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School of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Tel: +251-111-232437
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Date: 01 February 2022

Recommendation Letter
Mr. Eyob Biresaw Getahun awarded an MSc degree in Hydraulic Engineering from Addis
Ababa University. He took two of my postgraduate courses on (i) Design and analysis of dam
appurtenance structures and (ii) Design of headwork’s and canal structures. His performance was
excellent. I found that Mr. Eyob as a dedicated and brilliant graduate student. He successfully
completed MSc thesis work on “Estimation of Reservoir Sediment By using Satellite Remote
Sensing for Legedadi Dam Reservoir”.
Presently he is highly interested to pursue water resources engineering works and related
research (PhD level). I believe that, given the opportunity, he can identify, organizing, analyzing,
and find solution to complex problems. I strongly recommend Mr. Eyob Biresaw Getahun for a
PhD research opportunity on water resources engineering or related fields at your esteemed
Sincerely yours,

Yilma Seleshi (PhD)
Professor of Water Resources Engineering
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
AAiT, Addis Ababa University
P.O.Box 385, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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