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Protocol manual

AS511 Master


a product of Woodhead Software & Electronics

AS511 Master 1 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

AS511 Master 2 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

Table of contents

1. Generalities ....................................................................................4

2. Functionality ..................................................................................5
Access to variables .................................................................................................5
Maximum number of variables per frame with the library .......................................6
Maximum number of variables per frame with PCDDE ..........................................6
Maximum number of variables per frame with OPC server ....................................7

3. Configuration .................................................................................8
AS511 master properties with the applicom® interface: .........................................8

4. applicom® functions which can be used on the AS511 master

channel 10
Wait mode .............................................................................................................10
Deferred mode ......................................................................................................10
Cyclic mode...........................................................................................................11

5. Image variable item......................................................................12

Presentation ..........................................................................................................12
Standard descriptor ...............................................................................................13
Siemens PLC descriptor German (D) and French syntax.....................................15
Siemens PLC descriptor, English (GB) syntax......................................................19

6. Appendices ..................................................................................23
List of complementary files for AS511 Master: .....................................................23
Evolution / compatibility.........................................................................................23

7. Function return status.................................................................24

applicom® general statuses..................................................................................25
Statuses linked to the protocol ..............................................................................26

8. Glossary of terms ........................................................................27

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1. Generalities

AS511 is a console connector protocol in point to point, half-duplex and master-slave. The
AS511 master protocol on applicom® interface is used to manage Siemens S5 PLCs:
¾ 95 U
¾ 115 U (CPU 943, 943 B)
¾ 155 U (CPU 948).
¾ 135 U (CPU 928, 928B)

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

2. Functionality

Access to variables
The functions managed by choosing an AS511 channel provide access to variables defined in the
following table.
The address of the variable accessed must be calculated by referring to the “applicom® Addressing”
column in the table.

Siemens PLC applicom® Addressing Exchange type (cyclic Corresponding applicom® function
Variable (addr) mode) (library/DLL access)
DBxDy.z x*4096+y*16+z Write bits WRITEPACKBIT, WRITEDIFPACKBIT
DXxDy.z x*4096+y*16+z +1048576
MBv v Read bytes READBYTE
Write bytes WRITEBYTE
Write packed bytes WRITEPACKBYTE,
DXxDWy x*256+y + 65536
DBxDDy x*256+y Write double words WRITEDWORD, WRITEDIFDWORD
DXxDDy x*256+y + 65536
DBxDDyKG x*256+y Write floating words WRITEFWORD, WRITEDIFFWORD
DXxDDyKG x*256+y + 65536
Ev,w v*8+w Read input bits READPACKIBIT, READDIFIBIT
EBv v Read input bytes READIBYTE
EBv v Read packed input bytes READPACKIBYTE, READDIFIBYTE
Av.w v*8+w Read output bits READPACKQBIT, READDIFQBIT
Write output bits WRITEPACKQBIT,
Write output bytes WRITEQBYTE
ABv v Read packed output bytes READPACKQBYTE, READDIFQBYTE
Write packed output bytes WRITEPACKQBYTE,
TBn n Read timers READTIMER
ZBn n Read counters READCOUNTER

v: Byte No. y: No. of word in DB or in DX (0 to 255)

w: No. of bit in byte (0 to 7) z: No. of bit in word (0 to 15)
x: DB (1 to 255) or DX No. (0 to 255) n: Timer or counter No (0 to 255)

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

CAUTION! The AS511 protocol can only write bits with 16 bits words (case of DB and DX) or with 8
bits bytes (case of memo, inputs and outputs). If the first bit address and bit number is not 16 multiple
(case of DB and DX) or 8 multiple (case of memo, inputs and outputs), the applicom® software read
words or bytes containing the bits to write in API, hide and force the user bits, then write words or bytes in
the equipment as a whole.
This machinery can induce risks if the equipment has forced others bits of the word or of the byte
between the reading and the writing.

To find the model and CPU of the PLC connected to applicom® channel, use the applicom®
function “readident”.

CAUTION! The applicom® environment must read the configuration of the PLC connected on this
channel before being operational. Do make sure to use the “AppConnect” function or reinitialize the
applicom® environment each time the PLC is changed to “force” this read.

The counters and timers are only available with the applicom® library.

