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P a t i e n t - Ve n t i l a t o r

S y n c h ro n y
Kevin C. Doerschug, MD, MS, FCCP

 Mechanical ventilation  Respiratory failure  Dysychrony  Asynchrony

 Patient-ventilator asynchrony develops when a patient’s respiratory drive is not met with sufficient
output from the ventilator.
 Patient-ventilator asynchrony causes injurious ventilation and can contribute to patient self-
induced lung injury.
 Ventilator waveforms provide valuable information with which to diagnose patient-ventilator asyn-

INTRODUCTION main determinant of respiratory drive. Indeed,

increasing PaCO2 leads to increasing respiratory
Mechanical ventilation of critically ill patients can effort by the patient.5 However, several patient
be delivered precisely to a patient made passive factors relevant to critical illness contribute to a
through deep sedation or neuromuscular persistently elevated respiratory drive and
blockade. However, sedation and paralysis place patient-ventilator asynchrony even when blood
patients at risk of atrophy of the diaphragm,1,2 gases are normalized. Inflammation stimulates
persistent neuromuscular weakness, prolonged respiratory drive even in the absence of fever.6
ventilation,3 and death.4 In contrast, assist (or sup- Pain, metabolic acidosis, pulmonary deadspace,7
port) modes allow for patient-ventilator interac- and altered chemoreceptor responses8 also alter
tions, which, if synchronized, help preserve respiratory drive and are highly relevant to critical
respiratory muscle function and generally require illness. Importantly, providers should be careful
less sedation. Many critically ill patients, however, to not consider asynchrony as a sign of discom-
possess an elevated respiratory drive. If that drive fort, as this thought process may lead to increases
is not met with sufficient output from mechanical in comfort measures (ie, sedation and analgesia)
ventilation, patient-ventilator asynchrony ensues. rather than adjustment of the ventilator to match
ICU clinicians must be skilled in the recognition an unconscious drive to breathe more.
of asynchrony, identification of its causes, and
management of the ventilator to reduce
asynchrony. Ventilator Factors Contributing to Asynchrony
Although respiratory drive is usually increased in
critical illness, factors of mechanical ventilation
Patient Factors Contributing to Asynchrony
also contribute to ventilator output that is insuffi-
Critical illness results in many perturbations known cient for a patient’s respiratory drive. Lung-
to increase respiratory drive, and a thorough dis- protective ventilation with tidal volumes of 6 to
cussion of the modulation of respiratory drive is 8 cc/kg ideal body weight improves outcomes in
complex and beyond the scope of this review. patients with9 and without acute respiratory

Arterial gas content, especially partial pressure of distress syndrome (ARDS).10 However, a decrease
carbon dioxide (PaCO2), is often considered a in tidal volume increases respiratory drive11 and

Department of Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City,
IA 52246, USA
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Clin Chest Med 43 (2022) 511–518
0272-5231/22/Ó 2022 Published by Elsevier Inc.
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512 Doerschug

