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Shri Bhartiya Sanskriti Shiksha Sansthan


TIME – 3 HOUR M.M. -80
Question paper comprises five sections-A,B,C,D and E.
All the questions are compulsory.
1. Section – A Q. no. 1 to 21 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
2. Section – B Q. no. 22 to 27 are short answer type questions of 3 marks each.
3. Section – C Q. no. 28 to 30 are long answer type questions of 8 marks each.
4. Section - D Q. no. 31 to 33 are source based questions of 4 marks.
5. Section –E Map based question of 5 marks.
1. (Section –A)

Multiple choice questions. (1×21=21)

The people who touched the funeral and dead animal were known as:

(a)Untouchables (b)Chandals

(c)Shudras (d)Chamar

2. Why is Sanchi famous in history?

(a)Because of stupas (b)Because of parimandal

(c)Because of tombs (d)Because of forts

3. Which Italian trader came to Vijayanagar?

(a)Nicolo de Conti (b)Dominigo paes

(c)Nikitin (d)None of these

4. People who owned land were known as:

(a)Zamadaar (b)Ryot

(c)Zamindar (d)Malik

5. How many Category of Vedas are there?

(a)2 (b)3

(c)4 (d)6

6. Identify the following image and write the name.

7. Rani Laxmi led the 1847 revolt from:

(a)Delhi (b)Jhansi

(c)Bareily (d)Kanpur

8. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(a)In the villeges, the zamindars were more powerful than the Jotedars.

(b)The Zamindars lived in the urban areas and Jotedars lived in the rural areas.

(c)The Jotedars directly controlled a large section of the poor villegers.

(d)The Jotedars were more influential in North Bengal.

9. Who has described land revenue as “remuneration of sovereignty”?

(a)Bernier (b) Ibn-Battuta

(c)Al-Biruni (d)Abul Fazl

10. Which temple was made in the 8th centuary from rock cutting?

(a)Kailash temple (b)Vrahdeshwar temple

(c) Bhitargaon temple (d) None of the above

11. (For 11,12,and 13)

In the following question a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason

is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following choices.

(a)Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation
for assertion.

(b)Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct
explanation for assertion.

(c)Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.

(d)Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

Assertion: In the commercial phase of British Colonialism in India, British goods

were not exported to India on a large scale.

Reason: In the early phase of colonialism, the British did not make any fundamental
changes in the economic, social and cultural sphere of India.

12. Assertion: According to Gandhi ji, civil disobedience is an extreme form of political

Reason: Gandhi ji used to say that civil disobedience can be more powerful and
dangerous than the arms rebellion.

13. Assertion: The Indus Valley civilisation had ended 1000 years before the Aryans
arrived in India.

Reason: In the Indus region, where there was a lot of rainfall, there was less rainfall
in 2000 BC, as a result, the residents left this area.

14. Identify the following image and write the name.

15. The worth mentioning feature of salt march was?

(a)Due to it, Gandhiji became famous.

(b)It was the first national movement where women participated equally.

(c)This march made the British realise that their colonial rule would soon come to an

(d)All the above.

16. Who said, “Separate Electorate will be suicidal to minorities and will do them
tremendous harm”?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b)Govind Ballabh Pant

(c)Pandit Nehru (d)B. Pokar Bahadur

Match the column A with column B.

Column A Column

(i)Beginning of excavation in Mohenjodaro (A)1990

(ii)Excavation by M. S.Vats in Harappa (B)1955

(iii)Excavation by S.R. Rao in Dholaveera (C)1925

(iv)Excavation by R.S. Bhist in Dholaveera (D)1921


(a)(i)(A)(ii)(C)(iii)(D)(iv)(B) (b)(i)(C)(ii)(D)(iii)(B)(iv)(A)

(c)(i)(B)(ii)(C)(iii)(A)(iv)(D) (d)(i)(D)(ii)(A)(iii)(C)(iv)(B)

18. Consider the following statements regarding Sangha.

(i)Mahapajapati Gotami persuaded Buddha to allow women into the Sangha.

(ii) Many women who entered the Sangha became teachers of Dhmma and went
onto become theris.

(iii)Once within the Sangha, all were regarded as equal.

Which of the following statements is / are correct?

(a)(i),(ii) (b) (ii),(iii)

(C) (i) (iii) (d) (ii) only

19. Colonial rule was first established in :

(a) Delhi (b) Bengal

(c)Madras (d) Mumbai

20. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

(a)Except Gram Pnchayat every caste had its own panchayat.

(b) The gram panchayat sorted land issues between two casts.

(c) State supported the decision of the gram panchayat in fauzdari issues.

(d) All the these.

21. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding scripts?

(a) Almost all scripts used in modern Indian languages have Brahmi as their main
(b) Brahmi script is used in the inscriptions of Ashoka.
(c) Kharosthi is a Script.
(d) James prinsep deciphered the Kharosthi script in 1838.