Remark: You have to reset the applicom® environment when you change of PLC in order to force
the reading of the configuration.

Maximum number of variables per frame with the library

Object Max. quantity in read Max. quantity in write
Bit 2048 2048
Byte 256 256
Word 128 128
Double word 64 64
Timer/counter 128 -

Maximum number of variables per frame with PCDDE

Object Max. quantity in read Max. quantity in write
Bit 2048 1
Byte 256 1
Word 128 1
Double word 64 1
Timer/counter 128 -

The number given for read frames corresponds to the maximum number of points (as imposed by
the server and/or the protocol) which can be grouped together during dynamic optimization of the frames
carried out by the server. However, this number can be reduced to suit a specific item of equipment by
configuring the length of frames in the topic.
Where write operations are concerned, a variable automatically entails the formation of a frame.

See also:
¾ In the documentation:
9 Implementation: Topic configuration

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

Maximum number of variables per frame with OPC server
Object Max. quantity in read Max. quantity in write
Bit 2048 2048
Byte 256 256
Word 128 128
Double word 64 64
Timer/counter 128 -

The number given for read frames corresponds to the maximum number of points (as imposed by
the server and/or the protocol) which can be grouped together during dynamic optimization of the frames
carried out by the server. However, this number can be reduced to suit a specific item of equipment by
configuring the length of frames in the topic.

See also:
¾ In the documentation:
9 Implementation: Topic configuration
9 Software interfaces: OPC Server: Optimization of synchronous and asynchronous

AS511 Master 7 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

3. Configuration

Fixed parameters in the link:

Speed: 9600 baud
Parity: Even
Data format: 8 bits
Stop bits: 2

AS511 master properties with the applicom® interface:

Parameters Description
Electrical Interface The type of interface module is determined by the reference of the module installed on the
applicom® interface, or on the galvanic insulation option (BX4010, BX4010R).

Module Type Description

RS232 (2 signals) Means that only the TxD and RxD signals are exploited by the
(3RS232*, 5RS232*, protocol task installed on the channel. RTS, DTR, CTS and
6RS232) DCD signals can be accessed from the application by using the
applicom® library GETMODEM and SETMODEM functions.
RS232 (6 signals) Means that the protocol task implanted on the channel
(3RS232, 5RS232, supports the following signals:
6RS232) - TxD and RxD, for data emission and reception.
- RTS, output signal positioned by the applicom® interface
before each emission.
- CTS, input signal, must be active to enable emission.
- DCD, input signal, must be active to validate reception.
You can position the output signal DTR from the application
program through the applicom® library function SETMODEM.
You can consult the status of the input signals CTS and DCD
from the application program through the applicom® library
function GETMODEM.
The 6RS232 module ensures the galvanic isolation.
BC20 mA Conductive 20 mA current loop. The active or passive
operation is determined by wiring. The active operation should
only be used if BX4010 and BX4010R boxes are used.
3RS485 RS485 2 wire link. Line prepolarization as well as load
resistance are selected by wiring.
Caution: The wiring differs from modules 3RS485-4 and

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

3RS485-4 RS422 / RS485 4 wire prepolarized link. The load resistance is
selected by wiring.
5RS485 or 6RS485 RS422 / RS485 2 or 4 wire prepolarized link. The load
resistances are selected by wiring. The 6RS485 module also
provides galvanic insulation. Your interface must be equipped
for this type of module with PROM V3.0 or higher.
*: Not galvanically insulated. Insulation provided only with options BX4010 and BX4010R.
Equipment The turnaround represents the wait time of a response to a request. This value, normally at
turnaround time 20 ms, can be increased during malfunction (Status 53). Especially when dialoging with a
PLC which has a long cycle time (CPU overloaded).

