SMSD 013023 Athletics Activities Agenda

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Athle�cs & Student Ac�vi�es

Commitee Mee�ng Agenda
Monday, January 30, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

Commitee Members: Robin Scherer (Chair), Rodney Wagner, Terry Draper, Brad Group (President, De Facto)
Teachers: Dave Yinger
Administra�on: Dr. Joel Hain, BSHS School Principal, Dr. Jesse White, YBMS Principal, Rachel Boyle,
Athle�c Director
I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Old Business

a. Update on Winter Musical, Band and Choral Concerts
b. Principal Updates
c. Athle�c Director Updates
d. Coaching Staff Selec�on
e. Uniform Purchase – Rota�on Schedule and Athlete Purchase Discussion
f. Girls Wrestling Club and Team Update
g. Athle�c Booster Club Sponsorships and Administra�ve Regula�on Review

III. New Business

a. New Club Requests
i. Women in STEM
ii. Students Against Sexual Harassment (SASH)
b. Coding Athle�c Revenues
c. Post-Season Coaches Pay
d. Baseball Fundraiser for Gold Jerseys

IV. Public Comment

V. Recommenda�ons and Vo�ng

VI. Future Agenda Planning

VII. Adjournment

Next Mee�ng Date: Monday, April 26, 2023 @ 6:00 p.m.

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