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Volume 2: The Scales 415

Scale 415


Analysis Modes
Cardinality 7 (heptatonic) Scale 415: CONian
Pitch Class Set
Interval Structure
Forte Number 7-6
Generator none Scale 2255: NOGian
Rotational Symmetry
Reflection Axes
Ridge Tones none
Palindromicity no Scale 3175: EFRian
Chirality yes
Hemitonia 5 (multihemitonic) 3.
Cohemitonia 3 (tricohemitonic)
Imperfections 3
Prime Form yes
Scale 3635: WOGian
Deep Scale no 4.
Interval Vector <5,3,3,4,4,2>
Intervallic Analysis p4m4n3s3d5t2
Distribution Spectra <1> = {1,3,4} Scale 3865: YOTian
<2> = {2,4,5}
<3> = {3,5,6,8}
<4> = {4,6,7,9}
<5> = {7,8,10} Scale 995: GEWian
<6> = {8,9,11}
Spectra Variation 3.143
Saturation Vector <0.75,0.25,0.25,0.333,0.5,
Scale 2545: POTian
Maximal Evenness no
Interior Area 2.183 7.
Polygon Perimeter 5.734
Myhill Property no
Centrifuge Balance no
Tonnetz Diagram
Propriety Improper
Coherence Quotient 0.493
Sameness Quotient 0.286
Heteromorphic Profile (45,26,90)
Hierarchizability (k = 2) 1
Hierarchizability (k = 4) 2
Maximal Area no

Hierarchization Diagrams

Ian Ring: An Exhausting Yet Necessarily Incomplete Study Of The Properties Of Musical Scales, Volume 2 © 2022
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