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and Cast.

4 Gender, Religion

Gender and Politics

Public/Private division
Women's Political Representation

1. Boys and girls are brought up to believe that the 1. In India, the proportion of
legislature women in
has been very low
main responsibility of women is housework and
2. The
bringing up children. percentage of elected
2. In villages, women fetch water, collect fuel and members in Lok Sabha
has toucher
work in the fields. In urban areas, p0or women 14.36 percent of its total
strength of the
work as domestic helper in middle class homes, first time in 2019
while middle class women work in offices.
3. The result of this division of labour is that
3. One-third of seats in local government
bodies-in panchayats and municipali
although women constitute half of the humanity, are now
their role in reserved for women.
public life, especially politics, is
4. Political
minimal in most societies. expression of gender division
4. Political expression of and political mobilisation
gender division and political question heb
mobilisation question to improve women's role in
role in public life.
to improve
women's public

Religion, Communalism and Politics

Communalism in Politics
Reflected in routine beliefs such
religious prejudices Formation of Communal
stereotypes parties Mobilisation
Mobilisation on Communal violene
feeling of superiority Political dominance Use of religious communal
communale lines
emotional appeal and fear

Secular State
No official religion
practice andfreedom to
religion or not to follow any Constitutional prohibition against Statecannotintervene

any discrimination on grounds ot religiousmaters

Caste and Politics

Caste Inequalities

Unlike gender and religion, caste Members of the caste group were
same With economic development, large scale
division is special to India. Supposed to form a soclal community that
m s Urbanlsation, growth of literacy and
practiced the same or similar occupation, education, Occupational Mobility and the
married wthin the caste group and did not weakening of the position of landlords inthe
eat with members from other caste villages, the old notions of caste hierarchy
are breaking down.

Caste in Politics

Candidates are chosen keeping Parties and candidates appeal Universal adult franchise and
in mind caste composition of the to caste sentiments to muster principle of one-person-one-vote
electorate Support compels leaders to mobilise all caste
Ruling parties give place to
representatives of different castes

Politics in caste

Politics brings caste Each caste group may join Various caste groups may join Newkinds of caste
system& caste identities other castes or sub castes a coalition and thus give way groups can be formed like
into political arena to form a bigger group to dialogue or negotiation "backwards and forwards

After studying this chapter, you should be able to
understand about gender discrimination and its role in politics
in India
identify the discriminatory practices against women

learn about women's representation in Indian politics

.understand the role of religion in shaping the Indian politics
analyse the effect of communal divisions on Indian politics
understand the term secular state
and of politics on caste
.examine effect of caste on politics
Objective/Very Short Answer Type Questions [1 Mark] (c) State has no official religion
1. Feminist movements' are aimed at: (d) Demands of one religious group are formed
in opposition to another
(a) Liberty (b) Equality Ans. (c)
() Participation (d) Power
3. Which of the following divisions is to
Ans. (b) unique
2. Which one of the following is not a cause of
(a) Gender division
(b) Caste division
(a) Religion is taken as the basis of the nation (c) Economic division
(6) When one religion is discriminated against (d) Religious division
other Ans. (b)
areas Is
to urban
Select the laws enacted by the Parliament for the 10. Shift from

4. known as occupatlonal mobillty.

welfare o f w o m e n .

Marriage Act of 1955 Ans. rural

(a) Special
Prohibition Act of 1961 in polities.
(b) Dowry
11. needs to be expressed
Remuneration Act of 1976
c) Equal Ans. Gender Division
( A l lthe above
closely linked to
12. At present, caste continues to be
Ans. (d)
in India are diseriminated in:
5. Women Ans. economic status
(a) Political life (6) Social life
idea that religion
(c) Economic life (d) All of the above 13. Communal politics is based on the
is the principal basis of social community.
Ans. (d)
6.Sexual Division of labour signifies, that
Gender division emphasises division on
Ans. True
basis of nature of work. have
14. within the same caste or community
Division between men and women. depending on their economic
different interests
(i) Caste is the basis of Gender Division. (True/False)
(iv) Work decides the division between men and
Ans. Truue
and (iv) which stands
(a) . (iäi) and (iv) (b) (), (i) 15. Communalism signifies a n ideology
(d) (iv) and (i)
(c) ) and (ii) for regional harmony and economic equality.
Ans. (b) (True/False)

