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Theory of Structures II Architecture Module II

Column or strut is a compression member in which the length is considerably larger
compared to the cross-section dimension. Column denotes vertical member in compression.
The terms pillar and stanchion are used for long vertical compression members. Strut is any
member (including diagonal or horizontal) subjected to compression.
When a compressive load is in a vertical position then the experiencing member is
called as column.
A bar or member of a structure (stable system) in any position acted upon by a
compressive load is known as a strut.
 Types of columns:
A column can be classified as short column and as a long column depending
upon it’s failure mode.
1. Short Column
2. Intermediate/ medium column
3. Long Column

 Short column:

When reinforced concrete columns are axially loaded, the reinforcement steel and
concrete experiences stresses. When the loads are high compared to cross-sectional area of
the column, the steel and concrete reach the yield stress and column fails without undergoing
any lateral deformation.

The concrete column is crushed and collapse of the column is due to the material
failure. To overcome this, the concrete column should have sufficient cross-sectional area, so
that the stress is under the specified limit.

A column that fails essentially by direct crushing at ultimate load.

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∴Crushing load, P = σ ∗ A σ = ultimate crushing stress

 Intermediate / Medium Column:

Short columns are commonly subjected to axial loads,
lateral loads and moments. Short columns under the action of
lateral loads and moments undergo lateral deflection and
bending. Long columns undergo lateral deflection and bending
even when they are only axially loaded.
Under such circumstances when the stresses in steel
and concrete reach their yield stress, material failure happens
and RCC column fails. This type of failure is called combined
compression and bending failure.
A column that fails essentially by direct crushing and
bending then it is known as medium column.

 Long column
Long columns are very slender. Under such condition, the
load carrying capacity of reinforced concrete columns reduces
drastically for given cross-sectional area and percentage of
reinforcement steel.
When such type of concrete columns are subjected to even small
loads, they tend to become unstable and buckle to any side. So,
the reinforcement steel and concrete in such cases reach their
yield stress even for small loads and fail due to lateral elastic

Members considerably long in comparison to their lateral

dimensions & Members essentially fail by buckling or crippling
due to bending.

 Stable and Unstable Equilibrium

From mechanics it is known that a body may be in three types of equilibrium, viz. stable,
neutral or unstable.
(a) When the ball resting on concave surface is disturbed slightly it will regain its original
position, similarly the column is initially in a state of stable equilibrium. During this
state if the column is perturbed by inducing small lateral deflections it will return to
its straight configuration when the loads are removed.

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(b) The ball resting on plane horizontal surface is in state of neutral ., which is the
limiting condition between stable and unstable equilibrium. When the load on the
column is increased further, a critical value is reached at which the column is on the
verge of experiencing a lateral deflection, it will not return to its straight
configuration. The load cannot be increased beyond this value unless the column is
restrained laterally by lateral restraints

(c) When the ball is resting on a convex surface, a negligible perturbation will cause
unstnble equilibrium as shown in Figure 15.1 (c). Similarly if the force P exceeds the
critical load Pcr, the column becomes unstable. The column either collapses or
undergoes the lateral deflection.

 Buckling load/Crippling load/Critical load:

Once a member shows signs of buckling, it will lead to the failure of the member.
This load at which the member just buckles is called the buckling load or critical load or
crippling load.
The buckling load is less than the crushing load. The value of buckling load is low for
long columns and relatively high for short columns. The value of the buckling load for a
given member depends upon the length of the member and the least lateral dimension. It also
depends upon the types of end-constraints of the column .(hinged, fixed etc.). Thus, when an
axially loaded compression member just buckles, it is said to develop an elastlc Instablllty. It
is denoted by Pcr.
The moment of Inertia (I) refers to the axis about which bending occurs. Putting,
= 𝐴. 𝑟 , where, r is the radius of gyration about the axis of bending,
. . .
𝑃 =

. .
= = =𝜎
( )
𝜆 = 𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜎 = 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠

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 Euler’s Theory of Critical Load on Columns:

Assumptions made in Euler’s theory:

 Column is initially perfectly straight and axially loaded.
 Section of column is uniform.
 The material is perfectly elastic, homogeneous, isotropic and obeys Hooke’s law.
 Length of column is very large compared to its lateral dimension.
 Direct stress is small compared to bending stress corresponding to buckling condition.
 Self weight of column is ignorable.
 The column will fail by buckling alone.

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 Effective length or Equivalent length of the column:

The effective length of a given column with given end conditions is the length of an
equivalent columns of the same material and cross section with hinged ends, and having
the value of the cripping load equal to that of the given column. Effective length is also
called equivalent length.
Crippling load for any type of end condition

 Slenderness Ratio (𝝀):

It is defined by ratio of effective length of the column to the least radius of gyration
of its cross-section.

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As slenderness ratio increases, permissible stress or critical stress reduces,
consequently, load carrying capacity also reduces.

 Importance of “radius of gyration”:

 Radius of gyration is valuable in calculating buckling load of a compression member or

a beam.
 Distribution of strength among the column cross section is obtained by radius of
 It helps to compare the behavior of different structural shape during compression.
 Smaller value of radius of gyration is utilized in structural analysis.
 The maximum compressive load the column can withstand is obtained when the
column fails due to buckling.
 Smaller value of “radius of gyration” or least moment of inertia shows that the axis
which the column buckle

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