asynchrony,12 presumably mediated through lung patients without obstructive lung disease; it can
stretch receptor reflexes.13 Additionally, insuffi- occur in any mode. Importantly, trigger asyn-
cient positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) chrony is associated with prolonged liberation
may increase asynchrony and lung injury.14 from mechanical ventilation.23 Ineffective trigger
may be recognized by a deflection of the
HARMFUL EFFECTS OF ASYNCHRONY pressure-time curve without an accompanying in-
crease in volume. More subtly, the expiratory flow
Asynchrony leads to several, sometimes clinically may demonstrate an upward deflection from the
subtle, undesired effects. At a basic level, asyn- normally decaying flow pattern.(Fig. 1). It is logical
chrony is an increased work of breathing with the that failed triggers are often preceded by factors
potential for depletion of energy stores and pro- that increase intrinsic PEEP such as breaths that
duction of lactic acid within respiratory muscles. are relatively larger or with shorter respiratory cy-
Excessive work of breathing may lead to dia- cle and expiratory times.24
phragm dysfunction, atrophy, and an increased Autotriggering occurs when an assisted (not
risk of death.4 Asynchrony resulting in stacked controlled) breath is triggered and delivered by
breaths before exhalation of the first breath leads the ventilator without patient effort, and often indi-
to a likely injurious tidal volume approaching cates circuit leaks or hyperdynamic cardiac
10 cc/kg.15 Excessively negative pleural pressures impulses.25
create transpulmonary pressures that are not re- Reverse triggering is defined as entrainment of
flected by inspiratory pressures delivered by the diaphragmatic muscles of a deeply sedated pa-
ventilator, but result in injurious tidal volumes. tient, whereby the patient is triggered to initiate
However, even normal tidal volumes generated an assisted breath by a controlled breath delivered
from excessive spontaneous efforts result in by the ventilator.26
occult pendelluft, or regional overdistension, of
the already injured lung.16,17 Through these mech- Flow Asynchrony
anisms, patient-ventilator asynchrony may pre-
cede patient decompensation,18 contribute to After a breath is triggered, the ventilator delivers a
failed liberation trials,19 result in prolonged me- breath to the targeted pressure or flow. Flow asyn-
chanical ventilation,20 and contribute to patient chrony develops when the flow delivered by the
mortality.21 ventilator is inadequate for the patient’s needs,
leading to increased patient inspiratory effort.27
CLASSIFICATION OF ASYNCHRONY Most critically ill patients have elevated respiratory
drive, thus their needs for inspiratory flow may
Patient-ventilator asynchronies can be classified differ significantly from healthy individuals. Flow
by when they occur during the respiratory cycle. asynchrony is recognized by a downward deflec-
Asynchronies may occur during breath initiation tion in the pressure-time waveforms in flow-
(trigger asynchrony), during breath delivery (flow targeted (eg, volume-assist control, Fig. 2) and
asynchrony), and the transition from inspiratory pressure-targeted modes (Fig. 3), reflecting the
phase to expiratory phase (cycle asynchrony). increasingly negative pleural pressure generated
by the actively breathing patient. Breath-by-
Trigger Asynchrony breath variations of the pressure-time waveforms
are indicative of variable patient effort and thus
Ineffective trigger asynchrony is defined as a pa-
signal flow asynchronies.
tient inspiratory effort that does not trigger a breath
supported by the ventilator. A spontaneous breath
Cycle Asynchrony
during mechanical ventilation is triggered when the
diaphragm decreases pleural pressure below the The mechanical ventilator switches from inspira-
trigger threshold of the ventilator, which is tion to expiration in most ventilator modes accord-
measured at the airway opening. Weak inspiratory ing to a set inspiratory time. Cycle asynchrony
strength (eg, neuromuscular weakness) or effort ensues when this machine inspiratory time does
(sedation) may not lower pleural pressure suffi- not match the patient’s neural inspiratory time.
ciently and thus fail to trigger the ventilator. Alter- Observers of the flow-time curves will recognize
natively, intrinsic PEEP increases alveolar cycle asynchrony by the upper (less negative)
pressure, and normal respiratory muscles may deflection in early expirations, indicating ongoing
fail to induce the larger drop in pleural pressure patient inspiratory effort (Fig. 4). The most obvious
necessary to reach the trigger threshold. Accord- form of cycle asynchrony occurs when patient
ingly, trigger asynchrony is present in nearly all pa- inspiratory effort is sufficient to generate a second
tients with COPD,22 but is commonly seen in stacked breath early in the expiratory phase.

