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My Narrative Essay

What are the three (3) personal actions or changes that I need to take in order to achieve my
vision of “the future me”?
Let us first tackle my Enablers of Passion. My Three Enablers of Passion are the following: My
Family, God and my students. First is my family, they are one of the reasons why I am dedicated
and passionate as a teacher. When I was still studying I keep reminding myself to strive harder,
to pursue and finish my course. I want them to be proud that I will graduate as education
student. I want them to experience having a good and comfortable life. As I graduate and
became a teacher, I want my family to be proud of me as a teacher who is willing to do anything
for the best of my students that when and why I want to be passionate and dedicated teacher.
Next is our God almighty. Everything I do, I offer it to god, why because I believe that God will
give me strength in each to become the best teacher that I can be. I truly believe that I am
nothing without God and also I believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthen
me. And lastly my students, how will you know if you are a good, better or best teacher? We can
see it through our students. If you see your students excel it is because you patiently teach them
and you don’t give up on them. If you see your students unmotivated it’s because you are
unmotivated too. You are the reflection of your students. If you are optimistic they can adapt it.
If you are passionate teacher they will become passionate students too. That’s why I choose to
be passionate teacher. I want them to be successful in their life by achieving their goals in their
life. Touching the life of your students can make a big difference.

The “Future Me”. I would like my students to remember as the teacher who bring out the best of
my students. I want them to remember that they gain confidence because I once told them to
explore to go out of the box. To take a risk and that nobody is perfect so everybody makes
mistake and that is normal. I want them to remember me that I once told them that every child or
every person has potential. Every child has different intelligence. They must pursue what
interest them not just because it is what their parents or their friends wants but because it is their
passion. I want them to remember that I want them to be best than me because when I see them
successful it is my success too. I want them to realize that they must help each others to become
successful. That being selfish is wrong. I want them to see that life is full of beautiful things if
they will open their minds and see the beautiful possibilities. I want to realize that education is
the best gift that they will have for the rest of their life. I want them to remember that I once
became their teacher. Not just a teacher but a friend and their second parent. I want them to
remember that God is always on their side and they should fear nothing.

My three actions plan in becoming a better teacher or a passionate one. First, to improve myself.
What does it mean when I say improving myself? When you become teacher learning must not
stop it should be continuous so I can improve myself by attending seminars, training or
workshop. It doesn’t mean that when we became teacher we know everything. There is always
room for learning, for improvement. A great teacher knows that learning must not stop. We can
learn in everyday life. We can be better in everyday that will pass. Second, knowing where my
student lacks in. How can I address their needs if I don’t know where to start? I can do this by
visiting to their home or observing them inside the classroom or just simply having conversation
to them. A simple talk means a lot to our students. If they feel that you care for them they will be
motivated to go to school or even to finish their education. Lastly, Action. Everything that I
encode in here is useless if I don’t take action. They say ACTION IS LOUDER THAN
WORDS. So everything I tell you I make sure that I will take an action to it. I promise to
address in everything I encode in this narrative essay. As a dedicated and passionate teacher I
will WALK MY TALK so that my students will be inspired. To be great in their chosen career
in the future. I want them to touch the lives of other people too. I want them to make difference.
I will be the happiest teacher if that will happen. Seeing them inspiring others.

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