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Keiin International Institute 2022

UPP «Intro to specialty»

EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

Группа: «EHSP-2-22», текущая

студент(ка): Nurlanova Adelina


MID-2 тест по предмету

« Introduction to the Speciality»

be as brief and objective as possible in your answers

1. What does a “computer-literate” person mean?

Computer literate Person is someone who is able to use a computer to solve everyday problems.
He must be aware of the power of computers to affect quality of life. How successful will the formation of
computer literacy, the effectiveness depends on extensive use of computer technology, and, ultimately,
the prospects for scientific and technical, economic and social development of society.

2. What is the role of computers in our society?

With the help of a special computer program, you can make a photo robot of a suspect based on the
testimony of witnesses. For many years, fingerprinting has been used in forensics - they compare the
found fingerprints with samples stored in computer memory. Sometimes the computer helps to identify a
person by voice and speech.

3. What is electronics?

Electronics, the science of the interaction of electrons with electromagnetic fields and methods of
creating electronic devices and devices in which this interaction is used to convert electromagnetic
energy, mainly for the transmission, processing and storage of information.

4. Where are electronic devices used?

Electronic devices are widely used in scientific research and industrial designing; they control the work of
plants and power stations, calculate the trajectories of space-ships and help the people discover new
phenomena of nature.

5. What invention contributed to the appearance of electronics?

The emergence of electronics was preceded by the invention of radio.

6. When and where was the transistor invented?

Keiin International Institute 2022
UPP «Intro to specialty»
EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

In 1947, a working version of the transistor was created on the basis of the American company Bell
Telephone Laboratories.

7. What is microelectronics?

Is a section of electronics covering research and development of a qualitatively new type of electrical
devices (integral chips) and the principles of their application.

8. What techniques does microelectronics use?

Group production method and planar technology are used.

9. What was the first calculating machine?

A mechanical device in the form of a box filled with numerous gears.

10. How was the first calculating machine called?


11. What was the first means of coding data?

A telegraph message is the sequence of electrical signals, which is transferred from one telegraph device
via wires to another telegraph apparatus.

12. What Business Corporation was the first to produce computers?

Tabulating Machine Company, In 1924 renamed into International Business Machines Corporation

13. In what fields were the first computers used?

Was used by the U.S. Army to calculate ballistic tables.

14. When was the first analog computer built?

1927 - Vanivar Bush developed a mechanical analog computer at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT).

15. What was the name of the first digital computer?

ENIAC in abbreviated from Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

16. Who built the first digital computer?

Created by German engineer Konrad Zuse

17. Who contributed the idea of storing data and instructions in binary code?

John von Neumann

18. What does binary code mean?

A way of presenting data as a code in which each bit takes one of two possible values, usually indicated by
the numbers 0 and 1.

19. What were computers of the first generation based on?

On electronic lamps (1945-1955). The first operating computer of the 1st generation was ENIAC
Keiin International Institute 2022
UPP «Intro to specialty»
EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

20. What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that works with information and data.

21. What are the main functions of the computers?

A means of accessing information networks both as a platform for multimedia (multimedia station), and
computer games (game PC), and a personal workstation.

22. What is a program?

Data designed to manage specific components of the information processing system in order to
implement a certain algorithm.

23. What are data?

Information presentation forms that information systems and their users deal with

24. What is data processing?

Is a form of information processing, which is a modification of information in any way detected by the

25. What is capacity storage?

A room intended or used to store, maintain something

26. What is hardware?

Electronic and mechanical parts of the computing device that are part of the system or network,
excluding software and data.

27. What is software?

A program or many programs used to control a computer

28. Who designs computers?

Computer engineers

29. What is RAM/ROM?

ROM is "permanent memory" and means that this memory can be read and cannot be written. RAM is an
abbreviation for "RAM".

30. What storage devices do you know?

Hard drive, CD/DVD disk, cassettes, flash cards, voice recorders, phones, etc.

31. What is the function of CPU?

Information processing using arithmetic and logical operations; control of the operation of all computer

32. What is the heart (brain) of a microprocessor?

The CPU (CP or in the English version of the CPU) is the heart of any computer system. It is entrusted with
all computational operations, not only arithmetic or floating-point calculations (changing mantissa), but
also logical.
Keiin International Institute 2022
UPP «Intro to specialty»
EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

33. What is the purpose of input devices?

To transfer information to the computer.

34. Name devices used for inputting information?

Mouse and keyboard, Gamepad and joystick, Digital camera and digital video camera, Device for
biometric authentication, Touch screen, Graphics tablet, Scanner

35. What is a scanner used for?

Scanner—is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting or an object and converts it to
a digital image.

36. What types of printers do you know?

Laser Printer, LED Printer, Solid Ink Printer, Business Inkjet, Multifunction Printer, Dot Matrix Printer, 3D
Printer, Plotter, Line Printer, Daisy wheel printer, Thermal Printer

37. When did the first personal computer appear?

On August 12, 1981, the world's first personal computer, the IBM PC, was released in the United States.

