New Thinking

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New Thinking ?New Action ??Urgentli Required .

“it’s only natural for (Tenth Degree Wishful Thinking) To

assume (things) will get better with time !It will not !!
There are yet much worse to come!”

“One Hardened Commander in the Greek navy was

quoted in (2023)Saying(( I seen so many floating
corpuses of Iraqis! Iranians! Syrians! Jordanians! etc.!
etc!! No longer I can eat Fish “
“Most Arab governments reached power riding on the
slogan of (Throwing the jews to the sea)But it ended up
by these governments and their English Masters
(Throwing their own citizens in to the Mediteranean

“The Middle East bedeviled by Two Curses; Oil and by its

proximity to Europe this Continent of Colonialism!
Fascism! and Racism worse than Apartheid.”

“Not only the poor and the oppressed but Even the rich
and powerful are fleeing the unlivable hells of the Middle

“God did not create the holly lands of Abraham!

Mosses! Jessus! And prophet Mohamed to become
slaughterhouse for the power politics of the Anglo-


“Once solid core of alliance established between

the two most advance (Politically and technically)
nations in the region (Turkia and Israel)Then
other nations have only two choices either to join
TATO(Turkish Abrahamic Treaty Organization)Or
remain failed states like Syria And Libya or the
Unlivable Hell Those two great big :

British Prisons Called Iraq And Jordan.”

Turkia must not allow the kurdish problem turn

in to ObsessionA distraction from wider issues !
some are Existentuial issues .With the SUDDEN
Collapse of the Soviet Union Followed by the
SUDDEN Rise of China !And the Vacuum created by
the E.U . Sucking in nations of the Balkans Iraq
and the ukrain in to dreadful wars !And the
Corrupt Washimgton Establishment falleng flat
under the spell and boots of English colonialism .

There is little time left by These Fast Geopolitical

Changes Of Tectonic Dimensions Therefore Turkia
need to finlize its position with the E.U. Telling the
E.U.ThatTurkia cannot sit indefinitely in the
waiting room to be stabbed in the back by daggers
be it from within ? or a Greek dagger ??The Arab
nations are all on fire and this fire next to us !You
will be kidding yourselve to think that these
Foregn Agents who are In Practice Ruling every
single Arab nation capable of extinguishing thiese
Simmering fires. They cannot and will not because
they are the problem and how the problem can be
the solution ?Therefore the only way forward first
to strike Solid Core alliance with Israel acting as
magnet for other nations to join so that their
Average Citizens can taste Normal living again !
(By the way in the entire Region there are only
two nations where its citizents currently enjoy
Normal living : Israe and Turkia). As for the
Palestinians And Kurdish problems these will

Dissolve automatically in the New Waters allowing

both Palestinians and Kurds return to the
same level of Normal living Prior to the arrivals of
the European colonialists and their Irresponsible
Homosexual English.After the Ottomans .


Ten Books Written By Isam.T.Saleh

Published By Amazon

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