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The insulin that has fewer antigenic, allergic, and insulin resistance effects is: human insulin
2. A client is to receive insulin. In planning this administration, the nurse or client uses which of the
following syringes? 100-unit insulin syringe

3. A client’s insulin is administered at 7:00 AM daily. The client is to receive regular and NPH insulins.
In preparing the syringe(s), the nurse or client would use: one injection: draw up regular insulin first

4. In administering an insulin injection to a client, the nurse is aware that NPH and regular insulins are
administered: subcutaneously

5. It is important for a client and the nurse to know the peak action time of the insulins. The most likely
time for a client to have a hypoglycemic reaction because of 7:00 AM administration of NPH is: 3:00 PM
to 6:00 PM

6. The nurse assesses a client for signs and symptoms of hypoglycemic reaction (insulin shock), which
include the following: nervousness and tremors

7. The type of insulin that can be administered intravenously (IV) is: regular

8. Combination insulins that are commercially premixed, such as Humulin 70/30, are primarily for
clients: who can use the prepared amount of regular and NPH units

9. The portable or external insulin pumps are programmed by the client to deliver a basal insulin dose per
hour and a bolus dose at meals as needed. The type of insulin used in insulin pumps is: regular insulin

10. An advantage to using an insulin pump is that: it maintains glucose control

11. A client is ordered to receive Lantus insulin. The nurse plans the client’s care based on the fact that:
Lantus does not peak

12. A 60-year-old client is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The type of diabetes mellitus this client most
likely has is: type 2 DM

13. A patient received the evening dose of Lispro subcutaneously at 1630. What time will symptoms of
hypoglycemia likely occur? 1830

14. What test determines glycemic control over the previous 8 to 10 weeks? A1c test

15. A client’s insulin is administered at 0700 daily. The client is to receive regular and NPH insulins. In
preparing the syringe(s), the nurse or client would use: one injection: draw up regular insulin first

16. The nurse is instructing a patient about insulin administration. Which statement by the patient
indicates a need for further teaching? “Once I open my insulin, I will store it in the refrigerator.”

17. Metformin acts by decreasing hepatic production of glucose from stored glycogen. As the result of
this action, metformin: decreases the serum glucose levels following a meal

18. The action of sulfonylureas is to: stimulates the beta cells to secrete more insulin

19. The second-generation sulfonylurea glimepiride (Amaryl) has similar action as the first-generation
sulfonylurea drugs, which is that it: stimulates the beta cells to secrete insulin

20. A client is ordered to receive the alpha-glucosidase inhibitor acarbose (Precose). This agent is
prescribed for clients who cannot control blood sugar by diet because: it inhibits the digestive enzyme
for carbohydrates in the small intestine

21. Diazoxide (Proglycem) increases blood sugar levels. This drug is ordered for: hypoglycemia caused
by hyperinsulinism
22. A client with type 2 diabetes mellitus is admitted to the hospital with an infection. The client was
taking oral hypoglycemic agents and is prescribed insulin in the hospital. The nurse counsels the client
23. infection temporarily increases the need for insulin

24. A client is to receive Lispro insulin at breakfast. The nurse correctly administers the insulin: 5
minutes before breakfast

25. A client’s insulin is administered at 0700 daily. The client is to receive regular and NPH insulins. In
preparing the syringe(s), the nurse or client would use: one injection: draw up regular insulin first
27. A client is found unconscious with a medic-alert bracelet indicating type 1 diabetes mellitus. What
emergency treatment is indicated if blood glucose monitoring equipment is unavailable? administer

28. The patient asks the nurse how sulfonylureas normalize glucose levels. Which response by the nurse
is correct? By stimulating pancreatic secretion of insulin

29. Which is the most important for the successful management of diabetes mellitus? The level of self-

30. First line drug for Type 2 DM and drug indicated for prediabetes. Chlorpropamide

31. What is the initially therapy for severe allergic reaction/anaphylaxis? Adrenaline

32. What are the core emergency drugs for a COPD exacerbation? Hydrocortisone

33. A patient who is experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath is brought to the emergency
department. The nurse assesses a heart rate of 98 beats per minute, bilateral lung crackles, and an oxygen
saturation of 93%. What drug will the nurse expect to administer initially to this patient? Oxygen

34. A patient is brought to the emergency department after coming in contact with organophosphate
insecticides while at work. The nurse will expect to administer which medication to reverse the toxic
effects of this substance? Atropine sulfate

35. An 18-month-old toddler is in the emergency department with poor feeding and lethargy. The nurse
assesses a rapid, thready pulse, which is too fast to count. The nurse will expect the provider to order
which medication to treat this condition? Adenosine

36. During resuscitation of a 5-year-old child, the provider requests an intravenous dose of 1 mL of
epinephrine to be given STAT. The nurse will perform which action? Ask the provider to clarify the
dose and the concentration.

37. A patient is brought to the emergency department with severe wheezing, dyspnea, and peripheral
edema. The nurse assesses a respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute, a heart rate of 88 beats per minute,
and a blood pressure of 88/54 mm Hg. Which medication does the nurse expect to be given initially?

38. Which of the following drugs would be used to treat ventricular arrhythmias? Lidocaine

39. A dopamine infusion was started in a patient antecubital vein during resuscitation after cardiac arrest.
The electronic infusion device is now sounding an alert for an occlusion. What is the most important
immediate concern for the nurse? An interruption in the infusion can produce hypotension in the

40. Adenosine is ordered for a patient in the emergency department. Immediately after intravenous (IV)
administration, the nurse observes a short period of asystole on the cardiac monitor that resolves
spontaneously. What is the most appropriate initial action for the nurse? Closely observe the patient and
the cardiac monitor.
41. A patient on the medical-surgical unit has suffered an acute anaphylactic reaction during infusion of
an IV antibiotic with hives and bronchospasm. The nurse practitioner has written a number of stat drug
orders. What is the priority drug to administer first? Epinephrine

42. A nurse is monitoring a client’s laboratory results for a fasting plasma glucose level. Within which
range of a fasting plasma glucose level does the nurse conclude that a client is considered to be diabetic?
126 and 140 mg/dL

43. The patient was prescribed to have daily insulin injections. When injecting LEVEMIR, the nurse
would expect to re-administer if the drug is given at 7:00 am. 7:00 AM

44. The nurse administered Aspart to Patient PSJ at 6:15 am. The nurse should advise the patient to start
eating at: 6:30 AM

45. You injected Lantus to patient Nasak Tan. You would expect the drug to take its effect if it is given at
8:oo pm. 10 PM

46. Patient Jun Ji Hyun injected Humulin R at 9:05 am. She should watch out for signs of hypoglycaemia
at which time of the day? 11:05 AM

47. A nurse is caring for several clients with type 1 diabetes, and they each have a prescription for a
specific type of insulin. Which insulin does the nurse conclude has the fastest onset of action? Insulin
lispro (Humalog)

48. Lee Min Ho is engrossed with playing tennis. He was recently been diagnosed with DM Type 1 and
was prescribed to have daily insulin injection. When teaching LMH how to administer insulin by himself,
the nurse should remind Andrew to avoid which of the following sites? upper outer part of dominant

49. NPH insulin has the following data: onset: ____ Duration: _____ peak: ____ 120 minutes, 16 hours,
8 hours

50. For a patient who is having daily insulin injections, the patient should watch out for signs and
symptoms of hypoglycaemia during which period after the drug is taken? Peak

51. Regular insulin peaks at: 120 minutes

52. A patient will receive a subcutaneous insulin at 9:00. which of the following if mentioned by the
patient requires further teaching? I could inject in the same spot for a week

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