See also:
¾ In the documentation:
9 Hardware installation: Wiring: Output module compatibility

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

4. applicom® functions which can be used on the
AS511 master channel

Wait mode
Standard functions

Readpackbit writepackbit
readpackqbit writepackqbit
readbyte writebyte
readqbyte writeqbyte
readpackbyte writepackbyte
readpackqbyte writepackqbyte
readword writeword
readqword writeqword
readdword writedword
readfword writefword

AppConnect AppUnconnect
manual automatic

Specific functions

iocounter resetiocounter

Deferred mode
readdifbit writedifpackbit
readdifqbit writedifpackqbit
readdifbyte writedifpackbyte
readdifqbyte writedifpackqbyte
readdifword writedifword
readdifdword writedifdword
readdiffword writediffword

testtransdif transdif transdifpack

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Cyclic mode
startcyc stopcyc actcyc
transcyc transcycpack

Type of cyclic function:

Variable in the equipment Type of function

Read Write
Packed bits X X
Packed input bits X
Packed output bits X X

Packed bytes X X
Bytes X X
Packed input bytes X
Input bytes X
Packed output bytes X X
Output bytes X X

Words X X
BCD words
Input words X
Output words X X

32 bits double words X X

32 bits IEEE floating X X

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

5. Image variable item

The “items of image variables” are the syntaxes which allow to access to the variables through the
DDE server “pcdde” or the OPC server.

According to the configuration of the equipment, the descriptor is determined by default by the
server. In case of AS511 protocol, the default descriptor is Siemens Simatic S5 descriptor (German and
French syntax and English syntax).

Caution, if you change the default descriptor, certain optimizations of access to the equipment will
be devalidated and the performances could be modified.

You however have the possibility of using another descriptor (in particular the applicom® standard
descriptor) by the means of the advanced options.

See also:
¾ In the documentation:
9 Software Interfaces: DDE / SuiteLink server: Access to image or local variables
9 Software Interfaces: OPC server: Access to image or local variables

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Standard descriptor
The standard descriptor can be used to access all equipment which does not have a specific
descriptor. The address field in the “item” name can go up to 10 digits. A linear address can therefore be
composed ranging from 0 to 4 giga.

Type Syntaxes Parameters Examples

Internal bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Bx x: Number of the first bit. B4
Table Bx_n n: Number of bits. B4_10
Matrix Bx_n_l l: Number of bits per line B4_10_5
Input bits (type: BIT)
Unitary BIx x: Number of the first bit. BI4
Table BIx_n n: Number of bits. Bl4_10
Matrix BIx_n_l l: Number of bits per line Bl4_10_5
Output bits (type: BIT)
Unitary BOx x: Number of the first bit. BO4
Table BOx_n n: Number of bits. BO4_10
Matrix BOx_n_l l: Number of bits per line BO4_10_5
Internal bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary Ox x: Number of the first byte. O4
Table Ox_n n: Number of bytes. O4_10
Matrix Ox_n_l l: Number of bytes per line O4_10_5
Input bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary OIx x: Number of the first byte. OI4
Table OIx_n n: Number of bytes. OI4_10
Matrix OIx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line OI4_10_5
Output bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary OOx x: Number of the first byte. OO4
Table OOx_n n: Number of bytes. OO4_10
Matrix OOx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line OO4_10_5
ASCII string in the internal bytes (type: BYTE)
String M_Ox_n x: Number of the first byte containing the string. M_O100_30
n: Number of potential bytes that could contain the In the example, the byte array
ASCII string (1 to 131). O100 to O129 can contain the
Internal words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary Wx x: Number of the first word. W4
Table Wx_n n: Number of words. W4_10
Matrix Wx_n_l l: Number of words per line W4_10_5
Input words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary WIx x: Number of the first word. WI4
Table WIx_n n: Number of words. WI4_10
Matrix WIx_n_l l: Number of words per line WI4_10_5
Output words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary WOx x: Number of the first word. WO4
Table WOx_n n: Number of words. WO4_10
Matrix WOx_n_l l: Number of words per line WO4_10_5
ASCII string in the internal words (type: 16 bit WORD)
String M_Wx_n x: Number of the first word containing the string M_W100_30
n: Number of potential words that could contain the In the example, the word
ASCII string (1 to 65). array W100 to W129 can
contain the string.

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Internal double words (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary Dx x: Number of the first double word. D4
Table Dx_n n: Number of double words. D4_10
Matrix Dx_n_l l: Number of double words per line D4_10_5
Internal floating words (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary Fx x: Number of the first floating word. F4
Table Fx_n n: Number of floating words. F4_10
Matrix Fx_n_l l: Number of floating words per line F4_10_5
Remark: Limit values for n and l parameters are depending on the protocol. However, in case of
PCDDE, limits can never be superior to 128 for bits and bytes, 64 for words, 32 for double words and
floating words.

