Myoshidius 0.5.1 - GM Binder

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The Myoshidius

The Myoshidius
Will No. of
 Level   PB   Points  Features  Tattoos 
1st +2 2 Will Points, Skillslinger 1
2nd +2 3 Diacrosia, Objectivity (x1) 1
Mission Focus, Virtuoso's
3rd +2 3 1
Prowess (x1)
Ability Score Improvement,
4th +2 4 1
Upgrade (x1)
5th +3 4 Extra Attack, Objectivity (x2) 2
6th +3 5 Virtuoso's Prowess (x2) 2
7th +3 5 Tattoo Effects (x2) 2
8th +3 6 Ability Score Improvement 2
Objectivity (x3), Mission
9th +4 6 3
Focus feature
Ability Score Improvement ,

10th +4 6 3
Upgrade (x2)
11th +4 7 Virtuoso's Prowess (x3) 3
12th +4 7 Ability Score Improvement 4
Determination Burst,
13th +5 8 4
Objectivity (x4)
Mission Focus feature, Tattoo
14th +5 8 4
Effects (x3)
Virtuoso's Prowess (x4),
15th +5 9 5
Upgrade (x3)
16th +5 9 Ability Score Improvement 5
17th +6 10 Unwind 5
Skillslinger Improvement,
18th +6 10 6
Upgrade (x4)
19th +6 11 Ability Score Improvement 6
Virtuoso's Ceiling, Tattoo
20th +6 11 6
Effects (x4)

Flavor Text
Under rework. TO DO.
Basic concepts to keep in mind: Myoshidius are very
focused on their objectives and they train until they reach
absolute perfection. In my homebrew world, these qualities
stem from the fact that they were affected by the powers of
old gods, but in your world they can be affected by anything
else or they might be just naturally focused.

Creating a Myoshidius You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
When creating a Myoshidius, choose your main objective in equipment granted by your background:
life. Myoshidi tend to heavily focus on a single thing, until (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
they reach perfection. You may come from a life of crime (a) two martial weapons or (b) a martial weapon and a
and law evasion, and you turned out to become an expert in shield
infiltration, mastering the art of entering places without (a) five javelins or (b) a longbow and 20 arrows
being noticed. Or maybe you are an expert monster hunter, (a) burglar's pack, (b) dungeoneer's pack, (c) explorer's
and your skills allow you to grapple creatures larger than pack or (d) scholar's pack
you with ease. Or even, you studied and understood calligrapher's supplies
everything about the font of Myoshidius power, and
specialized in occult knowledge, which allowed you to cast If you forgo this starting equipment, as well as the items
spells. offered by your background, you start with 5d4 x 10 gp to
A Myoshidius also recognizes the importance of hard buy your equipment.
work and dedication and they always try their best at
everything, but their approach is almost always Will Points
straightforward and sometimes that causes them to tunnel You have 2 will points, and you gain more as you reach
vision and to miss alternative paths to the solution. higher levels, as shown in the Will Points column of the
Quick Build Myoshidius table. You will gain access to several features
that allow you to spend these points. You regain all spent
You can make a myoshidius quickly by following these will points when you finish a long rest.
suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in
Strength or Dexterity depending on whether you want to Skillslinger
focus on melee weapons or on finesse weapons. Your next-
highest score should be Constitution, or Charisma if you Whenever you make an ability check, you can spend 1 will
plano to follow the Bewitcher Mission Focus. Second, point to get a 15 on a d20 roll. You can wait until after the
choose the Soldier background. roll before deciding to use this feature, but must decide
before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
Starting at 18th level, this effect improves to a 17 on the
Class Features roll.
As a myoshidius, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points Tactical Usage of Skills
Hit Dice: 1d10 per myoshidius level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Skills can offer a lot of versatility in fights,
specially if the player knows all actions that they
Hit Points at Higher Levels: ld10 (or 6) + your can take in combat. Here are a few examples of
Constitution modifier per myoshidius level after 1st the most common uses of skills in combat:
Grapple (PHB p. 195): You can hold a
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields creature in place, and move it around,
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons manipulating the battlefield. Furthermore, you
Tools: Calligrapher's supplies, one musical instrument of only use one hand to grapple, and if your
your choice other hand is free, you can still attack.
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution Shove (PHB p. 195): When you successfully
Skills: Choose any two shove a creature, you can knock it prone,
which grants advantage on melee attacks
made against it.
Multiclassing and the myoshidius Hide (PHB p. 192): Hiding in combat can not
only help you escape attacks, but also gives
If your group uses the optional rule on you advantage on an attack against a creature
multiclassing in the Player's Handbook, here's that doesn't see you.
what you need to know if you choose Tumble (DMG p. 272): When a creature is
myoshidius as one of your classes. blocking your path, or when you want to
Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass surround a creature, you can Tumble through
character, you must have at least either a
its space, using an action or bonus action. If
Strength or Dexterity score of 13, to take a level your table uses the Optional Flanking Rule,
in this class, or to take a level in another class if tumbling is a good way to flank an enemy.
you are already a myoshidius.
Proficiencies Gained. If myoshidius isn't your
initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain
when you take your first level as a myoshidius: Skillslinger's Tattoo
light armor, medium armor, shields, one skill of Using Calligrapher's supplies, you can make a magical
your choice, calligrapher's supplies. tattoo that enhances your skills and gives you incredible
and somewhat magical abilities. You take 2 hours and 8 gp
worth of fine ink to make the tattoo.

