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A man named Jack, a mysterious and frightening figure,

holds a bloody knife. He has already murdered a mother,
father, and young daughter in the middle of the night, and
his final target is a baby boy whose room is at the top of the

2. One spring day, Bod and Scarlett decide to investigate the

Frobisher's mausoleum where the oldest occupant of the
graveyard is rumored to reside. Behind a coffin, Bod and
Scarlett find stairs leading down to a dark room. Bod can
see in the dark, so he guides Scarlett as they go down and
describes to her what he sees.

3. Miss Lupescu transforms back into a woman and returns

Bod to the Owenses, explaining that his left ankle is hurt. By
the time Silas returns at the end of the month, Bod has
warmed up to Miss Lupescu, and agrees that he'd like for
her to come back next summer for more lessons.

4. Bod decides to return to the Indigo Man's tomb and takes

the brooch, one of the three treasures protected by the
Sleer. Bod then returns to Liza who tells Bod what she would
like on her headstone. Before leaving the graveyard, Bod
borrows clothes from inside the gardener's hut so he can
blend into the real world.
Character List
Nobody Owens (Bod)
The protagonist of the novel. A boy who grows from toddlerhood to age 15 over the
course of the novel, he is curious, brave, and intelligent. He has an unusual upbringing,
adopted by ghost foster parents and raised by the dead and undead inhabitants of a

Jack Frost (the man Jack)

The assassin of the Jacks of All Trades. He prefers to make his kills with a knife. He is
cold-hearted, arrogant, deceptive, and murderous. He kills Bod’s birth family and spends
years searching for Bod to kill him, too.

A vampire and Bod’s guardian. He is reserved in speaking, protective, compassionate,
and understanding. While the narrative hints at his griefs, they are never openly stated.

Mrs. Owens
The ghost who becomes Bod’s adoptive mother in the graveyard. Childless in life, she is
warm-hearted and caring, behaving toward Bod just as a natural mother would. Her point
of view is based on her life a few centuries before the story opens.

Mr. Owens
A ghost, Bod’s adoptive father, and married in life to Mrs. Owens.

A girl who becomes Bod’s only living human friend. She is a happy child who becomes
an angry teenager.

The Brotherhood, also known as the Jacks of All Trades

An international organization that appears benevolent on the surface but actually has evil
schemes. The Jacks want to kill Bod because of a prophecy that he will be the end of
their order.

The Sleer
An immortal guardian monster. It is both singular and plural, having three heads and
referring to itself as “We.” It guards the oldest tomb in the graveyard, so old no one
knows the name of the person buried there.

Miss Lupescu
A werewolf (or Hound of Hell) and one of Bod’s teachers and protectors. 

Abanazer Bolger
The greedy owner of the shop where Bod tries to sell the ancient brooch. 
Liza Hempstock
A dead witch buried in unconsecrated ground. She is Bod’s ally and gets him out of
trouble at different times.

Josiah Worthington
A baronet among the dead in Bod’s graveyard. Pompous and self-important, but well-
meaning and kindly.

Nick Farthing
A boy at Bod’s school who bullies younger children. He is big and strong for his age,
with little imagination.

Mo Quilling
A bully at Bod’s school, Nick’s friend. She has light blonde hair and blue eyes and is
good at thinking up ways to intimidate younger children. 

Paul Singh
A boy at Bod’s school and a victim of bullying. Bod helps him to deal with the problem.

The Duke of Westminster, the Bishop of Bath and Wells, the Honorable Archibald
The three ghouls who try to take Bod to Ghulheim.

Jack Dandy
A member of the Jacks of All Trades. He leads the group that comes to kill Bod at the
climax of the story.

Jack Nimble
A member of the Jacks of All Trades. He is one of the group that comes to kill Bod at the
climax of the story.

Jack Tar
A member of the Jacks of All Trades. He is one of the group that comes to kill Bod at the
climax of the story.

Jack Ketch
A member of the Jacks of All Trades. He is one of the group that comes to kill Bod at the
climax of the story.

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