PB 10th SST

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Shri Bhartiya Sanskriti Shiksha Sansthan


CLASS-X SUBJECT-Social Studies
TIME – 3 HOUR M.M. -80
All the questions are compulsory.
(i)Section A- Q.no.1 to 20 are multiple choice questions of one mark each.
(ii)Section B- Q.no. 21 to 24 are very short questions of two marks each.
(iii)Section C - Q.no. 25 to 29 are short answer type questions of three marks each.
(iv)Section D - Q.no.30 to 33 are long answer type question of five marks each.
(v) Section E- Q.no.34 to 36are case based questions of four marks. Answer accordingly.
(vi)Section F- Q.no.37 Map based question of five marks.
1. (Section-A)

Multiple choice questions. (1×20=20)

Rana Pratap Sagar Dam is located in:

(a)Odisha (b)Uttarakhand (c) Rajasthan (d)Andhra pradesh

2. What was the reason for the extinction of Tiger?

(a)Trade of tiger skin and the use of their bones in traditional medicines.
(b)Hunting for fun.
(c) Killing by the locals for protection from attacks.
(d)Poisoning the.
3. Border Roads Organisation (BRO) was established in ……..for the development of
the roads of strategic importance in the northern and northeastern border areas.

(a)1965 (b)1955 (c)1960 (d)1970

4. Who are ineligible to vote in the Presidential Elections in India?

(a)Members of the state legislative assemblies

(b)Members of the state legislative council

(c)Members of the Rajya Sabha.

(d)Members of the Lok Sabha.

5. Which of the following statements are true?

(a)In democracy, the majority and minority opinions are not permanent.

(b)In democracy, it is also necessary that rule by majority does not become rule of
majority community in terms of religion or race of linguistic group.

(c)Democracy remains democracy only as long as every citizen has a chance of

being in majority at some point of time.

(d)All of above.

6. Which two languages among the following are prominently spoken by Belgium

(a)French and English (b)Dutch and French

(c)Russian and Dutch (d)Russian and French

7. Where was the first international Earth Summit held?

(a)Rio de Janerio (b)Geneva

(c)Switzerland (d)Philippines

8. Which one of the following industries manufactures telephones, computers etc.

(a)Steel (b) Electronic

(c)Aluminium smelting (d)Information technology

9. Under which of the following is power shared in the ‘Community Government’ of


(a)Different social groups (b)Different organs of government

(c)Central and state government (d)State government and community government

10. Who devised the Spinning Jenny?

(a)Samul Luke (b)Richard Arkwright

(c)James Hargreaves (d)James watt

11. In the following question a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason

is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

(a)Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct statements and Reason is correct
explanation for Assertion.

(b)Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct statements but Reason is not
correct explanation for Assertion.

(c)Assertion (A) is correct statement but Reason (R) is wrong statement.

(d)Assertion (A) is wrong statement but Reason (R) is correct statement.

Assertion (A): The Second world war broke out a mere two decades after the end of
the first world war.

Reason(R): It was fought between two Allies powers (Britain, France, the Soviet
Union and the US) and the Axis powers (mainly Nazi Germany, Japan and Italy).
12. In the following question a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason
is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

(a)Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct statements and Reason is correct
explanation for Assertion.

(b)Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct statements but Reason is not
correct explanation for Assertion.

(c)Assertion (A) is correct statement but Reason (R) is wrong statement.

(d)Assertion (A) is wrong statement but Reason (R) is correct statement.

Assertion (A): Forest soil is found in the hilly and mountainous areas where
sufficient rain forests are available.

Reason (R): The forest soil develops under tropical and subtropical climate with
alternate wet and dry seasons.

13. In the following question a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason

is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

(a)Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct statements and Reason is correct
explanation for Assertion.

(b)Assertion (A) and Reason (R) both are correct statements but Reason is not
correct explanation for Assertion.

(c)Assertion (A) is correct statement but Reason (R) is wrong statement.

(d)Assertion (A) is wrong statement but Reason (R) is correct statement.

Assertion (A): The destruction of forests and wildlife is just a biological issue.

Reason (R): The biological loss is strongly correlated with the loss of cultural

14. Gandhiji agreed to participate in a Round Table Conference in London in.....

(a)Gandhi-Irwin Pact (b)Poona Pact

(c)Lahore Pact (d)Gandhi-Simon Pact

15. Arrange the following in the correct sequence.

(i)First cotton mill was set up in Bombay.

