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The Civil War

PART 1 on Civil War Role Play Discussion

Each student will be randomly assigned with a role. Based on the assigned
role, each team will write a position paper on the discussion board ", based on
presenting their arguments to solve the problems.

● The position paper will cover:

○ a) Presentation of the assigned party (Characteristics, role,
ideologies, beliefs, etc)

We the slaves are the workers who are responsible for the economic stability
of the US, however, we find ourselves dominated by the power of the
confederates. We have our origins in Africa but through colonization, we were
forced to work for free against our will, with the threat of physical damage if
we went against the orders given by our masters. The rights of human beings
are essential for the adequate progress of the society, and we are very
discontented and want to recover the freedom that was stolen from us by the
confederation and the masters within it.

○ b) Two sustained arguments, adressing the following question:

Must these lands (United States) base its economic and social
structure on slavery? or should they recognize citizens´ rights
by emancipating the slaves?

The lands of the United States must recognize the rights of African American people.
The structure of the economy should not be based on the exploitation of men in the
cotton fields, the industrialization in the United States of America, making moves
forward in our societies, and pushing our innovators further. The United States of
America must recognize African American origin people and stop the stigmatization
of black communities and exclusion in American Society. The African American
people's willingness to change the racist ideologies and support the country's
economy, should be enough reason to support the emancipation of the black slaves
and remove the exploitation of slaves, the dreadful treats of African American people
kill the soul of the economic workforce.

○ c) One question addressed each of the other three parties.

(Three questions in total)

South Plantation owners (Confederates): Do you not feel regret or shame from the
dreadful conditions in which you place us ?

Do you feel proud of the situations that you make us suffer?

Native Americans: What would you do if you were in the same situation that we’re
in? Would you support us to win a revolution so we join the fight against the

North businessman (Union): Would you help us to gain our freedom ?

Which would be your reasons to help us to gain freedom?

Would you treat us as equals if we manage to abolish slavery?

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