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DiagnosticSystems MA13


 Teach-In 6510 046 1-26

 ParameterEntrytoAPIonParameterEntryPanel 6510 056 1-21

 ParameterEntrytoCPIonParameterEntryPanel 6510 059 1-32

 ClearviewdisplayMKA 6599 001 1-13


Preparedby:QMS Dateof Changes:

issue:15.07.06 SeeNorÜ Page: 1
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.


Function display
flashing 1)

Start/Stop button

Pulsese LK sensor
Run: IS/RS 2)
UP direction with IS
Down direction with IS
Check-back SR module
Program selector wheel
Safety circuit EK LN sensor
TK W/W1 contactor
KT WO/WU contactor

Altogether 16 functions can be inerrogated or handled with diagnostic unit I. The individual functions can be set with the pro-
gram selector wheel.
The selected function appears in trhe seven-segment display (flashing display).

Attention! Operating manual, part 13, onyl contains exact teach-in sequence.

) With the 7-segment display flashing, the functions shown on the sides will be displayed by the ligth-emitting diodes in rows A and B.
) IS ... inspection operation, RS ... emergency electrical operation

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 1
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Diagnostic unit for lift control TCI and TCM

Functions selectable for TCI with work program from version 04.86/3 for TCM with MC, MC1, TCM-MC2 and lift with Decentra-
lized Control System.

Function Designation Description Seite

00 00 Memory locations Interrogation or display of specific memory locations
01 00 Error stack Reading out error stack and event stack
02 00 Order number display Possible from work program version 06.88/6
03 00 Position display Car position indicator on 7-segment display; LEDs are of no signifi-

See operation instructions diagnostic unit I

04 00 Operation phase The respective operation phase is indicated on 7-segment display
and through LEDs.
05 00 Memory locations Display of important mamory locations (car) through LEDs in row A
and B.
06 00 Door locking device Main door: display by LEDs in row A and B
07 00 Door locking device Rear door: display by LEDs in row A and B
07 00 CPI parameter Display of parameters CPI controller (only with TCM control)
08 00 Car calls Giving car calls for main door landings
09 00 Landing calls Giving DOWN calls (TU) – main door side
10 00 Landing calls Giving UP calls (TO) – main door side
11 00 Car calls Giving car calls for rear door landings
12 00 Landing calls Giving DOWN calls (TU) – rear door side
13 00 Landing calls Giving UP calls (TO) – rear door side
14 00 Version display and marking Display of CPU work program version and display of issue date.
flag Display of MW1 work program version.
Enter marking flag in error stack.
15 00 Teach-In Teach-in program for drive systems:
− FV, hydraulik-drive system, Isostop 16M 3 – 16
− controled hydraulik-Antrieb (Beringer)
15 00 Teach-In Teach-in program for drive system:
− Isostop 25M,
− Isostop 40SW (SM, RM) 17 - 26
− Isostop 60 (API, API-S, CPI)

Handling (also see description from page24)

Plug the diagnostic unit into CPU; a function display (flashing) must appear. Select the desired function with the program se-
lector wheel.

Switching from one function to another is only possible if the 7-segment display is flashing.

Aborting a selected function: turn program selector wheel by one step and then press start/stop button >2 s.
In the teach-in function it is possible to abort teach-in throughAF 00 or by turning the main switch off and on.

The following explanations and functional descriptions of TCI/TCM tester apply to all working program version from 04.86.

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Issue: 08.02 Page: 2
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Function 15 00 Teach-in

Control generations TCI and TCM with drive variants FV, controlled and variable-speed hydraulic drive and Isostop 16M drive

Dependent on the control type and drive variant involved, the AF functions listed below can appear in a different sequence on
the display (seven-segment display) of the diagnostic unit.
Specific AF functions can only be activated in specific drive variants or to customer’s specification (compare lift installation
data sheet).

It is only possible to enter the teach-in mode with the seven-segment display flashing and the emergency electrical operation
switch (or inspection operation switch) turned on.

Entry into the 15 00 to be selected with program selector wheel and to be switched on with
teach-in-Modus Emergency electrical operation switch

15 AF operate buttons (or turn selector switch counter-clockwise); AF 0d or

AF 10 will appear.

Program default AF 0C The default values will be set in the TCM without changing the specifically entered
values (without parameter values (e.g. meaningful for automatic landing coding).
parameter change)

Program default AF 0d − The default values will be programmed automatically after pressing the button:
values (with − Control parameters in variable-speed lift drives, if circuit board MW1 or
parameter change) MD1 is used.
− Waiting time parking run (10 s)
− Soft start-up with controlled hydraulic lift installations (300 ms)
− Return time with hydraulic installation (15 min)
− Threshold level with reduced overtravel, or deceleration control

Landing coding With AF 0C of AF 0d, landings are automatically coded on circuit boards MS2 –
with TCM (see also main side and rear entrance side.
MA 12 6510.063, Error in landing coding in main side landing XX:
section 4) Error in landing coding in rear entrance side landing XX:
Circuit board MS2 is not yet mounted in shaft or shaft bus line is not yet connected
or it is interrupted.
Leave the teach-in mode in the event of error (main switch OFF/ON).
After re-entry, skip function AF 0d with selector wheel and continue with teach-in.

Error in assignment table A (error in order processing)

Error in assignment table B (error in order processing)

The default values will be automatically programmed on pressing pushbutton AF 0d. This means that all values specifically
entered will thereby be cleared again. If required, change the default values by reprogramming.
Always perform teach-in function AF 0d or AF 0C (TCM) whenever work programs or specific circuit boards are exchanged.
In the TCI/TCM control, function AF 0d will only appear after shaft or speed teach-in, dependent on the drive variant involved.

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 3
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Shaft teach-in AF 10 Move car below the lowest landing as shown.

Landing vanes:
Sensors LK or LK/LN must be below the level window of the lowest landing vane.

LN-Sensor *)

LK-Sensor **) LN-Sensor


Normal operation with running-open operation and

re-levelling with the door open.

*) For hydraulic lifts with an underrun of 50 mm, start teach-in with LK sensor as in normal
service. LN sensor dashed.
**) The LK sensor can also be in the blackened out (marked with broken lines) area of the LN
sensor in case of new working programs.

LED(s) for sensor(s) and pulse generator must light

LK-sensor LED 12 row A
LN-sensor LED 16 row A
Pulse generator LED 8 row B (flashes, e.g. if car is moved by
means of handwheel)
Press button and the following will be displayed:
AF 11 Turn off emergency electrical operation switch and operate button
Car moves to top terminal landing; in so doing, the floor-to-floor distance and the
landing coding will be taught and stored.
In FV drives, the lift will start at inspection operation speed and it changes to rated
speed automatically until it switches to inspection operation speed again one
landing short of the terminal landing and stops in the terminal landing.
In higher-quality drives (Isostop 25M, Isostop 60), the lift will start at re-levelling
speed and will then move through the shaft at adjusting speed.

EE0A Limit switch reached; shaft information is stored into EEPROM. This operation can
require a longer period of time, particularly, if a so-called refresh is made (after
using new EPROMs or a new CPU). It is displayed on the diagnostic unit by EE OF.
AF12 Wait for finished message

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Issue: 08.02 Page: 4
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Possible errorsin shaft teach- The landing vane of the upper terminal landing must be marked (e.g. with No. 99); if not, the car
in will move into the limit switch (emergency shutdown).
If the car does not reach the terminal landing, sensors LK and/or LN will have to be checked.

The sensors must receive correct information about the landing vanes.
While shaft teach-in is in progress, the
− Number of landings, and
− Specific code numbers
are continuously being shown on the seven-segment display. The code numbers are repeated in
each vane area.
If the teach-function shaft teach-in cannot be performed or if the lift stops after a short path, the
existing fault can be located by means of the code number.

Teach-in code numbers in the event of faults:

AF E0 Multiplication overflow
AF E1*) Number of pulses per raster unit too large (>255 pulses/raster unit) 1)
AF E2 Number of pulses per raster unit too small (< 7 pulses/raster unit)
AF E3 Level window of landing vane too large
AF E4 Level window of landing vane too small
AF E5 Upper landing does not equal the data specified in the lift-specific
program (check order number)
AF E6 Two identical landing vanes have been mounted in the shaft
AF E7 Spare (not used)
AF E8 Spare (not used)
AF E9 Spare (not used)
AF Eb Distance between sensors LK and LN too large (> level window width)
AF EE Problems on storing into EEPROM of CPU:
Check voltage supply 5 V; EEPROM; chip may be defective.
AF EF Floor-to floor distance too large (> 65,535 pulses); dummy landing must be set
(order handling)
AF Fb Speed in teach-in function >FFFF; overrange in measuring function (number of
pulses exceeded) – repeat shaft teach-in!
AF Fd Sensor LN fails to respond (sensors LN and LK must be available with hydraulic lifts)
AF FE Sensor LN mixed up with Sensor LK
FE B0 error arose during reading the flash EPROM
FE C0 error arose during cancelling the flash EPROM

Completely new teach-in necessary in case of errors FE B0 and FE C0 !!

*) Drive FV:
At rated speed vN ≤0,5 m/s, one light barrier in the pulse generator will have to be made ineffec-
tive, if the storage capacity is not sufficient, because there are too many pulses per raster unit
(Cover one light barrier).

*) Isostop 16M
In these cases, open bridge W4 on circuit board EM with controller Isostop 16M. (Do not tape
light barrier; this would trigger the direction of rotation monitoring device).

) Repeat shaft teach-in AF 10/AF11 if MC1 or MC2 board are used for TCM control.

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Issue: 08.02 Page: 5
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Higher-quality controls (Isostop 25, Isostop 40SW, Isostop 60)

MW1: Pulse division in lift-specific program not correct; to be corrected by order handling de-
MD1: Pulse division to be adapted with jumper! (e.g. with API-S)

Automatic pulse division if TCM-CPU boardsMC1, MC2 or MC3 are used. Repeat shaft teach-in
if car stops at bottom-most floor vane during shaft teach-in AF10

Further test possibilities:

− Are sensors LK and LN installed and connected? Check distance. A new shaft each-in (dis-
tance normally approx. 15 mm) is required whenever the distance is changed.
− Pulse generator effective?
− Have floor vanes been installed correctly?
− Are switch positions on circuit boards correct?
− Is car door closed?
− Is lift-specific program uses in line with the order?
− Floor-to-floor distance too large; dummy landings may be required?
− Number of pulses (pulse generator) per landing vane raster unit too large
(>255 pulses)?

AF 12 Finished message
Continuation: Operate pushbutton or program selector wheel!

Should the emergency shutdown S101 (EKO) have responded, move a few centimetres down-
wards under emergency electrical operation until the emergency shutdown switch closes again.

Speed teach-in AF 16 Turn on emergency electrical operation switch and operate button again
(with external reference-value AF b6 Turn off emergency electrical operation switch
generator MW/MW1 or Press button
MC1, MC2, MC3) Car will move downwards (at rated speed with drive FV and hydr. drive)
AF E6 Wait for finished message

Speed teach-in with Rated speed and acceleration/deceleration must be set. In TCM with reference-value generator
MD or MD1 board MD1, see AF 26. Later adjustment requires new speed teach-in.

v3 = vN AF 12 Turn on emergency electrical operation switch and operate button

AF 19 Press button
AF b9 Turn off emergency electrical operation switch and operate button, car moves at
rated speed vN
AF E9 Wait for finished message
Continuation: Turn on emergency electrical operation switch and press button.

v2 AF 1A Press pushbutton
AF bA Turn off emergency electrical operation switch and operate button, car moves at
intermediate speed v2
AF EA Wait for finished message
Continuation: Turn on emergency electrical operation switch and press button.

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Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

v1 AF 1b Press pushbutton
AF bb Turn off emergency electrical operation switch and operate button, car moves at
intermediate speed v1
AF Eb Wait for finished message
Continuation: Turn on emergency electrical operation switch and press button.

v0 AF 1C Press pushbutton
AF bC Turn off emergency electrical operation switch and operate button, car moves at
intermediate speed v0
AF EC Wait for finished message
Continuation: Turn on emergency electrical operation switch and press button or
operate program selector wheel.

Deceleration distance AF 13 Press pushbutton: The current deceleration distance in UP direction for hydraulic
UP with hydraulic drive only drives will be displayed.
Press pushbutton

AF 14 Program deceleration distance for UP direction.

Press pushbutton: Counter is running 1...0; shifting by one position to the right
whenever the button is pressed. Enter the value desired in each position by button
AF 15 Wait for finished message.
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

The diagram shows the required deceleration distance sV in dependence on the rated
speed VN for controlled and variable-speed hydraulic drives
(Giehl or Beringer valve block).

distance sV (m)

Rated Speed vn (m/s)

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:
Issue: 08.02 Page: 7
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Levelling distance AF 20 Press pushbutton: Display of levelling distance with Isostop 16M, deceleration dis-
or deceleration distance tance with TV drive or deceleration distance DOWN with hydraulic drives.
DOWN with hydraulic lifts Check value (mm) set!
Press pushbutton.
AF 21 Program levelling distance or deceleration distance:
Press pushbutton: Counter is running from 1...0, it is shifted to the right by one digit
whenever the button is pressed. Enter the desired value in each position by button
AF 22 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

See also representations of deceleration distance, levelling distance and stopping

distance on pages 6 and 7!

The set or stored deceleration distance or levelling distance will apear on the
7-segment display.

Rated speed v N (m/s)

The levelling distance sE (with drive Isostop 16M) and the decelaration distance (with
FV drives) are programmed in mm (see functions AF20 and AF21).
Values used in practice: Iso 16M: 50 ... 70 mm at vN < 1.2 m/s
60 ... 80 mm at vN > 1.2 m/s
FV: 500 ...1000 mm dependent on vN

In hydraulik lifts, the setting of the deceleration distances is dpendent on direction

(AF14 for UP and AF21 for DOWN direction)

Attention!! Levelling speed vE of regulated and controlled installations shall be activated

for ≤1 s. Test levelling track of load-dependent FV installations in both directions.

Display rated speed v N AF 23 Press pushbutton: Rated speed vN (mm/s) will be displayed
(all drives with TCM) Press pushbutton
AF 24 Correct rated speed (with MW1 only, see page 15)
AF 25 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

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Issue: 08.02 Page: 8
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Deceleration (in TCM with AF 26 Press pushbutton: Deceleration will be displayed in mm/s2.
Isostop 16M; see also from Press pushbutton
page 14)
AF 27 Program deceleration in mm/s2:
Press pushbutton: Enter the desired value in each position by button operation
AF 28 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

Stopping distance or stop- AF 30 Press pushbutton: Stopping distance will be displayed – stopping accuracy: Check
ping distance correction value (in mm) set.
FV UP/DOWN direction Press pushbutton
HY Up direction AF 31 Press pushbutton: Set, correct or optimise stopping distance:
Press button: Enter the desired value in each position by button operation.
AF 32 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

Stopping distance AF 3b Press pushbutton: Stopping distance will be displayed – stopping accuracy: Check
or stopping distance value set.
correction only with Press pushbutton
HY DOWN direction
AF 3C Press pushbutton: Set, correct or optimise stopping distance
(same as AF 30)
AF 3d Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Attention! In FV drives (two-speed) and hydraulic drives, program the stopping

distance sB in mm as required.
Stopping accuracy in practice with FV 20...40 mm, in HY 2...5 mm.
In Isostop drives (electrical stopping), the stopping distance is automatically set to
0 mm. Should the value FF FF be indicated in AF20 or AF 30 (invalid value range),
program once more.

empty Up/full Down

empty Down/full Up

Short run with FV and HY AF 40 Press pushbutton: Value of speed threshold of 87,5 % of rated speed vN
drives only (in mm/s) is displayed.
For older work programs, the rated speed vN of the installation can be calculated
according to the following equation:
Value . 0,1
vN = in m/s
Press pushbutton

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 9
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

AF 41 Press pushbutton: Change speed threshold. (Change not necessary with FV). With
HY it may be programmed 0010 mm, so that too long creeps will not occur and the
timer not be tripped.
AF 42 Finished message
Continuation: Operate program selector or button.

Attention: Work programs up to 08.92:

A too long levelling distance is reduced by decreasing the speed threshold. Check setting or
levelling distances always in both run directions (load-dependent).
Setting of thresholds no longer required for TCI working program version and all TCM working
programs. Automatic setting during teach-in!!

Re-levelling distance UP AF 48 Press button: actual re-levelling distance (UP) will be displayed (in mm).
(only for hy) Press button
AF 49 Press button: re-levelling distance is
AF 4A finished message.
Continue: Press button or operate program selector wheel

Re-levelling distance DOWN AF 4b Press button: actual re-levelling distance (DOWN) will be displayed (in mm).
(only for hy) Press button
AF 4C Press button: re-levelling distance is
AF 4d Continue: press button or program selector wheel

Re-levelling distance re-adjusts stopping accuracy distance between sensors LN and LK > 30
mm during shaft teach-in AF10 (caused by big levelling window for hydraulic lifts) and, there-
fore, LK sensor cannot be blacked out during start.

