EMC Lab Adylbekova Aida 1

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University of Pitesti

Faculty of electronics communication and computer


Laboratory work № 1

Experimental and numerical study of the efficiency

of cylindrical screens
placed in magnetostatic field

Professor: Student:

Cazacu Dumitru Adylbekova Aida

Pitesti 2021

1. Purpose of the laboratory work…………………………………………….3
2. Theoretical part…………………………………………………………….5
3. Issues to solve……………………………………………………………...6
4. Working procedures in Quickfield………………………………………...8
5. Results…………………………………………………………………….19
Analitical and numerical efficiency S of the screen
Dependence of shielding effectiveness on increasing magnetic permeability
Dependence of the shielding efficiency on the thickness of the cylinder walls
Change in the shielding efficiency when the cylinder size is doubled
6. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….…20
7. References…………………………………………………………….….21

Purpose of the laboratory work

The aim of the work is to study:

- the effectiveness of shielding by screens made of various materials;

- the effectiveness of shielding, depending on the thickness of the shield;

- the effectiveness of shielding, depending on the size (length) of the shield.

Theoretical part

Electric and magnetic fields are generated around any conductor with
electric current. An alternating current conductor generates an alternating
electromagnetic field. If the electric component predominates, then the field is
considered electric; if the magnetic component predominates, then the field is
considered magnetic. According to the principle of action, there are electrostatic,
magnetostatic and electromagnetic shielding.

In this laboratory work considers magnetostatic shielding.

Magnetostatic shields

The principle of operation of the magnetostatic shield is shown in Figure 1,

1. The magnetic field lines of the external field will pass mainly through the
thickness of the walls of the shield, made of ferromagnetic material and having a
low magnetic resistance in comparison with the resistance of the space inside the
shield, where the inductor is located. As a result, the external magnetic field of
interference will not affect the operating mode of the electrical circuit in which the
inductor is connected.

Figure 1 - Magnetostatic shielding: 1) - protection of the device from an external field; 2)
- screening of the field created by the device; 3) - double screen

The task of protecting external electrical circuits from the influence of a

magnetic field created by a current inductor, is going, as shown in Figure 1, 2.
Almost all field lines of the coil inductances will be closed through the thickness of
the walls of the screen, without going beyond their limits due to the fact that the
magnetic the resistance of the screen is much less than the resistance of the
surrounding space.

Shielding efficiency of a cylindrical magnetic shield:

r in
(1+μr )2 −(1−μr )2 ( )2
r out
S cyl =
4 μr

where µ - is the magnetic permeability of the screen material;

rin - inner radius of the screen cylinder;

rout - outer radius of the screen cylinder (Figure 2)

Figure 2 - To the calculation of a single-layer screen

Basic requirements for magnetostatic screens:

- it is advisable to use a magnetostatic screen only in a constant field and in

the low frequency range;

- to increase the efficiency of shielding, screens should be made of soft

magnetic materials with possibly higher initial magnetic permeability;

- in the screens, joints and seams with high magnetic resistance in the path of
magnetic force should be avoided.

- it is not allowed to fix the shielded element and shielding casings with steel
parts forming low reluctance tracks for magnetic field lines;

- the distance between the magnetic shield and other magnetic circuits must be
the maximum possible for the magnetic resistance of the external
environment to be large in comparison with magnetic resistance of the

Issues to solve

 Analyze the effectiveness of cylindrical steel shielding exposed to a

uniformly magnetostatic field using software “Quickfield” with inner and
outer radius 99 mm and 100 mm respectively. Compare numerical and
analytical results. Calculate relative error of results.

 Determine the dependence of shielding effectiveness on increasing magnetic

permeability with step +1000.

 Reveal the dependence of the shielding efficiency on the thickness of the

cylinder walls.

 Evaluate the change in the shielding efficiency when the cylinder size is
doubled, but the diameter is constant.

Working procedures

Simulating a cylindrical steel shield in Quickfeld.