7. In local self-government
institutions, atleast one
Ans. False
for: ICBSE 2011]
third of all positions are reserved treatment to
(b) women 16. Inequality of women states equal
(a)meen women as compared to men. (True/False)
(c) children
(4) scheduled tribes

Ans. (b) Ans. False

In the given questions (Q.8 Q.9), there a r e
and 17. Match the columns:
Reason (R).
statements marked as Assertion (A) and Column B
Column A
Read the statements and choose the correct option from
(a) Number of girl () Secularist
the following:
(a) A is correct but R is wrong.
children per
thousand boys in a
6) A is wrong but R is correct.
(C) Both A and R a r e true and R is the given period
(i) Communalist
explanation of A. (b) Laws that deal with|
d) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct family related matters
explanation of A. such as marriages,
8. Assertion (A): In India, the proportion of women in
divorce, etc.
legislature has been very low. (c) A person who does iin) Family laws
(R): In the government, cabinets are largely
Reason not discriminate
the Chief
all male even when a woman becomes
others on the basis
Minister or the Prime Minister.
of religious beliefs
Ans. (d)
(d) A person who says ( ) Child sex ratio
. Assertion (A): Gandhiji used to say that religion can
that religion is the
never be separated from politics.
principal basis of
must be guided
Keason (R): He believed that politics community
by ethics drawn from religion.
Ans. (c) Ans. (a) (iv), (b) (ii), (c) (), (d)i)
18. What is gender division? 30. How is politics mobilised on religious lines?
Ans. Sacred religious symbols, leaders, emotional appeal,
Ans. Division of work between the men and the women.
plain fear etc are used to mobilise politics
on religious
19. What do you mean by 'Feminist? ICBSE 2012
Ans. Aman or woman who believes in equal rights and

opportunities for men and women.

31. What is a secular state? ICBSE 2014
women's role Ans. A secular state does not promote any religion and
20. Which two factors helped improve
the right to its citizens to practice and preach
in public life?
Ans. Political expression of gender division and political any religion of their choice.

mobilisation 32. Which leaders worked for the elimination of caste

system in India?
21. Name some countries where participation of
in public life is very high.
women ICBSE 20151 Ans. Jyotiba Phule, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Mahatma Gandhi
and Periyar Ramaswami Naicker.
Ans. Sweden, Norway and Finland.
33. What is caste hierarchy?
22. What does the term patriarchy refer to?
them power Ans. Caste hierarchy is a ladder like formation in which
Ans. Asystem that values men more and gives
over women. all the caste groups are placed from the highest to the
rate of and women in lowest.
23. What is the literacy men

India? 34. Write any two ways by which the caste hierarchy
can be broken.
Ans. Literacy rate of women: 54%
Literacy rate of men: 76% Ans. Two ways by which the caste hierarchy can be
wages to are
24. Name the Act which provides for equal
Growth of literacy
men and women for equal work.
Ans. Equal Remuneration Act of 1976 women from
35. Suggest any one way to protect
25. What does the Equal Wages Act/Equal CBSE 20201
domestie oppresion.
Remuneration Act signify?
work to both men Ans. Educate women about of laws to protect them like,
Ans. Equal wages to be paid for equal etc.
Domestic Violence Act, Inheritance Laws
and women.

