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Excerpt from Paradigm Shift: The Palin Matrix

NIAFS Press, ISBN 978-1-456-40932-6

(Excerpt taken from The Ultimate Babygate Timeline in Chapter 4) January 2008 Sarah moves to Juneau with Willow and Piper. January April 2008 - Bristol allegedly lives with her Aunt Heather in Anchorage and supposedly attends high school there. February 2008 Sarah has a phone conversation with McCain. Sarah goes to reporters to tell them that rumors that Bristol is pregnant are not true and tells them to squelch the rumors. (Truth Seeker) 2/2/08 Saturday The Iditarod Nations Historic Trail Kickoff event occurs. (Willow and Piper on Travel Report) Sarah revised and took this event off her expense report. Sarah returns to Juneau on Sunday. (Truth Seeker) 2/8/08 Friday Bristol is in a minor car accident in Wasilla outside of a local medical facility. SP flies from Juneau to Anchorage with Willow and Piper. (Truth Seeker) 2/11/08 Monday Sarah signs the Safe Haven Bill to ensure a child could be safely left at local hospitals. (Truth Seeker) 2/13/08 Wednesday Sarah walks around the City of Juneau in the area around her office building, showing off the city to a videographer. Sarah wears high-heeled boots as patches of ice and snow are present on the streets and sidewalks. She carries a cup of coffee in one hand throughout the walking tour, bounds up the steps to her office in a lively manner, and remains standing in the doorway without breathing heavily or asking her guest if he would like to sit down. 2/15/08 Friday Sarah reads to students at Weller Elementary School in Fairbanks. Sarah supposedly attends the American Heart Associations Go Red For Womens Luncheon in Fairbanks. Sarah is said to have brought Willow, Piper and Bristol. Her travel report states that Willow and Piper were in the hotel with her on Willows expense sheet and that it was Bristol and Piper who stayed in the room with her on Bristols expense sheet. Interestingly the airline ticket purchased for Bristol was purchased on the 2/13/08. Willows and Pipers was purchased on the 2/8/08. None of them were expected and supposedly room had to be made for them. No photos exist of them at the event and there is no documentation stated that the girls even attended. Other than this report, Bristol has not been listed on a travel report since her trip to NYC with her mother in October 2007. (Truth Seeker) 2/16/08 Saturday Sarah attends the finish of the Iron Dog snowmobile race in Fairbanks after Todd breaks his arm. Piper and Willow join Sarah as she meets Todd at the finish line. Bristol is not verified as being present at the race, but she may have flown back from Fairbanks to Anchorage. This is the last time Bristol will be mentioned as being seen in public until June. (Truth Seeker) 2/18/08 Monday Sarah does not look six months pregnant. In fact you cant even tell from any photos of her that she is pregnant. Her co-workers didnt notice that she was

pregnant. Sarah has not told her children, family or co-workers that she is pregnant. (Truth Seeker) 2/22/08 to 2/28/2008 Friday-Thursday Sarah and Todd attend the national Governors Association winter meeting in Washington, D.C. Todd returns to Alaska days before Sarah, leaving his six-months pregnant wife in Washington for further meetings, possibly concerning the VP slot. (Truth Seeker) 3/3/08 Monday Sarah attends the Women in Leadership conference in Los Angeles, at which she gives several interviews. One is with NewsWeek, another with KTLA television station, and she also meets with Elan Frank in his Hollywood office. He makes a statement that he didnt even realize that she is pregnant. (Truth Seeker) 3/4/08 Tuesday At 11:29 a.m., an e-mail message is sent to Sarah and Todd from S. Leighow, referencing the strategy for responding to questions about pregnancy. (LitBrit) 3/4/08 McCain officially announces his nomination at a rally in Dallas that evening. 3/5/08 Wednesday John McCain officially receives the nomination. Sarah informs her staff in Juneau at the end of the workday that she is seven months pregnant and her staff is shocked because she does not look at all pregnant. Sarah claims at this time that only Todd knew of the pregnancy prior to this date and she tells the rest of the family about it now. 3/6/08 Thursday SP flies from Juneau to Anchorage (Piper on Travel Report) All of a sudden Piper is being taken alone with mom on her trips. (Truth Seeker) 3/15/08 Saturday Bristol flies from Juneau to Anchorage, and flies back to Juneau 3/23/08. The report was revised and amended to not show they were staying in Wasilla. There is no verified travel report for Bristol in the time period between October 2007 and June 2008; however there is a possibility of a flight taken by Bristol on 2/15/08. (Truth Seeker) 3/26/08 Wednesday Governor Palin signs House Bill 259 at the Alaska State Museum in Juneau. She is supposedly 32 weeks pregnant when a photographer takes a picture in which she clearly does not appear to be pregnant. This photo has sometimes been referred to as the Nail in the Coffin. (Palins Deceptions) 3/28/08 Friday Willow returns to Wasilla from Juneau, and is not shown on a travel report again until 6/12/08. (Truth Seeker) 4/8/08 Tuesday Sarah confirms her due date is May 18, 2008, and that she is having a boy. (Truth Seeker) 4/8/08 4/9/08 Tuesday-Wednesday Elan Frank interviews Sarah and her family in Juneau. That footage is owned by Fox News. 4/10/08 Thursday This is the last travel report listing any Palin children until June. (Truth Seeker) 4/14/08 Monday Andrea Gusty interviews Governor Palin after business hours in the governors deserted Juneau office at the end of the legislative session. A single photo is

