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1 Finish the conditional sentences

If I ______________ (be) you, I would help him with the homework.

We ___________________________ (stop) if we had seen you.

This is always true: if you heat water, it ______________ (boil).

He’d have repaired the car himself if he ________________________ (have) the tools.

Be careful! If you drop the vase, it _________________ (break)!

If she ______________________ (not / see) him every day, she would be lovesick.

We would be stupid uf we ___________________ (tell) him about our secret.

2 Comment on these situation. Use suitable conditional clauses

We don’t travel by plane to the UK because it is expensive.


Dad didn’t wait for me at the airport because he didn’t know about my arrival.

But he _______________________________________________________________________

I don’t have time, so I won’t tidy the house. – now imagine the situation to be different (not very likely)

But if__________________________________________________________

I didn’t study for the test. That’s why I failed.


I can’t change it, so I don’t protest.

But __________________________________________________________________________

1 Finish the conditional sentences

If I ______________ (be) you, I would help him with the homework.

We ___________________________ (stop) if we had seen you.

This is always true: if you heat water, it ______________ (boil).

He’d have repaired the car himself if he ________________________ (have) the tools.

Be careful! If you drop the vase, it _________________ (break)!

If she ______________________ (not / see) him every day, she would be lovesick.

We would be stupid uf we ___________________ (tell) him about our secret.

2 Comment on these situation. Use suitable conditional clauses.

We don’t travel by plane to the UK because it is expensive.


Dad didn’t wait for me at the airport because he didn’t know about my arrival.

But he _______________________________________________________________________

I don’t have time, so I won’t tidy the house. – now imagine the situation to be different (not very likely)

But if__________________________________________________________

I didn’t study for the test. That’s why I failed.


I can’t change it, so I don’t protest.

But __________________________________________________________________________
3 Translate. Use conditionals 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Včera bych ti pomohl, kdybys chtěl. Ale tys nechtěl.


Kdyby Petr neměl rád hudbu, nehrál by na 2 nástroje. Ale on hudbu miluje.


Když mi zítra zavoláš, půjdu s tebou do kina.


Včera jsi nezavolal, tak jsem s tebou do kina nešel. Ale kdybys mi včera zavolal, šel bych s tebou.


Nemůžeš si stěžovat. Chodím s tebou do kina vždycky, když zavoláš.


3 Translate. Use conditionals 0, 1, 2, or 3.

Včera bych ti pomohl, kdybys chtěl. Ale tys nechtěl.


Kdyby Petr neměl rád hudbu, nehrál by na 2 nástroje. Ale on hudbu miluje.


Když mi zítra zavoláš, půjdu s tebou do kina.


Včera jsi nezavolal, tak jsem s tebou do kina nešel. Ale kdybys mi včera zavolal, šel bych s tebou.


Nemůžeš si stěžovat. Chodím s tebou do kina vždycky, když zavoláš.


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