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V olum e 10, N um ber 4 O ctober 2005 – N ov em ber 2005

Olympiad Corner
The Method of Infinite Descent
Below is the Bulgarian selection test
for the 46th IMO given on May 18 – Leung Tat-Wing
19, 2005.
The technique of infinite descent There are variations of this scenario. For
Problem 1. An acute triangle ABC is (descent infini) was developed by the instance, suppose there is a positive
given. Find the locus of points M in the great amateur mathematician Pierre de integer a1 such that P(a1) is valid, and
interior of the triangle such that AB−FG Fermat (1601-1665). Besides using the from this, if we can find a smaller
= (MF·AG+MG·BF)/CM, where F and technique to prove negative results such positive integer a2 such that P(a2) is
G are the feet of perpendiculars from M as the equation x4 + y4 = z2 has no valid, then we can find a still smaller
to the lines BC and AC, respectively. nontrivial integer solution, he also used positive integer a3 such that P(a3) is
the technique to prove positive results. valid, and so on. Hence we can find an
Problem 2. Find the number of subsets infinite and decreasing chain of positive
B of the set {1, 2, …, 2005} such that the For instance, he knew that an odd prime integers (infinite descent) a1 > a2 > a3 >
sum of the elements of B is congruent to p can be expressed as the sum of two ⋯. This is clearly impossible. So the
2006 modulo 2048. integer squares if and only if p is of the initial hypothesis P(a1) cannot be valid.
Problem 3. Let R* be the set of non-zero form 4k + 1. To show that a prime of
real numbers. Find all functions f : R* → the form 4k + 3 is not a sum of two So the method of descent is essentially
R* such that squares is not hard. In fact, every square another form of induction. Recall that
f ( xy ) equals 0 or 1 mod 4, thus no matter what in mathematical induction, we start
f ( x 2 + y ) = f 2 ( x) + possibilities, the sum of two squares from a smallest element a of a subset of
f ( x)
cannot be of the form 4k + 3 ≡ 3 (mod natural numbers, (initial step), and
for all x, y ∈R*, y ≠ −x2. 4). To prove a prime of the form 4k + 1 prove the so-called inductive step. So
is the sum of two squares, he assumed we can go from P(a) to P(a + 1), then
Problem 4. Let a1, a2, …, a2005, b1, b2,
that if there is a prime of the form 4k + 1 P(a + 2) and so on.
⋯, b2005 be real numbers such that
2005 which is not the sum of two squares,
(ai x − bi ) 2 ≥ ∑ (a x − b ) j j then there will be another (smaller) Many problems in mathematics
j =1, j ≠ i
prime of the same nature, and hence a competition require the uses of the
for any real number x and i = 1, 2, …, third one, and so on. Eventually he method of descent. We give a few
2005. What is the maximal number of would come to the number 5, which examples. First we use the method of
positive ai’s and bi’s? should not be the sum of two squares. infinite descent to prove the well-known
But we know 5 = 12 + 22 a sum of two result that 2 is irrational. Of course
(continued on page 4) squares, a contradiction! the classical proof is essentially a
Editors: 張 百 康 (CHEUNG Pak-Hong), Munsang College, HK descent argument.
高 子 眉 (KO Tsz-Mei) The idea of infinite descent may be
梁 達 榮 (LEUNG Tat-Wing) described as follows. Mainly it is
李 健 賢 (LI Kin-Yin), Dept. of Math., HKUST
Example 1: Show that 2 is irrational.
吳 鏡 波 (NG Keng-Po Roger), ITC, HKPU
because a finite subset of natural
numbers must have a smallest member. Solution. We need to show that there do
Artist: 楊 秀 英 (YEUNG Sau-Ying Camille), MFA, CU
So if A is a subset of the natural numbers not exist positive integers x and y such
Acknowledgment: Thanks to Elina Chiu, Math. Dept.,
HKUST for general assistance.
N, and if we need to prove, for every that x/y = 2 or by taking squares, we
a ∈ A, the statement P(a) is valid. need to show the equation x2 = 2y2 has
On-line: Suppose by contradiction, the statement no positive integer solution.
The editors welcome contributions from all teachers and is not valid for all a ∈ A, i.e. there
students. With your submission, please include your name, exists a non-empty subset of A, denoted Suppose otherwise, let x = m, y = n be a
address, school, email, telephone and fax numbers (if
available). Electronic submissions, especially in MS Word,
by B, and such that P(x) is not true for solution of the equation and such that m
are encouraged. The deadline for receiving material for the any x ∈ B. Now because B is is the smallest possible value of x that
next issue is December 10, 2005. non-empty, there exists a smallest
For individual subscription for the next five issues for the
satisfies the equation. Then m2 = 2n2
element of B, denoted by b and such that and this is possible only if m is even,
03-04 academic year, send us five stamped self-addressed
envelopes. Send all correspondence to: P(b) is not valid. Using the given hence m=2m1. Thus, 4m12 = (2m1)2=2n2,
Dr. Kin-Yin LI
conditions, if we can find a still smaller so n2 = 2m12. This implies n is also a
Department of Mathematics c ∈ A ( c < b ), and such that P(c) is not possible value of x in the equation x2 =
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology valid, then this will contradict the 2y2. However, n < m, contradicting the
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
assumption of b. The conclusion is that minimality of m.
Fax: (852) 2358 1643 P(a) must be valid for all a ∈ A.
M athematical Excalibur,
Excalibur Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct. 05- N ov. 05 Page 2