See also:
¾ In this manual:
9 Maximum number of variables per frame with PCDDE
9 Maximum number of variables per frame with OPC server
9 Access to variables

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Siemens PLC descriptor German (D) and French syntax
The Siemens PLC descriptor can only be used when accessing Siemens PLC via the console
connector under AS511 protocol. The Siemens Simatic S5 descriptor is the default descriptor determined
by the OPC and DDE server.

When accessing words in the markers, input words and output words, these words are accessed in
a byte zone, word 1 being composed of bytes 1 and 2, word 2 of bytes 2 and 3, etc. The words therefore

When accessing double words and floating words in the markers, these variables are accessed in a
byte zone, double word 1 being composed of bytes 1, 2, 3 and 4, double word 2 of bytes 2, 3, 4 and 5,
etc. The variables therefore overlap.

Type Syntaxes Parameters Examples

Marker bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Mx.y or Mx:y x: Marker number (0 to 255). M94.7 or M94:7
y: Rank of the first bit in the marker (0 to 7).
Table Mx.y_n or n: Number of bits. M94.7_24 or M94:7_24
Matrix Mx.y_n_l or l: Number of bits per line M94.7_24_8 or M94:7_24_8
Input bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Ex.y or Ex:y x: Number of the input byte (0 to 127). E94.7 or E94:7
y: Rank of the first bit in the input byte (0 to 7).
Table Ex.y_n or n: Number of bits. E94.7_24 or E94:7_24
Matrix Ex.y_n_l or l: Number of bits per line E94.7_24_8 or E94:7_24_8
Output bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Ax.y or Ax:y x: Number of the output byte (0 to 127). A94.7 or A94:7
y: Rank of the first bit in the output byte (0 to
Table Ax.y_n or n: Number of bits. A94.7_24 or A94:7_24
Matrix Ax.y_n_l or l: Number of bits per line A94.7_24_8 or A94:7_24_8
Bits of words in the DB (type: BIT)
Unitary DBxDy.z or x: DX number (1 to 255). DB94D10.7 or DB94D10:7
DBxDy:z y: Number of the first word in the DB (0 to 255).
z: Rank of the first bit (0 to 15).
Table DBxDy.z_n or n: Number of bits. DB94D10.7_24 or
DBxDy:z_n DB94D10:7_24
Matrix DBxDy.z_n_l or l: Number of bits per line DB2D3.7_24_8 or
DBxDy:z_n_l DB2D3:7_24_8
Bits of words in the DX (type: BIT)
Unitary DXxDy.z or x: DX number (0 to 255). DX94D10.7 or DX94D10:7
DXxDy:z y: Number of the first word in the DX (0 to 255).
z: Rank of the first bit (0 to 15).
Table DXxDy.z_n or n: Number of bits. DX94D10.7_24 or
DXxDy:z _n DX94D10:7_24
Matrix DXxDy.z_n_l or l: Number of bits per line DX2D3.7_24_8 or
DXxDy:z_n_l DX2D3:7_24_8

