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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

1. Scope . . . . . . . . Page 2

2. Abbreviations . . . . . . . . Page 2
3. Safety . . . . . Page 2
4. Resources and Equipment . . . . . . Page 2

5. Survey. . . . . . . . . Page 3

6. Flow Chart. . . . . . . . . Page 7

7. Calibration. . . . . . . . . Page 8

8. Attachment. . . . . . . . . Page 8

iRoad – Ampara District, RDA/ADB/iROAD-2(EP)/NCB/AM-01

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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey


1. Scope

This method statement cover the GPS observation, Traverse Survey, TBM survey, and
center line setting out, cross section survey and submittal of drawings
9. Abbreviations

TBM – Temporary bench mark

RDA – Road Development Authority
GPS – Global Positioning System

10. Safety
All the members of the survey team shall be instructed to obey rules of traffic safety
plan of this project under the safety officer.

4. Resources and Equipment

Man power
Site Engineers -1 No
Safety officer - 1 No
Surveyor - 1 No
Skilled Labors - 4 Nos.
Flagmen - 2 Nos.

Total Station with the following accessories 1
Rechargeable batteries 2
Single prism – tilt type with carrying case 2
Targets with carrying case 2
Interchangeable tribraches with optical plummet telescope 2
Tripods telescopic type 3
Pole adapter for targets and prisms 1

Automatic level with accessories 2

Leveling staff – 5m aluminum telescopic 2
50m steel tapes 2
Brass plumb bobs 3
Hammer 7kg, 2Kg 2
Surveyors umbrella 1
Set of axes, shovels, mamotees etc. 2
Pegs and stakes As reqd

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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

5. Survey
I. General
Following topographical surveys will be carried out:
(a) Topographical survey and level survey along the full length of the road
section which will be plotted out on 1 to 1,000 scale drawings;
(b) Cross section survey of the road section which will be plotted to a scale of
1:50 vertical and 1:100 horizontal.
(c) Topographical survey of the site of the bridges, which will be plotted out
on 1 to 200 Scale drawing(s).
(d) Longitudinal Section along centerline of road, plotted to a scale of 1:200
vertical and 1:1000 horizontal.

II. Existing Survey Control Data

Bench mark record sheets will be obtained from the Department of survey through
RDA support.
III. Primary Survey Control
Prior to the commencement of the topographic and level surveys, primary control
monuments will b e established along the full length of the section at nominal 5 km
space. A primary control survey will then be carried out to determine X and Y co-
ordinates of the primary control monuments by traversing or by a GPS survey. The
elevations of the primary control monuments shall also be determined with reference to
the existing National Datum and they shall be tied into the existing National Datum

The primary control monuments will be established as follows:

- Monuments center will be a stainless steel pin of 12 mm diameter.

- Body of monument will be concrete with 20Mpa strength, constructed to the
following Dimensions:
- Monument top surface: 40cm x 40cm
- Monument bottom: 50cm x 50 cm
- Monument height 50cm
- Monument base: 60cm x 60cm x 10cm
Monuments will be established at ground level in stable ground conditions in location where
they shall not be disturbed by the construction works and they will be maintained throughout
the Contract Period.
Sufficient space will be provided around each monument to enable survey instruments to be

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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

erected and operated.

Each monument will be marked with its reference number, date of construction, elevation and
co- ordinates. A Survey Monument Description Sheet for each primary control monuments will
be prepared in an appropriate format.
The traverse survey connecting the primary control monuments will be carried out using total
station instruments. The elevation of each monument will also be recorded with reference to
the Sri Lanka National Datum.
Requirements for the traverse survey as follows.
a.) Horizontal angle measurement
i) Horizontal angles shall be observed by 2 rounds of angle on 2 different zero
ii) A total station theodolite instrument capable of reading horizontal and vertical
angles to at least 10 seconds shall be used.
b.) Distance measurement
An Electronic Distance Meter shall be for distance measuring, which shall be accurate to
at least 10mm+5ppmxD;
Note: 5pp:5cm per 10 km, D: measured distance
Linearmis-closure of the primary traverse shall be better than 1/10000.

IV. GPS Observation and Measurement

Five Duel Frequency GPS receivers will be used to collect data. The horizontal accuracy of
static survey base line of the above instruments is 5mm plus 1ppm.
All GPS observations will be done according to the Sri Lanka Survey department specifications
as follows.
Static GPS survey will be carried out to establish the horizontal control points. At least two first
order GPS control points established by Survey Department used to connect with control points.
All base stations are will be decided after careful investigation of the distribution of control
points. The Observation interval will be selected at 15 seconds, Maximum PDOP will be 4.0 and
Elevation Mask will be selected to 15 o and over 60 minutes of data will be collected on each and
every station.
Measures will be taken to have at least two base lines for each and every control point to avoid
hanging points. The GPS observations will be carried out based on WGS84 ellipsoidal
coordinates. These coordinates will be transformed to the Everest ellipsoid using the datum
transformation parameters published by the Survey Department. The national grid coordinates of
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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

