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1. As per language policy of Indian Government, which one of

the following statements is true regarding the status of Hindi language? 

(a) Only Hindi is our National language. (b) Hindi is the official language. 

c. Hindi has been accepted as the mother tongue of all the Indians. 
d. None of the above. 

2.In local self government institutions at least one third of all positions are reserved for : 
a. men (b) women (c) children (d) scheduled tribes 

3. Which of the following government has two or more levels? 

(a) Community Government (b) Coalition Government 
(c) Federal Government (d) Unitary Government 

4. Which of the following subjects falls under the concurrent list? 

a. Defence (b) Agriculture (c) Marriage (d) Currency 

5. Which of the following countries is an example of “coming together federation‟? 

a. U.S.A (b) India (c) Spain (d) Belgium 

6. The number of seats reserved for women in Panchayati raj bodies

is what part of total seats? 
a. One fourth (b) One sixth (c) One third (d) Half 

7. Rural local government is popularly known as: 

a. Panchayati Raj (b) Zila Parished (c) State government (d) Gram Panchayat 

8. Which one of the following subjects is included in concurrent list? 

a. Education (b) Defence (c) Trade (d) Agriculture 

9. Choose the correct statement regarding language policy of the Indian Government: 

a. English is our national language. 
b. Citizens are free to choose any language as national language. 
c. Hindi is our national language. 
d. Constitution of India did not declare any language as national language.

10. Both the Union and the State government can make laws on the subjects
mentioned in the: 
(a) Union list (b) State list (c) Concurrent list (d) None of the above .

11. Which of the following is Not a subject of the Union List? 

a)Foreign affairs (b) Currency (c) Banking (d) Law and order 

13.Which among the following states in India has a special status? 

(a) Assam (b) Jharkhand (c) Jammu and Kashmir (d) Himachal Pradesh
14. Which one of the following countries has the federal form of government? 
a. Egypt (b) Sri Lanka (c) Australia (d) England 

15. In India seats are reserved for women in which of the following bodies? 
a. Lok Sabha (b) State Legislative Assemblies (c) Panchayati Raj bodies (d)

16. The subject of Computer Software comes under which of the following lists? 
a. Union List (b) State List (c) Concurrent List (d) Residuary List 

17 Which one of the following is NOT a feature of federalism? 

a. Division of power (b) Written constitution 
(c) Flexible constitution (d) Bicameral legislature 
18. When some powers are given to local governments by the central
and state governments, then it is known as: 
a. Distribution of power (b) Centralisation of power 
(b) Reorganisation (d) Decentralisation of power 

19. Which one of the following is not a feature of federalism? 

a. Two or more levels of Government 
b. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens. 
c. Courts have the power to interpret the constitution. 
d. The central government can order the state govt. 

20. In case of any dispute about the division of powers: 

a. the High Courts and District Courts make a decision 
b. the High Courts make a decision (c) the Supreme Court makes a decision 
(c) the High Court and the Supreme Court make a decision 

21. Under the federal system in India which one of the following subjects
come under the state list? 
(a) Foreign Affairs (b) Banking (c) Police (d) Communications 

22. Who among the following is the head of a Municipal Corporation? 

a. Home Minister (b) Sarpanch (c) Governor (d) Mayor 

23. How many other languages are recognised as Scheduled Languages

by the constitution, besides Hindi? 
(A) 20 (B) 21 (C) 18 (D) 19 
24. Name the country among the following which follows “coming together‟ style of 
a. UK (b) India (c) Switzerland (d) Spain 
25. Which one of the following features is against the spirit of Indian Secularism? 
a. There is no official religion for the state. 
b. All religions have the freedom to preach, practice and propagate
their own religion. (c) The constitution prohibits discrimination on religious ground. 
(d) The religious community in majority is given a prominent place in the government. 
1)      LIST 1                                          LIST 2                                                      
A.Power shared among different       I. Community government                                     
organs of the government.             
B.Power shared among different        II. Separation of powers. 
levels of government. 
C. Power shared by different              III. Coalition government. 
Social groups. 
D.  Power shared by two or more       IV. Federal government 
 political parties. 