Example 2 (Hungarian MO 2000): members to form two groups of 2n Sylvester was annoyed to find that he
Find all positive primes p for which elements which are of different parity). was unable to tackle this deceptively
there exist positive integers x, y and n Therefore simple problem. It was later solved by
such that pn = x3 + y3. the technique of descent. The idea is to
0 = a1 ≡ a2 ≡ ⋯ ≡ a2n+1 (mod 2).
consider the smallest possible element
Solution. Observe 21 = 13 + 13 and 32 = with a certain property.
Dividing by 2, we note the new sequence
23 + 13. After many trials we found no
will maintain the same property. Using the
more primes with this property. So we Example 5 (Sylvester’s Problem):
same reasoning we see that 0 = a1 ≡ a2 ≡ ⋯
suspect the only answers are p = 2 or p Given n (n ≥ 3) points on the plane. If a
≡ a2n+1 (mod 22). We may descent to 0 = a1
= 3. Thus, we need to prove there exists line passing through any two points
≡ a2 ≡ ⋯ ≡ a2n+1 (mod 2m) for all m ≥ 1.
no prime p ( p > 3 ) satisfying pn = x3 + also passes through a third point of the
This is possible only if the initial numbers
y3. Clearly we need to prove by set, then prove that all the points lie on
are all equal to others.
contradiction and one possibility is to the same line.
make use of the descent method. (In
Example 4: Starting from a vertex of an
this case we make descent on n and it Solution. We prove an equivalent
acute triangle, the perpendicular is drawn,
works.) statement. Namely if there are n (n ≥ 3)
meeting the opposite side (side 1) at A1.
points on the plane and such that they
From A1, a perpendicular is drawn to meet
So we assume pn = x3 + y3 with x, y, n are not on the same line, then there
another side (side 2) at A2. Starting from
positive integers and n of the smallest exists a line passing through exactly
A2, the perpendicular is drawn to meet the
possible value. Now p ≥ 5. Hence at two points.
third side (side 3) at A3. The
least one of x and y is greater than 1.
perpendicular from A3 is then drawn to
Also Now there are finitely many lines that
meet side 1 at A4 and then back to side 2,
may be formed by the points of the
x 3 + y 3 = ( x + y )( x 2 − xy + y 2 ), and so on.
point set. Given such a line, there is at
least one point of the set which does
with x + y ≥ 3 and Prove that the points A1, A2, … are all
not lie on the line. We then consider
the distance between the point and the
x 2 − xy + y 2 = ( x − y ) 2 + xy ≥ 2.
line. Finally we list all such distances
Hence both x + y and x2 – xy + y2 are as d1 ≤ d2 ≤ ⋯ ≤ dm, namely d1 is the
divisible by p. Therefore minimum distance between all possible
A6 points and all possible lines, say it is
( x + y ) 2 − ( x 2 − xy + y 2 ) = 3 xy A3
the distance between A and the line l.
We now proceed to show that l contains
is also divisible by p. However, 3 is not
exactly two points of the point set.
divisible by p, so at least one of x or y A5
must be divisible by p. As x + y is A2
divisible by p, both x and y are divisible Suppose not, say points B, C and D of
A4 the point set also lie on l. From A, draw
by p. Then x3 + y3 ≥ 2p3. So we must A1
have n > 3 and the line AE perpendicular to l, with E
3 3 on l. If E is one of the B, C or D, say E
p n x3 y 3  x   y 
p n −3 = = + =  +  . Solution. First note that because the and B coincide, we have the picture
p 3 p3 p3  p   p 
triangle is acute, all the points Ai, i ≥ 1 lie
This contradicts the minimality of n. on the sides of the triangle, instead of A
going outside or coincide with the vertices
Example 3 (Putnam Exam 1973): Let of the triangle. This implies Ai and Ai+1
a1, a2, ⋯, a2n+1 be a set of integers such will not coincide because they lie on d1
that, if any one of them is removed, the adjacent sides of the triangle. Suppose d0
remaining ones can be divided into two l
now Ai coincides with Aj (i < j), and i is the
sets of n integers with equal sums. D C B=E
smallest index with this property. Then in
Prove a1 = a2 = ⋯ = a2n+1.
fact i = 1. For otherwise Ai−1 will coincide
with Aj−1, contradicting the minimality of i. Now AB = d1. However if we draw a
Solution. Assume a1 ≤ a2 ≤ ⋯ ≤ a2n+1.
Finally suppose A1 coincides with Aj, j ≥3, perpendicular line from B to AC, then
By subtracting the smallest number
this happens precisely when Aj−1 is the we will get a distance d0 less than d1,
from the sequence we observe the new contradicting its minimality. Similarly
vertex of the triangle facing side 1. But
sequence still maintain the property. So if E coincides with C or D, we can also
we know that no vertices of the triangle
we may assume a1 = 0. The sum of any obtain a smaller distance.
are in the list, so again impossible.
2n members equals 0 mod 2, so any
two members must be of the same (continued on page 4)
The following example was a problem of
parity, (otherwise we may swap two
Sylvester (1814-1897). Accordingly
M athematical Excalibur,
Excalibur Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct. 05- N ov. 05 Page 3

