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Speaker meaning

Arranged By :

1. Gustina
2. Ranti Maria Situmeang
3. Patricia Siagian
4. Febby Edgina Nainggolan

Supporting Lecturer :
Gabby Maureen Pricilia,S.Pd.,M,Hum.



Praise and gratitude to God Almighty for His blessings, and we were given the opportunity to
compile a paper entitled "Semantics" properly and correctly and on time.
This paper is structured so that readers can find out how important semantics is in learning
English in everyday life.
This paper was prepared by various parties. Both from outside and from the parties concerned
themselves and because of the help of God Almighty, this paper has finally been completed.
The authors also thank the lecturers for semantic and pragmatic courses who have assisted in
the preparation of this paper. Hopefully this paper can provide a broader insight to the
readers. although this paper has advantages and disadvantages. For suggestions and please
constituency. Thank you

Language is a communication tool that cannot be separated from the meaning or meaning of
every word that is arbitrary (arbitrary, changing, not fixed, whichever you like).This means
that there is no mandatory relationship between the language symbol (which is in the form of
sound) and the concept or understanding intended by the symbol (Chaer, 2007:45).

As a dynamic element, language is always analyzed and studied with various approaches,
including the meaning approach, while semantics is a component of language that cannot be
separated from linguistic conversation.Without discussing meaning, the discussion of
linguistics is not considered complete because in fact the act of speaking is nothing but an
attempt to convey those meanings.Meaningless utterances have no meaning at all (Parera,
A. Definition speaker meaning

Speaker meaning in semantics refers to the meaning that is intended by the speaker
Semantics is intricate and sometimes convoluted because words and combinations of words
can mean different things to different people.

An example of speaker is the person who people have gathered around to hear talk about

The 17th-century British empiricist John Locke held that linguistic meaning is mental:
words are used to encode and convey thoughts, or ideas. Successful communication requires
that the hearer correctly decode the speaker’s words into their associated ideas. So construed,
the meaning of an expression, according to Locke, is the idea associated with it in the mind of
anyone who knows and understands that expression. But the ideational account of meaning,
as Locke’s view is sometimes called, is vulnerable to several objections. Suppose, for
example, that a person’s idea of grass is associated in his mind with the idea of warm ...(100
of 4521 words)

1. Conceptual meaning deals

with the core meaning of expression. It is the denotative or literal meaning. It is essential for
the functioning of language. For example, a part of the conceptual meaning of 'Needle” may be
“thin”, “sharp” or “instrument”.In semantics, conceptual meaning is the literal or core sense of a
word. There is nothing read into the term, no subtext; it's just the straightforward, literal, dictionary
definition of the word. The term is also called denotation or cognitive meaning.

The definition of conceptual is something having to do with the mind, or with mental concepts
or philosophical or imaginary ideas. An example of conceptual is when you formulate an abstract
philosophy to explain the world which cannot be proven or seen.

Reflective or reflected meaning: multiple conceptual meanings. For example, the literal,
dictionary definition of the word gay is "happy" or "bright" (colors), though in society's use today it
has a much different meaning. Social meaning: the meaning given to words based on the social
context that they're used in.
2. Associated meaning

Associated means those that are affiliated, often in similar or equal roles. An example of two
people who are associated are the CEO and CFO of a company. adjective. 5. Associated means
someone who is involved with or allied with someone else.

In semantics, associative meaning refers to the particular qualities or characteristics beyond the
denotative meaning that people commonly think of (correctly or incorrectly) in relation to a word or

3. Different between conceptual and associated meaning

Conceptual Meaning covers these basic, essential components of meaning which are conveyed
by the literal use of a word. e.g. needle : thin , sharp, steel, instrument. • Associative Meaning is the
idea, connection what that specific word brings to you. e.g needle : pain, doctor, illness,… etc

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