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NAME: Ahanaf Siddique Ristha

ID: 21303058


Question- Automobile Toyota Company entering a new market, analyse new environment and show
the response.

Automobile Toyota entering a new market and it has to deal with macro and micro environment of

By entering new market the company has need new market intermediaries, has to face new
competitors, has to deal with new customers and publics.The company has new resellers, marketing
services agencies, physical distribution firms, financial intermediaries. The firm must gain strategic
advantage by positioning their offerings against competitors’ offerings.The company must maintain a
close relationship with its stakeholders.In this point, company’s public relation group can create a great
impact.Also, the firm closely look its strength and try to utilize as much as possible and try to overcome
from weakness that post the adavancement of the company .

The company also need to take his business decision by thinking about demographic, economic, political
and cultural environment of the new market. The company has closely analyse shifts in age, family
structure, geographic population, educational characteristics, and population diversity.The company
decide the quantity of its products to produce by doing market research and find out consumers
purchasing power and spending patterns.The company also must maintain legislation regulating
Increased legislation, changing government agency enforcement , increased emphasis on ethics, socially
responsible behaviour. The company should keep in mind about its customers values, norms, beliefs,
behaviour and perceptions. Also looking forward to the new opportunity and try to cut the threat in the
macro environment.The company need to be proactive in responding to the environment to take
advantage of certain opportunities and face the threat carefully.So, the company should be proactive
with in its decision making.
So, the company has to deal with the forces of both micro and macro environment of marketing.


Question- If the government increase fuel price by 40-50% , what will be your response as a marketing

The government increase fuel price by 40-50% that affect the company’s political environment. Political
environment refers laws, government agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit various
organisations and individuals in a given society.

The government increase price that legislation affect the firm’s political environment. The company’s
cost of raw materials is increased which means the production cost is also increased.The company must
have to obey the rules and regulations of the government. So, the company manager’s response to the
environment is uncontrollable.The manger can’t argue with the increasing price set by the
government.The has to run his business by reacting and adapting to forces in the environment.


Question- If your university bus use hydraulic horn and government magistrate asked penalty and told
you to change the horn.

The case affect the two elements of macro environment-political and natural environment.The use of
hydraulic horn causing sound pollution and that damaging natural environment.

The government environmental sustainable strategies causing threat to the business and prohibit to use
of hydraulic horn.If vehicle company can’t change its behaviour, it lost its public image as well as face
government penalties.
That also break the government restrictions to use hydraulic horn so the vehicle doesn’t maintain
political environment. The vehicle company is not careful about social responsibility behaviour also. So,
the owner’s of the vehicle must reactive his attitude towards marketing environment.

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