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Nowadays some people has started to value others with their status , positions and materialistic
possessions. They focus on the amount of money or properties you own and what you are in the
society. They also gives no more importance to some values like honor, kindness or trust.

I totally oppose this statement because many rich people don’t give importance to individuals wealth
et do lot of charitable work. They are many who teach and help the poorest to climb the social
pyramid. Further more some people choose to work with someone who have moral values rather
than how reach he is. In addition to that organizations refuse to consider this people if they have a
history of cheating others, even though they are rich or famous. Moreover Business associates
impose to treat them with respect and honesty to be valued more. There is no place to those who
neglect others or don't share their wealth with anyone. It’s not well seen to only think of itself. A
simple exemple of this type of people appreciated by the majority even if they are very rich is Bill
Gates who is respected because his business gives employment to thousands of people,his product is
not offensive or damaging to anyone and predominately values human life and shares his wealth
through his Foundation with needy causes across the world.

In conclusion, it’s true that day by day people replace their old-fashioned values for social status but
sympathy, generosity and moral values are not forgotten. In short there is no doubt, people don’t
respect and won’t respect this type of people.

Fahmy Youssef

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