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RESEARCH TITLE: An Assessment on the Impacts of Social Media on

College Students Academic Performance, Case Study Arusha City









TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................. i

CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study ...................................................................................................... 1

1.3 Objectives of the Study ........................................................................................................ 4

1.3.1 General Objective ................................................................................................................. 4

1.3.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Research Question .................................................................................................................... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study ........................................................................................................ 5

1.6 Scope of the Study ................................................................................................................... 5

1.7 Definition of the Key Terms ................................................................................................ 6

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 7

LITERATURE RIVIEW ............................................................................................................... 7

2.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review .............................................................................................. 7

2.1.1 Social Learning Theories...................................................................................................... 7

2.2.1 Connectivism Theory ........................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Empirical Frame Work ............................................................................................................. 8

2.4 Conceptual Framework ............................................................................................................ 9

2.5 Research Gap ......................................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 12

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................. 12

3.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 12

3.1 Research Approach ................................................................................................................ 12

3.2 Research Design..................................................................................................................... 12

3.3 Area of the Study ................................................................................................................... 12

3.4 Population, Sample Size and, Sampling Techniques ............................................................. 13

3.4.1. Target Population ............................................................................................................... 13

3.4.2. Sample Size ....................................................................................................................... 13

3.4.3 Sampling Techniques ......................................................................................................... 13

3.5.1 Simple Random Sampling .................................................................................................. 13

3.5.2 Purposive Sampling ............................................................................................................ 14

3.6 Sources of Data ...................................................................................................................... 14

3.7 Data Collection Methods and Tools ...................................................................................... 14

3.7.1 Questionnaire ...................................................................................................................... 14

3.7.2 Interview .............................................................................................................................. 14

3.8 Data Analysis Plan ................................................................................................................. 15

3.9 Ethical Considerations ........................................................................................................... 15

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 16


1.0 Introduction
This chapter consists of the explanation of the background of the problem, statement of the

problem, objective of the study, research question, and significance of the study, scope of the

study and definition of the key terms.

1.1 Background of the Study

According to Hartshorne (2010), social media is the platform that given individuals the

opportunity to interact using two way communications, meaning that anyone who has online

social media platform can share their opinions with other|, social media users. Social media

facilitates the development of online social network by connecting a user profile with those of

the others individual. Group’s user typically access social media like Website, Facebook, What

Sapp, Messenger, Twitter, Gmail, Instagram, Goggle. These website and social forums are way

of communication directly with other people socially and in media

Social media is popular method of communication. Among university students however,

excessive social media use can raise questions about whether academic performance is affected.

This research explores this question about by conducting a survey on university student’s regards

to social media usage and their academic performance. The survey also will explore social

network that is the most popular among students, what students thought about their social media

usage and factors the learning to improve understanding and promote students interaction.

The internet has created a platform for millions of computers at numerous sites in various

countries, belonging to thousands of businesses, governments, research institution, educational

institutions and other organizations to link up with one another. It provides a very rich medium

for information dissemination, exchange and collaborative interaction among individuals and

computers without regards for geographical limitation of space (Ugwulebo and Okoro, 2016).

Social networking has become a common international trend which has spread across almost

every corner of the world. The Use of Social media sites have exploded and evolved into an

online platform where people create content, share it, bookmark it and network at a prodigious

rate. Because of its ease of use, speed and reach, social media is fast changing the public

discourse in society and setting trends and agenda in topics that range from the environment and

politics to technology and the entertainment industry (Asur and Huberman, 2010). In the last ten

years, the online world has changed dramatically, thanks to the invention of social media, young

men and women now exchange ideas, feelings, personal information, pictures and videos at a

truly astonishing rate. Seventy-three percent of wired American teens now use social media

websites (Oberst, 2010). The increased use of Social Networking Websites has become a social

norm and way of life for people from all over the world (Boyd. 2007). Teenagers and young

adults have especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers around the

globe, share information, reinvent their personalities, and showcase their social lives (Boyd,


With these developments in technology social networking sites have become more and more

popular among students and a major concern have arose over how the use of social media sites

among undergraduate students affects their academic performances. Social networking sites

although has been recognized as an important resource for education today, studies however

shows that students use social networking sites such as Facebook for fun, to kill time, to meet

existing friends or to make new ones (Ellison, Steinfield, and Lampe 2007). Although it has been

put forward that students spends much time on participating in social networking activities, with

many students blaming the various social networking sites for their steady decrease in grade

point averages (Kimberly, Jeong and Lee, 2009), it also shows that only few students are aware

of the academic and professional networking opportunities the sites offered.

