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Andre T.

Gulle LWR – K2
Mr. Ronald Sarsaba 11/ 30/ 2021



Across a century of freedom, we are attempting to change people's

perceptions of real patriotism. In ensuring that Filipinos understand how
Crisostomo Ibarra persevered for his nation and how it represents Rizal and his
fight for democracy. So, in essence, the novel is the paradigm propaganda
transcribed into the lovely language of fiction and had an impact on a figurative
insurgence in the Philippines. Hence, Noli Me Tangere can be considered a
charter of Filipino Nationalism? Precisely accurate, Noli Me Tangere
enlightened us and become vigorous; it was the seed that inspires us to cease
being ignorant, and it sparked our desire for independence and liberty. Rizal's
literature was meant to spark the burgeoning nationalism that will aid Filipinos
in breaking free from the bonds of oppression. Noli Mi Tangere is more than
just a book or an article by Dr. Rizal.

It wasn't even created or published just for the benefit of Filipino

nationals, but also to highlight the other countries. Rizal portrayed nationality
by accentuating the good traits of Filipinos, such as a Filipina's love and effect
on a man's life, a strong feeling of appreciation, and the Filipinos' firm common
sense under the Spanish colonial rule.

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