Naskah Drama Keong Mas

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Once upon a time, in the palace of the Kingdom of Daha, there lived a king and his two
daughters. One day, the King summoned his two daughters, because they were going to have
guests from the Karuhipan Kingdom named Raden Inu Kertapati.

King : "My daughters, come here!" (calling his two daughters)

Galuh : (Walking up to his father) "What's wrong, father?"
Kirana : (Walk behind Galuh Ajeng) "Did your father call me too?"
King : "Yes my daughter, there is a very important notice... Tomorrow Raden Inu
Kertapati from the Kahuripan Kingdom will come the day after
Kirana : "Then, what is the relationship with us, Father?"
King : "Father has made an agreement with the father of Raden Inu Kertapati, that
you will marry one of your daughters to Raden Inu."
Galuh : ( sparkling with joy) "Which of us will marry Raden Inu, father?"
King : "We have decided that Candra Kirana will marry Raden Inu
Kertapati... and this decision cannot be contested!"
Galuh : (Lowers head) "Sorry father, Galuh wants to go back.. Excuse
me.. (Walking away while lowering his head)
Kirana : (Seeing Galuh's departure, Then seeing the King) "Thank you,
Father.. Kirana is very happy..
King : "You're welcome my son.. let's prepare everything.." (While
stroking Kirana's head)

Meanwhile, Dewi Galuh, feeling jealous of Kirana, who has the good fortune and luck to
marry Inu Kertapati, has an evil intention to harm Kirana. He also came to a witch's hut.

Galuh : Excuse me, is there anyone inside? (looking around)

Witch : "What do you need sweet girl?" (walks with a stick)
Galuh : "I need your help! Please help me!"
Witch : "You want me to do what?"
Galuh : "I want you to bewitch Candra Kirana into something disgusting!
What is clear is that I want Kirana to suffer!”
Witch : "Okay, I will bewitch Candra Kirana so that she cannot
be engaged and married to Raden Inu!"
Galuh : (Smiling happily) " Thank you for your help, it's nice to work
with a wizard like you! This is money in return.” (Gives an envelope
full of money)
Witch : (Receiving the money) "Now I will prepare a curse for him ..."
Galuh : "I'll wait to hear from you, witch !!" ( leaves the witch's hut and
returns to the Palace)

The next day, Candra Kirana went to the market to buy necessities to welcome Raden Inu
Kertapati tomorrow. Coming home from the Kirana market past a river. At the river, Kirana was
confronted by an ugly old woman. The old woman is a witch who was ordered by Galuh to
bewitch Kirana.

Witch : "Hwahahahaha!! Chandra Kirana! How are you, Huh? You seem
very happy today? Hwahahaha…”
Kirana : (surprised) “Who are you?”
Witch : "Shut up! I'm here to turn you into a conch!!
Kirana : “Why do you want to bewitch me? What did I do wrong?"
Witch : "Your brother who ordered me to bewitch you."
Kirana : "Embarrassed? No way, you must be lying!”
Witch : "Enough! do not talk much ! just accept your fate! ha ha ha ha."
(casting a spell to turn Kirana into a conch)
Kirana : "No!" (Turns into a golden snail)
Witch : "Hwahahaha!!!! You will only be human during the day, but when it
is night, you will return to being a snail!! This curse will end when you meet
Raden Inu!! Hwahahaha!” (Throwing the golden snail into the river)
Candra Kirana was cursed to become a golden snail and was thrown into the river until
she was stranded in Dadapan Village. One day a grandmother was fishing with a net, and the
golden snail was caught in the net. The Golden Snail was then brought home and placed in a

Grandmother : "Oh, a very beautiful conch!! I'll take him home!” Upon arrival
at the lodge, the grandmother put the snail in a safe place. Then he
rested on the chair for a while.
Grandma : "Until this hour I haven't got any fish. I have to look for fish
again, if I don't get fish, what will I eat?" ( Goes out to find
fish )

The old woman returned to look for fish in the river. Then, Kirana returned to her human

Kirana : "Oh, why did I get here? Oh yes, there was a grandmother who
brought me. Poor old woman, just to eat she has to
find fish first. I'll make food for him."