According to Shankar (2010), social network websites grab attention of the students and then

diverts it towards non-educational and inappropriate actions including useless chatting. Whereas

on the other hand, (Liccardi, Ounnas, Massey, Kinnunen, Midy, & Sakar. 2007) reviewed that

the students are socially connected with each other for sharing their daily learning experiences

and do conversation on several topics. Tinto (1997) argued that extracurricular activities and

academic activities are not enough to satisfy some student those who are suffered by social

networking isolation. This shows that social networks are beneficial for the students as it

contributes in their learning experiences as well as in their academic life. Trusov, Bucklin, &

Pauwels (2009) noted that the Internet is no doubt evolution of technology but specifically social

networks are extremely unsafe for teenagers, social networks become hugely common and well-

known in past few years. According to Cain (2009) social network websites provide ease of

connecting people to one another; free of cost and after connecting one can post news,

informative material and other things including videos and pictures etc. Wiley and Sisson (2006)

argued that the previous studies have found that more than 90% of tertiary school students use

social networks. In the same way Ellison et al (2007) stated that the students use social

networking websites approximately 30 minutes throughout the day as a part of their daily routine

life. This statement shows the importance of social networking websites in students’ life.

Lenhart and Madden (2007) revealed through a survey that students strongly recommend social

networking websites to stay in touch with friends to keep informed and aware. Social

information processing theory is an interpersonal communication theory which suggests that

online interpersonal relationship development might require more time to develop than face-to-

face relationships, but when developed, it has the same influence as face-to-face communication.

This means, the more students use social media, the more they influence their disposition to

studies, given the fact that friends from social media will begin to exert influence on each other.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Maya (2015), revealed that media use contribute to lower academic performance, low self-

perceptions and interest in college oriented carriers. Academic excellence plays an important role

in an individual’ s life; be it in the family, at social gatherings, at workplace, in an institution or

even among peers. Much emphasis is placed on academic excellence because of the role it plays

in an individual’ s life as far as a successful life and respect is concerned in every part of the


Today students at all levels especially tertiary level have been engaged in the use of social

networking sites (SNSs). Due to this increased popularity, there are growing concerns over the

possible influences on the use of social media which could have impacts on students’’ academic

performances. It is in this regard that this study aims at assessing the impact of social media on

the college student’s academic performance in Institute of accountancy Arusha.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of the study is to assess the Impact of Social Media on College Students

Academic Performance in institute of accountancy Arusha.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives
i. To assess the negative effect of social media on college students’ academic

performance in institute of accountancy Arusha.

ii. To examine the significance of social media on enhancing students’ academic

performance on institute of accountancy Arusha.

iii. To assess the possible solution of social media on college student academic


1.4 Research Question

i. What are the negative effects of excessive use social media on college students’

academic performance at institute of accountancy Arusha?

ii. What is significance of social media on enhancing students’’ academic performance

at institute of accountancy Arusha?

iii. What are the possible solutions towards the use of social media to academic


1.5 Significance of the Study

This study will provide useful information to all education stakeholders who includes the

government, Tanzania examination council, Tanzania college institute of education, teachers,

students, researchers and the whole community, at large. Hence, the study will focus on the

impacts of social media on college students academic performance in institute of accountancy


1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of the study will focus in institute of accountancy Arusha. The study will include forty

three university students in institute of accountancy Arusha.

1.7 Definition of the Key Terms
Social media: include websites and software program used for social networking.

Students: is a person who is studying at a school, college, university (Oxford advanced learners


Media: is the main ways that large numbers of people receive information and entertainment.

Social Networking sites: a where people put information about them and can send to others.

Academic: it is concerned with studying from books as opposed by a practical work.

Social Networking: the use of internet to make information about yourself available to other

especially people you share an interest with to send message to them.



2.0 Introduction
This study will focus on a topic which consists of theoretical literature review related to the

study, the empirical literature review from different scholars through the evaluation of the

strength and weakness is where the research gap is realized.

2.1 Theoretical Literature Review

Theoretical literature review is the collection of interrelated ideas based on theories (Magigi


2.1.1 Social Learning Theories

The notion of social learning theory can be traced back to the theory of social constructivism in

the 1960s (Vygotsky, 1978). The basic principle is the students learn most effectively by

engaging in carefully selected collaborative problem- solving activities, under the close

supervisions of instructors (Vygotsky, 1978). Collaboration is the most important characteristics

of social learning. While instructors help to facilitate, students have the autonomy to self-

selected what they need to learn to gain a better understanding of the problem.