taken that would later be published to prove that Sarah was actually pregnant with Trig, and this is the only photo known to exist showing a clearly pregnant Sarah Palin in 2008. 4/15/08 Tuesday Sarah makes the decision to fly to The Republican Governors Energy Conference in Texas late in her pregnancy knowing she is carrying a high risk Down syndrome baby. (Truth Seeker) 4/17/08 Thursday Sarah attends the Republican Governors Conference in Grapevine, Texas. Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson supposedly gives SP permission by phone to give a speech later that day and fly and drive home before delivery. Sarahs Wild Ride and her subsequent explanations are obscured from the watchful eye of the Alaskan press as she and Todd return in the middle of the night when no one was expecting them to do so. 4/18/08 Friday Sarah supposedly gives birth to Trig with a heart condition one month early. Her pregnancy is known to the public, family and friends for only six weeks before she claims to have given birth. The low temperature in Juneau that day is 17 degrees Fahrenheit when she and Todd fly into Anchorage and drive to Wasilla before dawn. Chuck and Sally Heath hold Down syndrome Trig for a photo shoot in the hospital corridor that afternoon. (Truth Seeker / Jotman) 4/21/08 Monday Sarah returns to work, taking Trig with her, and attends a pipeline meeting. She risks the exposure of a supposedly four-week premature Down syndrome baby with a heart condition to a public environment. (Truth Seeker) 5/3/08 Saturday Sarah, Piper, and a baby referred to as Trig attend and participates in a signing for the Purple Heart Trail in Anchorage at the Mountain View Northland VFW Post 10252 in Anchorage. Trig would have been about 3 weeks old and a preemie. On May 10, 2008, one week later, an email was sent to Sarah on the State of Alaska website from a Mr. Ron Siebels, thanking her for spending time with them and saying, the way Piper was taking care of and holding her little brother was simply very sweet..... This same entourage visited the Anchorage airport for a bill signing by Sarah that same day before returning to Wasilla for the famous kitchen photos starring Ruffles. No photos are available that conclusively prove which Palin baby took this journey to Anchorage. (Daisydem) 5/3/08 Saturday Sherry, Mercede, and Levi visit Trig at the Palin household on the afternoon of Levis birthday. Several photos of Levi and Mercede holding a baby claimed to be Trig, in the Palin kitchen while Sarah stands by, escape onto the Internet. These are the famous photos of the baby known as Ruffles due to a wrinkly right ear. The babys left ear is not visible in any of these photos. 5/4/08 Sunday Todd and Sarah take a baby reported as Trig to a baby shower hosted by Kristan Cole. This is the very next day following the legendary photos of Ruffles in the Palin kitchen. No other Palin children were present at this shower and we cannot be certain which baby was actually presented at the shower, but it is highly likely that the baby is Ruffles. Photos taken at the shower were released to the public many months after the fact, and at least one shot can be examined in very clear detail on the cover of OK Magazine. Floyd M. Orr 2011

PARADIGM SHIFT: The Palin Matrix is available at Amazon and other online retailers in large-format paperback, Kindle, and Nook versions. Note: this brief excerpt is taken from the Kindle version. The print version displays more elaborate formatting.

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