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Masrayati, M.Pd
The Teacher in SD Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan

Abstract : The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement in the ability of
classroom teachers in managing learning at SD Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan after
supervision/coaching actions were carried out. This School Action Research was conducted at SD
Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan. The type of action in this research is in the form of real action,
namely guiding teachers in carrying out learning activities through academic supervision. The
research was conducted in the first semester, precisely in July – November 2014. The subjects of
this school action research were class teachers at SD Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan with a total
of 6 teachers.The results showed that teacher performance increased after taking actions in the
form of collaborative educational supervision periodically from cycle I to cycle II. These
improvements include improvements in preparing lesson plans, implementing learning, assessing
learning achievement, carrying out follow-up assessments of student achievement. 98% while the
second cycle 92.44%. The teacher's performance in implementing the first cycle of learning reached
75.49% while the second cycle reached 93.81%. Teacher performance in assessing learning
achievement in the first cycle reached 81.3% while the second cycle was 90.56%. The teacher's
performance in carrying out the follow-up to the assessment of student achievement in the first
cycle reached 54% while the second cycle was 59.76%. Thus, the average cycle II action was
already above 83%. Based on the results of the action research, it can be concluded that teacher
performance increases in preparing lesson plans, implementing learning, assessing learning
achievement, carrying out follow-up assessments of student achievement. For this reason,
researchers suggest that educational supervision in schools carry out collaborative educational
supervision periodically.

Keywords: Performance, supervision, educative

Abstrak : Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan

kemampuan guru kelas dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran SD Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan
setelah dilakukan tindakan supervisi/pembinaan. Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah ini dilakukan di SD
Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan. Jenis tindakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa tindakan
nyata yaitu membimbing guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran melalui supervisi
Akademik. Penelitian dilakukan pada semester I, tepatnya pada bulan Juli – Nopember 2014.
Subjek penelitian tindakan sekolah ini adalah guru kelas di SD Negeri 200111
Padangsidimpuandengan jumlah 6 guru. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja guru
meningkat setelah dilakukan tindakan yang berupa supervisi edukatif kolaboratif secara periodik
dari siklus I ke siklus II. Peningkatan tersebut meliputi peningkatan dalam menyusun rencana
pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, menilai prestasi belajar, melaksanakan tindak lanjut
penilaian prestasi belajar siswa Berdasarkan hasil supervisi edukatif siklus I dan siklus II kinerja
guru meningkat, yakni siklus I Kinerja guru dalam menyusun rencana pembelajaran siklus I
mencapai 71,98 % sedangkan siklus II 92,44 %. Kinerja guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran
siklus I mencapai 75,49 % sedangkan siklus II mencapai 93,81 %. Kinerja guru dalam menilai
prestasi belajar siklus I mencapai 81,3 % sedangkan siklus II 90,56 %. Kinerja guru dalam
melaksanakan tindak lanjut penilaian prestasi belajar siswa pada siklus I mencapai 54 %
sedangkan siklus II 59,76 %. Dengan demikian tindakan siklus II rata-rata sudah di atas 83 %.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja guru meningkat
dalam menyusun rencana pembelajaran, melaksanakan pembelajaran, menilai prestasi belajar,
melaksanakan tindak lanjut penilaian prestasi belajar siswa. Untuk itu, peneliti menyarankan agar
supervisi edukatif di sekolah-sekolah melaksanakan supervisi edukatif kolaboratif secara periodik.

Kata kunci : Kinerja, supervisi, edukatif


According to the Teacher Law article 1 paragraph 1 (2006:3)

teachers are professional educators with the main tasks: educating,

teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating

students in early childhood education through formal education,

basic education and middle education. In order to improve the

quality of education in Indonesia, the government has enacted the

Law on the Education System. The law contains twenty-two

chapters, seventy-seven articles and their explanations. The

Education System Law (2003:37) explains that every reform of the

national education system is to update the vision, mission and

strategy of national education development. The national education

vision includes (1) seeking to expand and equalize opportunities to

obtain quality education for all Indonesian people, (2) assist and
facilitate the development of the nation's full potential from an early

age to the end of life in order to create a learning society, (3)

improve the readiness of inputs and the quality of the education

process to optimize the formation of a moral personality, (4)

increase the professionalism and accountability of educational

institutions as centers of acculturation of knowledge, skills,

experience, attitudes, and values based on national and global

standards, (5) Empower community participation in the

implementation of education based on the principle of autonomy in

the context of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

A teacher must always improve his professional abilities,

knowledge, attitudes and skills continuously according to the

development of science and technology, including the new paradigm

of education. According to the Director General of Primary and

Secondary Education of the Ministry of National Education (2004:2)

a teacher must meet three competency standards, including: (1)

Learning Management Competencies and Educational Insights, (2)

Academic/Vocational Competencies according to learning materials,

(3) Development Profession. The three competencies are aimed at

quality teachers, making quality learning as well, which ultimately

improves the quality of Indonesian education.