When you finish the tattoo, it gains one effect of your Smoking Pipe Tattoo. If you make a Wisdom (Insight)
choice (see "Tattoo Effects" below). check in the next minute to detect if a person is lying, you
Once per turn, when you make an ability check using an also catch a glimpse of their mind, gaining knowledge of
action or a bonus action, you can spend 1 Will point and their surface thoughts and intentions (it varies with the
choose one effect of a Skillslinger Tattoo you have to result of the check).
Beginning at 7th level, you can activate two different Optional Details
effects, instead of one, whenever you use this feature. The The options described here try to cover some scenarios
number of different effects increases to three when you that might occur and also add a little more depth to
reach 14th level in this c1ass and to four when you reach skillslinger's tattoos. But they are optional and can be
20th level in this c1ass. partially or totally ignored if your GM chooses to do so.
All tattoo effects happen as part of the same
action/bonus action that you took to make the ability check, Tattoo Customization
and you can choose the order in which everything occurs. Up to your GM, the tattoos can be customized, be creative!
At your GM's discretion, you may use an action or bonus
action to activate tattoo effects without making an ability Your tattoo doesn't need to be a sword, or fish, or
check. goggles, it can be anything you want, as long as you
You gain an additional Skillslinger Tattoo of your choice don't change the original effect and don't confuse
when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the yourself;
No. of Tattoos column of the myoshidius table. The tattoos can have or be specific symbols or even
You can always change a Skillslinger's Tattoo that you written words;
have for another of your choice, but you have to spend You can have more than one tattoo on the same body
again 2 hours and 8 gp. part. Your back is wide enough to fit easily three tattoos
or more, but the back of your hand is not.
Tattoo Effects Tattoos made on wrists, arms, legs and other parts can
Sword Tattoo. You can instantly make a single attack be a decorated line that wraps around the body part;
using a light weapon. The tattoos can be colored, shine very faintly in a
Fish Tattoo. You can instantly take a Disengage or mystical way, have a specific smell or a specific feel
Dodge action. when touched;
Vortex Tattoo. You can instantly teleport up to 3m/10ft Some tattoos can be joined into a single, bigger tattoo,
to an unoccupied space you can see. where each smaller tattoo represents a part of the total.
Crystal Tattoo. Choose a creature within 9m/30ft of you. Losing a Skillslinger's Tattoo
You can instantly pull them 1,5m/5ft towards your
direction. Losing a tattoo (by severed members, severe burn,
Lyre Tattoo. Choose a creature within 3m/10ft of you. transmutation effects, etc) makes you lose the ability to
Make a Charisma (Peformance) check contestesd by their activate the effect of that tattoo. Your GM decides if a
Wisdom (Insight) check. If the creature fails, it becomes situation is severe enough to cause you to lose a tattoo
Charmed by you until the start of your next turn. completely or just temporarily.
Goggles Tattoo. If you make an Intelligence, Wisdom or At any point after losing a tattoo you can recreate it
Charisma check, you gain knowledge about a creature or (spending 2 hours and 8 gp), with the same effect as before,
object you can see. You learn about one of its damage or maybe with another one of your choice that you don't
resistances, immunities or vulnerabilities (your choice), if already have.
Spider Tattoo. If you are grappling, shoving, climbing, or Diacrosia
tumbling through a creature, it has disadvantage on the At 2nd level, you gain a choice of improving your mental
first attack of its next turn. capacity or your physical prowess. You can choose to gain
Top Hat Tattoo. You can instantly take a Use an Object both abilities described below, or you can gain one fighting
action without anyone noticing, and you can speak without style of your choice available in the fighter class instead. All
moving your mouth until the start of your next turn. abilities below have a DC of 15 and the GM can only use
Tressym Tattoo. You can see invisible creatures or information from the creature's stat block (otherwise the
objects and into magical darkness until the start of your feature fails).
next turn.
Wyrm Tattoo. Walking, swimming and climbing doesn't Identify Weakness
cost you any extra feet until the start of your next turn. When a creature takes an action, you can use your reaction
Lightning Tattoo. You gain 4,5m/15ft of additional to make an Intelligence (Investigation) check to deduce
movement until the start of your next turn. information about that creature. If you succeed, you ask
Magmin Tattoo. Your weapon attacks deal fire damage your GM a polar question (a yes–no question) about the
instead of their normal damage until the start of your next creature, and your character gains knowledge of the
turn. answer.
Spring Tattoo. Your jump distance is tripled for any one
jump that you make before the start of your next turn. Compare Strength
Specter Tattoo. You become invisible until the end of When a creature takes an action, you can use your reaction
your next turn. This effect ends if you attack or cast a spell. to make a Wisdom (Insight) check, and if you succeed, you
Crow Tattoo. You can perfectly mimick the voice or gain an idea of that creature's characteristics when
sound of any creature you have heard for the next minute. comparing to you.