Door dwell time I AF 50 Press pushbutton: current door dwell time I will be displayed (in sec.)
Press pushbutton
AF 51 Press pushbutton: Set door dwell time: Counter is running, counting through the
time 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s and 10s; enter the desired time by button operation.
AF 52 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Forced door closing AF 53 Press pushbutton: The time set for forced closing will be displayed (nudging circuit).
(from version 04.86) Press pushbutton
AF 54 Press pushbutton: Set time for forced door closing: Counter is running, counting the
time 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s; enter the desired time by button operation.
AF 55 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Time for forced door closing (door nudging time):
The car door (main door and rear entrance door) will close at slow speed after expiry of the time
set, with the light barriers and the sensitive edge protective devices becoming ineffective. An
audible alarm device is turned on inside the car as long as the door close command waits to be

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 10
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

The door nudging function will be deactivated on operation of the door-open pushbutton. The
nudging time will restart running, the sensitive edge protective devices being operative again.
Function AF 53 can only be implemented in conjunction with variable-speed door operators
(e.g. W2, W3, F2, etc.). In the case of combination of door operator W2 with door S4/D4, the
articulated lever contact KK will not be bridged.

Start delay time in peak traffic AF 56 Press pushbutton: The start delay time will be displayed.
Up or Down Press pushbutton
AF 57 Press pushbutton: Set start delay: Counter is running, counting through the time 0s,
5s, 10s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s; enter the desired time by button operation.
AF 58 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Set start delay time, if the car is loaded with less than 30 % of its load. In the absence of a load-
weighing device, the programmed start delay time will always expire. In this case, the start delay
time should be set to 0 sec. Through AF 57.

Door re-opening AF 59 Press pushbutton: The door re-opening open time will be displayed (in sec.).
open time Press pushbutton
(on actuation of AF 5A Press pushbutton: Set door re-opening open time, the time 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s and
the door re-opening 10s being counted through; enter the desired time by button operation.
AF 5b Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

Door dwell time II AF 5C Press pushbutton: door dwell time II will be displayed (in sec.).
(with landing calls ) Press pushbutton
AF 5d Press pushbutton: Set door dwell time II, the time 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s and 10s being
counted through; enter the desired time by button operation.
AF 5E Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel!

Parking run AF 60 Press pushbutton: Parking run waiting time will be displayed (in sec.).
waiting time Press pushbutton
AF 61 Press pushbutton: Set parking run waiting time: Counter is running, counting through
the time 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s; enter the desired time by button opera-
AF 62 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

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Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Return to lowest AF 63 Press pushbutton: Return time to the lowest landing will be displayed (in min).
landing Press pushbutton
(HY only))
AF 64 Press pushbutton: Set return time to lowest landing: Counter is running, counting
through the time 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 und 15 min.; enter the desired time by button opera-
AF 65 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Smooth start AF 66 Press pushbutton: Smooth start time will be displayed (in ms).
(HY only) Note:
The variable-speed and controlled hydraulic lift will start at levelling speed. Accel-
eration to rated speed will not take place until the smooth start time has expired.
Smooth start time is programmable from 300...9900ms. Default value: 300 ms.
Press pushbutton
AF 67 Press pushbutton: Set smooth start time: Counter is running from 1 ... 0, shifting by
one position to the right whenever the button is pressed; enter the desired value in
each position by button operation.
AF 68 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Door dwell time- AF 69 Press pushbutton: Door dwell time of the main landing will be displayed
main landing (in sec.).
Press pushbutton
AF 6A Press pushbutton: counting through the time 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s and 10s; enter the
desired time by button operation.
AF 6b Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Deceleration AF 70 Press pushbutton: The set operating points in % of the rated speed for deceleration
checking and acceleration will be displayed (see diagram below).
(reduced overtravel) Press pushbutton
AF 71 Press pushbutton: Set operating points: Counter is running, counting through the %
values 60 70, 60 75, 60 80, 60 85, 60 90, 65 75, 65 80, 65 90, 70 80, 70 85, 70
90, 75 85, 75 90 and 80 90 enter the desired %-value by button operation.
AF 72 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Functional description:
It must be checked in reduced overrun short of the terminal landings whether deceleration has
been initiated. The operating point is programmed; if it falls below this value, channel 2 of the
safety circuit (safety module – A28 or SR) will assume signal state 0V.

Change of speed, acceleration or deceleration setting will cause change of threshold levels.
Repeat speed teach-in functions AF19 to AF 1C!
The 7-segment display indicates the threshold levels for deceleration and acceleration in % of
rated speed.

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Issue: 08.02 Page: 12
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Example: 70 85 in % of v N

Deceleration acceleration

+S-S129F (GKO) ... Speed control top landing

+S-S129B (GKU) ... Speed control bottom landing

The speed control switches shall be mounted in the shaft, exactly in the last third of the decel-
eration run sV (hatched marking)!!
Second control circuit for channel 1 is realized through speed monitor -A29 or GWA1 (see
schematic diagrams of power part).

The speed control switches shall be provided before the terminal landing dependent on rated
speed and acc. to figure. If the switching threshold is under the limit the safety module will
bridge the automatically opening speed control switch; run to terminal landing will be contin-
ued. The speed control switch will initiate emergency stop if one of the control circuits signals
that the speed exceeds the programmed or set switching threshold. (Error 71 00 in error stack).

Rated speed control v N AF 73 Press button: control threshold appears in % of rated speed.
(order-specific) Press button
Af 74 Press button: counter counts over from 1...0, press button by one step and the fol-
lowing number appears. Enter every desired values by pressing the button.
AF 75 Finished message
Continue: Press button or operate program selector wheel

Stopping accuracy A correction in the event of too early or too late stopping can be made through AF 80 to AF 85
for all variable-speed traction lifts.
This correction can only be made, if the lift stops too early or/and too late by the same dimen-
sion (in mm) in all landings. For explanations of landing correction see page 11.

How to proceed?
After teach-in has been finished, check all lift functions (commands, landing calls, additional
functions, etc.) plus stopping accuracy. Should stopping accuracy corrections be necessary,
select teach-in function 15 00 again and make the correction through AF 81 or AF 83.

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Issue: 08.02 Page: 13
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

In FV and hydraulic lifts, the stopping distance can be corrected only through stopping distance
setting AF 31 and, thus, the stopping accuracy can be improved. In traction lifts, the mechani-
cal adjustment of the brake must be in conformity with the regulations (see AF 1d and AF 1F).

Correction on too early

stopping Definitions regarding landing correction

Up Down


stops too late Level
stops too early

Down Down


Stops too early Level
Stops too late

FK car
AS fictitious disconnect point
B levelling
SK levelling correction necessary (in mm through AF 81 or AF 84)

AF 80 Press pushbutton: Correction distance on too early stopping will be displayed (in
Press pushbutton
AF 81 Press pushbutton: Set correction distance on too early stopping: Counter is running
from 0...9, a shift by one position to the right being made whenever the button is
pressed; wait for desired value and enter in each position by button operation.
AF 82 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

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Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Correction on too late stop- AF 83 Press pushbutton: Correction distance on too late stopping will be displayed.
ping Press pushbutton
AF 84 Press pushbutton: Set correction distance on too late stopping: Enter
(in mm) as in AF 81.
AF 85 Finished message
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Setting of Measurement of braking distance at rated speed and display of deceleration by function AF 1d
braking (Up ) and AF 1F (Down).
deceleration The measurement is made by accelerating the car up to rated speed and then tripping emer-
gency stop. With the car at standstill (no pulses), deceleration will then be calculated and dis-
played in mm/s2 on diagnostic unit I. The measurement will only be relevant, if the ropes do not
slip over the traction sheave. Due to the mass inertia of the counterweight, the deceleration
value with the car empty in up direction will be less than in down direction. This permits the
measurement to be performed in both directions.

It is essential to see to it that the car has a sufficiently large distance to the limit switch located
in run direction. If not, the car may impact the buffer at rated speed and this must be avoided by
all means.

Measurement of AF 1d Turn on emergency electrical operation, move car to lower shaft region under
braking deceleration emergency electrical operation. Arrest one brake shoe in ist disengaged state.
in empty UP Press pushbutton
AF bd Turn off emergency electrical operation and press button.
Car accelerates to rated speed and it then performs an emergency stop automati-
The deceleration value in mm/s2 appears on the seven-segment display of the
diagnostic unit.
Continuation: Operate button or program selector wheel.

Measurement of AF 1F Turn on emergency electrical operation, move car to upper shaft region under
braking deceleration emergency electrical operation. Arrest one brake shoe in ist disengaged state.
in full DOWN direction Press pushbutton
AF bF Turn off emergency electrical operation and press button.
Car accelerates to rated speed and it then performs an emergency stop automati-
The deceleration value in mm/s2 appears on the seven-segment display of the
diagnostic unit.

Perform the measurement in all traction lifts only with one effective brake shoe each in both run directions – empty Up and
full Down.
Adjust the brake spring pretension in such a way that the braking deceleration –a (in mm/s2)) with one brake shoe lies within
the limit values specified in the table.
Under empty UP or full Down load conditions, the maximum values given in the table must be approximately observed.
Repeat the measurement until a correct brake spring setting is reached.

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 15
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Machine with Machine with Gearless

flywheel handwheel leight car heavy car
F/Q < 1,5 F/Q > 1,5
vN (m/s) ≤0,63 ≤1,25 >1,25 ≤0,63 ≤1,25 >1,25 all all
-amin (mm/s) 200 300 400 300 400 500 700 500
-amax (mm/s) 400 500 600 500 600 750 1000 750

Each of Teach-in program performed completely?

teach-in program Turn off control by main switch, turn off emergency electrical operation switch.
with drive variant Adjusting run into a landing will follow.
FV, Isostop 16M
and hydraulic lifts Check all lift functions (commands, landing calls, additional functions, etc. and stopping ac-
Set and check brake checking switch.

If an AF function is not required, one or several AF functions can be skipped by operating the program selector wheel, e.g.
from AF 12 directly to AF 50 etc. Teach-in or programming is not possible unless emergency electrical operation (or inspec-
tion operation) has been activated.
Some AF functions will only become effective, if provision has been made for them in the lift-specific program (data sheet),
e.g. AF 70 to AF 72 (reduced overrun), etc.

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 16
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Function 15 00 Teach-in

Control generations TCI and TCM with all higher-quality drive variants Isostop 25M, Isostop 40MS, Isostop 40SW, Isostop 60
with all variants

As familiarity in handling the diagnostic unit can be assumed when setting the high-quality drive variants, the individual tech-in
functions will be described in brief form below.
Two path computers are uses in the drive variants mentioned:

- Analog path computer MW (for analog control only) or

- Digital path computer MW1 (for analog and digital control – replaced by path computer MW since the first quarter 1992).

Attention: AF functions which apply to digital control only are marked with an asterisk *.

Teach-in start Move car below the lowest landing (compare illustration on page 1).
Turn on emergency electrical operation switch

15 00 Select with program selector wheel

15 AF Press pushbutton

Attention: Pre-assignment for path computer MW1 with digital control only: When the path
computer MW1 is uses (from fourth quarter 1991), the rated speed of the drive motor (as
specified on the rating plate) and the number of pulses per channel (as specified on the rating
plate of the pulse generator) must be programmed in teach-in functions AF 01 ... AF 06 (this
applies to the start of the calculation for pre-assignment). These programmed values will then
be corrected as required by the real conditions during shaft teach-in through AF 10. The values
programmed before can be activated again with AF 0E.

Functions AF 00 ... AF 0E are called in by turning program selector wheel clockwise.

Reset AF 00 A reset will be triggered whenever a button is pressed, regardless of whether emer-
gency electrical operation or inspection operation is activated or not. All other teach-
in functions will be called in only, if emergency electrical operation or inspection
operation is activated.

Pre-assignment AF 01* Display of rated speed of drive motor

AF 02* Program rated speed of drive motor (rating plate)
AF 03* Finished message
AF 04* Display of pulses per channel
AF 05* Program pulses per channel (rating plate of pulse generator )
AF 06* Finished message
AF 0E* Reactivation of entered values after correction through AF 10

Default values Attention:

Default values to be programmed automatically whenever pushbutton AF 0d is pressed. This
means that all specifically entered values will be deleted again. Therefore, the specifically pro-
grammed values must be recorded on a protocol (see MA 8 6500.020).
Teach-in function AF 0d to be performed whenever work programs or specific circuit boards are

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 17
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Enter AF 0C Set default values without changing the specifically entered values (e.g. control
default values parameters) in the TCM control (see also page 1).

default values
AF 0A Will appear temporarily (computing time); the default values will be entered auto-
matically (see page 1).

Shaft teach-in AF 10 Move car below the lowest landing (see page 1)
AF 11 LED 12 row A must light – sensor LK
LED 16 row A must light – sensor LN
− Turn off emergency electrical operation switch and press button:
− With higher-quality drives (e.g. Isostop 60) the car will start at relevelling speed.
After leaving the lowest landing vane, it will automatically accelerate to adjust-
ing-run speed and move through the shaft to the upper landing.
− During this shaft teach-in, the floor-to-floor distance, the number of landings,
etc. will be taught and stored in EEPROM.

Compare information on page 3 – Possible errors in shaft teach-in.
Automatic reduction of pulse number with TCM control and use of MC1, MC2 or MC3 boards.
Repeat shaft teach-in through AF 10/AF 11 in case of errors AF E1 or AF E8!

EE 0A Terminal landing reached, shaft information will be stored into EEPROM.

This takes a few seconds.
AF 12 Finished message

Speed teach-in AF 16 Turn on emergency electrical operation – press pushbutton

(at vN/2) AF b6 Turn off emergency electrical operation – press pushbutton
Car will move downwards at 50 % of rated speed.
AF E6 Finished message

Speed teach-in through AF16 or AF 19 dependent on drive variant.

AF 16 with use of external reference-value generator (path computer function in MW1 board or
integrated in MC1, MC2 or MC3 of CPU).
AF 19 with use of internal reference-value generator (in controller or use of MD or MD1 boards.

Braking deceleration AF 1d Measurement of braking deceleration in UP direction

(information starting from AF 1F Measurement of braking deceleration in DOWN direction
page 15)

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Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Fine correction AF 23 Display of rated speed

Of rated speed vN
AF 24 Fine correction of rated speed
AF 25 Fine correction finished message

Fine correction The reference voltage for rated speed v N is set to +9.8 V. It can be measured and tested on:
(with analog − Circuit board REB:d32 control board for Isostop 25M
control only) − Circuit board EIS:b6 input interface to Isostop 40SW
− Circuit board FI:MP17 interface circuit board Isostop 60 (API)
− Circuit board GLP2:MP17 computer board Isostop 60 (API two-cabinet version)
− Circuit board MW1:MP4 path computer

The reference voltage of ±9,8 V can be indirectly corrected through fine correction AF 24. It
has to be corrected only if the reference voltage at rated speed (normal run through several
landings) fails to correspond to the specified value of ±9,8 V, thereby causing stopping inac-
curacies. A correction is mandatory in this case.
Example: Drive Isostop 60 (API)
vN = 4143 mm/s will be displayed through AF 23, the reference voltage is ±10,02 V. Now, e.g.
vN ) 4052 mm/s is entered through AF 24; the reference voltage was corrected to ±9,8 V (pro-
portional action).

Acceleration/ AF 26 Display of acceleration/deceleration in mm/s2

deceleration AF 27 Change acceleration/deceleration
AF 28 Finished message

Rounding (jerk) AF 29 Display of rounding in mm/s3

AF 2A Change rounding
AF 2b Finished message

Inspection operation AF 33 Display of inspection and emergency electrical operation in mm/s

and emergency electrical AF 34 Change inspection and emergency electrical operation speed
AF 35 Finished message

Adjusting-run AF 36 Display of adjusting-run speed in mm/s

speed AF 37 Change adjusting-run speed
AF 38 Finished message

Attention: The adjusting-run speed must be adapted to the landing vane length:
− vJ = 300 mm/s for standard version of vane length approx. 510 mm
− vJ > 300 mm/s for extended version approx. 800 mm
− vJ < 300 mm/s for reduced version approx. 250 mm
The extended version is used at vN > 1.6 m/s from case to case and the reduced version is
sued with floor-to-floor distances < 0.54 m.

Re-levelling speed AF 39 Display of re-levelling speed in mm/s

AF 3A Change re-levelling speed
AF 3b Finished message

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 19
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Disconnect time AF 43 Display of disconnect time in ms

(with analog control AF 44 Change disconnect time
only) AF 45 Finished message

Attention: The lift will be disconnected in level position by signal NN (speed = zero). In the
absence of signal NN, disconnection will be time-delayed by the disconnect time function .
Experience has shown that the disconnect time should be set to approx. 700 ms.