i. Union of India                             A. Prime minister 
ii State                                             B.Sarpanch 
iii Municipal corporation                C. Governer    
iv Gram Panchayat                          D.Mayor 
                i               ii               iii                iv 
1.    D             A               B                 C 
2.    B             C               D                 A 
3.    A             C              D                  B 
4.    C             D              A                   B                      
A. Union territory                         i Decision making body 
                                                       for entire village              
B. Local self government             ii An alliance of more 
                                                      than two parties 
C. Coalition                                  iii  Representative government body 
                                                       at district level.  
D. Zila Parishad                            iv Area which is run by  
                                                      Union/Central government. 
(c) A-iv,B-i,C-ii,D-iii 
A. Ethnic composition                i. A violent conflict between              
                                                     Opposite groups within a country 
B. Majoritarianism                      ii. Based on Prudence i.e a careful  
                                                      Calculation of profits and losses. 
C. Civil War                                iii. Social divisions based on 
                                                      Shared culture. 
D. Prudential reason                    iv. A belief that majority community  
                                                     Should be able to rule the country. 
E. Vertical division                      v .Power shared among 
                                                    different organs of government. 
F. Horizontal divison                   vi. Power division among higher 
                                                        and lower level of government. 
A. A-iv ,B-iii, C-ii, D-i,E -v ,F-vi 
B.A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D-ii E-vi ,F-v 
C. A-i,B-ii,C-iii,D-iv,E-v,F-vi 
5) Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: 
 List I                                                              List II  
1. Union of India                                                     A. Prime Minister  
2. State                                                                     B. Sarpanch  
3. Municipal Corporation                                      C. Governor  
4. Gram Panchayat                                                  D. Mayor 
(a) D A B C  
(b) B C D A 
 (c) A C D B 
 (d) C D A B 
6) Examine the following pairs that give the level of government in India and the powers of the
government at that level to make laws on the subjects mentioned against each. Which of the
following pairs is not correctly matched? 
(a) State government                                                                   State List 
 (b) Central government                                                               Union List  
(c) Central and State governments                                               Concurrent List 
 (d) Local governments                                                                   Residuary powers 

8) Match the columns. 

Column A  Column B 
(a) National Defence  (i) rural areas 
(b) Education  (ii) District 
(c) Local self- government  (iii) urban areas 
(d) Municipal Corporation  (iv) State list 
(e) Zila Parishad  (v) Union list 
1-(a) (v) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (iii) (e) (ii) 
2-(a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (iii) (e) (v) 
3-(a) (v) (b) (i) (c) (i) (d) (iii) (e) (iv) 
4-(a) (v) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (ii) (e) (iii) 

9)  Match the column 

Coloumn I                                                       Coloumn II 
a)Union List                     i- Information Technology 
b) State List                     ii- Educatiom 
c) Concurrent List            iii- Defence 
d)  Residuary List              iv-   police             
1-(a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c) (ii) (d) (i)     
2--(a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (iii) 
3--(a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (iii) 
4-(a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (i) (d) (iii)        
10) Match the following 
COLOUMN I                                                                                     COLOUMN II          
a. At least one-third of all positions are  
Reserved for women.                                                  i) Coming together federation    
b) U.S.A                                                                       ii) Amendments of 1992 
c) India                                                                         iii) Information Technology 
d) Residuary List                                                         iv) Holding together federation 
1-(a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c) (ii) (d) (i)     
2-1-(a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c) (ii) (d) (i)     
3-1-(a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c) (ii) (d) (i)    
4-(a) (ii) (b) (i) (c) (iv) (d) (iii)     
i. Union of India                             A. Prime minister 
ii State                                             B.Sarpanch 
iii Municipal corporation                C. Governer    
iv Gram Panchayat                          D.Mayor 
                i               ii               iii                iv 
1.    D             A               B                 C 
2.    B             C               D                 A 
3.    A             C              D                  B 
4.    C             D              A                   B                 

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