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Patient-Ventilator Synchrony 513

Fig. 1. Trigger asynchrony. Ineffective

trigger is depicted in the pressure- (up-
per) and flow (lower)-vs-time wave-
forms. Arrows denote fluctuations in
the waveform indicating patient effort
that do not trigger a breath from the

Stacked breaths are common during ventilation to recognize asynchrony. Fortunately, asynchrony
with lung-protective tidal volumes that require can be detected and monitored through various
short set inspiratory times.15 However, stacked methods. Practiced clinicians habitually evaluate
breaths paradoxically result in tidal volumes not just numerical data from mechanical ventila-
approaching 10 cc/kg ideal body weight and are tors but also scrupulously inspect ventilator graph-
likely injurious rather than protective. ical waveforms in search of signs of asynchrony.28
Pressure support modes of ventilation do not This method has the advantage of being noninva-
have a set inspiratory time, but instead terminate sive, requiring no additional resources, and univer-
breaths once flow decays below a threshold set sally available in modern ventilators. Consistent
as a percentage of peak inspiratory flow. Airway initial ventilator settings (eg, inspiratory flow 60 L/
resistance caused by obstructive lung disease min in constant flow pattern) are helpful to estab-
may lead to a slower decay of inspiratory flow, lish a visual normal waveform, facilitating recogni-
which in turn prolongs inspiration and potentially tion of abnormal waveforms. Importantly,
increases tidal volume. If the inspiratory time of identification of patient-ventilator asynchrony via
the ventilator is prolonged beyond neural inspira- waveform analysis can be successfully performed
tory time, the patient may initiate active exhalation by practitioners of varied professions with specific
and thus have increased work or breathing. training.29


Measures of respiratory effort may provide hints
toward occult asynchrony. Esophageal manom-
Given the previously stated harms of patient- etry can detect increasingly negative pleural pres-
ventilator asynchronies, providers must be able sure from diaphragmatic activity, and thus identify

Fig. 2. Flow asynchrony in volume-assist-

control mode. A pressure-time (upper)
tracing during constant-flow targeted
ventilation depicts downward deflection
from the usual scalloped curve (inset
lower left) as well as breath-to-breath
variation indicate inadequate inspiratory
flow. Note (a) that a visual estimate of
flow (middle tracing) is less than 50 L/
min (actual flow 46 L/min, not shown),
and (b) the inspiratory tidal volume is
larger than target tidal volume.

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514 Doerschug

Fig. 3. Flow asynchrony in pressure-targeted modes. Passive ventilation with pressure-control mode of (left) dem-
onstrates typical pressure-time tracings (upper tracing) including a plateau at the targeted pressure and a tidal
volume deemed protective. Pressure support ventilation (right) with the same pressures as previous but with
spontaneous respirations demonstrates concavity rather than plateau of the pressure-time waveform during
inspiration, and results in larger tidal volumes that may not be protective.

when patient effort increases.30 Enthusiasm for the respiratory drive.31 Most modern ventilators pro-
use of esophageal manometry is dampened by its vide measures of P0.1, although some estimate
cost and the need for further education in order to this without airway occlusion; these estimated
interpret its data, as well as a lack of data to values are reasonable estimates, as they correlate
demonstrate a change in clinical outcomes. Unfor- with electrical activity of the diaphragm and
tunately pleural pressure is not uniform throughout esophageal pressure-time constants.32 Elevated
the thorax, and this heterogeneity is increased P0.1 during a spontaneous breathing trial may pre-
during spontaneous breathing. Thus esophageal dict failure as well as the potential for acute
manometry may not accurately reflect regional decompensation.18 This noninvasive and readily
pleural pressure changes, leading to overdisten- available measure of respiratory drive may provide
sion in the dependent, injured lung during sponta- important clues of increased respiratory effort,
neous breathing.16 prompting further investigation for occult
Expiratory Occlusion Pressure
The drop in airway pressure against a closed
airway during the initial 100 milliseconds of a spon- While P0.1, measured during inspiration, estimates
taneous breath, or P0.1, accurately estimates respiratory drive, it does not fully represent the
Fig. 4. Cycle asynchrony. Pressure- (up-
per), flow- (middle), and volume- (lower)
time tracings all show stacked breaths, or
delivery of a second breath before the
prior breath is exhaled. Note the exhaled
tidal volume (a) of the stacked breaths is
1.6 times the target tidal volume. More
subtly, the expiratory flow tracing de-
picts an upward deflection (less expira-
tory flow, [b]) followed by a downward
deflection (more expiratory flow) repre-
senting an active attempt to inhale prior
to more passive exhalation. Both find-
ings are examples of cycle asynchrony.

