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Investigation: why did this load tip over? Heavy lift safety expert Richard Krabbendam looks at what caused the tipping of a 12-axle line hydraulic platform trailer (HPT) loaded with a 208-tonne reactor and investigates in this two-part article how we can avoid such accidents. fhe main purpose of tis aril ist rake crane opertors and haulage contractors aware of what can go ‘wrong and what are che legal -amsequences of sch ancient. “The aecident described here happened ‘when 3.28 m long reactor with a diameter of 5.8m, wcighing 208 tonnes was led on 3 m-wide, Isle line Sehewerle HPT and ‘tansported from Immingham Docks on the Uk east coast tis Final destination ta nearby ol einer (show in Figure 1)—a ‘oul distance of almost 788m, Aer caavllingapprosimately 6km, the eile combination ppd ener ast negotiated a Jong curve with 28 camber, ‘The eause of de acident was clasfed 5, the operator's fault 2 hat company had noe ‘compensated for moving the tale bed > the horizontal evel hen negating the 287 camber: Butt ook alos ight yeas apd court case w prove this ict. ‘The addtional court and lya costs over and abowe che repr work and sage ‘operation ofthe reactor were alo charged 9 the pay eventuily judged wo be a Fa ‘What were the issues? Party inthis case ad accepted the onder to transport a eacor fom Belg to In involved a roll-on movemsentonta a fh-rop ningha. The Gist part ofthe journey SUSPENSION POINT 3 3 cylinders grouped together 5 4 3 2 ‘ange atthe workshop of the Belgian manfictare. The reactor, amongst or congo, was placed on sel Se istening supportsand the 12-ale ine Goldhofer platform rar, which was usc to rol the reactor on board the Mae-cop bangs Ws taken off he barge afer de reactor had been see don on ts sc Fstcning suppor “The Noth Sea consing and the reacior ws rolled ol ‘on the quaysideat Immingham Docks "The nese par the operation aa the transport fom the Lmmingham Docks to the ob site was subcontracted to local haulage ‘company ~ referred to as party ‘Bin the ease The supervisor in charge of company inseructed the ransportation erew of ‘company “Bao se the tilr ina socal four-point suspension system, a advised in 4 cylinders grouped together SUSPENSION POINT 1 1 3 cylinders grouped together ‘SUSPENSION POINT 2 TIPPING LINES Julv/Auaust 2013 ZA 69 SYMMETRICAL (2xS+2xS) 4 POINT SUSPENSION SYSTEM [| Sierra emanate renee Biel EASE wroucmccewmnne tae) EMER NOTE: it was assumed that the CoG was on the center line of the reactor {| the tailer manaficturer’s manual forloads | deni this suggestion and acourtease was uneven road surfiees canbe coped with and with a high conte of gravity (CoG), instigated to ste the mater. sell gurante an equal load on each ‘Company 8 als insted the ener “Tafilly sndertanl what had happened, anvil ave (ce Fig 3). ‘operat party ‘to use a spirt evel nee ia lie bic more about hydanli Auringall phases ofthe eansport operation | platform gales A platform tile in Spring system imordcrtelosely monitor te horizontal principle consis ofa rigid steel frame, in Psition of dhe ealer bed at al mes and if | which individual ases are mounted and In non-hydrauic wales this is achived by 2 necesary to compensate forthe level setting, | each axle is suspended by a hydraulic spring system or by means of swiveling ‘ofthe trailer hel withthe yeraic | cinder All these hycraulic cylinders are rocker arms applied to each st of ales. The suspension system, connected with each other by means of more asks and the loge the rile is, dhe lays ines and with valves one ean moc ilcut becomes 6 gqarantee equal Negligence claim create individual suspension points Joad distribution on all ses. hiss where hg consisting of wo oF more suspension the hydraulic platform tale offers an idea Aspary'8, atthe clen'srequest had insurd | cylinders. In this way so-called three-point solution, By coupling individual taller units the reactor against damage during cr four-point suspension system is formed. with each other longitudinally or side by transport, che insarince company | Figure 2shows a three-pointstspension side we ein erat platfon eilers capable hich elaine dae the cause ofthe accident | system. The for cylinders atthe froncotche of handling ods up w several hundreds and was che smile are connect with cach otherasone even several thousands of tonnes, costa he acide againse party suspension point, whereby de six rear Of couse, che hydraulic lines beeen Parc ‘BY rejected dhe clamand said that | cylinders are separated into cw individual each alr mins be connected with cach the supervisor ac had given che wrong | suspension points each consisting ofthree other and opening and closing che correct instrveems and that he ler should have | cylinders connected with each other In this valves should crest a three of Fourie een sett three-point stapension system | way thive-poit suspension systems inseal ofa four-point suspension system. | created, Provided che CoG of he lad is cl of he eile cin be yw claimed thatthe vel position of placed eaetly inthe contre