To achieve these three competencies, schools must carry out

coaching for teachers through workshops, PKG, discussions and

educational supervision. This must be done periodically so that the

performance and insight of teachers increases because based on

discussions conducted by teachers at SD Negeri 200111

Padangsidimpuan, the low performance and insight of teachers is

due to (1) low awareness of teachers to learn, (2) lack of

opportunities for teachers to participate in training, both physically

and mentally. regional and national, (3) less effective PKG, (4)

educational supervision aimed at improving the learning process

tends to focus on administrative aspects.

To improve the performance and insight of teachers in learning

at SD Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan, the school carried out

action research related to the problems above. Due to the limitations

of the researcher, this research is only focused on educative

supervision, so the title of the action research is "Improving Teacher

Performance in Classroom Learning Through Periodic Collaborative

Educational Supervision".


The Research is conducted by using Class Action Research.

This research was conducted at SD Negeri 200111

Padangsidimpuan in the 2017/2018 school year. In that year many

research results did not lead to improving the quality of education.

The Researcher took the place of research at SD Negeri

200111 Padangsidimpuan because the SD was an SD that was

fostered by the researcher. The teachers at SD Negeri 200111

Padangsidimpuan are civil servants, and their diplomas vary,

namely, diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate certificates. The

research time is in the 2017/2018 academic year. During the

research, the researcher collected initial data, developed a

supervision program, carried out supervision, analyzed, and

followed up.

Percentage of Success in Cycle I

71.98 72.44 81.3 59.76
Perencanaan Pelaksanaan Penilaian Tindak Lanjut

1. Implementation of Follow-up Cycle I

Based on the descriptions and reflections above,

researchers and teachers took follow-up actions related to the

actions that needed to be taken in the second cycle, both related

to planning, implementation, and assessment.

Percentage of Success in Cycle II

92.44 93.81 90.56 83
Perencanaan Pelaksanaan Penilaian Tindak Lanjut

Comparison of the Success of Cycle I with Cycle II

92.44 93.81
100 90.56
81.3 83

80 71.98 72.44




Perencanaan Pelaksanaan Penilaian Tindak Lanjut
2. Implementation of Follow-up Cycle II

Based on the description and reflection above, the

researcher, teacher and researcher stopped this action research

because the results obtained after the action, both those carried

out by the researcher and the teacher were satisfactory. Based

on the description and reflection above, the researcher and

teacher stopped this action research because the results

obtained after the action, both those carried out by the researcher

and the teacher were satisfactory.


The discussion is based on existing theories, both based on

references and from the sayings of experts in this research field.

The discussion of the results of this study is as follows :

The first finding is that teacher performance increases in making

lesson plans. This happened because of the cooperation between

the classroom teachers with one another and was given direction by

the researcher. Steps that can improve teacher performance in

making learning preparations are: (1) Researchers provide a

supervision format and supervision schedule at the beginning of the

school year or the beginning of the semester. Implementation of

supervision is not only done once, (2) Researchers always ask the

development of making learning tools (reminding how important

learning tools are), (3) one week before the implementation of

supervision of learning tools, Researchers ask the format of the

assessment, if the format is given at the beginning of the school

year lost, the teacher in question is asked to photocopy the school

file. If there are still many such formats in schools, the teacher is

given back. Along with giving/asking for the format, the researcher

asks for the collection of learning tools that he has made to examine

the advantages and disadvantages, (4) The researcher gives

special notes on the sheet to be given to the teacher who will be

supervised. (5) Researchers in assessing learning tools are

attentive and do not reflect as assessors. Researchers act as a

collaboration. Researchers guide, direct teachers who can't, but

researchers also accept positive teacher arguments. With this, a

close relationship is created between the teacher and the

researcher. Of course this will bring positive value in the

implementation of learning.