You choose a characteristic like Strength score, Armor Unwind
Class, current hit points, etc. and the GM says if it's higher,
equal or lower than yours. Your character gains knowledge At 17th level, you gain the ability to regenerate your will
of the answer. power. If you started your turn without any Will Points, you
can use an action and restore a number of them equal to
Objectivity your Constitution modifier.
At 2nd level, you gain proficiency with one skill of your Virtuoso's Ceiling
choice. Also choose one of your skill proficiencies. You gain
expertise with that skill, which means that your proficiency At 20th level, you achieve the peak of skill level. You can't
bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses have disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks or saving
the chosen proficiency. throws.
At 5th, 9th and 13th, you gain both effects again,
choosing one more skill to gain proficiency and one more
skill you are proficient to gain expertise.
Mission Focus
At 3rd Level, you choose a Mission Focus. Your character
has goals in life, and they train to achieve those goals. You
have four options of Mission Focus to choose from,
Defensive, Offensive, Swasher and Bewitcher, each of
which is detailed at the end of the class's description.
Each Mission Focus gives you features at 3rd, 9th and
14th levels, two new tattoo options and a group of
Additional Tattoo Effects
Your choice of Mission focus gives you two new tattoo
effects. These tattoos don't count towards your maximum
number of tattoos, so once you imprint them onto your
body, there's no need to remove them.
At 4th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels, you choose one upgrade
from the list to obtain. When selecting an upgrade, you can
select one that has been already selected before, and their
effects stack.
Virtuoso's Prowess
Starting at 3rd level you greatly improve your ability
towards some skills. Choose a skill. Whenever you make an
ability check that uses your proficiency bonus with the
chosen skill, you can treat a d20 roll of 10 or lower as a 11.
You can apply this effect to an additional skill of your
choice at 6th, 11th and 15th levels.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level,
you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or
you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As
normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using
this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th Level, you can attack twice, instead of
once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Determination Burst
At 13th level, you gain proficiency with Wisdom saving
throws. Additionally, when you fail a Wisdom saving throw,
you may add your Constitution modifier to the roll,
potentially causing you to succeed the save. You can only
do so again after you finish a short or long rest.