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Patient-Ventilator Synchrony 515

stress on the lung created by the combined effects in minute ventilation via increases in tidal volume
of mechanical ventilation and respiratory effort. In or respiratory rate—ventilator overdrive—may
contrast, the deflection of airway pressure during serve to both increase delivery and suppress res-
an applied end-expiratory occlusion maneuver piratory drive. Overdrive decreases PaCO2, poten-
(Poccl) represents the magnitude of patient effort. tially well below normal values, suppressing the
Noninvasive Pocc correlates with more invasive work of breathing.5 Overdrive does have limita-
measures of respiratory effort from esophageal tions, however. An increased respiratory rate risks
manometry,33 and can accurately detect transpul- decreased expiratory time and the potential for dy-
monary pressures greater than 20 cm H20.34 namic hyperinflation (intrinsic PEEP). Increases in
tidal volume risk injurious overdistension, although
Inspiratory Hold even the ARMA trial of lung-protective ventilation
The peak pressure delivered by a ventilator is the allowed tidal volumes up to 8 cc/kg IBW if asyn-
sum of (1) PEEP, (2) the pressure to distend the chrony cannot otherwise be avoided. Certainly
lung to a given a given tidal volume (Pelast), and (3) additional strategies to mitigate asynchrony
the pressure to overcome the resistance of flow should be attempted before resorting to increasing
(Pres). Peak pressure in a passive patient will be tidal volume. Other strategies are more specific to
higher than Pplat. Compared with a passive patient the type of asynchrony encountered.
on identical pressure-cycled ventilator settings, an
Sufficient Flow
actively breathing patient will have larger transpul-
monary pressures and thus larger tidal volumes The elevated respiratory drives of most critically ill
and higher Pplat. Because of patient effort, Pres may patients demand an inspiratory flow near 60 L/min;
not be fully estimated by Ppeak, and an inspiratory flows less than 50 L/min are rarely tolerated.27 The
hold may reveal a Pplat that is actually higher than shortened inspiratory time created by inspiratory
Ppeak (Fig. 5).35 Accordingly, the true driving pressure flow greater than 60 L/min risks cycle asynchrony.
(Pplat -PEEP) may be not be protective.36 The direc- Further increases in flow can lead to reflex tachyp-
tion and magnitude of the change in Pplat from Ppeak nea.38 In flow-targeted modes, a constant flow,
during an inspiratory hold correlate with work of rather than decelerating flow, will assure flow is
breathing measured by esophageal manometry.37 sufficient throughout inspiration, and facilitate
Thus in pressure-cycled modes, an inspiratory hold easier recognition of abnormal patterns, but the
that reveals Pplat higher than Ppeak signifies an unmet choice and optimization of flow profiles remain
respiratory drive and patient-ventilator asynchrony. poorly studied.

MITIGATION OF ASYNCHRONY Increased Inspiratory Time

Cycle asynchrony typically arises when the set
As asynchrony represents a respiratory drive that inspiratory time is less than that of the patient’s
exceeds that delivered by the ventilator, increases neurologic inspiratory time. Increasing ventilator

Fig. 5. Occult driving pressure in pres-

sure support. Spontaneous respirations
with pressure-support (pressure-tar-
geted) mode with an inspiratory pressure
of 10 cm H2O more than PEEP of
12 cm H2O results in tidal volumes over
600 mL. The pressure-time (top) tracing
demonstrates concavity rather than con-
stant pressure during inspiration, indi-
cating flow asynchrony. An inspiratory
hold (arrow) following the third breath
reveals a plateau of 31 cm H2O. The
calculated actual driving pressure of
19 cm H2O is much higher than the set
pressure support of 10 cm H2O, and dem-
onstrates that patient-ventilator asyn-
chrony may contribute to injurious

