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Fran Alvarez has been working as an illustrator for about 9 to 10 years now.

She is into children’s book

illustrations. Her career started when she joins a contest, she did not win but one of the judges notice
her drawing and it made a path for her blooming career. She is currently working as a graphic organizer
and an illustrator at Rizal, Philippines. She mostly uses digital and traditional materials for her drawings.
Her subjects mostly are nature, pop culture, food, childhood, play, and daily life scenarios.

The first picture is one of the illustrations of Fran Alvarez. This picture shows the different kinds
of women in a jeepney. She says that this drawing is inspired by the pre-quarantine period, during those
times that everyone could still commute freely without wearing a mask. I think the style that she used is
cartoon, because of the playful distortion of the illustrations, with simple lined drawings.

The second is all about the cry of nature as she mentioned in the video. Fran Alvarez said that
she loves to draw natures because of the reason that she wanted to go for a vacation in a nice and
peaceful place with a beautiful nature around her. On the other hand, the picture shows how human
destroys the nature. Through reforestation, cutting of tress, or even beyond the oceans, the corals and
other plants in the sea. People are slowly destroying mother nature and for the consequences? We are
facing different calamities and climate change. The nature cries because of the humans. The style that
being used I think is cartoon also because it has simple lines and flat painting with no color.

The last picture is entitled “Hating Kapatid”.I think the style that Fran Alvarez used is surrealism because
the drawing appears dreamlike and it has imaginative details, it emphasizes positive expression in the
illustration itself. The picture shows two animals drinking coconut juice and they are surrounded by
nature, peacefully sipping their drinks. Maybe the illustrator wants to emphasize the good impact of
being kind to your siblings or even friends. Being selfish and greedy is not a nice attitude to embody, we
should consider the welfare of others also.

In conclusion, Fran Alvarez draws or illustrate things that she thinks and imagine. She loves to do her job
because she really wants it and her heart belongs to that skill of her. Although, there are still lots to
learn for her because she is exploring also other styles. For her reminders, she says to take care of our
body, “Avoid projects that will take up too much of your physical and mental health” according to her.
People ages below 30’s cannot experience yet those different kind of pain and lifestyle of an adults. So,
while it is still early for us, we need to take care of our overall wellbeing because our body is one of the
great artworks that have been made.

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