Mission Focus
Additional Tattoo Effects
Defensive You gain two new tattoo effects. These tattoos don't count
You already took too many risks in your life and that made towards your maximum number of tattoos.
you more sturdy and attentive. Snake Tattoo. You need to pay 1 additional will point to
activate this tattoo. You can instantly make a single weapon
Additional Tattoo Effects attack, and it deals an additional 1d8 damage.
You gain two new tattoo effects. These tattoos don't count Thri-Kreen Tattoo. You can instantly stow up to 2
towards your maximum number of tattoos. weapons and draw up to 2 other weapons.
Hand Tattoo. For the next minute, you can take one
reaction, when a creature within 1,5m/5ft from you is about Upgrades
to take damage.
You switch places with that creature if the At 4th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels you choose one of the
creature is willing and isn't incapacitated. This movement upgrades below. You can repeat upgrades.
doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. After that you take all Precise. Choose a type of martial weapon, while you are
the damage that the creature would take. using weapons of that type, it gains +2 to attack rolls.
Rhino Tattoo. You gain temporary hit points equal to Upgrading this option further gives you the same bonus
1d4 + your proficiency bonus. with more types of weapons.
Crusher. You add +2 to the damage roll of one-handed
Upgrades martial weapons.
At 4th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels you choose one of the Marksman. While using a weapon that has range, its
upgrades below. You can repeat upgrades. range is increased by:
Stout. Your hit point maximum increases by an amount
equal to your level. Whenever you gain a level thereafter, 6m/12m (20ft/40ft) if it has the thrown property;
your hit point maximum increases by an additional 1 hit 12m/36m (40ft/120ft) if it has the ammunition property.
point. Refined Strikes. Choose a type of martial weapon, while
Impervious. While wearing armor and using a shield, you are using weapons of that type, it gains the finesse
reduce damage from weapon attacks by 2. property. Upgrading this option further gives you finesse
Elusive. Whenever you make a saving throw to avoid the with more weapons.
effects of a spell, add a +1 bonus to the roll.
Vigorous. Your Hit Dice restore 2 additional hit points Weapon Master
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with improvised
Plate Adept weapons. Additionally, you can always add your proficiency
bonus to any weapon attack you make that doesn't already
At 3rd level, when choosing this group as your focus, you include your proficiency bonus.
gain 2 benefits:
You gain proficiency with heavy armor; Adrenaline
You don't suffer disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) At 9th level, the adrenaline you feel during a fight gives you
checks caused by armor; uncanny focus. Whenever you land a critical hit with a
martial weapon, you restore 1 Will point.
Battle Epicenter
At 9th level, you became accustomed to being in the center Bonus Fighting Style
of the fight. Whenever you make a saving throw to avoid the Also at 9th Level, you gain a fighting style of your choice
effects of a spell, you can automatically succeed if the available in the fighter class.
caster is friendly to you and allows you to do so.
Additionally, whenever you would make an opportunity Somatic Channeling
attack, you instead take an Attack action, which must At 14th Level, you learn to channel your body strength into
include at least one attack against the provoking creature. a short burst of weapon attacks. When you activate your
Ever Stand Snake Tattoo, you can choose to make two attacks instead
of one.
At 14th level, you become a pillar of vigor. You gain You can use this ability once and you restore its use after
resistance to a damage type of your choice. With a bonus a short or long rest.
action, you can change this resistance for another of your
choice. Swasher
Additionally, if you end a short rest without any Hit Dice
remaining, you restore 4 and you can immediately spend You improved your sense of tactics and positioning, that
up to 2 of them if you wish. came along with some roguish techniques and tricks.
Offensive Additional Tattoo Effects
You are more of a lone wolf and you'd rather help yourself You gain two new tattoo effects. These tattoos don't count
slay goblins and dragons instead of others. towards your maximum number of tattoos.