Problem Corner 3. The nine rankings of each are added. (PA + PD)2 – (PB + PC)2
What is the maximum of the lowest of the = 2( |p2–a2| + a2 – b2 – | p2–b2| ) ≥ 0
sums? Prove your answer is correct.
We welcome readers to submit their by the triangle inequality. So PA+PD ≥
solutions to the problems posed below PB+PC.
for publication consideration. The *****************
solutions should be preceded by the Solutions Also equality holds if and only if the ratio of
solver’s name, home (or email) address **************** p2 – a2 and a2 – b2 is a nonnegative number,
and school affiliation. Please send which is the same as p ≥ a or p ≤ –a.
submissions to Dr. Kin Y. Li, Problem 231. On each planet of a star Commended Solvers: CHAN Wai
Department of Mathematics, The Hong system, there is an astronomer observing Hung (Carmel Divine Grace Foundation
Kong University of Science & the nearest planet. The number of planets Secondary School, Form 7), WONG
Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, is odd, and pairwise distances between Kwok Cheung (Carmel Alison Lam
Hong Kong. The deadline for Foundation Secondary School, Form 7) and
them are different. Prove that at least one YEUNG Wai Kit (STFA Leung Kau
submitting solutions is December 10, planet is not under observation. Kui College, Form 5).
2005. (Source: 1966 Soviet Union Math
Olympiad) Problem 233. Prove that every
Problem 236. Alice and Barbara order positive integer not exceeding n! can
a pizza. They choose an arbitrary point Solution. CHAN Pak Woon (HKU Math,
Year 1), LEE Kai Seng (HKUST), WONG be expressed as the sum of at most n
P, different from the center of the pizza distinct positive integers each of which
Kwok Cheung (Carmel Alison Lam
and they do three straight cuts through Foundation Secondary School, Form 7) and is a divisor of n!.
P, which pairwise intersect at 60˚ and YEUNG Wai Kit (STFA Leung Kau Kui
divide the pizza into 6 pieces. The College, Form 5). Solution. CHAN Ka Lok (STFA Leung
center of the pizza is not on the cuts. Kau Kui College, Form 6), G.R.A. 20
Let there be n planets. The case of n = 1 is Math Problem Group (Roma, Italy),
Alice chooses one piece and then the LEE Kai Seng (HKUST) and YEUNG
clear. For n ≥ 3, suppose the case n–2 is
pieces are taken clockwise by Barbara, Wai Kit (STFA Leung Kau Kui
true. For the two closest planets, the
Alice, Barbara, Alice and Barbara. College, Form 5).
astronomers on them observe each other.
Which piece should Alice choose first
If any of the remaining n – 2 astronomers We prove by induction on n. The case
in order to get more pizza than Barbara?
observes one of these two planets, then we n = 1 is clear. Suppose case n – 1 is
(Source: 2002 Slovenian National
do not have enough astronomers to true. For n > 1, let 1 ≤ k ≤ n! and let q
Math Olympiad)
observe the n – 2 remaining planets. and r be such that k = qn + r with 0 ≤ r
Problem 237. Determine (with proof) Otherwise, we can discard these two < n. Then 0 ≤ q ≤ (n–1)! . By the case
all polynomials p with real coefficients closest planets and apply the case n – 2. n –1, q can be expressed as d1 + d2 + ⋯
such that p(x) p(x+1) = p(x2) holds for + dm, where m ≤ n – 1 and di is a divisor
every real number x. Commended Solvers: Roger CHAN of (n – 1)! and di’s are distinct. Omitting
(Source: 2000 Bulgarian Math (Vancouver, Canada) and Anna Ying PUN r if r = 0, we see d1n + d2n + ⋯ + dmn + r is
(STFA Leung Kau Kui College).
Olympiad) a desired expansion of k.
Problem 232. B and C are points on the
Problem 238. For which positive Problem 234. Determine all
segment AD. If AB = CD, prove that
integers n, does there exist a polynomials P(x) of the smallest
PA+PD ≥ PB+PC for any point P.
permutation (x1, x2, …, xn) of the possible degree with the following
(Source: 1966 Soviet Union Math
numbers 1, 2, …, n such that the properties:
number x1 + x2+ ⋯+xk is divisible by k
for every k∈{1,2, …, n}? Solution 1. Anna Ying PUN (STFA a) The coefficient of the highest power
(Source: 1998 Nordic Mathematics Leung Kau Kui College). is 200.
Contest) Suppose P is not on line AD. Let P’ be such b) The coefficient of the lowest power
that PAP’D is a parallelogram. Now AB=CD for which it is not equal to zero is 2.
Problem 239. (Due to José Luis c) The sum of all its coefficients is 4.
Díaz-Barrero, Universitat Politècnica implies PBP’C is a parallelogram. By
interchanging B and C, we may assume B is d) P(−1) = 0, P(2) = 6 and P(3) = 8.
de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain) In
any acute triangle ABC, prove that between A and C. Let line PB intersect AP’ (Source: 2002 Austrian National
at F. Then PA+PD = PA+AP’ = PA+AF Competition)
+FP’ > PF + FP’ = PB + BF + FP’ > PB
 A− B  B−C  C − A
cos  + cos  + cos  +BP’ = PB + PC. The case P is on line AD Solution. CHAN Pak Woon (HKU
 2   2   2  is easy to check. Math, Year 1), G.R.A. 20 Math Problem
Group (Roma, Italy), WONG Kwok
2  a +b b+c c+a  Solution 2. LEE Kai Seng (HKUST). Cheung (Carmel Alison Lam Foundation
≤  + + .