Gain factor AF 46 Display of gain factor of path controller

Path controller AF 47 Enter the desired gain factor (unit 0,1)
Example: Input 00 10 = 10 x 0,1 = gain factor 1
Empirical value: 00 10 (= default value)
AF 48 Finished message

Door dwell time I AF 50 Display of door dwell time

AF 51 Change door dwell time (choice: 1s, 2, 3s, 5s, 7s, 10s)
AF 52 Finished message

Forced door AF 53 Display of time for forced door closing in s

closing AF 54 Change time for forced door closing (choise: 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s)
AF 55 Finished message

Start delay time AF 56 Display of start delay time

with peak traffic AF 57 Change of start delay time (choice: 0s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s; compare
up or Down also Attention column on page 8 )
AF 58 Finished message

Door re-opening AF 59 Display of door re-opening open time in s

open time AF 5A Change door re-opening open time (choice: 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s, 10s; compare also
Attention column on page 8)
AF 5b Finished message

Door dwell time II AF 5C Display of door dwell time II in s (for landing calls)
AF 5d Change door dwell time II (choice: 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 7s, 10s)
AF 5E Finished message

Parking run AF 60 Display of parking run waiting time in s

waiting time AF 61 Change parking run waiting time (choice: 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s)
AF 62 Finished message

Deceleration check AF 70 Display of operating point values with reduced overrun

(reduced overrun) AF 71 Change operating point values with reduced overrun (compare also information
and Attention column on pages 9 and 10)
AF 72 Finished message

Rated speed v N AF 73 Display of monitoring threshold in % of v N

monitoring AF 74 Change % of threshold value (must be > 100 %)
AF 75 Finished message

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 20
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Operating points for AF 75 Display of operating point for peak traffic release in % of car load
peak traffic release
AF 76 Change operating point for peak traffic release
AF 77 Finished message

Operating point for AF 77 Display of operating point for load application – line current peak reduction in %
load application of car load
AF 78 Change operating point for load application
AF 79 Finished message

Stopping accuracy AF 80 Display of correction distance with too early stopping in mm

correction AF 81 Set correction distance with too early stopping
AF 82 Finished message

AF 83 Display of correction distance with too early stopping in mm

AF 84 Set correction distance with too late stopping
AF 85 Finished message

Attention! The correction distance standard value is 0 mm; function AF 0d permits the correc-
tion distance to be set to 0 mm. See representation on page 11.

Creep distance AF 90 Display of creep distance in mm (see illustration below)

AF 91 Change creep distance (from 0 ... 600 mm)
AF 92 Finished message

Creeping speed AF 93 Display of creeping speed in mm/s (see illustration below)

AF 94 Change creeping speed (from 0 ... 50 mm/s)
AF 95 Finished message

Accurate levelling into the level position without any levelling creep distance is normally
aimed at (standard values: 20 mm or 30 mm/s).
However, if required, a creep distance of from 0 ... 600 mm can be set and covered at a
creeping speed of 0 ... 50 mm/s.

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 21
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Digital control Attention!

In the path computer MW1 with digital control function, the control action of the PI controller
(= proportional-integral-controller) can be determined with the control parameter functions for:
− low speed (re-levelling speed, adjusting-run speed and inspection speed)
− normal run, and
− levelling
AF functions used with digital control are marked*. They cannot be called up with analog con-
With analog controllers (e.g. drive Isostop 60), these settings are realized on the parameter-
entry panel (formerly by potentiometers).

Control parameters AF 96* Display of speed threshold in mm/s below which the control parameters for level-
ling are to become effective
AF 97* Change of speed threshold
AF 98* Finished message

AF 99* Display of P component for low speed

AF 9A* Change P component for low speed
AF 9b* Finished message

AF 9C* Display of I component for low speed

AF 9d* Change I component for low speed
AF 9E* Finished message

AF 9F* Display of P component for normal run

AF A0* Change P component for normal run
AF A1* Finished message

AF A2* Display of I component for normal run

AF A3* Change I component for normal run
AF A4* Finished message

AF A5* Display of P component for levelling

AF A6* Change P component for levelling
AF A7* Finished message

AF A8* Display of I component for levelling

AF A9* Change I component for levelling
AF AA* Finished message

Acceleration AF b1* Display of acceleration precontrol in %

precontrol AF b2* Change acceleration precontrol
Default value: 00 70
AF b3* Finished message

Acceleration generated by the running characteristic computer will also be used for speed con-
trol if the acceleration pre-control is connected. Acceleration pre-control shall always be acti-
vated: 00 70 is standard (acceleration pre-control is ineffective for 00 00).

See installation instructions API and CPI controllers (parts 10, 14 or 15).

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 22
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Acceleration/ Attention: Acceleration, deceleration and jerk can be varied individually (see diagram). The basic
deceleration functions can be programmed through functions AF 26 to AF 2b already known. They have
jerk (rounding) priority over the settings through functions AF C0 to AF Eb.
With AF 0d, a reset to the default values will be made.

Acceleration Deceleration

Jerk 1 Jerk 2 Jerk 3 Jerk 4

AF C0 Display of acceleration in mm/s2

AF C1 Change acceleration
AF E1 Finished message

AF C2 Display of deceleration in mm/s2

AF C3 Change deceleration
AF E3 Finished message

AF C4 Display of jerk in mm/s3

AF C5 Change jerk 1
AF E5 Finished message

AF C6 Display of jerk 2 in mm/s3

AF C7 Change jerk 2
AF E7 Finished message

AF C8 Display of jerk 3 in mm/s3

AF C9 Change jerk 3
AF E9 Finished message

AF CA Display of jerk 4 in mm/s3

AF Cb Change jerk 4
AF Eb Finished message

End of Teach-In Teach-in performed completely??

Exit the teach-in program:
− Select function AF 00 (reset) with program selector wheel and press button or
− Turn main switch Off and On again.
− Turn off emergency electrical operation switch. Adjusting run into a landing follows.

Check all lift function (commands, call, additional functions, etc.), stopping accuracy and
brake checking circuit.

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 23
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Teach-in for MC1, MC2 and MC3 board (CPU) through diagnostic unit I

As the teach-in functions of the CPU E60/2 are differentiated by an 8-bit-identifier, with the high-order
bit being used for control purposes, only 127 functions can be administered in the teach-in. In the
course of development of the MC1 and MC2, a total of 16 teach-in levels have been introduced, with the
capability of calling 127 functions from each level. Teach-in level 15AF comprises the status of the CPU
E60/2. This does not result in change in the operation of the diagnostic unit I.
To arrange the teach-in functions more clearly, the individual functions of the teach-in will now be as-
signed to different levels. After calling the function 1500, these levels can be selected on diagnostic unit
with program selector wheel, with the ability of activating only those levels whose functions were re-
leased for the respective drive.

If level 15AF is needed, press key, AFFF will appear on the display. Then select the respective teach-in
function with the program selector wheel, e.g., AF10 shaft teach-in. Activate the further teach-in func-
tions AF19, AF50, etc. as usual either by key depression or with the program selector wheel.

The level structure will be as follows:

Display Function Type of function Extension

level designation
15AF AFXX All existing teach-in functions none
15AE AEXX Teach-in-function (pre-assignment) new AEXX-functions
15Ad AdXX Teach-in-function (teach-in) new AdXX- functions
15AC ACXX Teach-in-function (acceleration) new ACXX- functions
15Ab AbXX Teach-in-function (deceleration) new AbXX- functions
15AA AAXX Teach-in-function (jerk) new AAXX- functions
15A9 A9XX Teach-in-function (speed) new A9XX- functions
15A8 A8XX Teach-in-function (path) new A8XX- functions
15A7 A7XX new: API parameter entry new A7XX- functions
15A6 A6XX new: lift-specific parameters new A6XX- functions
15A5 none free -
15A4 A4XX Teach-in-function (thresholds) new A4XX- functions
15A3 A3XX Teach-in-function (times) new A3XX- functions
15A2 A2XX Intended for additional features new A2XX- functions
15A1 none free -
15A0 none free -

Function level 15AF, in its operation, equals the previous status for calling a teach-in function. Outside of
levels 15A7 and 15A6, only the functions which have existed so far are distributed over the levels at the
present time. Although, e.g., Ad10 will appear as a function designation on addressing a teach-in func-
tion, which can also be called on level 15Ad, the previous function AF10 shaft teach-in is hidden behind

In future, it will be possible to implement new functions on the individual levels, which, for example, are
defined only under function designation Ad30 or A220. The new functions will then be adopted on level

On turning the program selector wheel with the button help depressed, the list of teach-in functions will
be run through at rapid rate.

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 24
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Teach-in-function-lift-specific parameters

A total of 15 functions can be realized in the lift-specific program not included in the work program with
diagnostic unit I on teach-in level 15A6. If required, this permits those in charge of order processing to
attend to special customer’s needs. The function sequence of these additional programs is documented
in the data sheet and can be interrogated and changed with diagnostic unit I (see example on page 26).
No. Function Parameter Funct.-Type Drive Default value
1 A600 Reset 1) all drives
2 A6dA Deactivate lift-specific program all drives
3 A6EA Activate lift-specific program all drives
4 A6Fd Flash download 2) all drives
5 A60d Default values 2) all drives
6 A6FF On selection of the level - all drives
7 A610 Lift-specific parameter 0 read all drives
8 A611 Lift-specific parameter 0 write all drives 3FFEH 3)
9 A612 Lift-specific parameter 1 read all drives
10 A613 Lift-specific parameter 1 write all drives 3FFCH
11 A614 Lift-specific parameter 2 read all drives
12 A615 Lift-specific parameter 2 write all drives 3FFAH
13 A616 Lift-specific parameter 3 read all drives
14 A617 Lift-specific parameter 3 write all drives 3FF8H
15 A618 Lift-specific parameter 4 read all drives
16 A619 Lift-specific parameter 4 write all drives 3FF6H
17 A61A Lift-specific parameter 5 read all drives
18 A61B Lift-specific parameter 5 write all drives 3FF4H
19 A61C Lift-specific parameter 6 read all drives
20 A61d Lift-specific parameter 6 write all drives 3FF2H
21 A61E Lift-specific parameter 7 read all drives
22 A61F Lift-specific parameter 7 write all drives 3FF0H
23 A620 Lift-specific parameter 8 read all drives
24 A621 Lift-specific parameter 8 write all drives 3FEEH
25 A622 Lift-specific parameter 9 read all drives
26 A623 Lift-specific parameter 9 write all drives 3FECH
27 A624 Lift-specific parameter 10 read all drives
28 A625 Lift-specific parameter 10 write all drives 3FEAH
29 A626 Lift-specific parameter 11 read all drives
30 A627 Lift-specific parameter 11 write all drives 3FE8H
31 A628 Lift-specific parameter 12 read all drives
32 A629 Lift-specific parameter 12 write all drives 3FE6H
33 A62A Lift-specific parameter 13 read all drives
34 A62B Lift-specific parameter 13 write all drives 3FE4H
35 A62C Lift-specific parameter 14 read all drives
36 A62d Lift-specific parameter 14 write all drives 3FE2H
37 A62E Lift-specific parameter 15 read all drives
38 A62F Lift-specific parameter 15 write all drives 3FE0H

1) new teach-in-function Release reset (AF00)

2) new teach-in-function Adopt default values (corresponds to AF0D)
3) H means that this is a hexadecimal number

The circulating LEDs on teach-in level 15A6 show that a job-specific program is active. If the LED re-
mains dark, the job-specific program will not be active.

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Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
ThyssenKrupp Operating Instructions – Diagnostic Unit I MA 13 6510 046
Aufzugswerke Teach-In
Type Type No.

Example: Extension of the door dwell time from 10 s to 30 s.

Normally, the default value for the door dwell time is 3 s. A different door dwell time can be selected
from the given times of 1 s, 2 s, 3 s, 5 s, 7 s and 10 s with diagnostic unit I under teach-in function

If the customer wishes times from 10 s to 30 s, the lift-specific program will have to be extended. It can
be activated, deactivated and changed with the functions on level 15A6. The new default value can be
read out via address 3 FFE.

Functions A610 reading out the extended door dwell time

A611 changing the extended door dwell time

For loading the flash EPROMS (download) as well as activation and deactivation of order-specific pa-
rameters see page 14

Activating or deactivating order-specific programs by means of diagnostic unit 1

As a rule order-specific additional programs are already stored in the order-specific EPROM and are
loaded into the flash EPROM under section control check . The maintenance people shall only activate
them, if necessary.

If a lift-specific additional program is necessary afterwards, it shall be loaded into the order-specific
EPROM by the order processing department. The flash EPROM on the MC1 board is loaded from the lift-
specific EPROM via flash download (download via serial interface is not possible for the time being).
The order-specific program shall be supplemented and then stored into a order-specific program first.

Function sequence with diagnostic unit 1

1) Insert order-specific EPROM in socket SO501.

2) First select teach-in function via 1500, then press button. 15AF appears afterwards.
3) Select 15A6 with program wheel and press button. A6FF appears.
4) Activate order-specific additional programs: select desired function by turning program selector
wheel clockwise, then press button.
A60d program default values
A6Fd download to flash EPROM on MC2 board
A6EA activate lift-specific program
Activation is characterised by LEDs circulating in row A and B as soon as teach-in
level 15A6 is selected
A6dA only select if you want to deactivate lift-specific program!!!
Deactivation is characterised by LEDs getting dark as soon as teach-in level 15A6 is

5) Select the respective lift-specific parameters after activation and display or

change contents.

6) A600 end teach-in or exit function

Attention! Use function A6dA if you intend to disable lift-specific programs, for example for trouble-shooting pur-

Prepared by: Keinz Date of Changes:

Issue: 08.02 Page: 26
Issuing Department: QMS Revision MA13 6510-046-E
THYSSEN Adjustment Instructions Isostop 60 MA 13 6510 056
AUFZUGSWERKE Parameter Entry to API on Parameter Entry Panel
Part No. Type Type No.

1. General.................................................................... 2
2. Operation................................................................. 2
3. Error stack............................................................... 4
4. Parameter (FI board)................................................. 6
4.1 Variable parameters.................................................. 6
4.2 Display paramters..................................................... 10
5. Parameter (FIC/FIS board).......................................... 12
5.1 Variable parameters.................................................. 12
5.2 Display parameters................................................... 15
5.3 Short-run device....................................................... 17
6. Parameters with API 40R, 60R, 90R............................ 20
...6.1 General.................................................................... 20
...6.2 Additional parameters............................................... 20
...6.3 Analogous outputs.................................................... 20
...6.4 Error messages of regeneration unit............................ 20
...6.5 Miscellaneous........................................................... 21
Older program version do not contain all parameters described here. The described parameters are integrated from program ver-
sion Vxxx.14 for standard devices and Vxxx.18 for regeneration units.

Prepared by: Grimpe Date of Changes:

Issuing department: VTS-S issue 05.01 6510-056E.doc First issue
THYSSEN Adjustment Instructions Isostop 60 MA 13 6510 056
AUFZUGSWERKE Parameter Entry to API on Parameter Entry Panel
Part No. Type Type No.

1. General
The program permits the parameters of a defined memory area to be changed. The permissible number range of each parame-
ter is monitored during an entry and limited accordingly. A distinction is made between variable parameters (e.g. maximum
speed, direction or controller parameters) and display parameters for the display of different operating values (e.g. current
speed, current reference value, etc.).

1.1 Installation

The parameter entry panel is plugged into connector X910 on board FMC. The panel can also be plugged in and unplugged
with the API device ready for operation.

1.2 Powering on
On powering the API device on or after plugging the panel in, the following text will appear on the display:
Thyssen Aufzüge GmbH,
Version No: Vxx.x

The display of this program version number will appear for 15 seconds only. This program version number must be stated
when inquiries are made to the factory.
If one of the buttons is operated during these 15 seconds, the display of the version number will be terminated at once and the
selected function will be performed. If you wait until these 15 seconds have expired, the first available parameter will be dis-
e.g.: P 0 Reference value start delay
500 ms

2. Operation
Parameter entry permits the following functions to be performed:
- 2.1 Display and change of a parameter
- 2.2 Continuous display of operating values
- 2.3 Saving of changed parameters in NVRAM
- 2.4 All parameters to factory setting
- 2.5 Individual parameters to factory setting
- 2.6 Display and delete error stack

2.1 Display and change parameters

P110 Switching sequence ind

P106 Reference value
P104 Binary output
P3 Direction of rotation
P2 Maximum speed
P1 Brake deactivation time
P0 Reference value start delay
P2 Maximum speed

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The parameter number is displayed in the first line together with a short description of the selected parameter, the current value
with ist physical unit appears in the second line. A cursor appears below the parameter number. The desired parameter number
can now be selected with the buttons ‘+’ and ‘-’. By moving the cursor further, the selection will be possible in steps of tens
and hundreds.
e.g.: P 5 P gain

Operating the ‘P/W’button causes the cursor to go to the value and it is possible to change this value.
e.g.: P 5 P gain

The lowest-order digit of the value is underlined. This line marks that digit which was changed by +1 by operating the '+'
button or by –1 by operating the '-' button. By operating button ‘C’ (cursor), this marking will be shifted to the left by one posi-
tion each. This permits the parameter to be changed quickly over a wide number range.
If the ‘+’or ‘-’ button is held depressed for longer than two seconds, the parameter value will be changed by +1 or -1 at inter-
vals of 0.25 seconds.
Some parameters such as P7 – language – do not have a number as a value, but a list selection:
P 7 anguage
è English

Here, too, the entry can be changed by operating the ´+´ and ´-´ button.
The change of a parameter value will not become effective until this change has been confirmed by pressing button ‘P/W’!

2.2 Display parameters

The display parameters indicate operating parameters such as the momentary speed of the motor. The desired parameter is
selected as described in 2.1.
e.g.: P100 motor speed
+ 103.5 min-1

The value being displayed, the actual speed is this case, is continuously being updated.

2.3 Saving the changes in NVRAM

Parameter changes will be lost after switching off the API device, unless this data is saved ! The following display will appear
after pressing button "S" (saving):
Values to be saved ?
(+) = yes, (-) = no

If button ‘S’ has been operated inadvertently, the saving operation can be discontinued by pressing the '-' button (No). All pa-
rameters will be saved in NVRAM by pressing button '+'(Yes). The following display will appear while saving is in progress:
Data being saved
....Wait, please....

