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Prepared by NGM Sir P&C (Combined)

1. The number of ordered pairs of positive integers (m, n) satisfying m ≤ 2n ≤ 60, n ≤ 2m ≤ 0 is
A) 240 B) 480 C) 960 D) 120

2. Let S = {1, 2, 3, …., n}. If X denote the set of all subsets of S containing exactly two distinct
elements, then the value of ∑ (min A) is.
A) n+1C3 B) nC3 C) nC2 D) n+1C2

3. An auditorium with 20 rows of seats has 10 seats in the first row. Each successive row has
one more seat than the previous row. If students taking an exam are permitted to sit in any
row, but not next to another student in that row, then the maximum number of students that
can be seated for an exam is
A) 150 B) 180 C) 200 D) 195

4. Call a 7-digit telephone number d1d2d3 – d4d5d6d7 memorable if the prefix sequence d1d2d3 is
exactly the same as either of the sequences d4d5d6 or d5d6d7 (possible both). Assuming that
each di can be any of the ten decimal digits 0, 1, 2, …., 9, the number of different memorable
telephone number is
A) 19, 810 B) 19, 910 C) 19, 990 D) 20,000

5. The 5 x 5 grid as shown in figure contains a collection of squares with sizes from 1 x 1 to 5 x
5. How many of these squares contain the black center square?

A) 12 B) 15 C) 17 D) 19

6. Each face of a regular tetrahedron is painted either red, white, or blue. Two colorings are
considered indistinguishable if two congruent tetrahedra with this colorings can be rotated so
that their appearances are identical. How many distinguishable coloring are possible?
A) 15 B) 18 C) 27 D) 54

7. A permutation (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) of (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is heavy-tailed if a1 + a2 < a4 + a5. What is the
number of heavy-tailed permutations?
A) 36 B) 40 C) 44 D) 48

8. Ten persons numbered 1, 2, 3, …. 10 play a chess tournament, each player playing against
every other player exactly one game. It is known that no game ends in a draw. Let w1, w2, w3,
… w10 be the number of games won by players 1, 2, 3, ….10 respectively and I 1, I2, ….., I10

respectively. Then
A) ∑w12 = 81 – ∑l12 B) ∑w12 = 81 + ∑l12 C) ∑w12 = ∑l12 D) None

9. As shown in the diagram, points p1, p2, p3, …. P10 are either the vertices or the midpoints of
the edges of a tetrahedran respectively. Then the number of groups of four points.

(p1 + pi + pj + pk) (1 < i < j < k ≤ 10) on the same plane is

A) 30 B) 33 C) 36 D) 39

10. The integers from 1 to 1000 are written in order around a circle. Starting at 1, every fifteenth
number is marked (i.e. 1, 16, 31 etc). This process is continued until a number is reached
which has already been marked, then the number of unmarked numbers are
A) 600 B) 700 C) 800 D) none of these

11. A, B, C, D develop 18 items. 5 items jointly by A and C, 4 items by A and D, 4 items by B

and C and 5 items by B and D. The number of ways of selecting 8 items out of 18 so that the
selected ones belong equally to A, B, C, D is
A) 5226 B) 5626 C) 4418 D) 4936

12. Let A denote the subset of (1, 5, 9, 13, ….., 1093) having the property that no two elements of
A add up to 1094. If the maximum number of elements in A is a three digit number then sum
of its digits is
A) 9 B) 11 C) 13 D) 15

13. The largest number of elements possible in a subset of set {1, 2, …., 9} such that the sum of
any two elements in that subset is unique is
A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

14. Consider the lower half of a 5 x 5 square grid, specifically, everything on or below the
diagonal from the lower-left corner A to the upper-right corner B. The number of paths from
A to B, where they are only allowed to move up or to the right (no moving along diagonal
segments) is (drawn is the grid and a sample path)

A) 126 B) 42 C) 84 D) 63

15. The number of ordered triplets (x, y, z) such that lcm (x, y) = 3375, lcm (y, z) = 1125 and lcm
(x, z) = 3375 is equal to
A) 48 B) 50 C) 42 D) 40