(ii)Invention of Spinning Jenny

(iii)Earliest factories in England.

(iv)First Jute mill was set up in Bengal.

(a)(i),(iii),(iv),(ii) (b)(iv),(i),(ii),(iii)
(c)(ii),(i),(iv),(iii) (d)(iii),(ii),(i),(iv)

16. Identify the person in the portrait given below:

(a) Marco polo (b) Johann Gutenberg

(c)Martin Luther (d)Jyotiba Phule

17. What is ‘Boro’?

(a)Kharif crop (b) Zaid crop (c)Rabi crop (d)None of these

18. Correct and rewrite the following statements.

Pre-independent India witnessed intensive industrialisation and urbanisation ,

creating vast opportunities for us.

19. Correct and rewrite the following statements.

Pipeline transport network is an old arrival on the transportation map of India.

20. Correct and rewrite the following statements.

Investment made by MNCs is called Off country investment.

21. (Section-B)

Very Short Answer type Questions. (4×2=8)

What were the drawbacks of Manuscripts?

22. What is a political party?

23. What is National Income?

24. Name the two major beverage crops grown in India. Describe their growing areas.

25. (Section-C)

Short Answer type Questions. (5×3=15)

Why are the means of transportation and communication called the lifeline of a
nation and its economy?

26. Explain the causes of the great depression.

27. How were the ideas and information written before the age of print in India?

28. Highlight any five functions of political parties to strengthen democracy.

29. “No country can survive without international trade in the present Global world.”
Explain the statement.

30. (Section-D)

Long Answer Type Questions. (4×5=20)

Discuss the steps to be taken to minimise environmental degradation by industries.


Describe any three major problems faced by Indian cotton weavers in nineteenth

31. Why did Mahatma Gandhi decided to call of the Civil Disobedience movement?


Describe the nature of the Panchayati Raj system in India.

32. How did idas of national unity in early nineteenth century Europe ally to the
ideology of liberalism? Explain.


What type of farming is called plantation farming? Which factors are needed to
promote them in India?

33. Why is the tertiary sector becoming important in India? Explain.


Describe the impact of Globalisation on Indian Economy with examples.

34. (Section-E)

Case based questions. (3×4=12)

Study the given cartoon carefully and describe it in your own words.
35. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Sustained use of land without compatible techno-institutional changes have hindered

the pace of agricultural development. Inspite of development of sources of irrigation
most of the farmers in large parts of the country still depend upon monsoon and
natural fertility in order to carry on their agriculture. For a growing population, this
poses a serious challenge. Agriculture which provides livelihood for more than 60
percent of its population, needs some serious technical and institutional reforms.
Thus, collectivisation, consolidation of holdings, cooperation and abolition of
zamindari, etc. were given priority to bring about institutional reforms in the country
after Independence. ‘Land reforms was the main focus of our First Five Year Plan.
The right of inheritance had already lead to fragmentation of land holdings
necessitating consolidation of holdings.

(i)What was the main focus of the ‘First five year plan’?

(ii)What was the serious challenge for the growing population?

(iii)Agriculture provided livelihood to how much population?

36. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

In the 1960s and 1970s conservationists demanded a national wildlife protection

programme. The Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act was implemented in 1972, with
various provisions for protecting habitats. An all Indian list of protected species was
also published. The thrust of the programme was towards protecting the remaining
population of certain endangered species by banning hunting, giving legal protection
to their habitats, and restricting trade in wildlife. Subsequently, central and many
state governments established national parks and wildlife sanctuaries about which
you have already studied. The central government also announced several projects
for protecting specific animals, which were gravely threatened , including the tiger,
the one-horned rhinoceros, the Kashmir stag or hangul, three type of crocodiles-fresh
water crocodile, saltwater crocodile and the Ghariyal, the Asiatic lion, and others.
most recently, the Indian elephant, black buck(Chinkara), the great Indian
Bustard(godawan) and the snow leopard etc. have been given full or partial legal
protection against hunting and trade throughout India.

(i)Which act was implemented in 1972?

(ii)Who demanded the national wildlife protection programme?

(iii)Which animal have been recently given full or partial protection against hunting
and trade throughout India?

37. (Section-E)

Map based question. (1×5=5)

Mark the following on the given outline political map of India.

(a)Major sugarcane producing states.

(b)One rubber producing states.

(c)Major cotton producing states.

(d)Major areas where wheat is grown.

(e)Major areas where jowar is grown.

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