26. Who said, "Religion can never be separated from 36. Suggest any one way to create communal harmony
among various communities
of India.|CBSE 20201
Ans. By respecting others faith, religion.
Ans. Gandhiji
differences beneficial?
27. In what way are religious Short Answer
nort Answer Type
Type Questions
Questions [3 Marks]
when all
Ans. Religious differences are beneficial only 37.
. How did
did women
How women achieve gender equality?
achieve gender
and people are able to
religions are treated equally, Or
interests and demands without
express their needs, their
What are Feminist Movements? What were
any fear.
major demands? ICBSE 2012
28. What does the term communalism denote?
the Ans. Women all over the world tried to achieve gender
a belief which is based on
Ans. Communalism denotes
of social community equality in the following ways:
idea that the religion is the basis world organisea
and people who follow religions
different cannot
(a) Women in different parts of the or
themselves into movements and agitated
belong to the same social community.
equal treatment and equal rights.
29. Give any two examples of communal expressions extension of voting
(6) Their main demands were the and
in daily life. women and equal
status in private
rights to
and belief of one's
Ans. Religious prejudices, stereotypes public life.
religious superiority.
The radical movement also demanded for marriage
(6) The laws regarding minimum age
enhancement of the political and legal status
should be strictly enforced.
should be
of women through political empowerment. (c) Employment Programmes for

role has skills and

women's improved in publie launched to strengthen and develop
In what
employment opportunities for
life? be
Women's role has improved in public life in the schemes should
(d) A number of welfare in
to women
following ways: undertaken to provide access

of gender division and education, skill development,
(a) Political expression gender
political mobilisation on the gender issue helped fulfilment of special necessities,
(any three)
improve their role in public life. sensitisation, etc.
women to
values play a role in
Now, women are working
as scientists, doctors, 41. How do ideas, ideals and
ICBSE 2015]
and teachers at
engineers, lawyers, managers politics?
university levels. various
college and Ans. (a) Ideas, ideals and values drawn from
of women highly paid and
Gandhiji said, play a pivotal
(b) The proportion
religions, as

valued jobs has been increasing. role in politics.

are playing an important part in decision As the members of religious community,
(c) They (b) beliefs and
making in public spheres. can express their ideas, needs,
women participation been
increased in demands in politics.
39. How has hold political power
Give a comparative analysis In politics also, those who
the Indian politics? (c)
modern period. can regulate the religious
practice in order to
of early and
in politics was minimal. discrimination and oppression.
w o m e n participation prevent
Ans. Earlier
participate in public affairs,
not allowed to 42. What are the basis of
They were after
vote and contest
for public ofices. It was only Communalism based on the idea that
is religion is
raised in politics that w o m e n got community. It involves
gender issue was of w o m e n in the principal basis of social
to this area. The participation the following lines:
thinking along
Indian politics has been
increased by making it legally religion must belong
fair proportion of
women in the (a) The followers ofa particular
binding to have a
with the s a m e
to one community
elected bodies:
bodies in interests.
One-third of seats in local government who follow different
(a) are now
reserved (6) It also follows that people
Panchayats and Municipalities religions cannot belong
to the same community.
for women. of different religions
than 10 lakh elected
women (c)If the followers and
(6) There are m o r e
communalities, these
are superficial
local bodies. some
representatives in rural and urban bound to be
Their interests are
reservation in immaterial.
made for such a
(c) Effots are being too. different and involve a
Parliament and State communalism leads to the
done. A bill on the
(d) In its extreme form
m o r e has to be
(a) Still a lot belonging to diferent religions
reservation of seats for women has been pending beliefthat people within one nation.
there is no consensus cannot live as equal citizens
before the parliament but (any three)
Over the bill among all the political
(any three) the Indian Constitution
43. State any
four provisions of
of secular state. CBSE 2012]
the social status which makes it a
40. Suggest the steps to improve
women in Indian society. Or
women in
status of of some political
In order to improve the social Secularism is not an ideology
us. need to be
of the foundations
Indian society, the following steps but it is one
so parties or persons,
should be strengthened Examine the statement.
aWomen's organisations of our country."
ICBSE 2018]
initiative in combating injustice
that it may take
against women.
Ans. (a) India has no official religion. Unlike the status ( The provision of Indian Constitutio
tion like
of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Islam in Pakistan
prohibition on caste
untouchability, also led to a change in .
and Hinduism in Nepal, our Constitution does
in caste
not give a special status to any religion.
system. (any three)
harmful to the democratio
(b) Under the Right to Freedom of Religion, Our 47. How is casteism ideals?2
harmful for politics
Ans. Casteism is very
Constitution provides fieedom to all the citizens
damages democratic ideals.
to profess, practice and propagate any religion, or
not to follow any. Cultural and Educational Right (a) Casteism violates and goes against the has.

prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion. principles of the Constitution and democra

(c)The Constitution prohibits discrimination on that is of justice, equality and fraternity.
grounds of religion. (b) Due to casteism, vote ank politics isgiven
(d) The Constitution allows the state to intervene in preference in India. The econo issues are
the matters of religion in order to ensure equality pushed to the background by leaders who.
within religious communities. Untouchability support on the basis of caste.

has also been banned. (c) There is over emphasis on caste nterest loyalty
44. Give the
rather than on national interest.
concept of caste inequality.
(a) It weakens the mechanisation of the polity
Ans. Caste inequality is one of the kinds of social inequality
(e) The government, at the local levels, seeks t
in which people are discriminated against on the basis
retain the traditional domination of the dominant
of origin or caste.
castes, thus, frustrating the emergence of a new
(a) It is the basic constituent of caste system. democratic culture of free and equal citizenship
(6) Caste inequality is both hierarchical and ( Casteism leads to chaos and bargaining in party
segmentary. politics and ministry formation. (any three)
(c) The most detrimental aspect of the caste Besides, casteism leads to violence and polarisation on
inequality is the practice of untouchability. caste lines. Hence, it is very harmful for
45. What the basis of caste and country as well.
Ans. The caste system is based on two factors like: 48. "Caste (system) and politics in India cannot be
(a) Discriminating and excluding the outcaste separated." Justify. CBSE 2013]
groups. Or
(b) Members of the same caste are not allowed to
In what ways does
form different social community and marry in politics influence caste system?
Ans. Caste system is inherent in Indian politics because it
different caste group.
plays a dominant role in the Indianpolitics.
46. What are the reasons for the great change in the
(a)There are
caste system? many caste pressure groups like
the Scheduled Caste Federation, etc., which
Ans. There is a great change in the caste system because influence those who are in power by different
of various factors such as, methods to get their demands met.
(a) The efforts of political leaders and social (6) Caste also plays an important role when
reformers like Jotiba Phule, Gandhiji, B.R. candidates are nominated by political parties
Ambedkar, etc. for a
particular constituency.
(b) Socio-economic changes also brought a change (c) Voters even though illiterate tend to vote 10r
in the caste system. people belonging to their caste, in the hope na
(c) The old concept of caste heirarchy is also they will uphold their caste interest.
d) Political parties have come the
coming down because of economic development, up to prote
interests of the backward classes. Even hile
urbanisation, increase in literacy rate, ministries are formed, different castes are kept
occupational mobility etc.
in mind.
provides that equal
t The scheduled castes and tribes are given (d) Equal Wages Act
The in almost
() reservations in educational institutions, should be paid for equal
work. However,
than men,
legislatures and government jobs. This is of work, women are paid less
all areas
s a m e work.
to remove their historically accumulated even
exactly the
when both do harassed,
Indian society a r e
backwardness. But it has led to strengthening (e) Women every day in of violence
to all sorts
of casteism and caste identity and reservation exploited and subjected
behind the closed doors. Many
cases domestic of
conflicts. (any three) reported in the
violence and dowry deaths
caste is important aspect of
All this shows that
media every day.
politics is believed
The main responsibility of a
that it is not politics housework and bring
40. Prove by giving examples to be that she should do the
caste-ridden, but it is the caste that gets reflected in sexual division
that gets up children. This is
politicised. of labour.
Or 51. Discuss different considerations about religion and
does politics influence caste system?
In what ways Or
Politics too influences caste system and caste identities
Ans. Examine the relationship between religion and
them into the political arena.
by bringing politics.
(a) Each caste group tries to become bigger by
is very
Ans, The relationship between religion and politics
incorporating within it, neighbouring castes or
much guided by religious differences in the country.
sub-castes, which were earlier excluded from it.
we have different consideration
(b) Various caste groups are required to enter into a
religion and politics.
coalition with other castes or communities and
thus enter into a dialogue and negotiation. (a) Gandhiji's view regarding Religion and Politics:
New kinds of caste groups have come up in the
Gandhiji was of the view that religion cannot
(c) be separated from politics. According to him,
political arena like 'backward' and 'forward'
politics must be guided by values drawn from
caste groups.
every religion. Here, Gandhiji didn't mean
Long Answer Type Questions [5 Marks] by religion as any other religion like Islam or
Christianity, but ethical values that are inherent
50. Explain the different aspects of life in which women
are discriminated or disadvantaged in India. in every religion.