22. (Section – B) 3
Short Answer Questions

Describe the basis on which archaeologists identified the centres of crafts production
in the Harappan culture.

23. What do you understand by the term Constitution? 3

24. Discuss the role of the begums of Bhopal in preserving the Stupa at Sanchi. 3

25. Mirabai was associated with the medieval age Bhakti movements, write a short note 3
on her.

26. Why did the Salt laws become an important issue of struggle? 3

27. Why were the Paharias of the Rajmahal forced to move in the hills? what impact did 3
it have on their lives? Explain.

28. (Section-c) 8

Long Answer Questions

“Non-cooperation become the epoch in the life of India and of Gandhiji”.Justify this
statement with example.


Compare and contrast the Dharma or norms mentioned in the story of

Drona ,Hidimba and Matanga.

29. Explain the striking features about the location of Vijaynagara, its water resources 8
and its fortifications.


What were the failures of the revolt of 1857?

30. Explain the textual traditions regarding religious beliefs. 8


Describe the main principles of the Bhakti Movement.

31. (section –D) 4

Case Based Question

Read the following extract carefully and answer the question that follow.(Q. no.

Here is an excerpt from the Ibn Battuta’s account of Delhi, often spelt as Delhi in
texts of the period :

The city of Delhi covers a wide area and has a large population…The Rampart round
the city is without parallel. The breadth of its wall is 11cubits; and inside it are
houses for the night sentry and gatekeepers. Inside the ramparts there are store
houses for storing edibles, magzines, ammunition, ballistas and siege machines. The
grains that are stored (in these ramparts) can last for a long time, without rotting ...In
the interior of the rampart, horsemen as well as infantryman move from one and of
the city to another. The rampart is pierced through by windows which open on the
side of the city, and it is through these windows that light enters inside. The lower
part of the rampart is built of stones, the upper part of bricks. It has many towers
close to one another. There are 28 gates of the city which are called darwaza, and of
these the Budaun darwaza is the greatest; inside the Mandwi darwaza there is a grain
market; adjacent to the Gul darwaza there is an orchard…It (the city of Delhi) has a
fine cemetery they show flowers such as tuberose, jasmine, wild rose etc.; and
flowers blossom there in all seasons.

(a)How had Ibn Battuta described the cities in the Subcontinent?

(b)What was his description Delhi?

(c) Mention any four changes in Delhi of today?

32. “Ordinary life in extraordinary time” 4

What happened in the cities during the months of the revolt? How did people live
through those months of tumult? How was normal life affected? Reports from
different cities tell us about the breakdown in routine activities. Read these reports
from the Delhi Urdu AKhbar,14 June 1857..

The same thing is true for vegetables and saag (spinach). People have been found to
complain that even Kaddu (pumpkin) and baingan (brinjal) cannot be found in the
bazaars. Potatoes and Arbi (yam) when available are of stale and rotten variety,
stored from before by farsighted (vegetable growers). From the gardens inside the
city some produce does rich a few places but the poor and the middle class can only
lick their lips and watch them (as they are earmarked for the select).

…There is something else that needs attention which is causing a lot of damage to
the people which is that the water – carriers have stoped filling water. Poor Shur fas
(gentality) are seen carring water in the pails on their shoulders and only then the
necessary household tasks such as cooking , etc .can take place. The halalkhos
(righteous) have become Haramkhors (corrupt ), many muhallas have not been able
to earn for several days and if this situation continuous then decay , death and
disease will combine together to spoil the city’s air and an epidemic will spread all
over the city and even to areas adjacent and around .

(a) Explain what happened in Delhi city during the months of the 1857 revolt?
(b) How did people live through those month of tumult?
(c) How did the routine activities disturb the people?

33. “I believe separate electorates will be suicidal to the minorities” 4

During the debate on 27 August 1947, Govind Ballabh Pant said: I believe separate
electorate will be suicidal to the minorities and will do them tremendous harm. If
they isolated forever they can never convert themselves into a majority and the
feeling of frustration will cripple them even from the very beginning. What is it that
you desire and what is our ultimate objective? Do the minorities always want to
remain as minorities or do they ever expect to form an integral part of a great nation
and as such to guiude and control its destinies? If they do, can they ever achieve that
aspiration and that ideal if they are isolated from the rest of the community? I think it
would be extremely dangerous for them if they were segregated from the rest of the
community and kept a aloof in an air-tight compartment where they would have to
relay on others. Even for the air they breath…The minorities, if they are returned by
separate electorates, can never have any effective voice.

(a) Why did some leaders think that there should be separate electorates for
(b) What were the concerns of some nationalist regarding separate electorates?
(c) Why did Govind Ballabh Pant consider separate electorates harmful for

34. On the political Map of India , locate and label the following with appropriate

(i)Amravati-A stupa

(ii)Rakhigarhi-Indus Valley site

(iii)Agra-Territory under the control of Mughal.




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