Decision Making Quiz NSTP

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Decision - Making plays vital role in our daily lives, it might make or broke your days if we hit the


For today's lesson, elaborate the process you undergone on how you came up with your decision on
your current course.

Think before you hit any key...

Post your answer in the comment section.

Decision-making for me is trying to have a good decision or a choice that you make about
something after thinking about it. Deciding what course to take in college is also a decision making and it
is one of the toughest decision a student will ever make in our life. College students choose their courses
for many reasons. When a student is choosing a course at certain times, they may not have all the facts
or details about the course they will be pursuing.

For me, at first, I don’t know what course should I take and I don’t know what course I really like
but now I see myself as an accountant in the future. I’m pursuing my first year in BSA course and I'm
happy I'm having my dream course that I've plotted. It is one of the best careers available today. It is a
career path and not just a job. The skills that you learn will apply to any career that you take.

Accountancy is a profession that is as prestigious as becoming a doctor or a lawyer. You need to

make self-assessment first to know more about yourself and also align your strength to your skills and
interest to find your passion on choosing what course you really want and the last is research and
identify the possible careers which is align to your strength, skills and interest. Now, I'm having no
regrets and to the point that I am willing to lend all my power although you get tired of all the things
that you do as long as you are happy, you will not regret anything.

The most important thing when you have a decision making is to choose a course and career
path that matches your interests and skill set as well as your overall life goals. Considering prospective
careers and employment opportunities, being successful is not the key of happiness. Happiness is the
key of success because if you love what you are doing right now, you'll be successful. What you will
choose today will impact the rest of your life.

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