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Case stu<l) -l on Maintenance 01lerabilit)TStucly (Moil)

In the steel plant operations, the slabs are cast to a " ·eight of 28 tons (based on the do,Ynstream coil sizes and
the yield requiren1ents).Each cast fron1 the slab ca-.ter ,,·ill ha,·e a tun of arotu1d 25000 tons. It 111eanc;. thi~
25000 tons slab continuously coining out of slab caster has to cut into approximately 893 slabs at hot
condition. Propnne continuous gas cutting 111achine is u sed fo r this ptnpose. The propane is a hazardous gas
and co1nes from the propane underground tanks. These in tum filled by the road tankers. Tue P&ID of the
propan~ gns plant is nllnched. The storage bullet hns \\ orked for live years and hence requires pre,·enti\'e
maintenance actiYity to be done.
Pal'ameters or In ddenl C l'itical
Maintenance Operability Study (Mop) of Propane Tank Eleme111s(ICE s}

1. Energy isolation
Maintenance activities can be divided as follows .., Material handling{Craues failure. Ri~ing
1. Cleaning the tank, manually. 3. E~lo~ion
4. Wol'k a1 hcight
2. Inspectjon of joints by die penetration test. ins ide and outside of the jo ints. s. wdding

3 · Cl1ange th e twO Va1VeS. 6

1: Gas C\lnuli
Confined spaec rcquircmcnb
4. Paint the external surface of the tank s.
Slip. mp. &11

10. PPE s
11. Handlmg f acili11cs
List of Nodes/ Activities used in the Mop of Propane tank 12 ·
14. Comnmnicauon
15. Skills and Tmuuutt
Acthity Detail of Acthi ty System Page 16. Monng Equipment
(:xode) number l 7. Lifting 1ools
18. 1ools
101 Cleaning the rank. manually. Propane gas storage
19. Pcrmn 10 work (PTW)
102 Inspection of joints by die pen etration Propane gas storage :?O. Mechanical In.regriry
test. inside and outside of the joints. 2 I. Sup=·is,on
103 Change the two valves. Propane gas
Guide words nppllied
unloading and filling L. Partially done ~01 douc
104 Pairu the external surface of the tank. Propane gas storage u. Pamally swtablc Not suitable
iii. Partially adeqnare. Not adequa1e
TSK., P.l'op:ulc S t.t.nbu.. M ~v WORK sm:rr FROl'&":ESTOIUG£ &- l'ROl'A.~~ DILrno;-- ,§y!iln{
liodb!OJ Clc,,lllat;Cthuotn1nr s.aor-.1.:, 11.nk d!Ptrotl.11~ ~,urac.d.r&tt:Wa I r,~GtP&t:68SSt::OU.-StON:t-T,ank
PAnunrtc:fl' ICE. Dt,i .all.oa Cutu "Rnol Catuc- Con:s""'Ju«:ntc- S;1!~u..1.1'd A,-.O.ol• R

1,!mpkmtm'E.uagy soume
clCCIDQl-eru:rl!Y pam:,l Of Entigy ScKltlt J>cople ra:iy ~•
Llck Dfknc,,mdge -,.J,c1rocm,d
fml Enet~ oolmon Ve r b ~ Idennncsnop al1II .Elfer~·
oo LSObll!oo properlp 1ot,1deruified

People wlul, w ~ rn
l'ropMic cn<.rgy 1'anfal or no G:\~ trow 001 stom,cd Vah...s :uc 001 bl:wked. Only lnlplcrn.:.u blanking of \'\'IM!.
lnletv:ilv~ om·blallked die mnk may be "ei!PO" .d Volv,s i<oli,tion
£:ne11gy.liollltinu, liOL:wan po;itivdr close_d Nunit>cr.-
10 .g>s

;!jlcr plil\!tll&~ !llnk.

N""ttroga,,~ •P:,m:u or N,1rogm vah'"e'n<>I N,aogen'\"alve>
Nilm~ ~ nol Mp,y,aalibn m thd tmlt Nitro¢'c,kei-iu-e closed. ~ N i u o ~ Valves
~ ~atll'lh
isobl=~ ti"ely
blanbi4 ~

V cntilimon assur.wot N<'tf,clt lh< All· cu-c,tlallon<m!! Arrtmgl!IIICDt of atr

Pattial or no ir!1plernc,m11ion f"l\iit....,.,,r. amnm,anem:
Aspt}'Xiatiou in rhe rank
compt'tS:S:01 lines
Avnillblc -
A=labdrty oflo,v wllli~ "}lblJ l\'lDl~liiy o! Al'lllbbiliN of ~
NOi kn0\\lll¥ the
ll"-VJ liglnu\g, Palfbt er'"' 14\' 'supply m,porlal,i,•
Sllllcl<to U,e ~le
,A,.,,:u;.bJ.. -
Confined JD'.IP,fcmtniabon.
Po« Ct>U!lNj_uctl(<
ReS<uc m«,hanisw md
Re$CUe meclnrusm Paru>l
or oo.llllµlcmcntctllon.
Non.a,-aiµ,bili,y Not P.l<wmag eoruci:
.m:u-.•~111. 'foml
• in.casc of
tr>inl\(I peop~ Wlthm
tbu eam
A,-:u1,1>J• -
Ml!!{~ "

Wo1•k acht-!gbr ~au pg:r.-ruhu ofladdm-!m ~ p~oaJmoibo,

"No p~e:&di<r
Tu.iit aud.m!L_c-owd bt- Av:u'Lib,!Jn•<!)f 1"'11'.,-
-Woodc:nJa<lilcs; ~\•L\il.ibk nlrl:ill!c .l.iila<n
!lOIJ!B qp and 11110 llltank: ~ ;JU}' ~ l~
.,,...-- 10 Ilk: .

Notswmbl• wcldmg A""11llbilityof~

Welding~ . process
m.icbwc, l)QU- W<'ldmg m:icl=. Only 1rn11sformer fy-p<: "'l'lding 1.i~ de eoooolled \\1'.ldusg
W,ldis,g :llld w•Jdulg operator, ~01 kno.wn. Not n-:ubbl• Shock and o!e;o10C1111m
avadabtlirt ofcoacct cnbk<, proctdun. and m>clwio:;.oon,qttlllii,d welder machwe.
.P.urud oc not SWJ:lble
piOCC$5 and opd'>IM, operator.

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