Cloud Computing-Developing Contemporary Computer Science Curriculum For A Cloud-First Future

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Cloud Computing: Developing Contemporary Computer

Science Curriculum for a Cloud-First Future

Derek Foster∗ Laurie White∗ Joshua Adams∗
School of Computer Science Google Donald R. Tapia School of Business,
University of Lincoln California, USA CS Department
Lincoln, UK Saint Leo University Saint Leo, Florida, USA

D. Cenk Erdil Harvey Hyman Stan Kurkovsky

School of Computing College of Business, BAIS Department Department of Computer Science
Sacred Heart University University of South Florida Central Connecticut State University
Fairfield, CT, USA Tampa, Florida, USA New Britain, CT, USA

Majd Sakr Lee Stott

School of Computer Science, Microsoft
Computer Science Department London, UK
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
ABSTRACT are significant, but not insurmountable. By embedding fundamen-
Cloud Computing has gained significant momentum in the last tal cloud skills throughout the educator and student journey, both
five years and is regarded as a paradigm shift away from tradi- stakeholders will be better positioned to understand and practically
tional 'silo' based computing. It is no longer seen as a niche area apply the use of appropriate cloud services, and produce gradu-
of technology, offering a diverse range of scalable and redundant ates that can support the needs of industry. This working group
service deployment models, including Infrastructure-as-a-Service (WG) aims to: i) assess current cloud computing curricula in CS
(IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and similar programs, ii) document industry needs for in-demand
and Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS). These models are applied to ar- cloud skills, iii) identify issues and gaps around cloud curriculum
eas such as IoT, Cyber-Physical Systems, Social Media, Data Science, uptake, and iv) develop solutions to meet the skill demands on core
Media Streaming, Ecommerce, and Health Informatics. The growth Cloud Computing topics, technical skills exercises, and modules
in cloud presents challenges for companies to source expertise that for integration with contemporary Computer Science curricula.
securely supports their business when migrating/deploying ser-
vices to the cloud - particularly Small-Medium-Enterprises (SME) CCS CONCEPTS
with limited resources. The UK Government recently published the • Social and professional topics → CS1; • Computer systems
Digital Skills Crisis report, identifying skill-set challenges facing organization → Cloud computing;
industry, with a shortage in cloud skills negatively impacting busi-
ness. While cloud technologies have evolved at significant pace, the KEYWORDS
development of contemporary Computer Science curriculum in the Cloud Computing, Education, Computer Science, Curriculum De-
further and higher education (HE) sector has lagged behind. The velopment, Distributed Computing
challenges faced in the sector includes the training of educators,
ACM Reference Format:
institutional gaps (software and hardware policies), regulatory con-
Derek Foster, Laurie White, Joshua Adams, D. Cenk Erdil, Harvey Hyman,
straints, and access to cloud platforms. Collectively these challenges Stan Kurkovsky, Majd Sakr, and Lee Stott. 2018. Cloud Computing: De-
∗ Working veloping Contemporary Computer Science Curriculum for a Cloud-First
Group Leader
Future. In Proceedings of 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and
Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE’18). ACM, New York, NY,
Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed USA, 2 pages.
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation
on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.
For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).
ITiCSE’18, July 2–4, 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus INTRODUCTION
© 2018 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-5707-4/18/07. Cloud Computing is commonly referred to as service models such as PaaS, IaaS, and SaaS, offered as pay-as-you-go utility computing

ITiCSE’18, July 2–4, 2018, Larnaca, Cyprus D. Foster, L. White, J. Adams, D. C. Erdil, H. Hyman, S. Kurkovsky, M. Sakr, and L. Stott