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

Marker bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary MBx x: Number of the first marker (0 to 255). MB4
Table MBx_n n: Number of bytes. MB4_10
Matrix MBx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line MB4_10_5
Input bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary EBx x: Number of the first input byte (0 to 127) EB4
Table EBx_n n: Number of bytes. EB4_10
Matrix EBx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line EB4_10_5
Output bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary ABx x: Number of the first output byte (0 to 127) AB4
Table ABx_n n: Number of bytes. AB4_10
Matrix ABx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line AB4_10_5
ASCII string in the marker bytes (type: BYTE)
String M_MBx_n x: Number of the first marker byte containing M_MB100_10
the string (0 to 255). In the example the byte
n: Number of potential marker bytes that could array MB100 to MB109 can
contain the ASCII string (1 to 131). contain the string.
Words in the markers (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary MWx x: Number of the first word (0 to 254). MW4
Table MWx_n n: Number of words. MW4_10
Matrix MWx_n_l l: Number of words per line MW4_10_5
Input words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary EWx x: Number of the first word (0 to 126). EW4
Table EWx_n n: Number of words. EW4_10
Matrix EWx_n_l l: Number of words per line EW4_10_5
Output words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary AWx x: Number of the first word (0 to 126). AW4
Table AWx_n n: Number of words. AW4_10
Matrix AWx_n_l l: Number of words per line AW4_10_5
Words in the DB (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary DBxDWy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DW8
y: Number of the first word in the DB (0 to 255).
Table DBxDWy_n n: Number of words. DB4DW8_10
Matrix DBxDWy_n_l l: Number of words per line DB4DW8_10_5
Words in the DX (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary DXxDWy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DW8
y: Number of the first word in the DX (0 to 255).
Table DXxDWy_n n: Number of words. DX4DW8_10
Matrix DXxDWy_n_l l: Number of words per line DX4DW8_10_5
Right byte of a word in the DB (type: BIT)
Unitary DBxDRy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DR5
y: Number of the word in the DB (0 to 255).
Left byte of a word in the DB(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DBxDLy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DL5
y: Number of the word in the DB (0 to 255).
Right byte of a word in the DX(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DXxDRy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DR5
y: Number of the word in the DX (0 to 255).
Left byte of a word in the DX(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DXxDLy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DL5
y: Number of the word in the DX (0 to 255).
ASCII string in the DB words (type: 16 bit WORD)
String M_DBxDWy_n x: DB number (1 to 255). M_DB4DW0_10
y: Number of the first word in the DB containing In the example the word

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Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

the string (0 to 255). array DB4DW0 to DB4DW9
n: Number of potential words that could contain can contain the string.
the ASCII string (1 to 65).
ASCII string in the DX words (type: 16 bit WORD)
String M_DXxDWy_n x: DX number (0 to 255). M_DX4DW0_10
y: Number of the first word in the DX containing In the example the word
the string (0 to 255). array DX4DW0 to DX4DW9
n: Number of potential words that could contain can contain the string.
the ASCII string (1 to 65).
Double words in the marker bytes (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary MDx x: Number of the marker byte (0 to 255). MD4
Table MDx_n n: Number of double words. MD4_10
Matrix MDx_n_l l: Number of double words per line MD4_10_5
Floating words in the marker bytes (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary MDxKG x: Number of the floating word (0 to 252). MD48KG
KG: Suffix used to convert a word into KG
format of Siemens PLCs to IEEE format.
Double words in the DB (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary DBxDDy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DD8
y: Number of the first word DW in the DB (0 to
Table DBxDDy_n n: Number of double words. DB4DD8_10
Matrix DBxDDy_n_l l: Number of double words per line DB4DD8_10_5
Double words in the DX (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary DXxDDy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DD8
y: Number of the first word DW in the DX (0 to
Table DXxDDy_n n: Number of double words. DX4DD8_10
Matrix DXxDDy_n_l l: Number of double words per line DX4DD8_10_5
Floating words in the DB (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary DBxDDyKG x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DD8KG
y: Number of the first word DW in the DB (0 to
KG: Suffix used to convert a word into KG
format of Siemens PLCs to IEEE format.
Floating words in the DX (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary DXxDDyKG x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DD8KG
y: Number of the first word DW in the DX (0 to
KG: Suffix used to convert a word into KG
format of Siemens PLCs to IEEE format.
Timers (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary TBx x: Number of the timer (0 to 255). TB4
Table TBx_n n: Number of timers. TB4_10
Matrix TBx_n_l l: Number of timers per line TB4_10_5
Counters (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary ZBx x: Number of the counter (0 to 255). ZB4
Table ZBx_n n: Number of counters. ZB4_10
Matrix ZBx_n_l l: Number of counters per line ZB4_10_5
Remark: Limit values for n and l parameters are depending on the protocol. However, in case of
PCDDE, limits can never be superior to 128 for bits and bytes, 64 for words, 32 for double words and
floating words.
(1)For this syntax, the maximum numbers of variables per frame are:
¾ in read: 128*2
¾ in write: 1

AS511 Master 17 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

See also:
¾ In this manual:
9 Maximum number of variables per frame with PCDDE
9 Maximum number of variables per frame with OPC server
9 Access to variables

AS511 Master 18 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

Siemens PLC descriptor, English (GB) syntax
The Siemens PLC descriptor can only be used when accessing Siemens PLC via the console
connector under AS511 protocol. The Siemens Simatic S5 descriptor is the default descriptor determined
by the OPC and DDE server.