2  a +b
2 2 2 2  Secondary School, Form 7) and YEUNG
b +c c2 + a2  Consider the complex plane with line AD as the Wai Kit (STFA Leung Kau Kui
real axis and the origin at the midpoint O of College, Form 5).
Problem 240. Nine judges segment AD. Let the complex numbers
Note c) is the same as P(1) = 4. For
independently award the ranks of 1 to correspond to A, B, P be a, b, p, respectively.
20 to twenty figure-skaters, with no Since | p ± a |2 = |p|2 ± 2Re ap + a2, so (PA + P(x)=200x(x+1)(x–1)(x–2)(x–3)+2x+2
ties. No two of the rankings awarded PD)2 = 2( |p|2 + |p2–a2| + a2) . Then =200x5–1000x4+1000x3
to any figure-skater differ by more than +1000x2–1198x+2,
M athematical Excalibur,
Excalibur Vol. 10, No. 4, Oct. 05- N ov. 05 Page 4

Sylvester’s “theorem”, there exists a

all conditions are satisfied. Assume R
line containing exactly two points of
is another such polynomial with degree
the point set, say A1An+1.
at most 5. Then P and R agree at –1, 1, Olympiad Corner
2, 3. So Let’s consider the sets Z1 ={A1, A2, …,
(continued from page 1)
P(x)–R(x) = (x+1)(x–1)(x–2)(x–3)S(x) An}and Z2 ={A2, A3, …, An, An+1}
Problem 5. Let ABC be an acute triangle Clearly at least one of the point sets
with degree of S at most 1. If S is with orthocenter H, incenter I and AC ≠ does not lie on a line. If A1, A2, …, An
constant, then b) implies P(0)–R(0) is 0 BC. The lines CH and CI meet the do not lie on a line, by the inductive
or 2. Then S(x) = –1/3 and we get circumcircle of △ ABC for the second hypothesis, we can form at least n lines
time at points D and L, respectively. using these points. As An+1 is not one
R(x) = P(x)+(x+1)(x–1)(x–2)(x–3)/3
= 200x5 + ⋯ –1196⅓x, Prove that ∠ CIH = 90˚ if and only if of the members of Z1, so A1An+1 will
∠IDL = 90˚. form a new line, (A1An+1 contains no
which fails b). If S is of degree 1, then a) other points of the set) and we have at
and b) imply S(x)=200x–1/3 and we Problem 6. In a group of nine people least n + 1 lines. If A2, A3, …, An, An+1
will get R(x) = there are no four every two of which know
do not lie on a line, then again we can
each other. Prove that the group can be
form at least n lines using these points.
P(x) – (x+1)(x–1)(x–2)(x–3)(200x–1/3) partitioned into four groups such that the
As A1 is not one of the members of Z2,
= x4/3 + ⋯, people in every group do not know each
so A1An+1 will form a new line, (A1An+1
which fails a). So no such R exists and contains no other points of the set) and
P is the unique answer. we have at least n + 1 lines.