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2.4 Bring all parameters to factory setting

This function permits the original values of all parameters to be restored at any time. The following question will appear on the
screen after pressing button ‘P/W’ and button "S" simultaneously:
Original values to be loaded ?
(+) = Yes , (-) = No

If this function has been started inadvertently, the operation can be discontinued by pressing button '-' (No). If button '+' (Yes)
is pressed, all parameters will be set to the factory-set values.
However, these factory-set, preprogrammed values have not yest been saved. This means that after switching off and restarting
the API device, the old values will be effective again, if no saving operation (2.3) is performed before.
As soon as all parameters have assumed their original state, the following display will appear :
! Original values have not !
! yet been saved !

2.5 Bring individual parameters to factory setting

If a parameter is to be set to the factory-set value, this parameter will have to be displayed as described in 2.1. If buttons "+"
and "-" are now pressed simultaneously after operating the „P/W“ button (for changing the value), the factory-set value will ap-
pear on the display, other parameters not being changed.

3. Error stack
Error messages will be stored in the NVRAM of board FMC. The entries can be displayed via the panel.

3.1 Display of error stack

To display the error stack, button "-" must be pressed with parameter 0 on parameter selection (see 2.1). The error which is
then displayed is that error which occured last.
Error description
Number of error entries or number
1/34 Control voltage on
283:45:30........................ 24

Operating hours Additional information
Earlier stack entries will be displayed by operating the "-" button further. More recent entries can be displayed again by opera-
ting the "+" button.

3.2 Delete error stack

Display stack content („3.1“) and press the "Save" button. Acknowledge the display "error stack to be deleted ?" which will then
appear on the screen by pressing the "+" button. The entry "error stack deleted" will then be displayed.

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3.3 End stack display

After pressing the "param./value" button, parameter selection will be displayed again.

3.5 Error description

Error No. LCD display Description Response Additional in-
0 No entry No error
1 Control voltage on API was restarted Note only Utilization in %
2 Watchdog error Permissible program run time exceeded. Note only Number
3 Initialized NV-RAM . - All parameters to factory-set values. Note only 0
– Operating hours set to 0.
– Error stack was deleted.
5 NVRAM error - Checksum in NVR is wrong Note only =0 : EPROM
– Error in EPROM data setz <>0 : NV-RAM
6 Overtemperature THKK Heat sink overtemperature Kühlkörper- On next stop or stop after 100 sec.
Übertemperatur and ZK off
7 Overtemperature TMOT Overtemperature motor On next stop or stop after 100 sec.
and ZK off
8 U_ZK collapsed ZK voltage collapsed Stop and ZK off
9 Line undervoltage Line voltage too low Stop and ZK off
10 ZK undervoltage Link voltage too low Stop and ZK off
11 ZK problems Problems in uploading the ZK ZK off, new load attempt
12 ZK overvoltage ZK voltage too high Stop and ZK off
14 Short circuits Error in power module Stop and ZK off
15 Line overvoltage Line voltage too high Stop and ZK off
16 Error in ESL logic Internal error in starting logic Stop and ZK off
17 VS error Error in one or several of the following voltages: Stop and ZK off
+15 V
-15 V
+5 V
Link voltage
18 Plug monitor Plug monitor is interrupted or #IS of X902.13a ZK off
19 Power failure Power failed Stop and ZK off
20 Error stack deleted Error stack was deleted no
21 Brake module defective Link voltage cannot be reduced through brake Stop and ZK off
22 +24VDC error
23 CAN error Faulty data transmission.
Signal was sent to TCM.

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4. Parameters used together with board FI

The parameters are divided into:
- Variable parameters which can influence the response of the device.
- Display parameters for indicating different operating states.

4.1 Variable parameters

P 0 : Reference value start delay tSTS.

- API device without brake monitoring signal BR1 (input X11/6 on RW board I60MA unused):
Setting the delay time between activation of brake (VRB) and the drive becoming enabled. The MW1 reference value will thus
not started until the brake is disengaged. Values between 0 and 5000 ms are possible (characteristic values between 300ms to
– API device with brake monitoring signal BR1 (input X11/6 on RW board I60MA used):
Set reference value start delay to max. value. This makes the reference value start dependent on the BR1 signal. Gearless will
be set to the factory-set value of 5000ms. The run monitoring of the control will respond if the BR1 signal fails to operate and,
consequently, the drive does not possibly run towards the half-released brake.
P 1 : Brake application time t BE. (brake off time)
- API device without brake monitoring siganl BR1:
Setting the delay time between the electrical disconnection of the brake by VRB and the mechanical "gripping" of the brake.
After expiration of the brake application time, pulse enable will be reset on the API. Values between 0 and 5000 ms are possi-
– API device with brake monitoring signal BR1:
Set brake application time to the minimum value. This makes the deactivation dependent on the BR1 signal.
P 2 : Maximal speed
The speed entered here will be reached, if the maximum reference value is applied to the device. A change of this parameter
will not become effective until start enable SFG1 is set to 0.
P 3 : Direction of rotation
The motor’s direction of rotation can be changed through this parameter. This parameter can only be set to „not inverted“ or
P 3 Direction of rotation
è not inverted

A change of this parameter will cause the direction of rotation to be changed immediately.
P 4 : Control direction
The fact that the polarities of the reference speed and actual speed values are in a correct relation to each other is of importance
to the speed controller.
If this is not the case, the motor’s rotation will be uncontrolled at low speed. The control direction can be reversed with para-
meter P4. This parameter can only be set to „not inverted“ or to „inverted“. A change of this parameter has the same effect as
the interchange of two phases in the motor line.
P 5 : Speed controller – P gain
This parameter permits the speed control response of the drive to be set. A change of the parameter will become effective im-
P 6 : Speed controller – I gain
Same as P5, but for the I component. The smallest value is 4ms. If the I component is to be disabled, 0 ms will have to be

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P 7 : Choice of language
This parameter permits the language to be chosen. The language is chosen in plain text.
P 7 Language
è English

P 8 : Load-weighing device off/on

If no load-weighing device is available, this parameter must be set to "off".
Load-weighing will be performed in the following range, if this parameter is „on“:
Load-weighing signal range : -5V 0V +5V
Car: empty 50 % full
-5V Load torque downwards
0V Load is balanced
+5V Load torque upwards

P 9 : Load-weighing device - gain

If the load-weighing device is connected and has been activated by P8, the effect of loadweighing can be set with P9. The fac-
tory setting is +100%. Values from -300% to +300% are possible. If the parameter is set to negative values, the effective
direction of load weighing will be reversed.
Gain and zero to be set as specified in the adjustment instructions MA8 6075.006(007).
Adjustment instructions for load weighing:
(1) Adjust offset at 50 % load, so that parameter 108 (load weighing effect) indicates 0%.
(2) Perform emergency electrical operation with the car empty, while reading parameter 107 (load current).
!! Observe the sign as well !!
The value read is identical with the required holding torque.
(3) Adjust gain at standstill on board ESA, so that parameter 108 (effect of load weighing) is equivalent to the value read in (2).
If the gain cannot be weighted sufficiently high on board ESA, the gain can be increased by parameter 9 in addition.
In geared lift installations, this method is only meaningful in a qualified sense, as the gear causes a corrution of the value read
in P107.
P10..P11 : Analog outputs MP42..MP43 – board FMC
Various analog system values can be measured at measuring points MP42 and MP43. The system values can be selected
through parameters P10..P11.
P 10 MP42 Analog output
< 0> n-actual +-10V

No. in
P10, Indication on display Value to be measured
0 ( 0) n-act +-10V Actual speed value +-10V
1 ( 1) n-act +10V Actual speed value +10V
2 ( 2) n-ref+-10V Ref. speed value +-10V
3 ( 3) n-ref+10V Ref. speed value +10V
4 ( 4) Load current
5 ( 5) Field current Magnetizing current
6 ( 6) Acc. precontrol. current
7 ( 7) n-controller output
8 ( 8) +10V +10V reference
9 ( 9) -10V -10V reference

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10 (10) 0V 0V reference
11 (11) Running char. status
12 (12) ESL status
on: speed 8V = speed from P2
currents 8V = maximum device current
The assignment of the measuring points to the parameter numbers is as follows :
Number Output Resolution
Measuring point
P10 MP42 12 bits
P11 MP43 12 bits
P 13 to P 17:
Parameters P13 to P17 can be used for the computation of the maximum speed to be set in parameter P2. These parameters
( P13..P17 ) do not have a direct effect on the device. The maximum speed is computed as follows :

n = v ⋅ r ⋅ i ⋅ 60000
π ⋅D
where :
i = P13 Gear ratio gear
D = P14 Traction sheave diameter traction sheave
r = P15 suspension suspension
v = P16 run speed in m/s V max
n = P17 Motor speed in r.p.m. computed Vrated
After entry of parameters P13 to P16, the maximum motor speed required for reaching the run speed will be indicated in P17.
Any motor speeds can be chosen by changing the run speed. Parameter P2 must be set to this value. Parameter P17 cannot be
changed. This parameter indicates the computation result.
P 13 : Gear ratio
When a geared drive is used, the ratio of the gear can be set in this parameter. P13 = 1.0 is used for gearless drives. This pa-
rameter does not have a direct effect on the speed of the lift.
The ratio of gears is often stated as a relation (e.g. 50:2). However, the entry into P13 must be in decimal notation ( 50:2 ð
25.0 ).
P 14 : Traction-sheave diameter
This parameter can be used for setting the traction sheave diameter of the drive in mm. This parameter does not have a direct
effect on the speed of the lift.
P 15 : Suspension
The number of suspensions can be set here for computation of the motor speed. This parameter does not have a direct effect on
the speed of the lift.
P 16 : Run speed
The maximum run speed of the lift can be set here. Setting in m/s. This parameter does not have a direct effect on the speed of
the lift.
P 17 : Calculated maximum speed
The required maximum speed of the motor is calculated from the values of parameters P13 to P16 and entered in parameter
P17. This value in P17 must be set in P2.

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P 18 : Operating point for N=0

Below the speed set here, output X217.13(N=0) will be at 24V.
P 22 : Acceleration precontrol off/on
If the precontrol is switched on, the acceleration value generated by the running characteristic computer MW1 will also be used
for speed control.
P 23 : Gain of acceleration precontrol
In P22=´on´ and P23=100% and 9.8V at X217.5/6 (acceleration reference value), the speed controller output is set to the
maximum load current of the device.
Adjustment instructions for precontrol:
(1) Set P10(P11) to number 7 (speed controller output).
(2) P22 = ´Off´ (precontrol off)
(3) Recorder to measuring point MP42(MP43) (±10V maximum).

(4) Record a run:

100 % × Ma
(5) P23 =
(6) P22 = ´On´ (precontrol on)
(7) Record a run and change P23 in such a way that the speed controller output ( No.7 on MP42 ) indicates no acceleration torque
( Ma = 0 ):

Increase P23 Decrease P23

Change sign P23

PS: At least program version V09.0 02/94 (standardization of channel „a“) must be available in the running characteristic computer MW1.

P 40 : Fan overtravel time

The equipment fan is switched off in some device categories at the end of a run. The overtravel time can be set in steps of se-

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4.2 Display parameters

These display parameters cannot be changed. Their values are continuoulsy being re-calculated by the device. The displayed
parameter is continuously being renewed.
P 100 : Motor speed

Display of the current motor speed in min -1.

P 101 : Run speed
The current run speed of the lift is displayed in m/s. The display will only be correct, if the entries of parameters P13, P14 and
P15 are correct !
P 103 : Binary inputs X217/board FI.
All inputs of plug X217 will be displayed. This parameter is displayed in binary. Each bit of this numerical value is equivalent to
an input signal at X217.
- where :
W1 7 B 0000 0000 0000 0001
VRB1 8 B 0000 0000 0000 0010
BR1 9 B 0000 0000 0000 0100
FOR1 10 B 0000 0000 0000 1000
P 104 : Binary outputs X217/board FI
All outputs of plug X217 will be displayed. This parameter is displayed in binary. Each bit of this numerical value is equivalent
to an output signal X217.
- where:
SFG 11 B 0000 0000 0000 0001
STS 12 B 0000 0000 0000 0010
n = 0 min -1 13 B 0000 0000 0000 0100
SMR 25 B 0000 0000 0000 1000
MUET 14 B 0000 0000 0100 0000
P 105 : Counter content - encoder
This parameter permits the function and the stroke number of the incremental encoder to be checked. The counter content of
the incremental encoder is continuously being displayed. Values between -32768 and 32767 may be encountered. The dis-
played value must change per motor revolution by the encoder stroke number. The encoder stroke number is indicated on the
name plate of the incremental encoder.
P 106 : Reference value input
The momentary reference speed value is displayed in '%' with standard devices and in ‚V‘ with R devices.
P 107 : Load current
The present load current is displayed in Amps.
P 108 : Effect of load weighing
If the load-weighing device is switched on (P8 = "On"), the efect of the load-weighing signal on the speed controller will be
displayed in Amps. under parameter P108. The gain of the load-weighing signal can be set with parameter P9.

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P 109 : Acceleration precontrol

This parameter indicates the current in Amps. produced by the precontrol.
P 110 : Operating sequence index
Display of the current operating sequence status between TCI and API .

At installations equipped with braking contact the controller enable will be removed as soon as the brake application time is expired and the
braking contact signal BR1 is zero. Please note that the respective adjustment of the braking contact possibly does not reflect the complete
closing of the brake. This may cause the reverse rotation of themotor during levelling operation if the selected time value tBE is very small
(e.g. 50ms).
To avoid reverse rotation of the motor increase time value tBE until reverse rotation stops (as a rule 200-500ms). The selected time value t BE
should not be too great, since first the drive is in electrical stop mode and, second, is opposed to the closed brake due to the active impulse
generator (a „buzzing noise“ may occur).

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5. Parameters used together with FIC/FIS board

The parameters are divided into:
- Variable parameters which can influence the response of the device.
- Display parameters for indicating different operating states.
5.1 Variable parameters

P 0 : Reference value start delay tSTS.

Setting the delay time between activation of brake and the drive becoming enabled.
The reference value will thus not be started until the brake is disengaged. Values between 0 and 5000ms are possible.
P 1 : Brake application time t BE (brake off time)
Setting the delay time between the electrical disconnection of the brake by EBS and the mechanical "gripping" of the brake. Af-
ter expiration of this time electrical disconnection of API (blocking of controller) will be performed. Values between 0 and 2000
ms are possible.
P 3 : Direction of rotation
The motor’s direction of rotation can be changed through this parameter. This parameter can only be set to "not inverted" or "in-
P 3 Direction of rotation
è not inverted

A change of this parameter will cause the direction of rotation to be changed immediately.
P 4 : Control direction
The fact that the polarities of the reference speed and the actual speed values are in a correct relation to each other is of im-
portance to the speed controller. If this is not the case, the motor’s rotation will be uncontrolled at low speed. The parameter
can only be set to „not inverted“ or to „inverted“. A change of this parameters has the same effect as the interchange of the en-
cremental encoder connections or the two phases in the motor line.
P 5 : Speed controller - P gain
This parameter permits the speed control response of the drive to be set. A change of the parameter will become effective im-
P 6 : Speed controller - I gain
Same as P5, but for I component. The smallest value is 4ms. If the I component is to be disabled, 0 ms will have to be entered.
P 7 : Choice of language
This parameter permits the language to be chosen. The language is chosen in plain text.
P 7 Language
è English

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P 8 : Load input (off/on)

P 9 : Load input value
Reverse rotation of an empty lift on disengagement of the brake can be reduced by entering a starting torque. The effect of this
starting torque can be enabled and disabled with P8. P9 is used for adjusting the level of the starting torque.
For so doing, 50 % of the equipment current will be precontrolled as torque-producing current with P9 = 100 %. Values from
-150% to +150% are possible. If the parameter is set to negative values, the effective direction will be reversed.
The load input can only be optimized at a definite load point. Without load input, this point commonly is 50 per cent load !
P10..P11 : Analog outputs MP42..MP43 board FMC
Various analog system values can be measured at measuring points MP42 and MP43. The system values can be selected
through parameters P10..P11.
P 10 MP42 Analog output
< 0> n-act +-10V

No. in
P10, P11 Indication on display Value to be measured
0 ( 0) n-act +-10V Actual speed value +-10V
1 ( 1) n-act +10V Actual speed value +10V
2 ( 2) n-ref +-10V Actual speed value +-10V
3 ( 3) n-ref +10V Actual speed value +10V
4 ( 4) Load current
5 ( 5) Field current Magnetizing current
6 ( 6) Accel. precontrol current
7 ( 7) n-controller output
8 ( 8) +10V +10V reference
9 ( 9) -10V -10V reference
10 (10) 0V 0V reference
11 (11) Running characteristic Only with FIC/FIS
12 (12) ESL status
general: speeds 8V = speed from P2
currents 8V = maximum device current
The assignment of the measuring points to the parameter numbers is as follows:
Number Output Resolution
Measuring point
P10 MP42 12 bits
P11 MP43 12 bits
P 13 toP 17:
Parameters P13 to P15 can be used for the computation of the maximum motor speed:

n = v ⋅ r ⋅ i ⋅ 60000
π ⋅D

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i = P13 Gear ratio Gear
D = P14 Traction sheave diameter Traction sheave
r = P15 Suspension Suspension
v = Highest value from P23..P26
n = P17 Motor speed in r.p.m. Computed Vrated
After entry of parameters P13 to P15, the maximum motor speed required for reaching the run speed will be indicated in P17.
Any motor speed can be chosen by changing the run speed.
P 18 : Operating point for N=0
Below the speed set here, end of the run will be reached. The ESB relay will be de-energized.
Parameters used for speed setting:

One of the four speeds is selected through the inputs at X1 or the bits V0, Vi, VN and V2/Vjuf. through CAN.
The priority is as follows, if several speeds are selected at the same time:
1 priority Vi
2 VN
3 V2/Vjuf
4 V0
P 19 : Starting jerk
Set desired acceleration change (jerk) in m/s3
P 20 : Acceleration

Desired acceleration / deceleration in m/s2.

