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E S L L E S S O N P L A N MARCH 2008

Bottled or Tap?
Language Function: Vocabulary/Topic:

discussing issues; reading comprehension water, environment, beverages, drink containers


focus on talking
activity 1. In pairs, ask and answer the questions below. What beverages do you drink regularly? Which one is your favourite? Which of the beverages you drink do you consider healthy?

any type of drink except water

Do you prefer zzy or at mineral water? Do you have a favourite brand of mineral water? In what way is it different to other brands? Do you often drink tap water? If not, why?

focus on reading: comprehension

activity 2. Read the text on page 2 to find out if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. 1. Most bottled water sold in the USA is consumed by Americans in their homes. 2. People believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water. 3. According to Cynthia Sass, drinking bottled water is harmful and can cause cancer or AIDS. 4. Bottled water is more expensive than beer or wine. 5. Most bottles used for mineral water are recycled. 6. The campaign against bottled water is supported by some restaurants and chefs. 7. The evidence gathered so far suggests that bottled water is healthier than tap water. - photocopiable 1

Bottled or Tap?


Thirsty Britons are drinking 2 billion litres of bottled water

a year. In the US, bottled water has become the fastest growing commercial beverage, as Americans spend on it $10 billion annually. Most people buy bottled water when they are out and about, but some go one step further and stock up their fridges, preferring bottles to the water that comes through their taps. Why is that so? Due to seductive advertising, often added vitamins, and claims that bottled water is subject to more aggressive quality standards, it is believed to be healthier, safer and more nutritious. However, according to a leading American nutritionist, Cynthia Sass, bottled water does not deserve the nutritional halo that most people give it for being so pure. In fact, in 22% of 1000 bottles of 103 different brands, researchers found synthetic chemicals, bacteria and arsenic. Most healthy adults can tolerate trace amounts of these contaminants, but Sass notes that some people such as cancer patients, HIV positive patients, pregnant women, children and the elderly should be more aware of their water source. Is tap water an alternative then? Well, it is definitely cheaper. Bottled water costs 500 times more than tap water, the equivalent of paying 1,500 for a pint of beer or glass of wine. Furthermore, as claimed by British Environment Minister Phil Woolas, it is also safe and available anywhere. Additionally, bottled water is becoming an environmental no-no, as only 1 in 4 bottles is recycled. However, tap water is not flawless either. It contains fluoride and chloride, both of which encourage weight gain. Amongst other chemicals found in tap water are substances linked to breast cancer, industrial chemicals causing problems in mens reproductive areas, as well as anti-depressants, lead and copper.

Whose Arguments

Hold Water?
The backlash against bottled water has already led to a decision that it will no longer be served by the Westminster government during official meetings. Also hundreds of restaurants and chefs backed the campaign urging people to turn back to tap water. To date, no independent investigation has shown which type of water is safer and healthier. Therefore, given the lack of objective research or evidence to favour bottled water or tap water, the decision on which to drink comes down to individual choice.
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Bottled or Tap?


focus on vocabulary
activity 3. explain the meaning of the words and phrases by completing the sentences. 1. When you are thirsty, you ....................................................................................................... . 2. If someone has been out and about, it means that they ......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................ 3. When you need to stock up your fridge, you have to ............................................................. . 4. If something is seductive, it is ................................................................................................ . 5. If something is nutritious, it .................................................................................................... . 6. If we believe that bottled water does not deserve the nutritional halo other people give it, we think that ............................................................................................................................... . 7. Contaminants are substances that ........................................................................................ . 8. If a thing or a way of behaving is a no-no, it means it is not .................................................. . 9. If something is awless, it is .................................................................................................. . 10. A backlash against something is ........................................................................................... .

the amount of carbon dioxide emitted due to the the consumption of fossil fuels by a particular person, group, etc. Carbon footprint is a useful measure of the impact of human activities on the environment.

focus on talking
activity 4. Discuss the questions below.
Do you think that your attitude towards bottled water has changed after reading the article? Which argument do you nd more persuasive? o o tap water is equally good as bottled water but much cheaper drinking bottled water increases your carbon footprint
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Bottled or Tap?


focus on vocabulary: drinks & containers

activity 5. Which of these words mean drinks and which are types of containers. Put (D) next to a drink and (C) next to containers. activity 6. Now, answer these questions the questions below.
booze beaker goblet jug spirit demitasse hip ask pitcher shot decanter mug pop carafe lager liquor

1. Which of the containers is often used for drinking tea or coffee? ................................................................... 2. Which container is a plastic or paper cup? ..................................................................................................... 3. Which words are names of alcoholic drinks? ................................................................................................ 4. Which of the containers is wine usually served in? ........................................................................................ 5. Which word is used for a zzy drink that is not alcoholic? ............................................................................. 6. Which two words from the box mean the same object - a container with a handle and a lip for holding and pouring liquids (one AmE term and one BrE term) ......................................................................................... 7. Which of the words is a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink? ................................................................ 8. Which word is used for a small cup for black coffee served following dinner? ............................................... 9. Which word is used in the USA for strong alcoholic drinks? ........................................................................... 10. Which word is used in the UK for strong alcoholic drinks? ............................................................................. 11. Which word means a small, at bottle made of metal or glass used for carrying alcohol? ............................. 12. Which of the containers is a cup for wine made of glass or metal? ................................................................

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A N S W E R S & G U I D E L I N E S - Bottled or Tap?

activity 1. PAIRS or WHOLE GROUP activity 2. INDIVIDUALLY


activity 4. PAIRS or WHOLE GROUP activity 5. INDIVIDUALLY

booze (D), demitasse (C), mug (C), beaker (C), hip ask (C), pop (D), goblet (C), pitcher (C), carafe (C), jug (C), shot (D), lager (D), spirit (D), decanter (C), liquor (D)


1. mug 2. beaker 3. booze, shot, lager, spirit, liquor 4. goblet, carafe, decanter 5. pop 6. jug (BrE) - pitcher (AmE) 7. shot 8. demitasse 9. liquor 10.spirit 11.hip ask 12.goblet

activity 3. INDIVIDUALLY or PAIRS (suggested answers)

1. When you are thirsty, you want to drink something. 2. If someone has been out and about, it means that they travelling around a place. 3. When you need to stock up your fridge, you have to ll it with food. 4. If something is seductive, it is attractive in a way that makes you want to have something. 5. If something is nutritious, it contains many of the substances which help the body to grow. 6. If we believe that bottled water does not deserve the nutritional halo other people give it, we think that bottled water is not so nutritious that people say it is . 7. Contaminants are substances that make something impure. 8. If a thing or a way of behaving is a no-no, it means it is not acceptable. 9. If something is awless, it is perfect. 10. A backlash against something is a strong negative reaction by a large number of people. - photocopiable

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