Acrobat Tattoo. Until the end of the turn, your weapon You can have a number of Monkey Tattoos equal to your
attacks deal additional damage equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier, and they each count as a different
proficiency modifier when you hit the last creature that you tattoo, as long as you choose a different spell for each.
successfully tumbled through this turn. You can't be using a Since you can't cast more than one non-cantrip spell per
shield when you activate this effect. turn (PHB p. 203), you also can't activate more than one
X Tattoo. Until the end of the turn, your weapon attacks Monkey Tattoo per turn.
that miss still deal half damage if the target hasn't taken a Drum Tattoo. You can cast a cantrip.
turn yet this round. You can't be using a shield when you
activate this effect. Upgrades
At 4th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels you choose one of the
Upgrades upgrades below. You can repeat upgrades.
At 4th, 10th, 15th and 18th levels you choose one of the Adept of Magic. You learn one spell of 1st-level or higher
upgrades below. You can repeat upgrades. from the bard spell list or one of these three special spells:
Swift. Your walking speed increases by 1,5m (5ft.). Infuse Training, Discipline and King-of-All-Trades (which
Alert. You add a +2 bonus to initiative. can be found in this link).
Multitasker. Choose a skill you're proficient with. This spell doesn't count towards your total number of
Checks with that skill (that would be made as an action) spells known, it also must be of a level equal to or lower
can also be made as a bonus action. than your Max Spell Level and it can be from any school of
Tactical Warning. After you roll initiative, another magic.
creature of your choice adds a +2 bonus to their initiative. Unveiler. You learn one additional cantrip from the Bard
spell list. You use Charisma as your spellcasting ability for
Advantageous Position it.
At 3rd level, you gain an upper hand in combat against Exemplar. You increase your maximum number of Will
slower targets. You have advantage on ability contests Points by 1.
against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the round Tattoist. Increase your maximum number of
yet. skillslinger's tattoos by 1. You also decrease the cost and
time it takes to make one by half.
Strategical Diversion Spellcasting
Starting at 9th level, after you roll for initiative, you may At 3rd level, you improve your skillslinging with the ability
choose up to two creatures that you can see. One of them to cast spells.
adds 5 to their initiative count and the other subtracts 5. Cantrips. you learn two cantrips: Guidance and Vicious
Herald of Lightspeed Mockery.
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. You know two
Starting at 14th level, you exhale an agility aura, that makes 1st-level spells of your choice, which you must choose from
you and your friends fast and harder to predict. After you the enchantment and transmutation spells on the bard
roll initiative, your agility aura gains an initiative count, spell list. These spells can be cast using the Monkey Tattoo.
which is equals to your count minus 12. You can't do The Spells Known column of the Bewitcher Spellcasting
anything during your aura's turn, but you gain two benefits: table shows when you learn more bard spells of 1st level or
Creatures that act after your aura have disadvantage on higher. Each of these spells must be an enchantment or
attacks against allies that act before your aura; transmutation spell of your choice, and must be of a level
Creatures that act before your aura have advantage on equal to or lower than the number shown in the Max Spell
attacks against enemies that act after your aura; Level column in the Bewitcher Spellcasting table for your
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace
Bewitcher one of the bard spells you know with another spell of your
You studied more about the origins of the Class Primes, choice from the bard spell list. The new spell must be of a
and of their powers. You unraveled occult secrets of old level equal to or lower than the number shown in the Max
times, and that allowed you to become a specialist on Spell Level column in the Bewitcher Spellcasting table for
Skillslinging, mixing it with magic. your level, and it must be chosen from the enchantment
and transmutation spells.
Additional Tattoo Effects Spellcasting Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for your bard spells. You use your Charisma
You gain two new tattoo effects. These tattoos don't count whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In
towards your maximum number of tattoos. addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the
Monkey Tattoo. When you create this tattoo, you choose saving throw DC for a bard spell you cast and when making
a spell from your list of known spells (see "Spellcasting" an attack roll with one.
below) with a casting time of an action or a bonus action to
store as the effect of this tattoo. When you activate this Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
tattoo, you cast the stored spell at its lowest level without Charisma modifier
expending spell slots. If the spell is 3rd-level or higher, you Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
also have to pay 1 additional will point as part of casting Charisma modifier
the spell. Spellcasting Focus. Like a bard, you can use a musical
A myoshidius doesn't ignore the components of the spell instrument as a spellcasting focus for your bard spells.
when casting it, only the spell slots.

