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1. It is the supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a State by which that State is

a. Sovereignty
b. Police Power
c. Power of taxation
d. Power of Eminent Domain
e. None of the above

2. The branch of the government which ascertain what laws are applicable to the dispute, the
interpretation and application of those laws, and the rendering of a judgment based thereon.

a. Executive
b. Legislative
c. Judiciary
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

3. The power of the nation or a sovereign state to take, or to authorize the taking of, private
property for a public use without the owner's consent, conditioned upon payment of just

a. Sovereignty
b. Police Power
c. Power of taxation
d. Power of Eminent Domain
e. None of the above

4. The right as well as obligation of qualified citizens to vote in the election of certain national
and local officers of the government and in the decision of public questions submitted to the

a. Freedom of Speech
b. Suffrage
c. Cognate Rights
d. Right against unreasonable search and seizure
e. None of the above

5. It is the the power of the people to propose amendments to the Constitution or to propose
and enact legislation through an election called for the purpose.

a. Initiative
b. Referendum
c. Plebiscite
d. Revision of the Constitution
e. None of the above

6. The part of the Constitution which identifies the authors of the Constitution, their
intentions, and  purpose(s) of the document.

a. Preamble
b. National Territory
c. Declaration of Principles and State Policies
d. Bill of Rights
e. None of the above

7. Sovereignty resides in the __________ and all government authority emanates from them.

a. State
b. People
c. Executive Branch
d. Legislature
e. None of the above

8. The following are citizens of the Philippines, except:

a. Those whose fathers are citizens of the Philippines

b. Those whose mothers are citizens of the Philippines
c. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law
d. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of the 1987
e. None of the above

9. What is the term limit of members of the Senate?

a. 3 consecutive terms
b. 2 consecutive terms
c. No term limit
d. 4 consecutive terms
e. None of the above

10. Which of the following is not one of the qualifications of members of the House of

a. Natural-born citizen of the Philippines

b. Able to read and write
c. Registered voter
d. Proven competence, integrity, probity, and independence
e. None of the above

11. What is the voting requirement to Declare the Existence of War?

a. 2/3 of Both Houses, voting separately

b. Majority of all members, voting separately
c. Majority of All, voting jointly
d. 1/3 of All members, voting jointly
e. None of the above

12. The following bills must originate in the House of Representatives, except _______:

a. Bills authorizing the increase of Public debt

b. Private bills
c. Tariff bills
d. Bills of Local application
e. None of the above

13. Which of the following is not a Constitutional Commission?

a. Civil Service Commission

b. Commission on Elections
c. Commission on Audit
d. Commission on Human Rights
e. None of the above

14. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Human Rights?

a. Universal
b. Alienable
c. Indivisible and Interdependent
d. Non-discriminatory
e. None of the above

15. What Right ensures that all persons shall be treated alike, under like circumstances and
conditions both as to privileges conferred and liabilities enforced.

a. Equal protection of the law

b. Due process
c. Speech and Expression
d. Privacy
e. None of the above
16. A re-examination of the entire Constitution or of provisions which have over-all
implications for the entire Constitution to determine how and to what extent it should be
altered. It implies substantive change, affecting the Constitution as a whole.

a. Amendment
b. Revision
c. Suffrage
d. All of the Above
e. None of the above

17. Who among the following is a public official under R.A. 6713 (Code of Ethics and Ethical

a. elective and appointive officials and employees

b. permanent or temporary employees
c. military and police personnel
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

18. What norm of conduct under R.A. 6713, mandates that public officials and employees
shall provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination and regardless of party
affiliation or preference.

a. Responsiveness to the public

b. Nationalism and patriotism
c. Political neutrality
d. Simple Living
e. None of the above

19. It refers to the process by which the absorption of infrared radiation by the atmosphere
warms the Earth.

a. Greenhouse Effect
b. Mitigation
c. Air pollution
d. Siltation
e. None of the above

20. It provides that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full
scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to
prevent environmental degradation.

a. Precautionary Principle
b. Preventive Principle
c. Pragmatic Principle
d. Practice Principle
e. None of the above

21. Monocropping is an agricultural practice of growing a single crop year after year on the
same land, in the absence of rotation. Its environmental impact includes:

a. Noise Pollution
b. Drought
c. Pest infestation
d. mire railings
e. None of the above

22. It refers to the document issued by the government agency concerned certifying that the
project under consideration will not bring about an unacceptable environmental impact and
that the proponent has complied with the requirements of the environmental impact
statement system.

a. Pollution control and infrastructure devices

b. Environmental compliance certificate
c. Environmental impact statement
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

23. It is special civil action that any person or entity can avail of whenever their constitutional
right to a balanced and healthy environment is violated or threatened.

a. Writ of Amparo
b. Writ of Habeas Data
c. Writ of Habeas Corpus
d. Writ of Kalikasan
e. None of the above

24. It is the law that sets sanitary standards for drinking water, food and other business
establishments, industrial hygiene, schools, health services, markets, slaughterhouses,
transport vehicles, terminals and other service stations, and lodging areas and infrastructures
among many others.

a. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

b. Climate Change Act of 2009
c. Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010
d. Philippine Sanitation Code
e. None of the above
25. Which of the following is not a principle governing the processing of personal information
under the Data Privacy Act?

a. Transparency
b. Legitimate Purpose
c. Proportionality
d. Probability
e. None of the above

26. Which of the following is not a mode of acquiring public office?

a. Election
b. Appointment
c. Inheritance
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

27. Under the Constitution, which of the following natural resources can be alienated?

a. Agricultural land
b. Minerals
c. Petroleum
d. Coals
e. None of the above

28. Under the Constitution, ______________ is the foundation of the nation.

a. Church
b. Filipino Family
c. Barangay
d. State
e. None of the above

29. What is the smallest political subdivision of the Republic of the Philippines?

a. Province
b. City
c. Municipality
d. Barangay
e. None of the above

30. Who is the current Secretary of Social Welfare and Development?

a. Erwin Tulfo
b. Benjamin Diokno
c. Christina Frasco
d. Victor Rodriguez
e. None of the above

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