of the tl adjusted as wel, which comes in handy the male on a four-point sspension system | cach ade will have the same lad (hydraulic when the road bas a certain camber. Each could notbe controled and Had caused the pressure in each suspension point equal). individual suspension point car be raised oF Toad w ip over. Party Naso chimed thatthe Another great advantage ofthe hydraulic lowered by means ofthe diesel driven suspension system ofthe eller in tis ptm eailer isthe the tile ea be Fryraulie pump. secident was nor the case of te aecidens, raised by means of separate diese driven Inthe cas under the microscope the ‘nut he tiler bed had nocbeen levelled —_nyerauiepmp. In most cases the seansport saddles wore 2-m sport and che ‘when neyo the 28° camber and chs maximum stroke is iit wo 60 mn, saddle ods were ating the forward ad Tad been the coutibudingficwe. Pury'B Because ofthis hydraulic suspension system, aft part ofthe tale, which was composed of 60 ZA July/August 2013 2x ade lines con 7 Te reason fr dis an be conti 2 lengiinally oe Figure 3). As this al of he fllwing Fars: secagth limitation othe tl (© The reactor wae ot exactly lode inthe oily agreed wo dsconnecten09 contre of he tale nae lines of the ir, hereby eding, (© The deflation of ees at wer sd, when thobondigmemnenin the ler Fats the alerts Bascal ee reactor as eo a (© An inaccuracy in dhe exact location ofthe 2 (CoG of the rear. grouped into Ror pois, cack consisting of (© And dynamic Faresom the day. suc five anes (one ase = for yrs = one wind, speed and so on suspension lind) (ee Figure 3). By sing, | the momenta formal, one can exactly | ‘We will entinne the investigation ofthis ] ‘cin the next ase of HLPEI ‘alle the lon on cach group of aks and consequent de load pr ae £ | les ae, sane is inode or iano, Tipping angle Wy has bee tae ne the ay of ote, moni wl be Famaesqunet titi Fa | . ‘tty bps fae AAHLPFI Wito.tandth secant a thon ping ang of ear The [essiecmreriyors osc! esas es atone clr alps Oa ig svete dos the peste fen etfa buienare tec | Me spingols HPT boi h ithe ca attcomtned| MEAERniBir | tigi loerstcoftctaiarend | calor combietonWecleeked | elena! Me tne tha are ae GieovindtppingmgeotH melon | i rt fmt cri ce __| feurpintsesin ecm and. for [SSN bes ee om Fare) nthe sample waa Fie | recy spon spc, So why veduvotileinoeonienina tie | de takrpmarel amber 25 trier wil ip over when dhe combined Coks “ Goldhofer FOR EXTREME TRANSPORT CHALLENGES. wow JulyiAugust 2013" 64 ‘ summarise the whole incident under invesdgation, party had rotated the transportation of 2 208-tonne reactor from Immingham Docks, UK, searby refinery. The telling only 7k, bt shore distance from dhe docks che eailer negotiated a longgcurve ‘vith a camber of 28 thet esport combination sipped over and the rector landed in a ditch nest to the rod, The costof dhe salvage operation std the ddmage repair tothe reactor were covered by the anspor insurance arranged at he slcn’sraqucst by party 8, which claimed thatthe cause of the ae was the ce of he taler operator, Paty (che taller operator) denied chs aim, Tetook eight years 0 obtain aid in March 2013, Mer preset evidence athe High Conrein London, the jude rejected the allegations of party ‘Band found ie solely responsible fr the accident sod its inancil comequences Prior w the acident, he projet manger “of pany A had visite the transport combination just before entered along ‘men the road (ee pictre 1) and where appoimatly 201 reer on, tipped ‘over. He spoke withthe manspore supervisor and asked whether everyting, ‘vas going fine. The supervisor of parey'B Plea The anyon nin acknowledged that dhe planned 7.6 kan Journey was proceeding to plan ad de project manager of party then lft forthe refinery open the gate andl prepare the site for the offloading ofthe reactor: Ale abexs 10 minstes, when the transport combination did ot show up, be drove back Gk along the planned rote snd find the reactor yng on its baci dlch next wo dhe road while the 12-axe ine taller was stil on the read and standing. itstyres (ee piceures 2and 3), Accident scene ‘When he project manager arived athe ccm scene, he imuediey investigated the condition ofthe ral for hydric those rupustes or oder posible eascs, He ko noticed thatthe taller was sanding at the same camber asthe road — and this was record by measuring the height ofthe tile dock above the road surface at each Teproved chatzhe miler hoight at che right and l-rearend was 112 em abowe the road anda the front ight side 108.5 cm and fiontleft side 110m, These measrenents as wells the picures taken dtetly afer the accident, were presented in an oficial ecient report According tothe police escort, which drove behind the tansport combination, the trailer ite sil to the lower side ofthe ‘uve led a hie more and siden dhe ‘whole combination dpped aver The hashing cans broke lose the reactor nda inthe dich a the lower side ofthe curve next eo che road and the tiler Fl back om ts tyres com the road Inche opinion of project manager the sipping ofthe trailer was cas by not compenstingthe ter