How The Life of Winston Churchill During Prime Minister Is Present Today

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How the life of Winston Churchill as prime minister

is present in today’s society

Winston Churchill, the most excellent prime minister of

the British Empire during World War 2, was known for
his “We shall fight on the beaches” speech, which rallied
the people of the British Empire.
As well as his outstanding “Operation Dynamo” that
saved 338,000 troops in 9 days. Because of this, the
tide of the war favored the allies.
But what did he have to endure while being prime
minister of the Great British Empire?

Before Churchill ever got the title, he was a chancellor of

the exchequer; in other words, he was working as the
head of his Majesty’s treasury. When he was voted
prime minister, he experienced many hardships; he was
judged… Judged due to the poor management of his
anger, but in the end, he had the last laugh. Why is this
connected to today’s society, you may ask? Well, no
matter how much discrimination and judgment Churchill
experienced… He still managed to overcome these
obstacles and focused on his goal. Today, men and
women are easily disheartened, discouraged, and
judged for their abilities. He was like a caged animal,
controlled by those around him, but he did not let that
stop him,
I, for one, have also experienced feeling disheartened
by demoralizing words and limited to what I can be
doing, we are held back, our ideas, our creativity and
whatnot. Our society is filled with problematic people
that are discriminating, discouraging, and irksome, but
still, I tell you we must be ready to endure the pain and
pass over obstacles. Because even when Churchill was
demoralized, and controlled, he never gave in; he never
stepped down as prime minister.
He led the allies to victory, just like how we should lead
our lives to be victorious; we must be ready to sacrifice
just as how Churchill sacrificed planes, ships, and men
to save 338,000 troops. Every move we make will
influence our future. We see that even the mightiest of
man, down to the lowest of the low, experiences these
Therefore, I have come to the end of my speech; in
summary, I have spoken about… why we must not give
up in the face of hardships. Why we must endure until
the end, why we must not be disheartened and
demoralized, and why we need to strengthen our
resolve and not lose faith in ourselves. Because after
every obstacle, there will be a reward waiting for us.

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