When accessing words in the markers, input words and output words, these words are accessed in
a byte zone, word 1 being composed of bytes 1 and 2, word 2 of bytes 2 and 3, etc. The words therefore

When accessing double words and floating words in the markets, these variables are accessed in a
byte zone, double word 1 being composed of bytes 1, 2, 3 and 4, double word 2 of bytes 2, 3, 4 and 5,
etc. The variables therefore overlap.

Type Syntaxes Parameters Examples

Marker bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Fx.y or Fx:y x: Marker number (0 to 255). F94.7 or F94:7
y: Rank of the first bit in the marker (0 to 7).
Table Fx.y_n or n: Number of bits. F94.7_24 or F94:7_24
Matrix Fx.y_n_l or l: Number of bits per line F94.7_24_8 or F94:7_24_8
Input bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Ix.y or Ix:y x: Number of the input byte (0 to 127). I94.7 or I94:7
y: Rank of the first bit in the input byte (0 to 7).
Table Ix.y_n or Ix:y_n n: Number of bits. I94.7_24 or I94:7_24
Matrix Ix.y_n_l or l: Number of bits per line I94.7_24_8 or I94:7_24_8
Output bits (type: BIT)
Unitary Qx.y or Qx:y x: Number of the output byte (0 to 127). Q94.7 or Q94:7
y: Rank of the first bit in the output byte (0 to
Table Qx.y_n or n: Number of bits. Q94.7_24 or Q94:7_24
Matrix Qx.y_n_l or l: Number of bits per line Q94.7_24_8 or Q94:7_24_8
Bits of words in the DB (type: BIT)
Unitary DBxDy.z or x: DB number (1 to 255). DB94D10.7 or DB94D10:7
DBxDy:z y: Number of the first word in the DB (0 to 255).
z: Rank of the first bit (0 to 15).
Table DBxDy.z_n or n: Number of bits. DB94D10.7_24 or
DBxDy:z_n DB94D10:7_24
Matrix DBxDy.z_n_l or l: Number of bits per line DB2D3.7_24_8 or
DBxDy:z_n_l DB2D3:7_24_8
Bits of words in the DX (type: BIT)
Unitary DXxDy.z or x: DX number (0 to 255). DX94D10.7 or DX94D10:7
DXxDy:z y: Number of the first word in the DX (0 to 255).
z: Rank of the first bit (0 to 15).
Table DXxDy.z_n or n: Number of bits. DX94D10.7_24 or
DXxDy:z_n DX94D10:7_24
Matrix DXxDy.z_n_l or l: Number of bits per line DX2D3.7_24_8 or
DXxDy:z_n_l DX2D3:7_24_8
Marker bytes (type: BYTE)

AS511 Master 19 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

Unitary FYx x: Number of the first marker (0 to 255). FY4
Table FYx_n n: Number of bytes. FY4_10
Matrix FYx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line FY4_10_5
Input bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary IBx x: Number of the first input byte (0 to 127). IB4
Table IBx_n n: Number of bytes. IB4_10
Matrix IBx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line IB4_10_5
Output bytes (type: BYTE)
Unitary QYx x: Number of the first output byte (0 to 127). QY4
Table QYx_n n: Number of bytes. QY4_10
Matrix QYx_n_l l: Number of bytes per line QY4_10_5
ASCII string in the marker bytes (type: BYTE)
String M_FYx_n x: Number of the first marker byte containing M_FY100_10
the string (0 to 255). In the example the byte
n: Number of potential marker bytes that can array MB100 to MB109 can
contain the ASCII string (1 to 131). contain the string.
Words in the markers (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary FWx x: Number of the first word (0 to 254). FW4
Table FWx_n n: Number of words. FW4_10
Matrix FWx_n_l l: Number of words per line FW4_10_5
Input words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary IWx x: Number of the first word (0 to 126). IW4
Table IWx_n n: Number of words. IW4_10
Matrix IWx_n_l l: Number of words per line IW4_10_5
Output words (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary QWx x: Number of the first word (0 to 126). QW4
Table QWx_n n: Number of words. QW4_10
Matrix QWx_n_l l: Number of words per line QW4_10_5
Words in the DB (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary DBxDWy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DW8
y: Number of the first word in the DB (0 to 255).
Table DBxDWy_n n: Number of words. DB4DW8_10
Matrix DBxDWy_n_l l: Number of words per line (2 to 64) DB4DW8_10_5
Words in the DX (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary DXxDWy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DW8
y: Number of the first word in the DX (0 to 255).
Table DXxDWy_n n: Number of words. DX4DW8_10
Matrix DXxDWy_n_l l: Number of words per line DX4DW8_10_5
Right byte of a word in the DB(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DBxDRy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DR5
y: Number of the word in the DB (0 to 255).
Left byte of a word in the DB(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DBxDLy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DL5
y: Number of the word in the DB (0 to 255).
Right byte of a word in the DX(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DXxDRy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DR5
y: Number of the word in the DX (0 to 255).
Left byte of a word in the DX(1) (type: BIT)
Unitary DXxDLy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DL5
y: Number of the word in the DX (0 to 255).
ASCII string in the DB words (type: 16 bit WORD)
String M_DBxDWy_n x: DB number (1 to 255). M_DB4DW0_10
y: Number of the first word in the DB containing In the example the word
the string (0 to 255). array DB4DW0 to DB4DW9