P 23 : Speed v0.
Speed v 0 in m/s.
P 24 : Speed vi.
Inspection speed vi in m/s.
P 25 : Speed vN.
Rated speed v N in m/s.
P 26 : Speed v2/vjuf.
Adjusting run speed v2/v juf in m/s.
P 37 : Operating point for output v<0.3m/s
The speed can be set within the range from 0.3m/s. When the point falls below the set speed, the contact at X1.9-10
will close or v0.3 will be signalled through CAN. The set operating points must be provided with a hysteresis of ±1% from P16.
P 38 : Short run computer (on/off)
The short run computation function can be activated alternatively. For function of short-run computer see also 4.3.

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P 39 : Short run distance correction

In long switching delay times of the control or in the event of rope slip, it m ay become necessary to correct the levelling di-
stance in a short run. If greater values are entered, the creep distance to the landing becomes longer and shorter with smaller
values. Values from –40.0cm to +40.0cm are possible.
P 40 : Fan overtravel time
The equipment fan is switched off in some device categories at the end of a run. The overtravel time an be set in steps of se-
5.2 Display parameters

These display parameters cannot be changed. Their values are continuously being recalculated by the device and displayed.
P 100 : Motor speed
Display of the current motor speed in min -1.
P 101 : Actual speed
The current run speed of the lift is indicated in m/s.
The display will only be correct, if the entries of parameters P13, P14 and P15 are correct !
P 103 : Binary inputs
All inputs of the plug will be displayed. This parameter is displayed in binary. Each bit of this numerical value is equivalent to
an input signal at X1 of board FIC or a CAN signal of board FIS.
where :
M X1.3 WO B00000000 00000001
D X1.4 WU B00000000 00000010
vN X1.5 Vn B00000000 00000100
v2 X1.6 Vjuf B00000000 00001000
vI X1.7 Vi B00000000 00010000
v0 X1.8 V0 B00000000 00100000
QSP X3.1-2 QSP B00000000 01000000
BR1 B00000000 10000000
P 104 : Binary outputs
All outputs of board FIC or signals of board FIS will be displayed
Where :
ESP X2.1-2 ESP B00000000 00000001
EBS X2.4-5 EBS B00000000 00000010
v<0,3 X1.9-10 v<0,3 B00000000 00000100
SMR B00000000 00001000
Teta B00000000 00010000
n=0 B00000000 00100000

P 105 : Encoder stroke number

This parameter permits the function and stroke number of the incremental encoder to be checked. The counter content of the
incremental encoder is continuously being displayed. Values between -32768 and +32767 may be encountered. The dis-
played value must change per motor revolution by the encoder stroke number. The stroke number is normally indicated on the
name plate of the encoder.

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P 106 : Reference value

The momentary reference speed value is displayed.
P 107 : Load current
The present load current is displayed in Amps.
P 110 : Operating sequence index
Display of the current operating sequence status in the API (internal status).



Pulse enable

Motor field




Fig. 5.2-1
P 111 : sv computed
For preforming a short run, the distance must be known which the lift will cover between start of decelereation and until level-
ling speed is reached (sv).
This distance is computed from the details provided by parameters P19, P20, P23 and P25 and, for checking, it is displayed in

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P 112 : sv measured
During a run in which vN is reached, the deceleration distance will be measured and displayed at the end of the run. The mea-
surement of the distance extends from removal of the signal vN until v0 is reached.


t (s)
Fig. 5.2-2
P 114 : Path
During each run, the path covered will be measured and displayed in P114. The path measured last will remain displayed until
the next run is initiated. As this measurement is made on the motor shaft, rope slip on the traction sheave may produce devia-
tions from the actual path covered.

5.3 Short run device

A short run exists, if the floor-to-floor distance is shorter than the acceleration distance and the deceleration distance for rated
speed. In this run, rated speed will not be reached. To arrive in the landing, operation at levelling speed is necessary for a lon-
ger period of time (fig.5.3-2).
The built-in short run device recognizes this status and it automatically extends the acceleration phase of the run. Consequent-
ly, the levelling time into the landing is the same as with a run at rated speed.
For proper functioning of the short run device, the lift data must be set correctly.
This data covers:
P13 Gear reduction
P14 Traction sheave diameter
P15 Suspension
P19 Jerk
P20 Acceleration
P23 Speed v 0
P25 Speed v N
From these parameters, the deceleration distance is computed from vN and displayed in parameter P111. During every normal
run (v N reached) the deceleration distance will be measured and displayed in P112. However, this distance measured is not ac-
counted for in the short-run computation.
The short run with „sharper rounding“ (fig. 4.3-3) is a special form of short run. This is the case, if the deceleration point is re-
ached during upper rounding of the acceleration phase. If the deceleration is effected with the set jerk, the deceleration distan-
ce will be too large. The landing will be overpassed. To avoid this, a „sharper rounding“, i.e. a run with a more distinct jerk, is

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Normal run


t (s)
Fig. 5.3-1
Short run




Extension by
t (s)
short-run device
Fig. 5.3-2
Short run with "sharper rounding"



Reduction by t (s)
short-run device
Fig. 5.3-3

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The pattern of the running characteristic can be checked at the measuring points (MP42 or MP43). For so doing, parameter
P10 or P11 must be set to value 11. A diagram will appear at the respective measuring point, so that the individual phases of
the running characteristic can be recognized (fig. 5.3-4).

where :
0V v = 0m/s
2.50V Rounded from constant speed to constant acce-
3.75V Constant acceleration
5.00V Rounded from constant acceleration to constant
6.25V Constant speed
-2.50V With sharper rounding to constant acceleration
-3.75V Constant acceleration extended by short run de-
-5.00V Short run with sharper rounding

at MP42 with P10=11



t (s)

Fig. 5.3-4

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6. Parameters with API40R, API60R and API90R

6.1 General

The fundamental novelty of the R devices compared with the existing APIs is the integrated recovery unit. This recovery unit is
primarily effective in the power supply direction.
The scope of functions of the drive is the same as that of the existing devices. All parameters of the API12..60 devices are also
available in the R devices.
The function of the recovery unit does not require any additional settings.
The adaptation to anti-clockwise rotating field or clockwise rotating field at the power supply terminals and to the 50Hz or 60Hz
power systems is automatic.
Parameters which are available with R devices in addition are display parameters exclusively.
6.2 Additional parameters

P620 Actual voltage of DC link in volts

P621 Actual voltage at power supply terminals in volts
P622 Determined line frequency in Hz
If a negative frequency is displayed, the power supply connection is anti-clockwise rotating.
6.3 Analog outputs

With API devices two programmable analog outputs can be used for the display of various measuring points (running characte-
ristic, currents....).
The following additional measuring points have been introduced for the R devices.
These points are:
- Link voltage
- Effective line voltage
6.4 Error messages of recovery unit

(1) Powering on not possible

The DC link will be charged on powering the device on. If this charging is not effected within a defined period of time, it is
assumed that the link has a short-circuit or that the charging contactor is defective.
An entry will be made in the error stack and the device will be shut down.
(2) Line undervoltage
If line voltage < rated voltage -15%.
An entry will be made in the error stack and the device will be shut down.
(3) Line overvoltage
If line voltage > rated voltage +15%.
An entry will be made in the error stack and the device will be shut down.
(4) ZK overvoltage
If the link voltage is above 780V.
An entry will be made in the error stack and the device will be shut down.
(5) ZK undervoltage
If the link voltage is below 460V.
An entry will be made in the error stack and the device will be shut down.

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6.5 Miscellaneous

The recovery unit of the R devices can be switched off ! This permits the device to be isolated from the power supply in longer
operation breaks. Additional energy saving is thus achieved. Switching off is effected by the control (TCM) through input
X217.15 on API.
During this standby mode, the ready message of API is maintained. The light-emitting diode H10 of board FI is used for the
display of the various operating states.
Line side is off H10 off

Line side is on standby H10 blinks

Line side is on H10 on

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1 Note ......................................................................................................................4
2 General....................................................................................................................4
2.1 Software versions .....................................................................................................4
2.2 Versions for synchronous/asynchronous motors ..........................................................4
2.3 Modes of operation ...................................................................................................4
2.4 Parameters ..............................................................................................................4
2.5 Connecting the parameter-entry panel .........................................................................5
2.6 Powering on .............................................................................................................5
3 Operation.................................................................................................................5
3.1 Selection and change of parameters ...........................................................................5
List parameters................................................................................................6
Display parameters ..........................................................................................6
Function parameters ........................................................................................6
3.2 Saving the changes in EEPROM ..................................................................................7
3.3 Bring all parameters to factory setting .........................................................................7
3.4 Bring individual parameters to factory setting ...............................................................7
4 Error stack................................................................................................................8
4.1 Display of error stack.................................................................................................8
4.2 Delete error stack......................................................................................................8
4.3 End stack display ......................................................................................................8
5 Parameter description................................................................................................9
5.1 Variable parameters ..................................................................................................9
P0: Reference value start delay tSTS .............................................................................9
P1: Brake application time tBE .....................................................................................9
P3 ... P6 Speed control..............................................................................................9
P3: Direction of rotation ....................................................................................9
P4: Control direction (only with asynchronous versions)........................................9
P5: Speed controller P gain ...............................................................................9
P6: Speed controller I gain ................................................................................10
P7: Choice of language..............................................................................................10
P8: RS485 mode (for TMI board only)..........................................................................10

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P10...P11: Analog outputs MP42..MP43 TMC Board (MP42A..MP43A TMI Board) ............10
P13...P17: Reduction ratio .........................................................................................11
P13: Gear ratio ................................................................................................11
P14: Traction sheave diameter ..........................................................................12
P15: Suspension .............................................................................................12
P16: Run speed vmax .........................................................................................12
Calculated max. speed nrat ................................................................................12
P18: Operating point for „N=0“ speed .........................................................................12
Acceleration and jerk for internal running characteristic computer ...................................12
P19: Jerk ........................................................................................................12
P20: Acceleration.............................................................................................12
P21: Acceleration pre-control on/off ............................................................................12
P22: Gain of acceleration pre-control..................................................................12
Speeds for internal running characteristic computer ......................................................13
P23: Speed v0 .................................................................................................13
P24: Speed vi ..................................................................................................13
P25: Speed vN .................................................................................................13
P26: Speed v2 / vjuf ...........................................................................................13
P27: Additional speed vn2..................................................................................14
Functions for internal running characteristic computer ...................................................14
P37: Operating point for output v<0.3m/s ...........................................................14
P38: Short-run computer (on/off) .......................................................................14
P39: Correction short-run distance.............................................................14
P40: Motor selection..................................................................................................14
P44: Speed threshold for progout ...............................................................................14
P45: Progout ............................................................................................................14
P46: Progout 1 .........................................................................................................15
P48: Analog In X1/11a...............................................................................................15
P49: Prog. In X1/9b...................................................................................................15
P50: Load weighing on/off .........................................................................................15
P51: Measured value of load-weighing device .....................................................15
P52: Input value for load compensation..............................................................15
P53: Calculate load-weighing gain from load current ............................................15
P54: Load-weighing gain ..................................................................................16
P55: Gain position controller (for synchronous variant with Endat encoder only) ......16
P60...P76: Startup third-party motor with encoder, vector-controlled ..............................16
P80...P83: Autotuning (from version TMI V15.4)...........................................................16
P92: Discharge DC link ..............................................................................................17
P96: Encoder stroke number ......................................................................................17
P97: Number of pole pairs .........................................................................................17
5.2 Display parameters ...................................................................................................17
P100: Motor speed....................................................................................................17
P101: Actual speed ...................................................................................................17
P103: Binary inputs...................................................................................................18
P104: Binary outputs.................................................................................................18
P105: Encoder stroke number ....................................................................................18
P106: Reference value...............................................................................................18
P107: Load current ...................................................................................................18
P110: Switching sequence index.................................................................................18
Switching sequence operating mode „external running characteristic computer“ .....19
Switching sequence operating mode „internal running characteristic computer“......20
Display parameters for operating mode „internal running characteristic computer“ ...........21
P111: sv computed ..........................................................................................21

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P112: sv measured ..........................................................................................21
P113: Run distance..........................................................................................21
P116: DC link voltage ................................................................................................21
P117: PWM switching frequency .................................................................................21
P118: Position of absolute encoder (only with synchronous versions)..............................21
P120: Operating mode ..............................................................................................21
P121: Inputs / outputs of TMI board (binary parameter).................................................22
P127: Visualization of output voltage at MP42A ............................................................22
P160: imax in % of ioverload .............................................................................................22
P210: Analog output MP42A ......................................................................................23
P211: Analog output MP43A ......................................................................................23
5.3 Short run device (only with operating mode „internal running characteristic computer“) ....23
5.4 Parameter list ..........................................................................................................25
6 Error description .......................................................................................................28
7 Annex ......................................................................................................................31

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1 Note
Dependent on the equipment configuration only specific (reasonable) parameters are displayed. For
example, if the mode operating with the external running characteristic computer is selected no parameters
for the internal running characteristic computer can be edited.

2 General
2.1 Software versions
This description covers software versions V2.1, V11.1, V20.4/MO (TMC-board) and V5.1, V15.1
(TMI-board) (see annex, chapter 7.). The continuously advanced and improved software leads to irregularly
released updates. Some functions may not be in line with this description. For descriptions of the software
updates see respective release amendment in SAP.

2.2 Synchronous/asynchronous version

The available CPI software versions:
V2.X (or V5.X) for synchronous and V11.X (or V15.X) for asynchronous motors with incremental encoder.
Each version is saved on an EPROM. Version number and release date are indicated at the respective

2.3 Modes of operation

Versions V2.X (or V5.X) and V11.X (or V15.X) contain the modes of operation listed below. The TMC or TMI
board recognizes which additional components are connected and automatically dials the correct mode of
Mode of operation „external running characteristic computer with CAN bus control“ is not possible with ver-
sion V20.X/MO TMC.
• Internal running characteristic computer with CAN BUS control (TIS1):
Running characteristic computer in inverter.
• External running characteristic computer with CAN BUS control (TIS2):
Reference values for speed and torque are output by the external running characteristic computer and
transmitted to the inverter via CAN telegram.
• External running characteristic computer with CAN BUS control at CPI.E R (TIS3)
The TCM control outputs run commands and load weighing as well as the reference values for speed and
torque and signals. These values are signaled to the inverter via CAN telegram. The inverter has integrated
run contactors and a brake control. These components are controlled by the inverter itself. The TCM con-
trol monitors the contactor contacts and the brake control contacts, which are retransmitted via the CAN
• Internal running characteristic computer with parallel interface TIC (TIC, TIV):
The TIC board has 8 digital inputs and 5 isolated outputs. The inverter is controlled via this interface.
(running characteristic computer in inverter)
This device configuration is offered under the designation CPI...C.

2.4 Types of parameters

There are four different parameter types:
• Variable parameters
e.g. maximum speed, direction of rotation or controller parameters.
Whether the numbers entered are within the permissible number range is monitored and limited accord-

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• List parameters
Here an element of a preset selection list can be chosen.
• Display parameters indicating various operating values
e.g. current speed, current reference value etc.
• Function parameters indicating a display parameter and enabling the start of two different functions at the
same time. Also see „3.1 Selection and change of parameters“

2.5 Connecting the parameter entry panel

The parameter entry panel is plugged into connector X910 on board TMC(I). The panel can also be plugged
in and unplugged with the CPI device ready for work.

2.6 Powering on

After connecting the supply voltage of the CPI device or plugging the panel in, the following text will appear
on the display:
Thyssen Aufzüge GmbH,
Vers: TMC Vxx.x

This display will appear for 15 seconds only. This program version number must be stated when inquiries
are made to the factory.
If one of the buttons is operated during these 15 seconds, the display of the version number will be termi-
nated at once and the selected function will be performed.
If you wait until these 15 seconds have expired, the first available parameter will be displayed.
P 0 Reference value start delay
500 ms

3 Operation

3.1 Selection and change of parameters

P110 Switching sequence ind

P106 Reference value
P104 Binary output
P3 Direction of rotation
P2 Maximum speed
P1 Brake application time
P0 Reference value start
P2 Maximum speed

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The parameter number is displayed in the first line together with a short description of the selected parame-
ter, the current value with its physical unit appears in the second line. A cursor appears below the parameter
number. The desired parameter number can now be selected with the buttons (+) and (−). By moving the
cursor further, the selection will be possible in steps of tens and hundreds.
P 5 P gain

Operating the P/W button causes the cursor to shift from the parameter number to the parameter value and
it is possible to change this value.
P 5 P gain

The lowest-order digit of the value is underlined. This line marks that digit which was changed by 1 after
operating the „+“ button, or by –1 after operating the „–„ button. By operating the cursor button, this mark-
ing will be shifted to the left by one position each. This permits the parameter to be changed quickly over a
wide number range.
If the (+) or (−) button is kept pressed for more than two seconds, the parameter value will be changed by
+1 or –1 at intervals of 0.25 seconds. When pressing the P/W button at the same time, the parameter value
will be counted up or down even faster.