The second finding is that teacher performance increases in

carrying out learning. In this action research, it turned out that

almost all of the 6 teachers were able to carry out learning well. This

is evident from the results of supervision. The steps taken to

improve the implementation of learning based on this action

research are: (1) The researcher who observes the teacher teaching

not as an assessor but as a co-worker who is ready to help the

teacher, (2) During the implementation of supervision in the

classroom the teacher does not consider the researcher as

assessors because before the implementation of teacher

supervision and researchers have discussed the problems that exist

in the learning, (3) Researchers record all events that occur in

learning both positive and negative, (4) Researchers always give

examples of Modern-oriented learning Learning. (5) If there are

teachers whose learning objectives are unclear, presentation,

feedback, the researcher provides examples of how to explain the

objectives, present, give feedback to the teacher, (6) After the

teacher is given examples of modern learning, the researcher visits

every two or three weeks or follow the teacher in the learning


The third finding is that teacher performance increases in

assessing student achievement. In the action research conducted at

SD Negeri 200111 Padangsidimpuan, it turns out that the

implementation of collaborative educational supervision periodically

has a positive impact on teachers in preparing

questions/assessment tools, implementing, examining, assessing,

processing, analyzing, concluding, compiling reports and improving

questions. Before collaborative educational supervision was held,

many teachers had difficulties in carrying out assessments. The

steps taken in periodic collaborative educational supervision that

can improve teacher performance are: (1) Researchers discuss with

teachers in making assessment tools before supervision is carried

out, (2) Teachers carry out assessments according to the rules that

have been set together with researchers who are collaborative in

learning, (3) the teacher makes assessment criteria related to

scoring, weighting, and value processing, which before the

implementation of supervision is discussed with the researcher, (4)

the teacher analyzes the results of the assessment and reports it to

curriculum affairs.

The fourth finding is that teacher performance increases in

carrying out follow-up on the results of the assessment of students'

learning achievements. Steps that can improve teacher performance

in collaborative educational supervision are: (1) Researchers and

teachers together make a follow-up program on the results of the

assessment, (2) Researchers provide examples of follow-up

implementation, which is finally continued by the teacher in the

actual implementation, (3) Researchers invite discussions with

teachers who have created, implemented, and analyzed follow-up


The fifth finding, teacher performance increases in preparing

learning programs, implementing learning, assessing learning

achievement, and implementing follow-up on student achievement


Based on the findings of the research, there are four things put

forward in this action research, namely the conclusions about: (1)

Improving teacher performance in preparing lesson plans, (2)

Improving teacher performance in implementing learning, (3) Improving

teacher performance in assessing learning achievement, (4) Improving

teacher performance in carrying out follow-up on the results of student

achievement assessments.

First, about improving teacher performance in preparing lesson

plans, it can be concluded as follows.

1. Researchers who come from peers can apply teachers to formulate

specific learning objectives.

2. Researchers who come from peers can facilitate communication

between teachers in making lesson plans.

3. Implementation of collaborative educational supervision periodically

can improve teacher performance in preparing learning plans.

Second, about improving teacher performance in carrying out

learning can be concluded as follows.

1. Researchers who come from peers can apply teachers to

implementing learning in the classroom.

2. Researchers who come from peers can facilitate communication

between teachers in carrying out learning in the classroom.

3. Implementation of collaborative educational supervision periodically

can improve teacher performance in carrying out learning.

Third, about improving teacher performance in assessing

learning achievement can be concluded as follows.

1. Researchers who come from peers can make it easier for teachers

to consult in making assessment tools.

2. Researchers who come from peers can facilitate communication

between teachers in carrying out the assessment and analysis of

the results of the assessment.

3. Implementation of periodic collaborative educational supervision can

improve teacher performance in assessing student achievement.

Fourth, regarding the improvement of teacher performance in

carrying out the follow-up to the results of the student achievement

assessment, it can be concluded as follows.

1. Researchers who come from peers can make it easier for teachers

to follow up on the results of student achievement assessments.

2. Researchers who come from peers can facilitate communication

between teachers in carrying out follow-up on the results of student

achievement assessments.

3. Implementation of collaborative educational supervision periodically

can improve teacher performance in carrying out follow-up on

student achievement assessment results.

Based on the improvement of teacher performance, both lesson

plans, implementation of learning, assessment of learning outcomes,

and implementation of follow-up on student assessment results, it turns

out that it affects student exam results in 2017.

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