A large body of critical analyses and research later concurred that learning is not an individual

acquisition activity, but a social discourse (Hanson & Sinclair, 2008, Jonassen, Howland, Moore,

& Marra, 2003, Lave & Wenger, 1991). Many studies strongly suggest that collaborative

learning has proven to the more effective than individualistic learning in contributing to

motivation, in raising achievement, and in producing positive social outcome (Johnson, Johnson,

& Stanne, (2000, Slavin, 1995: Snowman, McCown, & Biehler, 2009).

2.2.1 Connectivism Theory
In the new digital age, Siemens (2004, 2005) and Downes (2007) proposed the Connectivism

theory, where social learning is in targeted with social media technologies. In the world of social

media proliferation, learning is not an internal, individualistic activity. Rather, learners gather

information from connecting to others knowledge using Wikipedia, Twitter and other similar

platform. One of the principles of connectivism is that capacity to learn is more critical than what

is currently known (Siemens, 2004). The responsibility of a teacher is not just to define,

generate, or assign content, but it is to help learners building learning paths and make

connections with existing and new knowledge resources (Anderson & Dron, 2011), social

learning theories, especially connectivism, provide insights on the roles of education is the social

networked environment.

2.3 Empirical Frame Work

The use of social networking websites has become an international phenomenon in the past

several years. What started out, as a hobby for some computer literate people has become a

social norm and way of life for people from all over the world (Boyd, 2007). Teenagers and

young adults have especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers, share

information, reinvent their personalities, and showcase their social lives (Boyd, 2007).

Shah et al (2001), proposed by the internet and this impact is determined by the type of internet

usage. They are positively affected by the informative use of internet while having drastic impact

on recreational use of internet on them. Also, Oskouei (2010), through the findings internet is

advantageous to both students and teachers are used as a tool of knowledge creation and


Enriquez (2010), American Educational Research Association Conducted a Research and it was

declared on its annual conference is San Diego, California (2009), that social networking user

study less and generate lower grades eventually. Similarly to (Benqual et al 2009), from the

findings and continuity drop of grades among student user of social networking sites, However,

many researchers also found a positive association between use of internet and social networking

and academic performance of the student user. Students, using internet frequently, scored higher

on reading skills test and had higher grades as well (Linda et al 2006). An ever increasing growth

rate of social networking use not only call for the parental and teachers monitoring of student

users but also attracting the focus of academicians and researchers toward this phenomenon,

Students, use social networking continues to create challenges and issues of higher education

professionals and keeping abreast of these challenges has proved difficult because of the speed at

which new technologies are being introduced (Bugeja, 2006). There is evidence that higher

education institutions have taken initiative in disclosing information about online social

networking involvement to their students. An example is Cornell University’ s “ thoughts on

Facebook.” which creates students awareness about the responsible use of online social

networking (Mitrano, 2008). Following Cornell University, many institutions have adopted this

approach to informing students by using anecdotal literature to guide their actions (Kord, 2008).

2.4 Conceptual Framework

According to the outcome, students’ academic performance is affected the more they use

Facebook. Social platforms are mainly used by students for socializing activities rather than

academic purpose (Oye, 2012). In addition (Oye, 2012) said that majority of students feel that

social platforms have positive impact on academic growth. In a different research conducted by

Shana (2012) it was ascertain that students use platforms mainly for chatting and making friends.

“ The consequences of internet and social platforms on students’ academic growth” a study

than by Young (2006) it was seen that internet has spread its wings to reach teenagers school life.

It was also observed by Young that students are more dependent on internet to access info that

pertain their academic life as well as entertainment. Additionally, Young said that internet,

though take a lot of time, and have less impact on studies. It was observed by Wang (2011) that

impact of social platforms rest on the degree of usage. Jeong (2005) observed that internet

addiction is significantly and negatively related to students’ academic growth, as well as

emotional attributes. Semie (2004) confirms Jeong statement when he opined that the negative

influence of internet is only on excessive users and not on all users.

Rather (2013) avers that: the social platforms which are being used today with great desire and

enthusiasm have altered the way of using internets in this modern age by defining online tools

and utilities which allow users for communication, participation and collaboration of information

online. Today’ s young generation, especially teens and youth are using technology through

innovative ways due to which they are referred to as millennial and have changed the way they

think~ work and communicate even though they are in formative years of their life. Today’s

youth because of social platforms have become technology addicts and are quite.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Impact of Social Media to Academic Performance
Conceptual framework

Social media


WhatsApp Students’ academic performance





Time appropriation
Heath addiction
Nature and usage

Therefore from the drawing above show how social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and

WhatsApp affects students’ academic performance and also time appropriation, heath addiction

and nature which can be caused by the use of social media led to poor academic performance.

