 0.75
Right Arm
Kevlar 0 7 0.75
Left Arm
Kevlar 0 7 1.5
Right Leg
Kevlar 0 7 1.5
Left Leg

Gear Notes # Weight (kg)
Eurobuck 500
Weapons 1 7
Armor 1 11.5
Cyberwear 1 0
Businesswear 1 1
Agent Self-adaptive-AI powered smartphone; that "learns" how best to fit your needs simply by interacting with you. 1 0.2

TOTAL 19.7
Cyberware 28 Cyberaudio Suite Data

Right Cybereye 1 Data Left Cybereye 1 Data

Infrared 1 See in total darkness, using heat emission Infrared 1 See in total darkness, using heat emission

Right Cyberarm 8 Data Left Cyberarm Data Neural Link 5 Data

Wolvers 8 3d6 dmg (AP) Neuralware Processor 3 Basic processor. Must have for all system
Neural ULF Transceiver 2 Send and receive voice/data. Range 15km

Right Cyberhand Data Left Cyberhand Data

Internal Cyberware 2 Data

Enhanced Antibodies 2 Doubles natural Healing rate

Right Cyberleg Data Left Cyberleg Data External Cyberware 11 Data

Subdermal Torso Armor 6 11 SP, Diff 30 to spot, no REF loss

Subdermal Skull Armor 5 11 SP, Diff 25 to spot

Right Cyberfoot Data Left Cyberfoot Data Fashionware Data

Chemskin Dyes and pigments infused into the skin t

Techhair Color-light-emitting artificial hair.

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