38. When did the first personal computer appear?

On August 12, 1981, the world's first personal computer, the IBM PC, was released in the United States.

39. What differs PC from large computer systems?

A personal computer exists in one place and performs a primitive set of functions. A computer system
combines a computer with many other things to perform a complex set of functions.

40. What is a personal computer?

A personal computer (PC) is a multi-purpose microcomputer whose size, capabilities, and price make it
feasible for individual use.

41. What are the main spheres of PC applications?

Computers play an important role in all areas of life. They are used in homes, businesses, educational
institutions, research organizations, medicine, government agencies, entertainment, etc.

42. What professions are in great need of computers?

Designer, Software Engineer, Accountant, Photographer, Secretary, System admin, 3d modeling, Game

43. What is modem and what is it used for?

A modulator-demodulator or modem is a computer hardware device that converts data from a digital
format into a format suitable for an analog transmission medium such as telephone or radio.
A modem transmits data by modulating one or more carrier wave signals to encode digital information,
while the receiver demodulates the signal to recreate the original digital information. The goal is to
produce a signal that can be transmitted easily and decoded reliably.

44. What is programming?

Keiin International Institute 2022
UPP «Intro to specialty»
EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

Programming means using code to make a computer perform desired actions

45. What is WWW?

The World Wide Web (WWW), commonly known as the Web, is an information system enabling
documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Internet.[1]
Keiin International Institute 2022
UPP «Intro to specialty»
EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

!!! Вставки ответов в заполнители должны отличатся по форматированию,

т.е. цветом размером и начертанием (например, см. заголовок раздела - ).

Exercise 1.Translate compound words:

Formally-defined – формально-определенный; human-legible – удобный для чтения; hard-
to-remember – сложно запомнить; easy-to-understand – легко понять; toolbar - панель
инструментов; keyboard - клавиатура; website - сайт; set-up - установка; webmaster -
вебмастер; broadband - широкополосная связь; space-saving (PCs) - компактный (ПК); hands-
free (device) - громкая связь (устройство); menu-driven (program) - управляемый через меню
(программа); dial-up (telephone-connection) - коммутируемый доступ (телефонная связь).

Exercise 2.Which compound in the box do these definitions refer to? There is an odd
definition which is irrelevant to these compounds
keyboard broadband hyperlink hotspots web page
1. Broadband is a method of sending many electronic messages as the same time, using a
wide range of frequencies.
2. Web page is a hypertext document connected to the World Wide Web and organized
as the part of website.
3. Hyperlink is a link from a hypertext file or document to another document or file,
typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word, phrase or image on a web page.
4. Keyboard is a panel of keys that you press in order to operate a computer.
5. Wireless network is a place where wireless broadband services are provided to users
through a wireless local area network, such as in an airport, Wi-Fi, cafe, park, or library.
6. Hotspots is a program that acts on demand of a web browser to find and transfer URL
of a website to it.

Exercise 3. Fill in the sentences with compounds from the box.

search engine software engineer web browser broadband hyperlink

1. They are seeking software engineer to help write and test a new
operating system.
2. Broadband a type of data transmission that provides fast Internet access.
3. Because the Web has no certain organization, every Web surfer needs a search
4. If you want to get more information on the subject, click on the hyperlink, the
words with the line under them, that you see on this web page.
5. You can access and download web pages using a special program called a web

Exercise 4.Translate paying attention to suffixes and prefixes

Usefulness - Полезность: frequently - часто; flexibility - гибкость; disadvantages -
недостатки; unauthorized - неавторизованный; undertake - предпринять; enhancement -

Exercise 5.Read the following sentences and circle the prefixes:

Keiin International Institute 2022
UPP «Intro to specialty»
EHSP-1-2 2 semester.

1. Floppy disks are inexpensive and reusable.

2. If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable.
3. You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even trilingual.
4. Peripherals devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output devices
(such as printers).
5. Ads the results are irregular, the program will have to be rewritten.
6. After you transfer text using the “cut and paste” feature you may have to reformat
the text you have inserted.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with the correct prefix from the following list.

auto de dec inter

maxi mega micro mini
mono multi semi sub

1. Most people prefer a color screen to a monochrome screen.

2. Subscript is a character or symbol written and to the right of a number or letter, often
used in science.
3. A megabyte equals approximately one million bytes.
4. Once you finish your program, you will have to test it and debug it to remove all the
5. The introduction of semiconductor technology revolutionized the computer industry.
6. If a computer system has two or more central processors which are under common
control, it is called a multiprocessor system.
7. The decimal system is a number system with a base of 10.
8. When the user and the computer are in active communication on a graphics system,
we refer to this as interactive graphics.

Exercise 7. Noun + noun compounds. Match each word from Column A with its partner from
column B to make a computing term.
Column A Column B

barcode reader
mainframe computer
laser printer
expansion bus
search engine
control engine
supervisor program
task bar
system tray
explorer card

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