ICBSE 2012] (b) Humanist on Religion and Politics: Humanist of

the Human Rights group believed that politics or
Ans. Women in India still face discrimination and oppression
political power must be used to protect religious
in the following ways: minorities because in our country the victims of
(a) The literacy rate among women in our country communal riots are from various minority groups.
is still very low as compared to that of men. (c) Women's movement on religion and politics:
Only a smaller proportion of girl students go Women's movements have argued that it is the
for higher studies because their parents prefer to law of every religion which discriminates
spend their resources for their boys' education against women. So government should modify
rather than on their daughters. these laws in a more equitable manner.
(b) The proportion of women as compared to men (d) All these instances involve a relationship
ratio in India is low as between religion and politics. Sometimes those
Is very low. The sex as

919 females per 1000 males. who hold political power should be able to
C)The proportion of women among the highly paid regulate the practice of religion so as to prevent
and valued jobs is still very low. On an average discrimination and oppression.
an Indian woman works one hour more than an (e) But these political acts are not wrong as long
average man everyday and is still not paid well. as they treat every religion equally.
52. What forms does (b) The social structure of India is based upon
communalism take in politics?
Or the caste system. There is some kind of social
Define communalism as ideology. Explain the forms inequalityand some form of division of labour
of communalism in in all the societies, but the Indian caste
polities. system
is an extreme form of division of labour based
on birth.
How does communalism take various forms in
(c) Although in most societies, occupations are
politics? Explain any five. ICBSE 2016 passed on from one generation to another, but
Ans. Communal politics is based on the idea that religion in India, it is different from other
societies as
is the principal basis of social community. It can take in this system hereditary
various forms in politics:
occupational division
was sanctioned by rituals.
(a) Communalism in every day beliefs: The most (d) The Indian caste system was very rigid. Members
common expression of communalism is in of the same caste group were
everyday beliefs. These routinely involve
supposed to form
a social community that practised the same or
religious prejudices, stereotypes of religious similar occupation, married within the caste
communities and belief in the superiority of group), and did not eat with members from other
one's religion over other religions. caste groups.
(b) Communalism as Majoritarian Dominance and
(e) Indian caste
system continues to be closely
Political Dominance: A communal mind often linked to economic status.
leads to a quest for political dominance of one's
54. Examine the of caste system on Indian
own religious community. For those belonging democratic system. List out any two measures to
to majority community, this takes the form of
eradicate effects of casteism.
majoritarian dominance. For those belonging to
Ans. Casteism is the
the minority community, it can take the form of exploitation of caste consciousness
a desire to form a for narrow political and electoral
separate political unit. gains. For a casteist
(c) Communalism as Political Mobilisation: Political Jattis are the primary relevant for
group political
mobilisation on
religious lines is another bargaining and for capturing power
frequent form of communalism. This involves It has various
implications on society as well as on
the use of sacred symbols, religious leaders, political community like:
emotional appeal and plain fear in order to
(a) Casteism fragments society and weakens national