these points will be obtained by applying Transverse Mercator Projection with origin coordinate
set to (500000m, 500000m).
The Geodetic Parameter for the transformed coordinates WGS 84 to Local coordinates system as
Ellipsoid [EVEREST 1830 INDIA]
Semi-Major Axis (Equatorial Radius)..[6377276.345]
Semi-Minor Axis (Polar Radius).......[6356075.413]
Flattening Inverse...................[300.8016980102568]
First Eccentricity...................[0.08147298125166744]
First Eccentricity Squared...........[0.0066378466740345775]
Second Eccentricity..................[0.08174473748851525]
Second Eccentricity Squared..........[0.0066822021070661935]
New Grid Co-ordinate System
The transverse Mercator projection on Everest ellipsoid (1830) with the following parameters is
used to compute new grid co-ordinate system.
Central meridian E 80° 46’ 18.16710”
Latitude of Origin N 7° 00’ 1.69750”
Scale factor 0.9999238418
False Northing 500000m
False Easting 500000m
Pidurutalagala trigonometrical station is used as the latitude of origin and central meridian.
WGS 84 to SLD 99 Projection Parameters (7 Parameters)
Shift dX = 0.2933
Shift dY = -766.9499
Shift dZ = -87.7131
Rotation X = 0.1957040
Rotation Y = 1.6950677
Rotation Z = 3.4730161
Scale Factor = 1.0000000393

Approval will be taken by the Survey Department for the Final GPS survey report

V. Secondary Survey Control

The secondary control points will be established to provide a suitable basis for the topographical
and level survey of the roads and bridge site. The secondary control survey will then be carried
out to determine X and Y co-ordinates of secondary control points by traversing. The elevations
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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

of the secondary control points will also be determined with reference to the existing National
Datum and they will be tied into the existing National Datum benchmarks via primary control
The secondary control points will be spaced at maximum intervals of 500m and located so that a
minimum of two adjacent points will be located to fully enclose the required area of
topographic survey for the roads (scale: 1/1000), and will be at a sufficient distance from the
proposed works so as not to be disturbed during the construction. The location of points will also
be suitable for use in setting out.
The secondary control points will be established at ground level in stable ground conditions with
the requirement that they remain stable during construction. Each point (monument) shall be as

 control point center marked with a stainless steel pin of 12mm diameter;
 Body of control point will be concrete with 20Mpa strength, constructed to the
following dimensions.
- Point top surface: 20cm x 20cm
- Point bottom: 30cm x 30cm
- Point height: 40cm
Each secondary control point will be marked with its reference number and date of
construction. A survey Monument Description Sheet for each secondary control point will be
prepared as appropriate sheets

VI. Leveling
Leveling will be started from an existing National Datum benchmark, a primary control
monument or a secondary control point and closed to another of these benchmarks, monuments
or points.
Misclosure of levelling between existing National Datum Bench mark and primary control
monuments shall not exceed +30mm √ D, where D is distance in Km between existing National
Datum benchmarks or Primary control Monuments.

VII. Topographical Survey of Roads (1/1,000)

A 1 to 1,000 scale plan topographic survey will be conducted to locate man-made features
such as roads, buildings, etc. and natural features such as creek, canals, etc. along the road
section using the plan co-ordinates and heights of the primary control monuments and
secondary control points. All features will have elevations based on the National Datum
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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

The extent of the 1/1000 plan map survey will be to the 20m to either side of the existing road
highway centerline, and this survey corridor will be extended as required to ensure that the full
extent of the existing road construction is covered.
Where features cannot be surveyed to the required accuracy without extensive clearing or due
to other obstructions, seek the instruction of the Engineer.
The line or point to be surveyed on a feature will be at the features intersection with the
ground-surface unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.
Any feature, which is in a state of change during the survey, will be annotated to this
effect with the proposed boundary changes marked, if known.
The ground surface shall be surveyed to truly indicate any change in feature, vertical
alignment or horizontal alignment

Appropriate references such as road section name, section limits (km-marks), north and
east co- ordinates, benchmarks and other important data will be shown in the topographic plans
and profiles.

Following will be adopted during the works:

 an automatic-level, total station, and surveying tape will be used;
 traversing points for the topographic survey will be set up by closed traverse from
the control points;
 the height of traversing points will be obtained by closed leveling from control points;
 Minor control points established for the mapping survey shall not be permanently

VIII. Topographic Survey of Bridge Site

A 1 to 200 survey of the site of the new bridges will be carried out. This survey will cover the
river bed for a minimum distance of 250 meters from the bridge location, on the upstream side
and 200 meters on the downstream side. All other requirements for the survey will be same as

IX. Survey Drawings

All survey drawings will be prepared on A3 size drawing sheets;

6. Flow Chart
Flow chart Fig 1 indicating all the geometric design with survey works

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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey

7. Calibrations
 Leveling Instrument
Calibration certificate for leveling instrument will be given by the Manufacture/ supplier
once in every one year period, and two peg level tests would be carried out once a month for
check the calibration and if we would find any error in the instrument during the working,
immediately we would be attending to the calibration of the instrument

 Total Station (TS)

Calibration certificate of TS is given by the manufacture/supplier and once in every six
month period, the calibration would be carried out until the project end accordance with relevant
standard and if we find any defect in the instrument during working, immediately we would be
attending to the calibration of the instrument

8. Attachments

 Figure 01 – Geometric design flow chart.

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Method statement for Detail Engineering Survey






















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