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290] - Speaker 1
Have you ever heard this song? What was the title of that song? Yes, that's right. The song was entitled
Surabaya or Sura Baya. Now I will tell you a folktale entitled Sura and Break.

[00:00:49.970] - Speaker 1
A long time ago in east of there were two strong animals sula and Baya.

[00:01:02.250] - Speaker 1
Sula was a shark and Baya was a crocodile. They lived in the sea. Actually they were friends. But when
they were hungry, they were very gritty. They did not want to share this food.

[00:01:23.170] - Speaker 1
They would fight for it and never stop fighting until one of them gave up.

[00:01:31.810] - Speaker 1
It was a very hot day. Sura and Baya were looking for some food. Suddenly Baya saw a good yummy.
This is my lunch. Take this Norway this is my lunch.

[00:01:52.720] - Speaker 1
You are greedy. I have not eaten for two days then Sura and Gregor out again after a few hours they
were very tired sura had an idea to stop their bad behavior I'm tired of fighting, Baya, said Sura me too
what should we do to stop fighting? Do you have any idea? Ask Baya. Yes, I do.

[00:02:38.250] - Speaker 1
Let's share our territory I live in the water so I look for food in the sea and we live on the land, right? So
you look for the food also on the land. The border is the beach so we will never meet again do you agree?
Ask Sura let me think about it okay, I agree. From today I will never go to the sea again.

[00:03:15.430] - Speaker 1
My place is on the land, say Sura. Then they both live in a different place. But one day Sura went to the
land and looked for the food in their river. He was very hungry and there was not much food in the sea.
Ayah was very angry when he knew that Sura brought the promise.

[00:03:46.930] - Speaker 1
Hey. What are you doing here? This is my place your place is in the sea, said Taija but there is water in
the river, right? So this is also my place, said Suda then Suda and Baija fall again until Suda finally he
went back to the sea zaya was very happy he had his place again the place where they were finally was
so messed. Luck was everywhere.

[00:04:47.140] - Speaker 1
People then always thought about the fight between Sura and Bayya.

[00:04:53.960] - Speaker 1
They then named the place of the fight as Sura Baya. It's from Sura the shark and Baya the crocodile.
People also put their war as a symbol of Surabaya city.

[00:05:10.300] - Speaker 1
So friends, are you interested in hearing this story? I'm sure you are interested that's a story from me
thank you for listening. Bye you.

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