bring the followers of one religion together in unity. It leads to caste violence and caste interest
the political arena.
(d) Communalism being given predominance over national interest
in the Form of Communal
6) It violates and goes against the democratic
Violence: Sometimes communalism takes its
most ugly form of commual principles of our Constitution that of justice,
violence, riots, equality and fraternity.
and massacre. For
instance, India and Pakistan (c) To maintain and promote caste identity.
suffered some of the worst communal
riots at democratic facilities like fundamental rights,
the time of Partition in 1947.
Tormation of political parties, free media and
(e) To sum
communalism leads to the belief
people belonging to different religions cannot press and even legislative platform are misused.
live as equal citizens within one (d) By encouraging outdated caste loyalities at
nation. Either, different levels of politics, casteism creates an
one of them has to
dominate the rest or they
have to form different nations. obstacle in the development of a secular
(e) Casteism leads to an atmosphere of destruction,
53. Describe any five
features of the caste fear and suspicion in the society. All this in turn
prevailing in India. system
leads to violence and polarisation on caste lines.
Ans. (a) ) Caste also acts
Organisation of people into social groups for the as a divisive factor. The
purpose of marriage, work and diet is known overemphasis on caste interest loyalty rather than
the caste system. national interest and weakens the modernisation
of the polity.
(any three)
to combat the
Evils of Caste System in politics can
Measures Thus, the focus on caste all about
elections are
political leaders, social that
Everyone, including give an impression (anyfive)
(a) reformers and general people, should discourage caste and nothing else.
in politics, people's
steism and work for socio-economic and But, in spite ofthese forms of caste
assessment of the performance
of the government
political harmony. and
leaders matter
The political and regional political parties based and the popularity rating of the
(b) are often decisive in elections.
on caste should be removed from the political
horizon. Case Based Questions
name and aim of educational institutions
(c) The 56. Read the passage below and answer the following
referring to castes should be given up. (any two)
to check the evil effects questions:
this way, we can try or
the main
Boys and girls are brought up to believe that
implications of casteism.
responsibility of women is housework and bringing upP
system is very muuch inherent in politics." children. This is reflected in a SEXUAL DIVISION
E5, "Caste
Justify. OF LABOUR in most families: women do all
Or inside the home such as cooking, cleaning, washing
clothes, tailoring, looking after children, etc., and
What are the various forms of caste in politics?
do all the work outside the home. It is not that
social community. It
Caste is the sole basis of
Ans. cannot do housework; they simply think that it
is for
take various forms in politics. women to attend to these things. When
these jobs are

(a) Selection of Candidates in Politics: When parties paid for, men are ready to take up these works.
choose candidates in elections, they keep in tailors or cooks in hotels are men.
mind the caste composition of the electorate and What is the meaning of sexual division of
nominate candidates from different castes so as
to muster necessary support to win elections. which all work inside the
()A system in
When governments are formed, political parties home is either done by the women of the
usually take care that representatives of different family, or organised by them through
castes and tribes find a place in it. the domestic helpers.
(6) Political Parties as the Representatives of Caste A system in which all work outside