Until late in the evening the grandmother did not get a single fish. Then the grandmother
decided to just go home, when she got home she was very surprised, because there was very
delicious food on the table. The grandmother wondered to herself, who sent this dish. Likewise,
the following days the grandmother underwent a similar incident, the next morning the
grandmother wanted to peek at what happened when she went fishing. The old woman then
pretended to go to the river to find fish as usual, then went behind the house to peek at it. After a
while, the grandmother was very surprised. Because the golden snail in the crock changed into a
beautiful girl. The girl then cooks and prepares the dish at the table. Feeling curious, then the
grandmother dared to reprimand the beautiful princess.

Grandmother : "Who are you, beautiful princess, and where do you come from?"
Kirana : (Looking surprised) "I….I…I am Candra Kirana. I am the princess of the
Daha kingdom who was enchanted to become a golden snail by a witch
envoy from my brother because she was jealous of me."
Grandma : (Feeling sorry) “So sorry for you son… Grandma doesn't know
what kind of brother your brother is, so she has the heart to curse you! But when
he's jealous, he's called a human,…whatever he does! Yes, now… you
may stay here for a while, son…”
Kirana : “ Thank you, Grandma…”

Meanwhile, prince Inu Kertapati can't keep silent when he found out his lover Candra Kirana had
disappeared. He was looking for a way to disguised as ordinary people. The witch finally found
out and turned herself into a crow to harm Raden Inu Kertapati. Raden Inu Kertapati was
shocked to see a crow that could speak and knew its purpose. He considered the crow to be
magical and obeyed him even though Raden Inu was given the wrong direction.

Raden Inu : (Surprised) "Who are you?"

Crow : "Calm down young man, I will show you the way to Dadapan Village, there
you will meet Candra Kirana."
Raden Inu : " How do you know the purpose of my journey? Who are you?"
Crow : "You don't need to know who I am, just follow the instructions I give."
Raden Inu : "All right, thank you for your help."

After walking quite a distance following the directions from the crow, Raden Inu did not
find Dadapan Village either. On the way Raden Inu met an old man who was starving, he gave
him something to eat. It turned out that the grandfather was a great supernatural powers, he
helped Prince Inu from the crows.

Grandpa : "Please son, I haven't eaten for a few days."

Raden Inu : "Oh, here is cake, there is some food." (gives a piece of bread)
Grandpa : "Thank you young man. Don't follow the crow's
instructions, she is actually a witch, she gave you the wrong direction."
Raden Inu : "Then what should I do, Grandpa?"
Grandfather : "Walk following the flow of this river, at the end of it you will find
Dadapan Village."
Raden Inu : "Thank you Grandpa, I will continue this journey."
Grandfather : "Be careful on your way, young man."
Raden Inu : "Okay, Grandpa."

After walking for days, Raden Inu arrived in Dadapan village. He approached a hut he
saw, asking for a sip of water because his supply had run out. In the hut he was very surprised,
because he met Candra Kirana. Finally the magic from the witch was lost because of that

Raden Inu : “Ah,… there is a hut! Maybe I could hitch a ride there for a
while and at least I'd get a sip of water. I feel very tired after walking this
far.”(Approaching the hut) “Excuse me!!…”
Kirana : “Yes, just a moment…” (opening the door)
Raden Inu : (Surprised) “Aren't you….Candra Kirana?”
Kirana : "Raden Inu? Why is it here?
Raden Inu : "It's a long story, I've been looking for you for days. Now let's go
home, your father is waiting for you."
Kirana : " Thank you very much, because you have saved me."
From inside the house, grandmother's voice called out to Kirana .
Grandma : "Who, Kirana?"
He picks up Kirana to go home. But, Kirana can't bear to leave Grandma
Grandmother : "It's okay, Kirana. Come home, you must miss your family.”
Raden Inu : "That's it, Grandma came with us to the Palace and lived with us."

Finally Raden Inu brought Candra Kirana and the kind grandmother to the palace, and
Candra Kirana told the King about Dewi Galuh's actions. The king apologized to Candra Kirana
and vice versa. Dewi Galuh then received a fitting punishment. Because Dewi Galuh was afraid,
she ran away into the forest. Candra Kirana and Raden Inu Kertapati's wedding took place, and
the party was very lively. Finally they live happily.

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