David Jones Symposium Presentation

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ATEC Symposium 2009

“Youth Travel Matters: Understanding the

Global Phenomenon of Youth Travel”

David Jones
Director General
World Youth, Student & Educational (WYSE) Travel Confederation

WYSE Travel Confederation

The World Youth & Student Travel Conference...

1,000 specialists gather in the UK this September!

Providing A World of Opportunities!

Youth Hostels

International Education Adventure Tours

Student Flights
Cultural Exchange
Backpacker Transport Au Pair Volunteering
Student Travel Insurance Internships
Youth Travel Agents
Internet cafes Tourism Boards
Language Courses
Work Abroad Programmes Student Identity Cards
A Global Industry…

173m international arrivals in 2009

20% of all international visitors are

backpackers & young travellers
AU$203 billion per/year industry!

WYSE Travel Confederation

120 countries

10+ million youth & students
each year!
Hello to Members Here Today!
Adventure Tours Australia Group
Australian Tourism Export Council

Base Backpackers YHA Australia

Conservation Volunteers Australia English Australia

Global Gossip
Greyhound Australia Hostelworld
Intrepid Travel Tourism NT STA Travel
Tourism Tropical North Queensland
VIP Backpackers
Wake Up!
Tourism Victoria
New Research Report

‘Youth Travel Matters: Understanding the Global

Phenomenon of Youth Travel’ 2008

•Profile of the Young Independent Traveller, 2007.

•International Review of Government Policy on Youth Travel
•Impact of Extended Travel Experiences on Youth Travellers
•Profile of Global Youth Accommodation Market
•Profile of International Work Experience Programmes
•Global Directions in Language Travel
•The Future of Youth Travel

Published with UNWTO

“Not A Tourist” Mentality

Meaningful Travel

70% of young people ‘travel with a purpose’…

...Mixing travel ambitions with study, work,

volunteering and adventure

80% return home more tolerant and respectful of other cultures

97% of 18-35 year old Australians believe skills gained from

travel improves their career prospects*

*Contiki Survey 2009 11

Responsible Travel

Young travellers have more respect and less impact on

the environment
A backpacker’s daily carbon footprint is just 9% of a
business traveller’s! 53 days spent in destination
compared to 3.3 days* * Travel Industry of America

84%** of young travellers would consider offsetting

their emissions in the future ** Lonely Planet ‘Travellers Pulse’ Survey

Intrepid Travel, a world leader in 100% carbon-neutral

travel & operations
Forget The Budget Image

Young travellers stay longer…and spend more

than tourists.

In last 5 years, average spend per trip has increased

by 40% to AU$3,500

Youth travel is getting older! More 35+ yr olds

Youth hostels are going upmarket…3/4 of all rooms

are now private en-suites

Good News for Australia..

Australia is No.1 destination for backpackers &

young travellers!

Last year, young travellers spent 1m extra nights

in Australia*

Average spend per trip is now AU$5,639 per person*

*Tourism Research Australia

Backpackers’ Favourite Destinations

Tourism Authorities & Youth Travel

Governments are (finally) recognising the importance of this

$203b market!

60% of Governments view youth travel as ‘important to the

future of their tourism industry’

…And anticipate significant expansion in this market over next 5 years


Only 30% recognise it as a niche sector…or collect statistics

Only 20% have specific youth travel policies or programmes

Tourism Australia

Australia was the first country to promote backpacking as

a unique niche market!

Creating accessible & affordable travel opportunities…with

integrated study & work visas, products & programmes

Supporting development of a specialist niche industry e.g hostels

and adventure tours

Using Innovative marketing campaigns e.g ‘Work in Oz’ Myspace

Page (20% increase working holiday visas from UK!)
A Resilient Market

75% of young travellers travelling ‘as much, or more,

during recession’*

20% of travellers in Australia/NZ actually motivated by

recession to travel**

20% increase in young Britons with Australian working

holiday visas

Global Gossip Poll, *Nov 08 & **Apr 09

Youth Travel Industry Monitor

What impact is the recession having on youth travel?

Our regular global survey confirms…

The Youth Travel Industry is down 2.4% in Q1 2009

But demand in Oceania continues to rise!

Demand for Youth Travel..By Region

Industry Response…Innovate!

The Post-Recession Youth Travel Market

The recession will change the values of today’s youth


Loss of confidence in global institutions to serve their needs

Focus on personal development

Search for meaningful travel experiences

Fewer career options - more time to travel, discover

Future Trends for Youth Travel

A convergence of mixed and diverse experiences

Connecting in social networks ‘Communities on the Road’

Consumer-led rapidly changing demands

Impact Of Youth Travel…Why It Matters!

“What impact has ‘independent travel in your youth’

…had on your perception of the following?”*

Your respect for other cultures 92%

Your career choice 80%
Tendency to travel independently 83%
Developing positive personal values & ethics 82%
Responsible travel habits 78%
Interest social justice, poverty & world peace 73%
Your overall lifestyle 72%

* Travellers Pulse Survey, Lonely Planet 2005

See You This September…!

…The World Youth & Student Travel Conference

22nd–25th September Manchester, UK

Visit www.wysetc.org
Contact d.jones@wysetc.org


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