[1]. These service models are rapidly being adopted by companies how curriculum can be developed to meet industry demand, whilst
to ease the burden on traditional on-premises hardware/software, ensuring students have the opportunity, in the first instance, to
as well as quickly enabling scaling and redundancy through the learn the fundamental theory and concepts of cloud computing,
elasticity of cloud compute resources. This WG aims to identify with specialization and/or certification coming afterward. Finally,
areas of Cloud Computing that are in demand by relevant industry a key component will be understanding best practices for faculty
sectors, and develop contemporary HE curriculum that supports and industry engagement - a vital link for reacting to emergent
addressing these needs. The foci of interest in the context of HE areas/needs for adoption into programmes.
institutions are Computer Science degree programs, and how rele-
1.1.3 Gaps in Curricula.
vant cloud skills can be instilled in graduates moving into industry,
benefiting their career opportunities, as well as supporting industry • Objective: Identify internal and external facing issues in the
needs. The UK Government recently published the Digital Skills uptake of cloud-based curriculum in HE institutions
Crisis report [2] identifying key skill-set challenges facing industry, Issues around the uptake of cloud curriculum in CS-focused degree
with a shortage of cloud-based skills negatively impacting business programmes can be classed as either internal or external facing.
and competitiveness, and the wider economy. Recent academic Internal issues can be identified as a lack of resource in terms of ed-
work by [3] investigates the impact cloud resource adoption has ucator expertise and skills. Another internal factor is programmes
on corporate growth, with findings indicating when a business are validated with a specific set of learning outcomes, this is prob-
creates key competencies and skill-sets in cloud integration, the lematic for enabling a timely response for industry needs. The
result is increased competitiveness. Four main areas of work will WG will explore the potential efficacy of low-barrier certification
be investigated as part of the WG: i) current cloud curricula in HE, as part of academic programmes, presented as value-add using
ii) industry skills in demand, iii) gaps in curricula, and iv) proposed extra-curricular approaches, effectively dealing with the issue of
skills, exercises and modules to meet gaps. These areas will now be set programme outcomes that are time constrained for modifica-
presented as WG objectives for the remainder of this paper. tions. External issues include appropriate and continuous access to
a suitable cloud vendor to support the practical application of cloud
1.1 Educational Goals for Cloud Computing concepts. The main cloud vendors such as Google Cloud Platform,
Curricula in CS, CIS, IT, and similar Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services currently offer limited,
free educator and student access in order to support the delivery of
cloud curricula. This WG aims to initiate a dialogue in this respect
1.1.1 Current Cloud Curricula in Higher Education. with the aforementioned cloud vendors, with i) a particular focus
• Objective: Understand the current state of cloud-curriculum on moving toward an open-source cloud platform standardization
from a sample of Higher Education institutions across differ- for interoperability, by providing full-stack implementations based
ent regions on existing open-source cloud platforms (e.g., OpenStack), and ii) a
In order to understand the current uptake of Cloud Computing view to understanding potential platform solutions for longer-term
at the degree level, and to some extent the granular module units cloud adoption in HE institutions.
of degree programs, a survey will be undertaken across at least 1.1.4 Proposed Skills, Exercises and Modules to Meet Gaps.
two distinct regions, targeting the United States and at least two
• Objective: Develop accessible, industry-informed cloud cur-
countries in the European Union. This will provide the WG with a
meaningful snapshot of Cloud Computing exposure for undergrad-
uate and postgraduate students, and an understanding of specific The aim is to develop a modular learning framework, with learning
areas of cloud currently being taught. The survey will also yield data outcomes underpinned by fundamental Cloud Computing concepts
on HE institutions who currently do not offer core cloud content and theory that are applicable to all major cloud vendors and open-
as part of their Computer Science program portfolio, presenting source cloud platforms (e.g., OpenStack), and further supported by
an opportunity for collaboration in the deployment of new cloud academic research. This approach would produce modular path-
curricula generated as part of the WG objectives. ways, facilitating specialisation to support industry needs. For ex-
ample, work will be carried out to explore how cloud service areas
1.1.2 Industry Skills in Demand. such as IoT and Data Science stem from the core of the framework.
• Objective: Identify key cloud skills gap in industry for sup- An additional part of this objective would be to initiate discussion
porting business processes on how the use of contemporary and future clouds would differ
A significant number of businesses, particularly SMEs, who offer in the future to support enhanced Machine Learning / Artificial
digital services will require in-house expertise of cloud resources Intelligence infrastructures.
in order to remain competitive. A sustainable pipeline of qualified
graduates is key to this, and would further support addressing the REFERENCES
[1] Michael Armbrust, Armando Fox, Rean Griffith, Anthony D Joseph, Randy H Katz,
issue of skills-shortage ’Salary Inflation’, where smaller companies Andrew Konwinski, Gunho Lee, David A Patterson, Ariel Rabkin, Ion Stoica, et al.
simply cannot compete on salaries in the employment market for 2009. Above the clouds: A berkeley view of cloud computing. Technical Report.
in-demand skills such as cloud. Given the general cloud skills gap [2] N Blackwood. 2016. Digital skills crisis: second report of Session 2016–17. House
of Commons Science and Technology Committee Report (2016).
identified (see introduction), a WG objective will be to explore this [3] Amit Mitra, Nicholas O’Regan, and David Sarpong. 2017. Cloud resource adap-
further to understand what the key industry areas are where cloud tation: A resource based perspective on value creation for corporate growth.
skills are in short supply. Further to this, the objective will explore Technological Forecasting and Social Change (2017).


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