2.5 Research Gap

Different researches like Shah et al. (2000), and Oskouei (2010). They have discussed the

concept of social media, example they have explained the importance of using social media to

academic performance, which is very important to students and teachers. Therefore this study

will focus on the impacts of Social Media towards Academic performance on college students

academic performance.



3.0 Introduction
In this chapter, the study will use to identify and explain the methods and techniques which will

use in collecting and processing the data, including a research approaches and design with the

area of the study, the sample and, sampling techniques.

3.1 Research Approach

The study will use a mixed approach which is a quantitative and qualitative approach. The

quantitative approach will use questioners in data collection because to enable a researcher to get

information simply also qualitative approach will use the interview to get information.

3.2 Research Design

Gall (2007), argued that descriptive survey is the means through which opinion. The study will

employ research mixed design that involves collecting, analyzing and integrating qualitative and

qualitative research. The reason for using this mixed approach because will use more than one

instruments such as questionnaires and interview in data collection means it provide wide ground

in getting the information.

3.3 Area of the Study

The study will be conducted in institute of accountancy Arusha to represent other colleges in

Arusha municipal, In order to get more information about the topic which is Impact of Social

Media to academic performance.

3.4 Population, Sample Size and, Sampling Techniques

3.4.1. Target Population

The targeted population of the study will use 03 lectures and 40 students in institute of

accountancy Arusha, students will respond to the questionnaires and lectures will respond to the

interview guide. Hence it will be more helpful to the study to get more information concern with

the title.

3.4.2. Sample Size

The sample size of the study will employ 43 respondents, in which 03 lecturers and, 40

students’ respondent in institute of accountancy Arusha will be selected through probability

sampling techniques. The reason for forcing this type of sampling is to reduce bias by giving all

members of the population an equal chance of being selected in the sample of the study.


Institute Of Accountancy Arusha 40 03

Total 40 03

3.4.3 Sampling Techniques

The study will employ both non-probability and probability sampling methods.

3.5.1 Simple Random Sampling

The study will use quantitative techniques, through random which will give an equal chance to

all member be selected by using the number, one up to five which allow all respondent to have

equal chance to be selected, that will allow respondent to fill necessary information, under this

techniques biases generally will be eliminated.

3.5.2 Purposive Sampling

The study will use qualitative methods which will enable to collect data through interviews with

the teachers purposively to get more information about the study.

3.6 Sources of Data

The study will employ primary sources of data to enrich the study with enough knowledge about

the topic. Through enough sources of data, the research gap of the study will very easily


3.7 Data Collection Methods and Tools

Mugenda et al (2003). This study or findings will use both primary source of data and secondary

source of data which simplified the availability of information. The study will use questionnaires

method, and interviews as the tools of the data collection the researcher expecting to use.

3.7.1 Questionnaire
Gall (2007) a questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of question for the

purpose of gathering information from respondents through survey or statistical study. The

question in the study will be prepared early so that to be clear to meet the needs of research

question. Questionnaires will be distributed to students so that they can give information.

3.7.2 Interview
Mugenda et al (2003) defined interview as an oral administration of a questionnaire or an

interview schedule. The interview guideline applied to university lecturers in order to find out

the reliability and intended information from which the oral question for them so that they can

provide information related to the topic.

3.8 Data Analysis Plan
Mugenda et al (2003) defined data analysis as the systematic process of organizing data in a

manner that facilitate analysis. The data collected from the respondent will employ both

quantitative and qualitative method. Quantitative data will be analyzed using Microsoft Excel,

whereby tables, pie chart and bar graphs will be used. The result of data analysis will be reported

in summary from using of tables, pie chart and bar graphs. Qualitative data for the open ended

questions will use the content analysis, where ideas will be grouped into themes.

3.9 Ethical Considerations

In the study, the respondents are University students and lectures will cooperate to give

information. The researcher will ask permission of collecting data from different offices with

authority, the researcher must respect attitude, culture, beliefs and educational level of the

respondents. This will encourage them to be free and aware to provide the accurate information

of the study. Also, through the consideration of the ethical or moral value may encourage whole

administration of the study area formulate deeply cooperation and study purpose may be

achieved effectively.

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