The general established parameters of the problem are:

- magnetostatic field problem (Magnetostatics)

- Model: axi-symmetrical

- unit of measurement: mm

- Cartesian coordinate system

- normal accuracy

Geometric model

Consider a cylindrical screen with an inner radius 99 mm and an outer radius
100 mm. It is made of steel with relative magnetic permissiveness 1000. Because
of the symmetry, only a quarter of cylinder can be used.

The field area is an ABCO square with a side of 1000 mm (Figure 3)

Figure 3

The screen is shown in Figure 4

Figure 4

Condition on each boundary

The condition on the boundaries AO and BC is that the value of the tangential
component of magnetic field is 0.

The condition on CO boundary is that the magnetic potential vector A = 0.

The condition on AB boundary is that the magnetic potential vector A = 0.25 Wb.

The finite element network

To have the mesh as dense as possible on the screen and inside field area, mesh
will be generated manually.

The values of the space parameters are:

- A, B, C – 185

- D, E, F, G – 16

- O – 11

According to these parameters we have 255 nodes of mesh in total.


To determine the efficiency S of the screen we will determine Bint, the

value of magnetic induction originally, in the center of the screen, (0,0).
According to the Figure 5, we can see the value of magnetic induction Bint(0:0)
= 0.090034

Figure 5. Screen of solved problem in Quickfield

To determine the numerical value of efficiency of the shielding we use

1 Bext
S= =
F e Bint

S= =5 ,56
0 . 09

The numerical value will be compared with the analytical one obtained with
the relation:

r in
(1+ μ r )2 −(1−μr )2 ( )2
r out
S cyl =
4 μr
2 2 99 2
(1+1000 ) −(1−1000 ) ( )
S cyl = =5 .965

Measurement errors - the deviation of the measurement results from the

"true" value of the measured quantity, arising from the imperfection of the
measurement results. The measurement error can be expressed both in absolute and
relative terms.

Relative error (RE)—when used as a measure of precision—is the ratio of

the absolute error of a measurement to the measurement being taken. In other
words, this type of error is relative to the size of the item being measured.

|S−S cyl|
∂= ⋅100 %=6 ,78%

The relative error was 7%, which is allowed in experimental studies. This
error can be called subjective error. Subjective error is due to limited capabilities,
human errors during measurements: it manifests itself, for example, in inaccuracies
when reading off the scale of the device or using the software.

- The next step of laboratory work is determining the dependence of shielding

effectiveness on increasing magnetic permeability with step +1000.

All the parameters and geometry remain as previous, just magnetic

permeability μ will be changed. All numerical, analytical values of shielding
efficiency and related error calculated using formulas showed.

Numerical value of shielding efficiency when μ=2000:

1 Bext
S= =
F e Bint

0 .5
S= =10 . 14
0 . 049292

Analytical value of shielding efficiency when μ=2000:

r in
(1+ μr )2 −(1−μr )2 ( )2
r out
S cyl =
4 μr

99 2
(1+2000 )2−(1−2000 )2 ( )
S cyl = =10 . 94

Calculation of other values in the spreadsheet 1:

Spreadsheet 1

μ - magnetic permeability S - numerical value Scyl - analitical value σ - related error

(H/m) (%)

1000 5,56 5,965 6,78

2000 10,14 10,94 7,3

3000 14,79 15,915 7

4000 19,33 20,89 7,4

5000 23,95 25,865 7,4

Numerical and analytical values of shielding efficiency were calculated

using the values of magnetic induction obtained in software “Quickfield”. Below
are the screenshots, the values from which were used in the calculations.

Figure 6. The value of magnetic induction when μ =2000 H/m

Figure 7. The value of magnetic induction when μ =3000 H/m

Figure 8. The value of magnetic induction when μ =4000 H/m

Figure 9. The value of magnetic induction when μ =5000 H/m

From the results of the calculations above, it can be seen that the greater the
magnetic permeability of the screen material, the higher the screening efficiency.

Dependence of shielding effectiveness on

magnetic permeability

Shielding efficiency




0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Magnetic permeability

Figure 10. Graph of dependence of shielding effectiveness on magnetic permeability

The third issue to solve is the dependence of the shielding efficiency on the
thickness of the cylinder walls. Three random magnitudes of thickness in the shield
need to be chosen.