16. How many positive ordered triplets (x, y, z) such lcm (x, y) = 72, lcm (x, z) = 600 and lcm (y,
z) = 900
A) 15 B) 16 C) 24 D) 27

17. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = {1, 2, 3, 4}. The number of onto mappings from A to B such that
f(1) ≠ 1 and f(2) ≠ 2
A) 198 B) 150 C) 138 D) 144

18. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are to be seated at a circular table. The number of ways, this
can be done if A must have either B or C on his right and B must have either C or D on his
right is k then sum of digits of K is

19. Let a function f is defined as f : {1, 2, 3, 4} → {1, 2, 3, 4}. If f satisfy f(f(x)) = f(x), ∀ x ϵ{1,
2, 3, 4} and K is the number of such functions then sum of digits of K is

20. Suppose five points in a plane are situated in such away that no two of the straight lines
joining them are parallel, perpendicular, or coincident. From each point perpendicular are
drawn to all the line joining the other four points. If K is the maximum number of
intersections that these perpendicular (excluding given points) can have then sum of digits of
K is

21. If K is the number of circles in the plane contain at least three of nine points (0, 0), (0, 1), (0,
2), (1, 0), (2, 0), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2) then sum of digits of K is

22. If K is the number different of ways of painting a cube with 6 different colours where each
colour must be used (two arrangements are identical when the one arrangement can be
obtained by rotating or reflecting the cube) then sum of digits of K is

23. Let N be the number of ordered pairs of non empty sets A and B that have the following

i) A U B = {1, 2, 3, …, 12} ii) A ∩ B = ϕ iii) The number of elements of A not an

element of A iv) The number of elements of B is not an elements of B. The remainder
when N is divided by 10 is

24. If a, b, c, d are four distinct numbers then we can form six sums of two at a time, namely a +
b, a + c, a + d, b + c, b + d, c + d. Split the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 into two sets, four in
each set, so that the six sums of two at a time for one of the sets is the same as that of the
other sets (not necessarily in the same order). How many such splitting are possible.

25. Using only the paths and the directions shown, how many different routes are there from M to

26. If k is the number of different 4 x 4 arrays whose entries are all 1’s and -1’s have the property
that the sum of the entries in each row is 0 and the sum of the entires in each column is 0 then
sum of digits of k is

27. In a die, 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4 appear on opposite faces. When 2 dice are thrown, product
of numbers appearing on the top and bottom faces of the 2 dice are formed as follows:
number on top of 1st die x number on to face of 2nd die
number on top face of 1st die x number on bottom face of 2nd die
number on bottom face of 1st die x number on top face of 2nd die
number on bottom face of 1st die x number on bottom face of 2nd die
What is the square root sum of these 4 products?

28. Let the set S = {8, 5, 1, 13, 34, 3, 21, 2}. Susan makes a list as follows : for each two element
subset of S. She writes on her list the greater of the two elements subsets. If the sum of the
numbers on the list is K then K =

29. If the number of ways that 5 boys and 5 girls can be arranged along a line so that exactly 2
boys cometogether, 2 girls cometogether and these 4 members cometogether is K(5!) 2 then K
equal 2

30. Let A, B, C, D be four non-coplanar points. Then the maximum number of planes which are
equidistant from all the four points is equal to

31. If the sequences of 5 positive integers (a, b, c, d, e) satisfy abcde ≤ a + b + c + d + e ≤ 10 is m

then sum of digits of m is

32. A is a set containing n elements A subset P1 of A is chosen. The set A is reconstructed by

replacing the elements of P1. Another subset P2 of A is next chosen and the set A is again
reconstructed by replacing the elements of P2 and so on subsets P1, P2, ….. Pm so that
i) P1 ∩ P2 ∩ ……. ∩ Pm = ϕ
ii) P1 U P2 U ……. U Pm = A.


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C 11. B

12. B 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. C 18. 9 19. 5 20. 9 21. 7 22. 3 23. 2

24. 1 25. 6 26. 9 27. 7 28. 2 29. 7 30. 7 31. 9 31. I) (2m – 1)n ii) (2m – 1)n

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