toa horizatal evel the case, which had a 25° wher nego camer When project manger arrived a the accident he had asked the operating enw \where the spirit vel was and they replied thar hey bad lfc in the diver’ cabin of eee tea the oslo a ed condition, They had obviously misjudged the camber ofthis longer. The opinions ofthe operating crew of parry "B' were notas clears che statement and accident report of project manager ‘September/October 2013 FA 67 SYMMETRICAL (10+2x5) 3 POINT SUSPENSION SYSTEM NOTE: it was assumed that the CoG was on the center line of the reactor oem The court case | Choice of suspension system Disadvantages of three-point Dring thecy court eae allwimesses Dring the court case, pay" hep suspension echnical exper ofpary Nand yey ining party had ae amistke by | Swale arcs of sabi ‘were given the opporttity to state their sctingthe mailer ona four-point suspension | @ Les suitable for high CoG loads case tsoambecameckarthtifyouend up ssemand ad derere ced eter | Sncowtmkruteyntashmeacne aps uldet econ Advantages of four-point and shat you ate very seen your ary % proved in cour by means of “understanding of what had really happened, scale model that three-point suspension suspension isthe bwersofcach pry willkeepaskng | system sles sable then a fou-pine © Greer aca oF bits Gqueionmuntidey eeeveasshewry | supensonsyem. teanbe compared with | @ More sitble fr high CoG oa shewer dele on tte legs Four le. Hone “The legllenauiry went teckwhe pase roses with the centro gaviy (CoG) —_|Disudvantages of four-point when pory Nha ke pry'B to quoe over one ofthe nes wich conneesthe kes suspension | forihearsportjebTodbeabanegeof ofthe table, che tbl wil poet pareyX the lwyershadeeary asked what Acomparinon ofthe avanages and | @ Move dificult contol and therefore Kind ofservie fad been requied fom pany disadvantages of irc and fourpowe | more hod neni (3Theyhal even enlosedlatansporatonstspension sje afesurumaried blows | @ Higher ri af veroading aes and drwing and preininary planing ces traer suc. wth ae engi : Advantages of three-point © Petey ncn on ana “Tore dsahanegsof party X, he i otherwise tale rocking can occ. ‘snag el pce cho EP eee eel eee oe Ihren far with no conditions of work | @ Easier operational contol for eveling, | If we look atall he above poins the mentioned whatever io the dacument It | which therefore fs hour inensve. | project mpage of party ta ht tndencosalasabiiycculston fora | @ Telit che io overlain their | along a fourpaesuspension would b separate projet led foe whieh the company _spinebexm and par suppor swell more klyworeoad the ales, esl Jax gute ing tha ie would pein a thers of ak cnet prefered to use ourpoin suspension 2 ‘weer ier configuration forthe lead. due | @ [eis ess scbectto dynamic fetsasthe | posed ta dne-poine suspension syst toes sablg No remarks or questions | kad aways rests on thre posh $e CoG ofthe lod wa in his opinion th been asked abot stably and erat climinatng rocking ‘ther high. Therefore selec he type teketion forthe ect, which ad prion ofthe wort and insouced he tiricanly been ceed by pay. Pary | Thedagramahove shows adrawing of operon of pry Bw sct the wale oa ‘Ntiad then confirmed te transportorder© | che symmetrical theepoin sispensin four-point sspension mode pry syste fr dhe acl oad in question. Teas the opinion of party dat he 68 Zl september/October 2013 www.heayy This important to prepare a detailed manual of the works thie need t be exceuted, otining the scope of work, itn and eranspore plans, swag plans, stability ‘aleulations and so 0. Albvays ensue that a aiden cus, immediately se withae injored persons reovive medical estnent and theeafer fae has happened illsrated with pictues if posible JAHLPFI report cealy in writ lease now, this arco send for tuidance oly, Whis every care has ben taken o ens the accuracy ofthe conte Serer ped sn respons wil be cepted by the . publishers for any error. issue has never been whether a three or What have we learnt? fenepointsnpesson visitor wrong. Make sure hatany ones fortampst oe RR a fay apt ‘Thecause ofthe accident wos that the war eeeion workreceed reconfirmed in |tgpanignaan wea operators dd notcompensate the eer any | serngand chat he leary tat the nts an So Ase ae finer afer thad stopped justbefre tke conn nds wich he work te | |b al auto thc es ‘curve where the accident happened, ‘executed. | wore with Git ond Maren, a was c-toaer of Aig one oper conte dat de | Fares chk fee pins MEBs im ian ale was coeeiel de ttieas a | men eer aries ee ne wells thesatementofanotheroperaor of sumportor ection workiscxccuedand Tagan wa Sheet sos vary prved nc they di not father ensure ht dase poines ae ard toad [baie ee eign ‘compensate the mailer after they stated 1 chat clea instructions (in wring) are given nogotinte the curve | cooperating personel Ki INDUSTRIE COMETTO S.p.A. x VIA CUNEO, 20 - 12011 BORGO S.DALMAZZO - CN - ITALY 2 TEL. +39.0171.263900 - BAX +39,0171.266395 | - Duliding for the heaviest dures, wun haawulifinfi eam anu aaa

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