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9118306081 CLASS10th

Q1: What is Electric

ectric charge and Electric Field ?

Q2: Write. all the formulaa of Power and Work ?

Q3: Write the value of Micro coulomb and Mue Coulomb in Coulo

What is meant by amphoteric oxides? Choose the amphoteric oxides from the following :

Na2O, ZnO, CO2, Al2O3, H2O Also write chemical reaction for one.

Q.2Give reason for the following:

(i) Hydrogen gas is not evolved when most of the metals react with nitric acid.

(ii) Calcium start floating when it reacts with water

(iii) Metals conduct electricity

Q.3How is copper extracted from its sulphide ore? Explain the vvarious
arious steps supported by
chemical equations. Draw labelled diagram for the electrolytic refining of copper

Q.4Why some metal surfaces acquire a dull appearance when they are exposed to moist air? Write
colour acquired by the surfaces of copper and silver in such situation and also write the chemical
names of the substances due to which it happens

Q.5Define the terms:

(i) mineral (ii) ore (iii) gangue.

1. "The Reserve Bank of India
ia supervisors The functioning of formal source of loans" support the
statement with examples.

2. How can formal sector loans be made beneficial for Poor farmers and workers? suggest any
three measures.

3. Explain by giving examples that MNCs are spreadi

ng their production in different ways.

4. "In a matter of years Indian markets have been transformed with wide ranging choices of
goods".Support the statement with examples.


1- A toy is in the form of a hemisphere surmounted by a right circular cone of the same base radius
as that of the hemisphere. If the radius of base of the cone is 21 𝑐𝑚 and its volume is 2/3of the
volume of the hemisphere, calculate the height of the cone and the surface area of the toy.(Use 𝜋

2- Water in a canal, 5.4 𝑚 wide and 1.8 𝑚 deep, is flowing with a speed of 25 𝑘𝑚/ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟. How
much area can it irrigate in

40 minutes, if 10 𝑐𝑚 of standing water is required for irrigation?

3- The sum of the radius of base and height of a solid right circular cylinder is 37 𝑐𝑚. If the total
surface area of the solid

cylinder is 1628 𝑠𝑞. 𝑐𝑚, find the volume of the cylinder. (use 𝜋 =

4- Two cubes each of volume 27

are joined end to end to form a solid. Find the surface area of the resulting cuboid.

5- The radius and height of a solid right circular cone are in the ratio of 5:12 . If its volume is 314

, find its total surface

area. [Take 𝜋 = 3.14].

6- 50 circular discs, each of radius 7 𝑐𝑚 and thickness 0.5 𝑐𝑚 are placed one above the other. Find
the total surface area

of the solid so formed. Find how much space will be left in a cubical box of side 25 𝑐𝑚 if the solid
formed is placed inside Its.

7- An iron pillar has lower part in the form of a right circular cylinder and the upperpart in the
form of a right circular

cone. The radius of the base of each of the cone and cylinder is 8 𝑐𝑚. The cylindrical part is 240 𝑐𝑚
high and the conical

part is 36 𝑐𝑚 high. Find the weight of the pillar if 1 of iron weighs 7.5 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠. (Take 𝜋 =22/7)

8- The surface area of a sphere is 616

. Find its radius.

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