Thickness of the shield can be evaluated by formula:

g=r out−r in

Shielding efficiency were calculated using the formula 2.

Calculated values of shielding efficiency are in the spreadsheet 2.

Spreadsheet 2

g – thickness rout – outer radius rin – inner radius S – shielding efficiency

(mm) (mm) (mm) (H/m)

1 100 99 5,56

3 100 97 14,48

5 100 95 23,09

7 100 93 31,38

Numerical and analytical values of shielding efficiency were calculated

using the values of magnetic induction obtained in software “Quickfield”. Below
are the screenshots, the values from which were used in the calculations.

Figure 11. The value of magnetic induction when g =3 H/m

Figure 11. The value of magnetic induction when g =5 H/m

Figure 11. The value of magnetic induction when g =7 H/m

Dependence of the screening efficiency of a cylindrical screen on its wall

thickness can be seen from the graph. We can see that with an increase in the wall
thickness of the screen, the shielding efficiency increase is linear.

Dependence of the shielding efficiency on the

thickness of shield


Shielding efficiency




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 12. Graph of dependence of the screening efficiency of a cylindrical screen on its wall

The third task of laboratory work is to check the change in the shielding
efficiency when the cylinder size is doubled, but the diameter is constant.

So since we are considering the quarter of cylindrical shield, in the case of

doubling the length of shield, we need to multiply initial quarter length to 1,5.

We will use the formula 2 for calculating shielding efficiency.

Initial length Lout=100


Doubled length Lout=150


Shielding efficiency S=5,7

Shielding efficiency (initial length) Sinitial=5,5

Value of shielding efficiency were calculated using the values of magnetic

induction obtained in software “Quickfield”. Below are the screenshot, the value
from which were used in the calculation.

Figure 11. The value of magnetic induction when the length doubled

As we can see from the values of the shielding efficiency, the shielding
efficiency practically did not increase.

Based on the results, it can be concluded that increasing the size of the
cylindrical screen does not lead to a large increase in screen efficiency, so in order
to increase efficiency it is not advisable to waste extra material to increase the


Shielding principles of cylindrical shield is thoroughly discussed in this

laboratory work. All the discussion is based on formulas of shielding effectiveness,
and statements extracted from formulas are verified with analytical solution. The
following shows individual conclusions regarding shielding principles, parameter

In this paper we reviewed the theory of shielding.

Next, simulated the calculation of the effectiveness of shielding using the

Quickfield program and impact of parameters on shielding effectiveness was
investigated. Estimated the dependence of the efficiency on the thickness of the
wall, size of the shield and material of the shield.

In general, the effectiveness of magnetostatic screens is low. It depends on the μ of

the screen (the larger, the better) and the thickness of its wall (the larger, up to a
certain limit, the better). In this cases screening efficiency increases linearly.

According to the theoretical information it recommended increasing the

efficiency of the screen not by increasing the thickness of the material, but by
using several thin screens, located at the greatest possible distance from each other.

Taking into account the results from the previous laboratory work, we can
see that the screening coefficient of a spherical screen with thin walls is 1.33 times
more than that of a cylindrical one. This indicates a greater efficiency of the

shielding of a spherical screen and confirms the fact that the shape of the screen
influences its efficiency.

1. Zhuravlev I.N., Kechiev L.N., Kryuchkov N.M., Savin Yu.V.,
Demsky D.V. "Specialized meter of electric field strength for
measuring the effectiveness of shielding" EMC Technologies, No. 1
(44) 2013, p. 23 - 28.
2. A. Nussbaum. Electromagnetic Theory for Engineers and Scientists.
PrenticeHall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1965. In Classical
Electrodynamics by J.D. Jackson, the problem is solved for a
spherical shell.
3. Demsky D.V., Lafishev M.A. "Calculation of the shielding efficiency
of non-uniform screens" EMC Technologies, No. 2 (37) 2011, p. 55 -


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