Ariel Share The Load

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Answer 1

Challenges against HUL

1. The first challenge was that though P&G was a international captured brand but HUL share were
the most in the Indian market.
2. HUL used its product rin to show competition will HUL’s tide.
3. So, P&G was facing a challenge to capture all the Indian segments.

Answer 2

The ways how the objectives of mission were set

The campaign was all about gender equality

1. So, in 2015 research was done which showed that 79% men thought that laundry was a
woman’s job. This motivated to launch the campaign.
2. In 2016 when figures drop down to 52%, they attributed that campaign is in a right way.
3. Another main reason to continue the mission was the sales increase with the target market
increase of 80 %.
4. They wanted to teach fathers and children about the household chores and for this they also
launched dad’sSharetheload.

Answer 3


Mothers teaching their daughters to be efficient outside and at home. Were they imparting the same
values to their sons?

Constant attacks from surf excel with their campaign Daag Ache Hain

How long will the winning advertisement last?

Answer 4

Tools in PR

1. Used emotion of love of husband and wife by running the datewithlaundry campaign.
2. To target young children Arial collaborated with Sesame Street and Indian cartoon Galli Galli
Sim Sim to spread the gender equity in children.
3. P&G also launched Laundrygoesoddeven when odd ever scheme was launched to remind
husbands through calendar to share the household chores with wives every alternate day.
4. Many offline events like on women’s day was celebrated by felicitating mothers who
contributed to teach their sons in share the load campaign.
5. Collaborated with Navneet prakashan to develop gender equal coloring books.
6. Rap songs were also made to encourage boys on Sundays to do domestic chores.
Answer 5

Suggestions for sustainability

 Make as many affective ads as possible

 There were no felicitating events for fathers who shared the load so start it
 Make people imagine the toughness from which women goes and imagination should surpass
the competitor’s product.
 Largest selling notebook publishers can be targeted to promote gender equity like classmates.


 The old campaigns should be run as to keep a space in customer’s mind about the gender
equality idea. Because if removing the old campaigns would give a chance to competitors to eat
the full idea.
 A new campaign according to me can also be added to list like #sharecookingwithlaundry.

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