AS511 Master 20 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

n: Number of potential words that could contain can contain the string.
the ASCII string (1 to 65).
ASCII string in the DX words (type: 16 bit WORD)
String M_DXxDWy_n x: DX number (0 to 255). M_DX4DW0_10
y: Number of the first word in the DX containing In the example the word
the string (0 to 255). array DX4DW0 to DX4DW9
n: Number of potential words that could contain can contain the string.
the ASCII string (1 to 65).
Double words in the marker bytes (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary FDx x: Number of the marker byte (0 to 255). FD4
Table FDx_n n: Number of double words. FD4_10
Matrix FDx_n_l l: Number of double words per line FD4_10_5
Floating words in the marker bytes (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary FDxKG x: Number of the floating word (0 to 252). FD48KG
KG: Suffix used to convert a word in KG format
of Siemens PLCs to IEEE format.
Double words in the DB (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary DBxDDy x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DD8
y: Number of the first word DW in the DB (0 to
Table DBxDDy_n n: Number of double words. DB4DD8_10
Matrix DBxDDy_n_l l: Number of double words per line DB4DD8_10_5
Double words in the DX (type: 32 bit WORD)
Unitary DXxDDy x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DD8
y: Number of the first word DW in the DX (0 to
Table DXxDDy_n n: Number of double words. DX4DD8_10
Matrix DXxDDy_n_l l: Number of double words per line DX4DD8_10_5
Floating words in the DB (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary DBxDDyKG x: DB number (1 to 255). DB4DD8KG
y: Number of the first word DW in the DB (0 to
KG: Suffix used to convert a word in KG format
of Siemens PLCs to IEEE format.
Floating words in the DX (type: 32 bit IEEE REAL)
Unitary DXxDDyKG x: DX number (0 to 255). DX4DD8KG
y: Number of the first word DW in the DX (0 to
KG: Suffix used to convert a word in KG format
of Siemens PLCs to IEEE format.
Timers (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary TBx x: Number of the timer (0 to 255). TB4
Table TBx_n n: Number of timers. TB4_10
Matrix TBx_n_l l: Number of timers per line TB4_10_5
Counters (type: 16 bit WORD)
Unitary ZBx x: Number of the counter (0 to 255). ZB4
Table ZBx_n n: Number of counters. ZB4_10
Matrix ZBx_n_l l: Number of counters per line ZB4_10_5
Remark: Limit values for n and l parameters are depending on the protocol. However, in case of
PCDDE, limits can never be superior to 128 for bits and bytes, 64 for words, 32 for double words and
floating words.
(1)For this syntax, the maximum numbers of variables per frame are:
¾ in read: 128*2
¾ in write: 1

AS511 Master 21 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

See also:
¾ In this manual:
9 Maximum number of variables per frame with PCDDE
9 Maximum number of variables per frame with OPC server
9 Access to variables

AS511 Master 22 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

6. Appendices

List of complementary files for AS511 Master:

AS511. AS511 Master Task

Evolution / compatibility
EPROM of applicom® interfaces upper or equal to V3.5

From version V3.3:

Turnaround time of the remote device configurable.