List parameters

Some parameters, such as P7 language, do not have a value number but a list selection.
P 7 language

Here, too, the entry can be changed by operating the (+) and (−) buttons.
Change of parameter values will become effective by pressing the P/W button !

Display parameters

The display parameters indicate operating parameters such as the momentary speed of the motor. The de-
sired parameter is selected as described in 3.1.
P100 motor speed
+ 103.5 min-1

The displayed value, - actual speed here - is continuously being updated.

Function parameters

This type of parameter looks like a display parameter. But unlike the display parameters the cursor can be
moved to the indicated number by pressing the Param./Value button. However, this number cannot be
changed by pressing „+“ or „-“. On pressing the (+) button a function can be started instead. Another func-
tion can be started by pressing the (-) button.
Often two different functions are not necessary, which means that the same function is assigned to both
buttons. Function implies a closed program part, such as a mathematical computation.

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Examples: P53: Calculate load-weighing gain from load current.

P 53 Compute gain load-weighing

3.2 Saving the changes in EEPROM

Parameter changes will be lost after switching the CPI device off unless this data is saved ! After pressing
the "S" button (saving) the following display appears:
Values to be saved?
(+) = Yes, (-) = No

If button „S“ has been operated inadvertently, the saving operation can be discontinued by pressing the (−)
button (No). All parameters will be saved in EEPROM by pressing the (+) button (Yes). The following display
will appear while saving is in progress:
Data being saved
Wait please

3.3 Bring all parameters to factory setting

This function permits the original values of all parameters to be restored at any time. The following question
will appear on the screen after pressing buttons P/W and "S" at the same time:
Original values to be loaded ?
(+) = Yes , (-) = No

If this function has been started inadvertently, the operation can be discontinued by pressing (-) button (No).
If button (+) (Yes) is pressed, all parameters will be set to the factory-set values.


However, these factory-set, preprogrammed values have not been saved yet. If they are not saved (3.2), the
old values will be effective when the de-energized control voltage is connected again after disconnecting and
connecting the control voltage before.

As soon as all parameters are reset to default, the following display will appear:
! Original values have!
! not yet been saved !

3.4 Resetting individual parameters to default

To reset a parameter to default value, select as described in 3.1. If buttons (+) or (-) are pressed simultane-
ously after operating the P/W button (for changing the value), the factory-set value will appear, other pa-
rameter values remain.

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4 Error stack

Error messages will be stored in the EEPROM of the TCM board. The entries can be displayed on the panel.

4.1 Display of error stack

To display the error stack, parameter 0 must be selected and button (-) pressed (see 3.1). The error which
occurred last will appear.

Number of error entries Error description

1/34 Control voltage on

283:45:30 24

Operating hours Additional information

Older stack entries will be displayed by operating the (−) button further. On pressing the (+) button newer
entries will appear.

4.2 Delete error stack

Display stack content (4.1) and press the "Save" button. Acknowledge the following display "error stack to
be deleted ?" by pressing the (+) button. The entry "error stack deleted" will then be displayed.

4.3 End stack display

After pressing the "param./value" button, the selected parameters will be displayed again.

Error description

See chapter 6

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5 Parameter description

5.1 Variable parameters

P0: Reference value start delay tSTS.

The delay time between activation of brake (EBS) and the drive becoming enabled can be set here for lifts
without brake acknowledgement. This delay time prevents that the run is started with the releasing brake.
Values between 0 and 5000 ms are possible. As a rule, 300 ms to 800 ms are set at installations without
brake test contact. (Also see operating sequence)

The reference value start delay must be set to maximum value at lifts with brake test contact. This means
that the reference value start is dependent on the BR1 signal.
In the case of brake failure the run or brake monitoring of the control will be activated. This prevents run with
half-released brake and resulting damage of the brake lining.

P1: Brake application time tBE.

Setting the delay time between the electrical disconnection of the brake (EBS signal) and the mechanical
„gripping“ of the brake. The position of the car is controlled by the inverter until the delay time is expired
and the brake test contact (if any) is released. The power part of the inverter will not be disconnected before.
(Also see operating sequence). Values between 50 ms and 5000 ms are possible.

There is no change for lifts without brake test contact since a de-energized brake contact is regarded as
steadily open contact.

P3 ... P6 Speed control

P3: Direction of rotation

The motor’s direction of rotation can be changed through this parameter. This parameter can be set to "not
inverted" or "inverted".
P 3 Direction of rotation
not inverted

This parameter shall only be changed with the drive being at standstill.

P4: Control direction (only with asynchronous versions)

The correct reference and actual speed ratio is of particular importance for the speed controller.

If this is not the case, the motor’s rotation will be uncontrolled at low speed. The control direction can be
reversed with parameter P4. This parameter can only be set to „not inverted“ or to „inverted“. A change of
this parameter has the same effect as the interchange of two phases in the motor line.

P5: Speed controller – P gain

This parameter permits the speed control response of the drive to be set. A change of the parameter will
become effective immediately.

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P6: Speed controller – I gain

Same as P5, but for the I component. The smallest value is 4ms. If the I component is to be disabled, 0 ms
will have to be entered.

P7: Choice of language

This parameter permits the language to be chosen. The language is chosen in plain text.
P 7 Language

P8: RS485 mode (only with TMI board)

The TMI board has a RS485 interface (contactor X90). Use of the interface is to be selected through P8.
Choice of application:
- "Off" (interface not used)
Set to "Off" in case one of the CAN operating modes are used. See chapter 2.3.
- "DCP" (inverter controlled acc. to bus protocol "DCP-01".
DCP: drive control and position, specified by Böhnke % partners
LS2 bus (inverter controlled through bus protocol "LS2"
LS2: specified by Thyssen Aufzüge Austria.

P10 ... P11: Analog outputs MP42..MP43 TMC board

Various analog system values can be measured at measuring points MP42 and MP43. The system values
can be selected through parameters P10..P11.
P 10 MP42 analog output
< 0> n-actual +-10V

The measuring points are assigned to the following parameter numbers:

Number Output
Meas. Point
P10 MP42(A)
P11 MP43(A)

Attention! Distinguish between TMC and TMI board!

TMI board with MP42A/43A supplies 0...5 V.
TMC board supplies -10V ...+10V.

General standardization for TMI board MP42A and MP43A:

Speeds with sign: Current:

0.5 V = rated speed from P17 0.5 V = -Ioverload
2.5 V = standstill 2.5 V = 0A
4.5 V = +rated speed from P17 4.5 = overload

Speeds without sign:

0V = standstill
4V = rated speed from P17

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No. in Indication on display Value to be measured
P10, P11
0 (0) n-act 2.5+-2.5V Actual speed value with sign
1 (1) n-act +5V Actual speed value without sign
2 (2) n-ref 2.5+ -2.5V Actual speed value with sign
3 (3) n-ref +5V Actual speed value without sign
4 (4) Load current
5 (5) Field current Magnetizing current
6 (6) Acceleration precontrol current
7 (7) n-controller output Speed controller output multiplied by 4
8 (8) +5V +5V reference
9 (9) 0V 0V reference
10 (10) 2.5V 2.5V reference
11 (11) Running characteristic status
12 (12) Heat sink temperature
13 (13) Signal Motor overtemperature
14 (14) Signal N=0
15 (15) Signal Ready
16 (16) Signal Controller enable
17 (17) Count of controller counter
18 (18) Signal WU
19 (19) Signal WO
20 (20) Signal Vn
21 (21) Signal Vjuf
22 (22) Signal Vi
23 (23) Signal V0
24 (24) Signal QSP
25 (25) Signal ESP
26 (26) Signal EBS
27 (27) Signal SMR to TCI
28 (28) Sign. Reference found
29 (29) N-ref with F240
30 (30) N-act with F240
31 (31) El. position
32 (32) i_q_ref Reference value load current
33 (33) i_d_ref Reference value field current

P13... P17 Reduction ratio

Parameters P13 to P17 can be used for the computation of the ratio between motor speed and car speed
and consequently for the computation of the motor speed required for reaching the run speed, which will be
referred to as rated speed.
Note that these parameters do have a direct effect on the computed rated speed (P17) and consequently on
the speed of the lift.

P 13: Gear ratio

When a geared drive is used, the ratio of the gear can be set in this parameter. The gear ratio of gearless
drives is = 1.0.

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It is often indicated as ratio, e.g. 50:2. However, the value for P13 must be entered in decimal
( 50:2 25.0 ).

P 14: Traction sheave diameter

The drive's traction sheave diameter (in mm) is set here.

P 15: Suspension

The reduction ratio can also be computed from the number of suspensions. This ratio is always whole-

P 16: Run speed vmax.

The maximum run speed of the lift, which is also referred to as rated speed, is set in m/s (with external
running characteristic computer).

P 17: Calculated maximum speed nrated .

The required maximum motor speed is automatically computed from the values of the parameters P13 to

P 18: Operating point for speed „N=0“

Signal „N=0“ high is effective below the speed set here is.
The signal is included in the CAN telegram with CAN bus control devices; signal „N=0“ can be output at
MP42, MP43 with CPI...C devices (see P10, P11).

Acceleration and jerk of internal running characteristic computer P19...P20

P19: Jerk

Set desired acceleration change (jerk) in m/s3.

P20: Acceleration

Desired acceleration / deceleration in m/s2.

P 21: Acceleration precontrol on / off

If the precontrol is switched on, the acceleration value generated by the running characteristic computer will
also be used for speed control.

P22: Gain of acceleration precontrol

Adjustment instructions for precontrol:

Set P10(P11) to number 7 = (speed controller output).
P21 = ´Off´ (precontrol „off“)
Recorder to measuring point MP42 (MP43) ( ±10V max. ).
Record a run, acceleration torque will be recorded:

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P22 = ´On´ (precontrol „on“)

Record a run. If the acceleration torque is higher than precontrol „off“ value, use optional sign at P23.
Change P23 so that speed controller output ( No.7 at MP42 or 43 ) does not indicate acceleration torque
( Ma = 0 ):

Increase P23 Decrease P23 Opposite sign at P23

Note: use analog voltmeter at MP42 or 43 instead of recorder. The digital display shows the general run
of the acceleration torque curve.

Speeds for internal running characteristic computer P23...P27

One of the four speeds is selected through the inputs of the TIC board at contactor X11; bits V0, Vi, Vn and
V2/Vjuf are output through CAN.
Order of speeds selected at the same time :
1 priority Vi
2 Vn
3 V2/Vjuf
4 V0

P23: Speed v0

Speed v0 in m/s.

P24: Speed vi

Inspection speed vi in m/s.

P25: Speed vN

Rated speed vN in m/s.

P26: Speed v2/vadj

Adjusting run speed v2/vadj in m/s.

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P27: Additional speed vn2

The second rated speed can be selected by controlling the rated speed vN and the intermediate speed v2/vadj
through CAN or TIC board at the same time.
Factory-setting and range of setting same as vN.
Short run device only possible with vN.

Functions only applying to internal running characteristic computer P37...P39

P37: Operating point for output v<0,3m/s

The speed can be set from 0.15 to 0.3m/s. When the point falls below the set speed, the contact at TIC
X1.11,12 will close or v0,3 will be signaled through CAN. The set operating points must be provided with a
hysteresis of ±1% of the rated speed.

P38: Short run computer (on/off)

The short run computation function can be switched in, if necessary. Function of short-run computer see
chapter 5.3 (only with internal short-run computer).

P39: Short run distance correction

Long switching delay times of the control or rope slip may necessitate the need to adjust the leveling
distance for short run. If higher values are entered, the creep landing distance will be longer or shorter in
case lower values are entered. Values from –40.0 cm to +40.0 cm can be entered.

P40: Motor selection

This parameter offers a list of possible motor types. Some cases motors have the same electrical features,
but different designations. For example, if DTE(DKE)(DEE)132M003 are selected, DTE132M003,
DKE132M003 and DEE132M003 motors can be operated.
To be observed from software V5.2 for synchronous machines: parameter to be entered for
synchronous machines too.

P44: Speed threshold for progout

Can be set from 0 to 10 m/s

P45: Progout

Function can be assigned to relay output X1.13b/X1.14b (30V 0.1W) in accordance with selection list.

0 = No control 5 = v < P44

1 = Control of main contactor 6 = Motor overtemperature
2 = Brake control 7 = Overtemperature of device
3=N=0 8 = Collective fault signal
4 = v < 0,3m/s

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P46: Progout1

A function can be assigned to relay output X1.13a/X1.14a (30V 0.1W) in accordance with the selection list
(Selection list same as for P45)

P48: Analog In X1/11a

- Not used (input without function)

- Standby supply 220 V (standby supply activated)
- LMS ±1% (analog input X1/11a used for load weighing)
Standardized voltage values same as for API devices:
+5V = -100% empty
0V = 0% offset load
+5V = +100% fully loaded
10V = 200 %
Attention: also see P49: Prog.In X1/9b

P49: Prog.In X1/9b

- Not used (input without function)

- Standby supply (standby supply activated)
- Load-weighing FM (load weighing signal read into X1/9b as frequency modulation)
The values entered in parameters 48,49 are monitored. Entry of same values is thus avoided by resetting to
previous setting after a few seconds.

P50: Load weighing on/off

If no load-weighing device is provided, this parameter has not necessarily to be set to Off. Alternatively, the
lift installation can be optimized for use with special load condition, for example 2-3 passengers in car =
180kg. In this case, it is useful to switch the load-weighing on and to read the respective load value in
measured value of load weighing device at P51.

P51: Measured value of load-weighing device

Here the load condition is indicated as percentage of max. load. The parameter can be edited, but will be
overwritten immediately if load-weighing device LMS is connected.

If no LMS is provided, the load condition can be entered and saved. The speed controller continuously as-
sumes that the load condition is equivalent to the value entered.
Default value 45 % is active until another value is saved. This means that abnormal load weighing can be
noticed by reverse rotation, which cannot be overlooked by the installer.

P52: Input value for load compensation

The value under load compensation condition must be entered. Most lifts have a load compensation of
45 %.

P53: Calculate load-weighing gain from load current

The load current is continuously displayed in Ampere. This parameter permits a function to be activated,
which calculates a proper value for load-weighing gain dependent on the load current under constant run

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How to proceed:
„Full load“ or „no load“ are the load conditions to be selected; load compensation, however, should be
avoided. Move upwards or downwards in electrical recall operation until the car runs at constant speed. This
means that the load current does not change considerably any more. Then press the (+) or (−) button during
constant run operation. The load-weighing gain will be calculated internally from the displayed load current
value and entered at P 54. The calculated value will not be saved automatically, however.

P54: Load-weighing gain

This parameter has already been roughly set by the function activated through P 53. Now check, whether
the drive rotates reversely when the lift starts running and the brake is released. If you succeed in com-
pletely avoiding reverse rotation by changing the gain factor, the load-weighing will be set optimally.

P55: Position controller gain (only with synchronous machine with Endat encoder)

The precontrol signal supplied through LMS1 is replaced by a position controller computer. After entering
pulse enable and release of brake, the car is retained in its momentary position through the position control-
ler. With P55 the position controller gain can be adjusted. Thereby P50 must be switched OFF and P0 must
be corrected to 280 ms.

P60...P76: Startup of third-party motor with encoder, vector control

To set the CPI for unknown motor ("third-party motor", the nameplate data of the respective motor is to be
observed. On selecting the "third-party motor" at P40 (motor selection), parameters P60...P70 will be

P60: rated frequency motor Enter value from motor nameplate

P61: rated voltage motor Enter value from motor nameplate
P62: rated speed motor Enter value from motor nameplate
P63: rated current motor Enter value from motor nameplate
P64: cos φ motor Enter value from motor nameplate
P65: time constant rotor (Tr) motor computed Value computed from data P60-P64; between 40ms and
400 ms is standard
P66: no-load current (Id) computed Value computed from data P60-64, between 6 Aeff and
30 Aeff is standard (dependent on motor rating)
P67: reference time constant rotor Computed value from P65 entered here
P68: reference no-load current (Id) Computed value from P66 entered here
P70: reference stator resistance (at 20°C) Enter known or measured value here; if not enter
0 Ohm.
P76: actual motor voltage Current motor voltage is displayed here

P80...P83: Autotuning (from version TMI V15.4)

On selecting "third-party motor" at P40 (motor selection), four new parameters P80....P83 will be available.
The current controller for the unknown motor can be set here.

1 P80 to "<1> Tuning Start"; confirm The cursor is in the upper line at P80 and the display in lower
change through "P/W". line changes to "(2) measuring RS"
2 Disconnect brake; operate test (TÜV) switch; bring control to teach-in mode 15AF; activate drive through
electrical recall operation. The motor will be energized with the brake closed.
3 P80 shows "(2) measuring RS" Motor resistance is measured; measuring takes approx. 5 s.
Afterwards automatically switching to (3).

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4 P80 shows "(3) measuring LS" Inductivity is measured (approx. 2 sec). Afterwards automati-
cally switching to (4).
5 P80 shows "(4) end of measuring"

6 Disconnect electrical recall operation. P80 is automatically reset to "(0) normal operation" afterwards.
7 P81: measured values displayed
8 P82...P83: manual change of current controller values
9 Repeat or save parameters.

P92: Discharge DC link

Before you start performing any works at the inverter or at the motor connections discharge DC link for
safety reasons ! (See „danger notices“).