Political parties and candidates in elections make the home is done by the women of the
appeals to caste sentiments to muster support. family only.
Some political parties are known to favour some (iii) A system in which all work inside and
castes and are seen as their representatives. outside the home is done by the women
(c) Caste influences Universal Adult Franchise: of the family only.
Universal adult franchise and the principle (iv) A system in which all work inside the
home is done by the men of the family.
of one-person one-vote compelled political
leaders to gear up to the task of mobilising (b) Why most tailors or cooks in hotels are men?
and securing political support. It also brought ()Because these are easy work.
new consciousness among the people of Because these jobs are paid for.
castes that were hitherto treated as inferior (ii) Because these jobs are highly paid.
(iv) Because these are most difficult work.
and low.
(c)Which of the following works women are paid
)Various caste groups are required to enter into a
coalition with other castes or communities and
thus enter into a dialogue and negotiation. )Fetch water
(i) Collect fuel
(e) New kinds of caste groups have come up in the
(ii) Work in the fields
political arena like backward and forward caste
(iv) Work in oftices
() How does women affected by this sexual (iän Demonstrations by NGOs
division of labour? (iv) To have more men
sensitive ta
) Their work is valued more than men.
() They do domestic labour only.
gender division toward
Ans. (a) (ii), (b) (i), (c)()
(i) Their work is not valued and does not
58. Read the passage below and answer
get recognition. the
v) Theirwork get recognition outside home. questions: following
Ans. (a) i), (6) (i). When beliefs of one religion are
()(), (d) (ii) presented as
57. Read the passage below and answer the
to those of other religions, when the
demands superio
questions: religious group are ormed in opposition to ofof one
Women in different parts of the world and when state power is used to
establish anothe
of one religious group over the rest. dominat.
organised and nation
agitated for equal rights. There were agitations in This mannero
different countries for the extension of
voting rights using religion in politics Is communal
to women. These politics.
agitations demanded enhancing the (Which of the folowing
political and
legal status of women and improving religion in politics is communal of usino
their educational and career
opportunities. More 1. When one polities?
radical women's movements aimed at religion and its followers
equality in pitted against another.
personal and family life as well. These movements 2.
are called FEMINIST When beliefs of one
movements. religion
(a) What was happened when presented as superior to those of other
in politics?
gender issue raised religions.
3. When the demands of one
() Women in different parts of the world religious
group are formed in
organised and agitated for equal opposition t
rights. another.
i) There 4. When state
agitations in different
were power is used to establish
countries for the extension of domination of one religious group over
rights to women.
voting the rest.
(iüi) Both () and (i) Select the correct
(iv) The issue was criticized ) 1,2,3 (i) 3,4
by every
section of society all over the (ii) 1, 2, 3, 4
(b) What were the demands of the
world. (iv) 1,3,4
women's (6) Communalism involves
movements? thinking along the
following lines. Find the incorrect one.
1. Enhance the
political and legal status () People belonging to different religions
of women. can live
equal citizens within one
Improving their educational and career nation.
opportunities. (in) Any difference that people of one
3. Equality in personal and family life as
well. religion may have is irrelevant or
4. trivial for community life.
Liberty in economic sphere. (ii) It follows that
Select the correct people who follow
option. different religions cannot belong to
)1,2,4 (Gi) 1,2,3
(i) 2,3, 4 the same social
iv) 1,2, 3, 4 community.
(c) According to many feminists (iv) The followers of a
and women's particular religo
movements, how can the issues related to must belong to one community and
women's well being get their fundamental interests are tne
adequate attention?
)To have more women as elected same.
representatives (c) In which of the
following ways is polnt
(ii) To have women more mobilised on religious line?
independent ) Use of sacred symbols
(ii) Use of religious leaders
iii) Use of emotional appeal and plain fear declare India
(6) What constitutional provisions
in order to bring the followers of one
to be a secular state?
religion together in the political arena. (C)Why do we need to combat communalism?
(iv) All of the above
Ans. (a) Secularism: It is a principle that treats all religion

Ans. (a) (iii), (6) (i). (c) (iv) equal and advocates that
state do not favour any

Q Read the passage below and answer the following particular religion.
The constitutional provisions that
declare India
questions: (6)
to be a secular state are:
Secularism is not just an ideology of some parties or () There is no official religion for the Indian
nersons. This idea constitutes one of the foundations
of our country. Communalism should not be seen The constitution provides freedom to
to some people in India. It threatens the (ii)
as a threat
India. That is why communalism needs profess, practice and propogate any
very idea of not to follow any.
A secular Constitution like ours is
religion, or
to be combated.
(ii) The constitution prohibits discrimination
necessary but not sufficient to combat communalism. on the grounds of religion.
Communal prejudices and propaganda need to (c) Communalism should not be seen as a threat to
be countered in everyday life and religion based some India. It threatens the very idea
people in
mobilisation needs to be countered in the arena of of India. It creates violence and disharmony in
politics. the society. That is why communalism needs to
(a) What is secularism? be combated.

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