Problem 235. Forty-nine students The method of infinite descent was

solve a set of three problems. The The Method of Infinite Descent used to prove a hard IMO problem.
score for each problem is an integer (continued from page 2)
from 0 to 7. Prove that there exist two Example 7 (IMO 1988): Prove that if
students A and B such that, for each positive integers a and b are such that
Now if the perpendicular from A to l does
problem, A will score at least as many not meet any of B, C or D, then by the ab + 1 divides a2 + b2, then (a2 +
points as B. pigeonhole principle, there are two points b2)/(ab + 1) is a perfect square.
(Source: 29th IMO Unused Problem) (say C and D) which lie on one side of the Solution. Assume (a2 + b2)/(ab + 1) =
Solution. LEE Kai Seng (HKUST) and perpendicular. Again from the diagram k and k is not a perfect square. After
Anna Ying PUN (STFA Leung Kau Kui rearranging we have a2 − kab + b2 = k,
College). A with a > 0 and b > 0. Assume now (a0,
For n = 0,1,2,3, let Sn be the set of b0) is a solution of the Diophantine
ordered pairs (0,n),(1,n),⋯,(7–n,n) and equation and such that a0 + b0 is as
d1 small as possible. By symmetry we
(7 – n, n + 1),⋯, (7 – n, 7). Let S4 = d
{(x,y): x=2 or 3; y= 4,5,6 or 7} and S5 = may assume a0 ≥ b0 > 0. Fixing b0 and k,
d0 l
{(x,y): x=0 or 1; y=4,5,6 or 7}. we may assume a0 is a solution of the
D C E B quadratic equation
For each student, let his/her score on the
We draw perpendiculars from E and C to x2 − kb0x + b02 − k = 0.
first problem be x and on the second
AD, and we observe the distances d0 < d <
problem be y. Note if two students have
d1, again contradicting the minimality of Now let the other root of the equation
both of their (x,y) pairs in one of S0, S1,
d1. From the above arguments, we be a′. Using sum and product of roots,
S2 or S3, then one of them will score at
conclude that l contains exactly two we have a0 + a′ = kb0 and a0a′ = b02 − k.
least as many point as the other in each
points. The first equation implies a′ is an
of the first two problems.
integer. The second equation implies a′
From the above example, we have ≠ 0, otherwise k is a perfect square,
Of the 49 pairs (x,y), there are [49/6]+1
= 9 of them belong to the same Sn. If Example 6 (Polish MO 1967-68): Given contradicting our hypothesis. Now a′
this Sn is S4 or S5, which has 8 elements, n (n ≥ 3) points on the plane and these also cannot be negative, otherwise
then two of the 9 pairs are the same and points are not on the same line. From any a′ 2 − ka′b0 + b02 ≥ a′ 2 + k + b02 > k.
the two students will satisfy the desired two of these points a line is drawn and
condition. If the Sn is S0, S1, S2 or S3, then altogether k distinct lines are formed. Hence a′ > 0. Finally
two of these 9 students will have the Show that k ≥ n.
b02 − k b02 − 1 a02 − 1
same score on the third problem and a' = ≤ ≤ < a0 .
they will satisfy the desired condition by Solution. We proceed by induction. a0 a0 a0
the note in the last paragraph. Clearly three distinct lines may be drawn This implies (a′, b0) is a positive
Commended Solvers: CHAN Pak Woon
from three points not on a line. Hence the integer solution of a2 − kab + b2 = k,
(HKU Math, Year 1), LAW Yan Pui statement is true for n = 3. Suppose the and a′ + b0 < a0 + b0, contradicting the
(Carmel Divine Grace Foundation statement is valid for some n ≥ 3. Now let minimality of a0 + b0. Therefore k
Secondary School, Form 7) and YEUNG A1, A2, …, An, An+1 be n + 1 distinct points must be a perfect square.
Wai Kit (STFA Leung Kau Kui College,
Form 5). which are not on the same line. By

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