You can use this feature once and you regain its use after a
Bewitcher Spellcasting short or long rest.
Spells Max Spell Spells Max Spell
Level Known Level Level Known Level Eerie Song
3rd 3 1 12th 7 2 At 14th Level, you gain the ability to curse the targets of
4th 3 1 13th 8 3 your spells by playing an eerie song. Whenever you cast a
spell using a Monkey Tattoo and it targets a single creature,
5th 4 1 14th 8 3 you can curse that creature for 1 minute. While cursed, the
6th 4 1 15th 9 3
target must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of
each of its turns. If it fails, it can't target you with spells
7th 5 2 16th 9 3 until the start of their next turn.
8th 5 2 17th 10 3 You can only have one creature cursed at a time, if you
curse another creature, the previous curse is lifted. A
9th 6 2 18th 10 3 Remove Curse spell also ends this curse. When this curse
10th 6 2 19th 11 4 ends on a creature, it can't be cursed in this way again for
24 hours.
11th 7 2 20th 11 4
Rhythmic Magic
Nug Extraction Also starting at 14th Level, your training with both magic
Starting at 3rd level, you learn to extract magical energies and weapons improves your muscle memory, and allows
you to quickly switch from one to the other. Whenever you
from within yourself. You gain two actual spell slots which use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make a single
are always of a level equal to your Max Spell Level, and that weapon attack as part of the same action.
you can use to cast any of your Spells Known using their
normal casting time.
Magic Ink Mastery
At 9th level, your mastery with magical tattoos allows you
to infuse a slight burst of power into your spells. Whenever
you cast a spell using a Skillslinger's Tattoo, you may
choose to ignore its concentration. The spell then lasts for
its entire duration unless you stop it with an action.
A new challenging and complex class for the
world's greatest roleplaying game. Made to fit
the story of my world, Vifel.

Have you ever wanted to make a skill monkey

without being a doormat on the battlefield?
Then this is the class for you. You can get all
skills and still gain benefits that have impact in
combat, specially as a support.

It adds new and different mechanics, mostly

related to skill usage, and focus on unorthodox
combat mechanics like grapple and tumble.

Version 0.5.1

Created by Rutherfordio2

Artist Credits:

Cover: Sora Kim

Back: Oission

Page 4: Darren Tan

Page 8: Dao Trong Le

I'm still new and inexperienced in this

homebrew thing, but I want to thank my
players for hearing my ramblings about my
concepts for 2 years now.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.

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