This function parameter displays the DC link voltage in Volt. Hold (+) or (−) buttons pressed and a function
will be called, which cyclically controls the brake resistor and, in so doing, discharges the DC link capacitor.
Discharge can be accelerated by pressing the P/W button at the same time.
Attention: discharging is only possible, if signal „QSP“ = 0, i.e. the main contactors dropped out..
De-energize power supply before you start discharging the DC link at installations, where the contactors are
not connected between mains and inverter but between motor and inverter. However, the control voltage
must remain energized until the DC link is discharged.

P96: Encoder stroke number

Incremental torsion angle encoders for asynchronous and synchronous machines are supported by the TMI
board and the TMC board. Optionally the TMI board can also be used with SIN-COS encoder from ENDAT for
synchronous machines.
Select the correct encoder stroke number from the list.
Synchronous machines are factory-set with SIN-COS encoder. If the SIN-COS encoder is defective or not
connected, entry in the error stack of the CPI device will follow after a few seconds.
Never connect energized encoders!
Re-adjusting of encoders after exchange see MA 14/6510/57 or MA 15/6510/090.

P97: Pole pair number

If "third-party motor" is selected at P40 (motor selection) of synchronous motors, the pole pair number of
the third-party motor synchronous machine must be entered here.

5.2 Display parameters

P100: Motor speed

Display of the current motor speed in min-1.

P101: Actual speed

The current run speed of the lift is indicated in m/s.

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P103: Binary inputs

If TCI board is used this parameter displays all incoming control signals as shown below. TIC board is an
integral part of CPI...C devices.
This parameter is displayed in binary. Each bit corresponds to an input signal at connector X1 on the
TIC board.
UP X1.3b B00000000 00000001
DOWN X1.4b B00000000 00000010
vN X1.5b B00000000 00000100
v2 X1.6b B00000000 00001000
vi X1.7b B00000000 00010000
v0 X1.8b B00000000 00100000
QSP X1.10b B00000000 01000000
Prog. X1.9b B00000000 10000000

This parameter is not available for CAN bus-controlled operating modes for the time being. Display of con-
trol signals similar to above is planned.

P104: Binary outputs

If a TIC board is used, all output signals will be displayed as shown below.
ESP X1.4a, 5a B00000000 00000001
EBS X1.1a, 2a B00000000 00000010
V<0,3 X1.11b, 12b B00000000 00000100
Prog X1.13b,14b B00000000 00001000

This parameter is not available for CAN bus-controlled operating modes for the time being. Display of con-
trol signals similar to above is planned.

P105: Encoder stroke number

This parameter permits the function and stroke number of the incremental encoder to be checked. The
counter reading of the incremental encoder is continuously being displayed. Values between -32768 and
+32767 may be encountered. The displayed value must change per motor revolution by the encoder stroke
number. Normally the encoder stroke number is indicated on the nameplate of the pulse generator.

P106: Reference value

The reference speed for the operating modes internal running characteristic computer with TIC board and
CAN bus-controlled external running characteristic computer are displayed here. The values are displayed in
volt; 9.8 V corresponds to the rated speed acc. to P 17 or the set rated speed of the car.

With operating mode CAN bus-controlled internal running characteristic computer the reference speed will
be converted and displayed as reference speed in m/s.

P107: Load current

The present load current is displayed in Amps.

P 110: Operating sequence index

This display helps you to cope with problems during control procedure. Every operating mode has been
subdivided into single control procedure steps.

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Switching sequence for operating mode external running characteristic computer

TCM <=> CPI with "external CPI reference value generation"
TCM(MC1 Id.460h or 60h marking 00h) to CPI
FF(run free)

WO/UP(run call UP)

WU/DOWN(run call DOWN)

TCM(MC1 Id 20h marking 11h) to CPI

vSoll (transmission in 10ms clock pulses)

aSoll (transmission in 10ms clock pulses)

TCM(MZ1 Id. 460h marking 20h) to CPI

BR1(acknowledgement brake released)

QSP(acknowledgement mains contactor)

CPI(Id.470h marking 00h) to TCM

ESP(command contactor on)

EBS(command release brake)

STS(Start reference value)


CPI intern

Enable IGBT pulses =

freezing of load weighing

Magnetising field excitation (with asynchr.)



n≠ 0 recognized

SLM I d 0 1 2 3 4 8 0
(0) Wait for 'up' or 'down'
(1) Wait for main switch "QSP"
(2) Wait for DC link
(3) Wait until motor field is built up
(4) Wait until brake is disengaged
(5) Wait for end of travel"fl_fahrt_frei=0
(6) Wait until v_ref = v_act = 0
(7) Wait for Tbe time and BR1 =0
(8) Disable pulses and wait

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Switching sequence operating mode internal running characteristic computer

(0) Wait for run call

(1) Wait for main contactor
(2) Wait for DC link
(3) Wait for field generation
(4) Wait for open brake
(5) Wait for 'n<>0'
(6) Wait for 'n=0'
(7) Wait for closed brake
(8) Disable pulses
(9) Wait for end of run

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Display parameters for operating mode „Internal running characteristic computer“ P111...P113“

P111: sv computed

To perform short run (see chapter 5.3), the distance to be traveled between start of deceleration and reach-
ing of leveling speed (sv) must be known.
This distance is computed from the data in parameters jerk, acceleration, v0 and vN and displayed.

P112: sv measured

The deceleration distance is measured during run at vrated, and displayed at the end of run. The distance is
measured from the deceleration distance will be measured and displayed at the end of the run. The distance
is measured from the point where the signal vN is no longer applied until reaching of v0


t (s)
Fig. 5.2-1

P113: Run distance

The distance covered is generally measured while the lift is running and displayed afterwards. The distance
measured last remains displayed until the next run is initiated. The distance value measured at the motor
shaft may result in deviations from the actual run distance due to rope slip on the traction sheave.

P116: DC link voltage

Displayed in Volt.

P117: PWM switching frequency

Displayed in kHz.

P118: Position of absolute encoder (only with synchronous machines with Stegmann encoder)

The display parameter „P118“ permits to adjust the encoder. 9999 is displayed as long as the absolute
encoder position is unknown. As soon as „position recognized“ is indicated, the pulse numbers will be dis-
played in quadruple resolution.
–16384...0...+16384 is displayed for half motor rotation.
+16384 to –16384 is displayed for the next half motor rotation.
–16384...0...+16384 is displayed for the motor rotation following next.
Adjustment instructions for pulse generator see MA 14 6510 057.

P120: Operating mode

TIS1 CPI with CAN bus and internal running characteristics computer
Shows activated mode of opera- TIS2 CPI with CAN bus and external running characteristics computer
Also see chapter 2.3 "operating TIC,TIV CPI...C with internal running characteristics computer
modes”. TIS3 CPI..E(R) with CAN bus and external running characteristics comp.

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P121: Inputs/outputs of TMI board (binary parameters) [applies to CPI..E R only]

Note! Do not enter values here.

Attention! Change of inputs/outputs during operation may cause failures (emergency stop,
error stack entries etc.)!

Bit Designation Connec- 0=output Description

tor I=input
1 Contactor Auto If "0" is indicated here, FOR, FUR, FLR will not be supported
by the program. This means operation by hand using the
following bits (for trouble-shooting or testing
2 FOR X94/3 OE Relay K1 is actuated (see RMB or KMB board X520/3)
3 FUR X94/4 OE Relay K2 is actuated (see RMB or KMB board X520/4)
4 RK1 X91/2 I Acknowledge contact run contactor
5 FLR X94/5 OE Relay K3 is actuated (see RMB or KMB board X520/5)
6 RK2 X91/3 I Acknowledge contact run contactor
7 EBS_DAUER_EIN X94/6 O Manual brake control with "contactor auto =1"possible only.
8 EBS X94/6 O Brake control
9 BK1 X92/4 I Acknowledge contact brake
10 BK2 X92/5 I Acknowledge contact brake
11 RSP_EIN X902/3 OE Control of energy regeneration unit
12 RSP_AKTIV X902/2 I Regeneration unit ready for mains supply
13 IF Pulse enable (more exactly "current controller ON"
14 THKK Overtemperature heat sink if "1"
15 T_MOT_BREAK X9271 Overtemperature motor or brake if "1"
16 READY X934/19 O Inverter "ready" (see LED H1)

P127: Visualization of output voltage at MP42A (binary parameter)

A bar chart consisting of 15 zeros or ones shows a small section the output voltage range applied at MP42A.
The sign is represented by the 16. Number, "1" means plus and "0" means minus. Values from 512 ±60
are displayed. (i.e. 2.5V ± 293 mV at MP42A). This means that "1" represents 4 increments (19.5
mV at MP42A).

Above type of display shall help to facilitate setting of acceleration precontrol and load weighing.
- Select "n-controller output" at P10. (Default value).
- Set "gain load weighing" in such a way, that P127 remains almost unchanged during run at
constant speed.
- Set "acceleration precontrol" in such a way that P127 remains almost unchanged during
- Save new settings.

You can also go to this parameter view by means of the diagnostic unit I (function level "0700",
function 7048). The 16 numbers from the display window of the parameter entry panel will be re-
placed by 16 LEDs.

P160: imax in % of ioverload

Here you can set limit value for torque or torque-producing current.

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P210: Analog output MP42A

The output value at MP42A is shown here as follows:

Table MP42A
0 (0 Hex) corresponds to 0.0V
512 (200 Hex) corresponds to 2.5 V
1023 (3FFHex) corresponds to 5.0 V

Further details on MP42A also see "P10....P11: analog outputs MP42A, MP43A TMI board".

P211: Analog output MP43A

Output value at MP43A same as for P210. To be selected through P11.

5.3 Short run device

A short run exists, if the floor-to-floor distance is shorter than the acceleration and deceleration distance for
rated speed. In this run, rated speed will not be reached. To arrive at the landing, operation at leveling
speed is necessary for a longer period of time (fig. 5.3-2).

The built-in short run device recognizes this status and it automatically extends the acceleration phase.
Consequently the leveling time into the landing is the same as with a run at rated speed.

For proper functioning of the short run device, the lift data must be set correctly:

Elevator data:
Gear reduction Traction sheave diameter
Suspension Jerk
Acceleration Speed v0
Speed vN

From these parameters, the deceleration distance is computed from vN and displayed in parameter 111 „sv
computed“. During every normal run (vN reached), the deceleration distance will be measured and displayed
in parameter 112 „sv measured“. However, the measured distance is not considered in the short-run

The short run with "sharper rounding" (fig. 5.3-3) is a special form of short run. This is the case, if the
deceleration point is reached during the upper rounding of the acceleration phase. If the deceleration is
effected with the set jerk, the deceleration distance will be too large. The landing will be overpassed. To
avoid this, a "sharper rounding", i.e. run with a more distinct jerk, is performed.

Normal run


t (s)
Fig. 5.3-1

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Short run


Correction distance

t (s)
Reduction by short-
vN run device
Fig. 5.3-2

Short run with "sharper rounding"


distance P39

t (s)
Reduction by
short-run device
Fig 5.3-3

The pattern of the running characteristic can be checked at the measuring points (MP42 or MP43). For so
doing, parameter P10 or P11 must be set to value 11 „running characteristic status“. A diagram will appear
at the respective measuring point, so that the individual phases of the running characteristic can be
recognized (fig. 5.3-4).

Where :
MP42/43 5,00
0V v = 0m/s 2,50

2,50V Rounded from constant speed to 0

constant acceleration -2,50
3,75V Constant acceleration -5,00
5,00V Rounded from constant accelera-
tion to constant speed
6,25V Constant speed
-2,50V With sharper rounding to con-
stant acceleration
-3,75V Constant acceleration extended t (s)
by short run device v0
-5,00V Short run with sharper rounding

Fig. 5.3-4

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5.4 List of parameters

The parameters available for the respective operating modes are marked with S for synchronous or A
for asynchronous versions. Operating mode exists, i.e. parameters marked F, only valid if "third-party "
motor is selected.
Short description or Parameters present for operating modes
Para. text displayed on panel CAN bus control Parallel inter-
No. face
CPI..E ( R ) Internal running External running Internal running
characteristic characteristic characteristic
computer computer computer
P0 „Reference value start deceleration“ SA SA SA SA
P1 „Brake application time“ SA SA SA SA
P3 „Direction of rotation“ SA SA SA SA
P4 „Control direction“ A A A A
P5 „P gain“ / speed controller SA SA SA SA
P6 „I gain“ / speed controller SA SA SA SA
P7 „Language“ SA SA SA SA
P8 "RS485 mode" SA SA SA SA
P10 „MP42A analog output TMC“ (TMI) SA SA SA SA
P11 „MP43A analog output TMC“ (TMI) SA SA SA SA
P13 „Gear reduction“ SA SA SA SA
P14 „Traction sheave“ SA SA SA SA
P15 „Suspension“ SA SA SA SA
P16 „V max“ SA SA
P17 „Nrated computed“ --> display SA SA SA SA
P18 „‘N=0’ speed“ SA SA SA
P19 „Jerk“ SA SA
P20 „Acceleration“ SA SA
P21 „Acceleration precontrol“ SA SA SA SA
P22 „Gain of acceleration precontrol“ SA SA SA SA
P23 „v0 speed“ SA SA
P24 „vi speed“ SA SA
P25 „vn speed“ SA SA
P26 „v2speed“ SA SA
P27 Additional speed vn2 SA SA

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THYSSEN Adjustment Instructions Isostop 60
Parameter Entry to CPI on
MA 13 6510 059
Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

Short description or Parameters present for operating modes

Para. text displayed on panel CAN bus control Parallel inter-
No. face
CPI..E ( R ) Internal running External running Internal running
characteristic characteristic characteristic
computer computer computer
P37 „Switching threshold v<0,3“ SA SA
P38 „Short-run computer“ --> on/off SA SA
P39 „Correction short run distance“ SA SA
P40 "Motor selection" (selection list) SA SA SA SA
P44 "Speed threshold for Progout" SA
P45 "Output Progout" SA
P46 "Output Progout1" SA
P48 "Analog In X1/11a" SA
P49 "Prog.In X1/9b" SA
P50 "Load weighing" On/off SA SA SA SA
P51 "Measuring value load-weigh. dev. SA SA SA SA
P52 "Input value for load-weighing" SA SA SA SA
P53 "Comp. gain load-weigh. load curr. SA SA SA SA
P54 "Gain load-weighing" SA SA SA SA
P55 "Gain position controller" S S S S
P60 "Rated motor frequency" AF AF AF AF
P61 "Rated motor voltage" AF AF AF AF
P62 "Rated motor speed" SAF SAF SAF SAF
P63 "Rated motor current" AF AF AF AF
P64 "Motor cosφ" AF AF AF AF
P65 "Rotor time constant (Tr) comp." AF AF AF AF
P66 "No-load current )Id) computed AF AF AF AF
P67 "Reference rotor time constant (Tr)" AF AF AF AF
P68 "Ref. no-load current (Id)" AF AF AF AF
P70 "Ref. stator resistance (at 20°C)" AF AF AF AF
P76 "Actual motor voltage" AF AF AF AF
P80 "Autotuning" SAF SAF SAF SAF
P81 "Comp. values from autotuning" SAF SAF SAF SAF
P82 "Manual change current controller" AF AF AF AF

Prepared by: Grimpe Date of Changes:

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THYSSEN Adjustment Instructions Isostop 60
Parameter Entry to CPI on
MA 13 6510 059
Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

Short description or Parameters present for operating modes

Para. text displayed on panel CAN bus control Parallel inter-
No. face
CPI..E ( R ) Internal running External running Internal running
characteristic characteristic characteristic
computer computer computer
P83 "Manual change current controller" AF AF AF AF
P92 "ZK discharge" SA SA SA SA
P96 "Encoder stroke number" (selec.list) SA SA SA SA
P97 "Pole pair number" SF SF SF SF
P100 "Motor speed" SA SA SA SA
P101 "Actual speed" SA SA SA SA
P103 "Binary inputs" SA SA
P104 "Binary outputs" SA SA
P105 "Encoder stroke" SA SA SA SA
P106 "Reference value" (speed) SA SA SA SA
P107 "Load current" SA SA SA SA
P110 "Switching order" SA SA SA SA
P111 "sv computed" SA SA
P112 "sv measured" SA SA
P113 "run distance" SA SA
P116 "DC link voltage" SA SA SA SA
P117 "PWM switching frequency" SA SA SA SA
P118 "Absolute encoder position" S S S S
P120 "Operating mode" SA SA SA SA
P121 "In/Outputs" SA
P160 "imax in % of ioverload" SA SA SA SA

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THYSSEN Adjustment Instructions Isostop 60
Parameter Entry to CPI on
MA 13 6510 059
Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