AS511 Master 23 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

7. Function return status

The various applicom® functions return a status word to:
¾ Guarantee the quality of the request.
¾ Diagnose the cause of a failure.
The meaning of the status word value is detailed in the following tables. In addition to the general
meaning, “Further information” allows you to direct your diagnosis according to the protocol used.

AS511 Master 24 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

applicom® general statuses
Status Description
-6 The TRANSCYC function (or TRANSCYCPACK) is used with a cyclic function number which has been
activated but is no longer.
-5 The user program attempts to make a deferred transfer TRANSDIF (or TRANSDIFPACK) although the current
deferred request is not finished.
-1 Deferred transfer request TRANSDIF (or TRANSDIFPACK) concerning a write which occurred correctly.
0 No anomaly detected. The function was carried out correctly.
1 Unknown function.
The function requested is not supported.
2 Incorrect address.
The address of the variable you are requesting is incorrect.
3 Incorrect data.
Further information:
- At least one of the values accessed is not in BCD format (0 ≤ value ≤ 9999).
4 Data inaccessible.
32 Bad parameter passed into the function.
Number of variables incorrect.
35 Data not available in cyclic read.
An attempt has been made to transfer data using TRANSCYC (or TRANSCYCPACK) before reading it in the
40 Deferred read or write attempt by a task when the maximum number of tasks which can use deferred mode
simultaneously has been reached.
Another task must free resources by performing an exitbus.
41 Deferred read or write attempt when the deferred request register is full.
Make deferred request transfers with TRANSDIF (or TRANSDIFPACK) to free the register (64 positions).
42 Deferred transfer request attempt with TRANSDIF (or TRANSDIFPACK) when it is empty (no deferred
requests in progress).
45 Dialogue software not resident.
Initialize the applicom® interface before using it by running PCINIT tool).
46 Card number not configured, or applicom® master/client Function directed at a channel configured in
slave/server or vice versa.
47 No applicom® interface.
51 System problem with drivers.
59 Protection key missing on the applicom® interface.
Use of applicom® function without a call to INITBUS function before.
66 Insufficient applicom® interface memory.
255 Used by “PCDDE” server. Initial value of the “STATUS_READ” and “STATUS_WRITE” items. This value
indicates that no transaction has been carried out between “PCDDE” and the applicom® interface.
Negative status are information codes.

AS511 Master 25 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

Statuses linked to the protocol
Status Description
0 No anomaly detected. The function was carried out correctly.
1 Unknown function
The function requested is not supported.
2 Incorrect address.
The address of the variable you are requesting is incorrect.
3 Incorrect data.
Frame content incoherent.
Reduce the turnaround time of the device in the channel configuration.
4 Inaccessible data.
The PLC refuses the connection.
Switching to RUN or STOP modes impossible (with some PLC this error can happen even though the switching
to a mode to another mode is correct).
32 Bad parameter passed into the function.
Number of variables incorrect.
33 Time-Out fault.
Check the wiring and configuration of the channel and the slave.
34 Parity fault in reception.
36 Equipment not configured.
The PLC CPU is not recognized.
48 Supported only by the applicom® interface
The RS232 channel of the applicom® interface configured in “6 signals” cannot emit since it waited for the
Modem CTS signal for more than 3 seconds during an emission.
53 Synchronization problem on the line.
Increase the turnaround time of the device in the channel configuration.
56 NACK from the equipment.
The DB or DX does not exist.
65 Connection refused by the equipment.
Bad read of the system parameters.

AS511 Master 26 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

8. Glossary of terms

applicom® interface
Communication card, PCI type, with the applicom® real time multi-task kernel.(PC1000, PC2000,
PC4000, PC1500PFB, ...)

4 channels distribution box, with galvanic insulation.

4 channels rack distribution box, with galvanic insulation.

Physical output of an applicom® card.

Clear To Send

Siemens word to describe a Data bloc

Data Carrier Detect

Data Terminal Ready

emission and reception in the same time.

Defines an element or a unitary article

Always present internal memory

Ole for Process Control.

applicom® DDE server.


Read only memory on applicom® interfaces which contains programs

Request To Send

Recept signal

Transmit signal.

AS511 Master 27 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

AS511 Master 28 08/02/2008

Copyright © 2006 Woodhead Software & Electronics. All rights reserved.

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