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516 Doerschug

set inspiratory times to approach that of the pa- ventilation, PAV reduces cycle asynchrony,44,45
tient will therefore reduce the risk of cycle asyn- albeit with longer inspiratory times and potentially
chrony. Inserting an inspiratory pause will larger tidal volumes.44 Data demonstrating
increase the inspiratory time without decreasing improved patient outcomes are lacking.
flow, thereby avoiding flow asynchrony. This Both NAVA and PAV offer clinicians an opportu-
method reduces stacked breaths more effectively nity to assess patient effort with the potential to
than sedation.39 reduce asynchrony. To this end, these modes
have been successful. The current body of evi-
Adjust Cycle-Off During Pressure Support dence does not demonstrate an effect of NAVA
When inspiratory flow in pressure support mode is or PAV on patient-centered outcomes, although
sustained longer than the patient’s neural inspira- trials have been limited. The critical care commu-
tory time, increasing the percent cycle-off nity awaits further data of larger trials, perhaps
threshold (cycle-off at higher flow) will decrease including patient populations at high risk of asyn-
the delivered inspiratory time to approach that of chrony and powered to detect these important
the patient and improve synchrony. This subse- outcomes.
quently reduces tidal volume, intrinsic PEEP, and
patient inspiratory effort.40 Techniques to Avoid
Over-reliance on blood gas analysis
Increase Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
Attempts to normalize blood gases, in particular
Effective triggering occurs when airway opening PaCO2, often result in a minute ventilation that is
pressure is sufficiently lowered below PEEP. In insufficient for a critically ill patient’s elevated res-
obstructed patients with ineffective triggering piratory drive. Rather, pH values between 7.2 and
caused by intrinsic PEEP, a higher applied PEEP 7.55 have little physiologic consequence and are
(compared with lower PEEP) reduces the needed best tolerated by the clinician as needed to
change in pleural pressure. Compared with low achieve patient-ventilator synchrony.
PEEP, a higher PEEP reduces the needed change
in pleural pressure and minimizes ineffective trig- Excessive and ineffective sedation
gering in patients with obstructive lung disease. Many clinicians consider increasing sedation as
High PEEP produces a more homogeneous distri- the first line of defense against asynchrony. How-
bution of pleural pressures during ARDS, which re- ever, prolonged deep sedation is associated with
duces inspiratory effort, tidal volume, and lung increased incidence of ICU delirium and long-
injury in patients.14,41 term neuromuscular and cognitive symptoms.
Importantly, increasing sedative/analgesic medi-
Neurally Adjusted and Proportional Assist cations is actually less effective than optimizing
Ventilatory Modes ventilator settings at mitigating asynchrony.39 In
the setting of evolving drug shortages, sedation
Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) and may be less available; thus clinicians are forced
proportional assist ventilation (PAV) are 2 modes to focus on optimum ventilator management to
that specifically recognize patient effort and thus mitigate asynchrony. With a high risk profile and
improve synchrony in spontaneously breathing inadequate effectiveness, it is suggested that
patients. Neither mode sets pressure, volume, sedation not be the first approach to address
flow, or inspiratory time. Instead, all of these vari- asynchrony regardless of drug availability.
ables change in response to the patient’s ventila-
tory demand. NAVA is controlled an Change of ventilator modes
electromyographic electrode (placed via special- Lung-protective ventilation using tidal volume
ized nasogastric tube) and adjusts each breath ac- 6 cc/kg ideal body weight with flow-targeted
cording to diaphragmatic activity. The clinician can modes may lead to more asynchrony than larger
adjust the degree of assistance by altering the tidal volumes. Similarly, a change to pressure sup-
amount of inspiratory pressure applied per millivolt port mode will likely improve synchrony but at the
of EMG signal. NAVA decreases asynchrony,42 expense of increasing tidal volumes that may no
and duration of mechanical ventilation may not longer be considered protective.39 Further, the
affect survival.43 set pressures during pressure support ventilation
PAV measures work of breathing and adjusts may be deceptively reassuring, as they may not
the ventilator output to unload a proportion the accurately represent transpulmonary pressures
work of breathing from the patient; the clinician during excessive spontaneous effort. Attempts to
sets the proportion (percent) unloaded by the decrease pressure support are often countered
ventilator. Compared with pressure support by increased patient effort and therefore little

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