6 Error description

Error Error description Extra info Causes, remedy or notes React

Control voltage on Inverter switched on for the first time R
Watchdog error Time error in program sequence of Number of errors Exchange TMI or TMC-board; exchange EPROM program R
C167 processor
SMR to TCM (only Collective fault message to TCM Varying error causes R
with TCM control)
No SMR present No collective fault message present. Error deleted message R
No power part Undefined value at A/D-channels 14 CPI type is Electronics does not recognized connected power part of in- H u. DC
recognized and 15 displayed verter. Check ribbon cable X934 for correct fastening. Exchange LINK
complete device.
EEPROM error 1) Wrong EEPROM cross sum =0 : EPROM Load default values; set installation-dependent parameters; R
2) Error in EPROM data set <>0 : EEPROM exchange TMI or TMC board, if unsuccessful.
Overtemperature Overtemperature heat sink in power Actual motor Check connections to motor temperature sensor at heat sink H and
heat sink part of inverter current at error DC LINK
tripping delayed
Overtemp. motor Input at connector X934/16 or at Actual motor 1) Check connections to motor temperature sensor at heat sink CAN: R
not with CPI..E and terminals 17,18 at upper inverter current at error 2) Measure motor temperature heat inks using ohmmeter TIC: H +
CPI..R devices tripping DC LINK
Overtemp. motor or Connector input X92/1 only moni- Actual motor Series-connected PTC temperature thermistor for motor and CAN: R
brake, only with tored with CPI..E and CPI..R devices current at error brake; check connections; check connections for high resis- TIC: H +
CPI..E and CPI..R tripping tance using ohmmeter. DC LINK
device Attention! Error tripping at PI10Ewmit DAF190 (plastic motor) delayed
despite cold motor and brake as well as temperature sensor
okay. Inform QMS, factory Neuhausen here.
Error stack deleted Error stack deleted None
Earth fault 1) Motor current sum not zero 1) Actual motor 1) Perform isolation test at motor windings. 1) H
2) Time error in program sequence of current at error 2) Exchange TMI or TMC board
F240 signal processor tripping 3) Exchange Stegmann encoder 2) Reset
3) Error message also signaled, if signal
Stegmann encoder of synchronous proces-
machine is defective sor
DC LINK undervolt- DC link voltage too low Actual DC link 1) check 3-phase power input at inverter; line phase missing?; H and
age voltage at error power fuses okay? DC LINK
tripping 2) Compare DC link voltage displayed at parameter entry panel
P116 and actual DC link value measured in voltmeter (600 V DC
range); see MA
3) Exchange device
DC LINK overvoltage DC link voltage too high Actual DC link 1) Error only appears in operating phase "brake", i.e. "empty H u. DC
voltage at error car up" or "fully loaded car down" LINK
tripping If yes: Check chopper resistor (brake)! Connection okay? Resis-
tance value measurable using ohmmeter? Warm resistor?
Voltage drop at resistor measurable? No brake current present;
chopper module defective; exchange device!
If no: see point 2)
2) Compare DC link voltage displayed at parameter entry panel
P116 and actual DC link value measured in voltmeter (600 V DC
range); see MA
3) Exchange device
Pulse disable power (PDPINT) tripped by following errors: see below H for
part 1) Overcurrent (separate 10sec
(Event message) description) 1) see error „overcurrent“ (not
(PDPINT) 2) Monitoring saturation voltage of ready);
power semiconductors 2) Power module(s) in CPI device defective; exchange after 5 x
3) Overvoltage DC link DSP
3) see error „DC link overvoltage“ reset
4) Supply voltage error follows
4) see error „± 15V undervoltage“ (see
Overcurrent Hardware suppressor circuit recog- Does error occur in operating phase „driving“ with "empty car H.+ DC
nized overcurrent up" or "fully loaded car down" or in both cases? LINK;
Measure motor current; check offset load; car clamped in rails? DSP

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Parameter Entry to CPI on
MA 13 6510 059
Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

Error Error description Extra info Causes, remedy or notes React

DSP timeout Time error in program sequence of 1) Sin/cos encoder (Endat) not connected H +DSP
signal processor F240 2) Error message for defective components Reset
DSP current control- F240 stopped operation of "current Actual motor Program does not work properly: H +DSP
ler controller“ program. speed at error 1) EMC failures reset
tripping 2) if flash program version F 030521, replace by current flash (see
program below)

DSP reset F240 performed reset caused by 128 = Power ON Event message output as error message annex. R
(event message) 1) command given by C167 proces- 16 = Illegal adres
sor (software reset) 4 = Softw. reset
2) F240 automatically reset 2 = Watchdog
(program failure in F240)
±15V undervoltage Power supply error or DC link voltage Actual motor 1) Measure supply voltage at TMI/TMC board using voltmeter: H u. DC
or DC link >850V error speed at error 15V, 5V, 24V (18V....40V), LINK;
tripping 2) Check reference module MAX675CSA808 (see Urgent Infor- DSP
mation A11/00), Reset,
3) Chopper module, check braking resistor, PDPINT
4) Compare DC link voltage displayed at P116 and actual value (see
using voltmeter. above)
(see error description DC link voltage)
Vist ≠ vref ±20% Monitoring reference-actual speed Actual motor Error output with CPI devices not connected to CAN bus only. H
(not monitored for values, speed at error
CPI with CAN bus) („hose error“) tripping
CAN-error a) Control does not respond to = 0 (case a)) 1) Check wiring of CAN bus connection H
handshake telegram 2) load "default values" in CPI device
b) Control does not transmit refer- = 1 (case b))
ence value telegrams (CPI with CAN
Encoder failure with Pulse encoder„Endat“ 1) Check motor connection lines, H
synchronous ma- 2) Adjust pulse encoder (with„hidden“ P86)
chines only)
Flag set Marking initiated from TCM control Flag No. from Flag from TCM control R
(with CPI with CAN through CAN telegram error stack of
bus only) TCM control

Run contactor See below: Error number see See below See
problem Extra info for„run contactor prob- below below
(only with CPI...E lems“
and CPI...R)
Regeneration unit 2 sec after RSP connection, unit still 1) Check wiring at CPI50R, H, wait
(RSP) not ready not ready for operation 2) Exchange device for RSP
(only with CPI...R)
Brake error Message "brake closed" not received Disconnect run contactors
(for CPI...E and 2.5 sec after "brake applied" to interrupt brake control.
CPI...R only)
Chopper with pulses Degree of DC link voltage increase DC LINK-voltage DC link protection against temporary overvoltage; R
disabled causes chopper connection at error tripping chopper disconnected again.

Device size changed Changed coding resistance recog- Extra info impor- Loose contact, 5 V reference voltage faulty, A/D conversion Error
nized with device ON. tant for software faulty. Check ribbon cable X934 for correct fastening. recog-
development Device out of service until device size recognized during switch- nized in
only ing on, is recognized again. standstill
Perform reset: switching ON/OFF phase
Standby supply Standby supply operation is Extra info rele- PWM frequency switched to 4kHz.
operation active activated. vant for software Lower threshold for DC LINK undervoltage.
(No further entry in error stack when development Energy regeneration unit remains switched off.
standby supply operation is ended.) only
Overspeed 130% rated speed exceeded Actual motor P106: check reference value, H
speed at error P101: check actual speed
Undefined. Opcode Infinion C167 processor performs Extra info rele- Change computer board and inform TKAW (dept. VTS) if one of Reset
Protect. Instruction reset. vant for software these error entries occur repeatedly.
Illegal Word Access development
Illeg. Instruct.Access only
Illeg. Ext.Bus Access
DC LINK > 200V not During DC link charge UDC LINK Actual DC LINK- Short circuit DC link,
reached repeatedly not increased above 200V voltage at error charging resistor defective;
within 200 ms. tripping power voltage missing?

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THYSSEN Adjustment Instructions Isostop 60
Parameter Entry to CPI on
MA 13 6510 059
Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

Abbreviations in„response“ part (resp.):

CAN: CAN-Bus operation H: Stop
TIC: Operation with TIC board H and ZK Stop and DC link off
R: Registration only H and ZK delayed Stop and DC link off at nearest
stop or after 100 sec.

Fuses provided for Supply voltage with CPI 10, 12, 26, 40
DC link voltage with CPI 10, 12, 26, 40

Extra info for „run contactor problems“

R devices have odd and the remaining devices even error numbers.

- Prior to switching on, the contactor contacts are checked for sticking.

No. Input (connector) possible cause

2: X91/2 (RK1) K06 does not go off
3: X91/2 (RK1) K01 does not go off
4: X91/3 (RK2) K06.1 does not go off
5: X91/3 (RK2) K01.1 and K06 does not go off ---almost impossible!
(and K06.1 as a result of K01.1)
6: RK1 and RK2 K06.1 and K06 do not go off
7: RK1 and RK2 K01.1 and K01 and K06.1 and K06 do not go off

Non-recurring error entry for error numbers 2...7; new disconnection attempts after 1s

- Relay K1 or K2 switched on, wait for acknowledge RK1:

10: K06 does not go on. Safety circuit (X517) interrupted?

11: K01 does not go on. Safety circuit (X517) interrupted?

14: RK2: K06.1 instead of K06 ON.

15: RK2: K01.1 instead of K01 ON.

16: RK1 and RK2: K06.1 and K06 ON; K06 expected only.
17: RK1 and RK2: K01.1 and K01 and K06.1 and K06 ON; K06 expected only.

Non-recurring stack entry for error numbers 10...17; connection attempts through FOR(X94/3) and FUR(X94/4)
after 1 s.

- Relay K3 switched on, wait for acknowledge RK2:

20: K06 and K06.1 OFF. Safety circuit (X517) interrupted?

21: K01 and K01.1 OFF. Safety circuit (X517) interrupted?

22: RK1: K06 ON; K06 and K06.1 expected.

23: RK1: K01 ON, but K01.1 or K06.1 or K06 not ON.

Non-recurring stack entry for error numbers 20...23 and waiting until it works!

Extra info for pulse enable power part (PDPINT)

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Parameter Entry to CPI on
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Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

The extra info displayed must be split up in binary. The meaning of each bit is defined individually.
Example: extra info = 402
Decimal Binary number
2^8 2^7 2^6 2^5 2^4 2^3 2^2 2^1 2^0
402 256 128 0 0 16 0 0 2 0 1 1001 0010
402-256-128-16-2=0. This means that bits 2^8, 2^7, 2^4, 2^1 are set.

The software monitoring recognized overvoltage DC link and F240 properly responded that „pulse enable“ is initi-
Furthermore it is clear that this happened with current controller and PWM active.

PDPINT cause:
Bit 2^0=1 SC (from power module)
Bit 2^1=2 F240 signals PDPINT
Bit 2^2=4 Error with supply voltage (24V,-15V or +15V
Bit 2^3=8 Error with supply voltage +15V
Bit 2^4=16 Software recognizes DC link overvoltage
Bit 2^5=32 Hardware recognizes DC link overvoltage
Bit 2^6=64 KS overcurrent (hardware recognition)
Further information:
Bit 2^7=128 PDPINT occurred with PWM active (red LED H99 circuit diagram S2)
Bit 2^8=256 PDPINT occurred with current controller ON
Bit 2^9=512 F240 refuses PWM (LED H99 remains OFF despite pulse enable)
No PDPINT error, but treated as it were.

7 Annex

TMC board Computer board of CPI unit

EEPROM of TMC boards Non-volatile memory (among others, for parameter values and error stack)

CPI device Frequency inverter

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Parameter Entry Panel Part No. Type Type No.

TIC board Extra I/O board for TMC board with 8 inputs and 5 outputs

TMI board Further developed computer board of TMC board,

with additional inputs/outputs for run contactor and brake control,
connection for SIN/COS encoder, DCP interface etc.

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ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Clear view display MKA for TCM control systems
       Microprocessor clear view display


 The clear view display is coded in such a way that each MKA can only be
used for the relevant TCM control system with the corresponding software.

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Commissioning the MKA:
The MKA plain text display is operated on TCM control systems. It has a 4-line
display with 6 operating keys and is inserted on the MC1 / 2 / 3 printed circuit
board with the 2 x 10-pin ribbon connector (secured against polarity reversal).

View: MC2
printed cir-
cuit board

2 x 10-pin
ribbon connec-

 After connection of the MKA and switching on the control system, the
plain text display shows the screen displayed:

>MKA ready

Vers: xx.xx.xxxx /xx
 Next <Esc>

The <Esc> button logs the plain text display into the control system.
The function selection menu appears:

Login: 0 or
>Login 0/1/2 1 or
Hours of operation
Trip counter
 Time 01/10

If the MKA is inserted again without switching off the control system, the display
starts without Esc. 

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Overview of display:

Login level

>Login 0/1/2
Hours of operation
Trip counter
Time  01/10

 Function 1 of 10

Function of the keys:

← →  Ent  - 

 - Move down into the lower level
- Start function
 - Teach-in: setting / adopt value and
 exit function (instead of Esc)
 - Move up into the higher level
- Exit function (except for teach-in)

 ← →
- Cursor / scroll left / right

- Back / forward in level

- Setting number

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Parameters of the MKA:
 Login level 0 no code necessary 
 Login level 1 code necessary 
TCM diagnosis help 0 Login level 2 code necessary 
Login level 0 
Hours of operation
Trip counter
Time >TCM diagnosis help
Calls Hours of operation
Status TCM Trip counter 00/06

TCM diagnosis help 1

Login level 1 >Login + 
Hours of operation
Trip counter 
Hours of operation
Trip counter

Time 01/06
Calls Esc
Status TCM
Control device >Hours of operation
Order number Trip counter
Fault stack Time

Flag -  Calls 02/06
Trip counter
Time + 

  TCM diagnosis help 2 -  Calls
Status TCM 03/06
>Time + 
Login level 2 Calls
Hours of operation
Trip counter
-  Status TCM

Time Status TCM
Calls - 
Status TCM
Control device
>Status TCM + 
Order number
Software version 06/06
Fault stack

 Use the + key
 to move to the desired function
 / level

Ent: starts the function

 Esc: exits the function

Use – to move back in the le-


Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

 Function in level 0 / 1 / 2:


Hours of operation
Trip counter
 Time 01/06

 Select level:

 Ent  - + Lower / raise number

+ / - selects
 the level
>Login >Login

Level 0
+  Ent  Level 1 / 2

 Ent  Ent 

>Login In level 0, >Login In level
 Level 0 no code is Level 1 / 2 1/2, enter
ID: 0 * * * * * necessary ID: 0 * * * * * code

Ent  Enter code: Ent 
 Use the arrow
keys to place
 >Login the cursor at >Login
Level 0 the entry posi- Level 1 / 2
ID: ****** ID: ******
 ID ok. tion. ID ok.
The numerical
 values are

Ent  changed using
+ / -.
Fill blank posi-
 tions with 0.
>TCM diagnosis 0 >TCM diagnosis 1/2 Logged in to
Login Login level 1/2
 Hours of operation Hours of operation
Trip counter 00/10 Trip counter 00/10

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Functions of level 0 / 1 / 2:

Hours of operation
Trip counter

 Hours of operation    Trip counter

>Hours of operation Trip counter
Trip counter Time
 Time Calls
Calls 02/06 Status TCM 03/06

 Ent Ent

>Hours of operation Trip counter

000254:40:42 00009654

 Use Esc Use Esc

to return to to return to
 overview overview


Status TCM



12.04.05 14:41:44

Use Esc
to return to

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Function in level 0 / 1 / 2:

Calls (internal commands)

EK--|-KT Safety circuit
Status TCM -- closed
I interrupted

| turns when the motor

Ent turns

[] closed doors
EK----KT | [] ↑ 04 [ ] open doors
. . . . . . . . . 1. . . .
^ ↑ ↓ Direction of travel

04 Location

^ Cursor

← Cursor left
EK--|-KT | []↑ ↑04 → Cursor right
. . . . . . . . . 1. . . .
12345678901234 Ent Give internal command
^ * * present internal com-

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Function of level 1 / 2:

Flag (marking flag)

>Flag 1



> Flag 1
Set flag 0F,00
←  →  Cursor left / right 
-  +  Lower / raise number 


> Flag 1
Set flag 0F,84 ok.
Flag set 

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Function in level 0 / 1 / 2:

Status TCM (operating phase)

 >Status TCM Regular operating phases

 06/06 hh,uu hh = main ID;
 uu= sub-ID
 00,uu status

 01,uu status before trip (starting phase)

>Status TCM
 ok. 02,uu trip

 03,uu delay

 04,uu stop

 Irregular operating phases

 >Status TCM
05,uu emergency stop
 ok. 06,uu adjustment trip
07,uu inspection / return

08,uu decommission (severe malfunction)

09,uu undetermined status
 (reset request)

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Functions of level 1 / 2:

Control device and order number

Control device     Order number

  >Control device 1 >Order number 1

>Control device 1
 Order number Software version
Teach-in 07/1007/10 Teach-in 08/10

Ent Ent

>Control device 1
>Order number 1
 Ready contact x
Motor temp. √ 387004126 

Use Esc
to return to Use Esc
overview to return to

Software function in level 2

Software version

>Software version 2



>Software version 2
CPU F7 01
MZ1 00 00
MF3H 00 00

Use Esc
to return to

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Fault stack function in level 1 / 2:

After switching on, the fault stack shows the current faults.

The last fault lies at fault stack number 99, the second-last fault on 98, etc.

… 1/2
 Order number
Fault stack

Esc Ent

>Fault stack 1/2 
 → 0C,76
- takesyoubackby
CAN: transmit cache → onememory
+ - 
>Fault stack 1/2
99:01,08 bringsyouback
RK/RKD jams H: 08 
 >Fault stack 1/2

3x no lock→

 + >Fault stack 1/2


RK/RKD jams H: 08

>Fault stack 1/2

no lock→

If the arrow appears, the text is

longer than 20 characters
The arrow buttons can be used

to scroll.

Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.

Function in level 2:


Flag 2

Enter values:
>15AF ..E..D….6 …
- +


Select the corresponding function:

Ent + - Display

Display ?
 Exit the teach-in function : Change !
Main switch off-on
Run no display

If a value has been adopted,
 stored appears in the display

andis        ,


Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

ThyssenKrupp ClearviewdisplayMKA MA 13 6599 001
PartNo. Type TypeNo.


Date Employee Descriptionofthechange
07.04.06 Hermann Firstversion



Editor:Hermann Issue Change:

Issuingdepartment:QMS date:04.06 6599-001_MKA.docFirstversion

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