Site Safety Supervisors

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Safety and Health Policy

The main contractor must possess a safety and health policy as per requirement of OSHA 94.

2. Safety And Health Officer

The main contractor must employ a full time safety and health officer registered with DOSH. a. He will provide the leadership to promote an injury and disease free workplace. b. His main task is to identify hazards and analyse risk and control the hazards and to ensure total compliance to the legal requirements of OSHA 94 and FMA 67 and their regulations.

3. Site Safety Supervisor.

a. The main contractor of a worksite shall appoint a Site Safety Supervisor who shall spend his time exclusively on safety supervision and on promoting the safe conduct of work generally within the site. b. The site safety supervisor shalli. provide assistance to the safety and health officer ii. ensure that the provisions of the applicable Acts and any regulations made thereunder are complied with; and iii. promote the safe conduct of work generally within the worksite. c. The duties of a site safety supervisor shall includei. inspecting and rectifying any unsafe place of work; ii. correcting any unsafe practice; iii. checking sub-constructors' work to ensure compliance with the Act and the regulations made thereunder; and other activities to ensure total safety at workplace.

4. Safety committee.
a. The main contractor of a worksite shall establish a Safety and Health Committee (on which both employees and management are represented) for the purpose of keeping under review conditions in the worksite which may affect the safety and health of the persons employed therein. b. The Safety and Health Committee shall consist of a senior member of the main contractor's staff at the site, the Safety And Health Officer and other members as per the Safety and Health Committee regulations . c. The Safety and Health Committee shall meet at least once a month. d. The Safety and Health Committee shall inspect the site regularly and report any unsafe act and conditions for action by the main contractor. e. Regular tool box meeting to brief or train workers are encouraged.

5. CIDB Green card

All workers employed at the worksite shall be the holder of a valid CIDB green card.

6. Permit to work (PTW)

All hot work requiring the use of welding equipment shall require a documented PTW authorised by the Safety And Health Officer .

7. Accidents and incidences

All accidents and incidences must be investigated and immediately reported to the company by the Safety And Health Officer.

8. Access and egress to workplace.

a. The contractor shall maintain a safe means of access to and egress from working areas. b. Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear to provide for the free and safe movement of material handling equipment or workers. Such areas shall be kept in good repair.

9. Hazards identification and control

The contractor shall continuously inspect the workplace and identify hazards at the workplace and ensure suitable control measure are taken to prevent incidents and accidents or diseases. Safety signage must be prominently displayed to warn workers of hazards and dangers at worksite. The following will be some of the hazards to be controlled but the list is not exhaustive.

Slipping Tripping And Cutting Hazards.

The main contractor shall maintain a safe passageway and working surface condition. a. All passageways, platforms and other places of work shall be kept free from accumulations of dirt and debris and from other obstructions that could cause tripping. b. Any projection which could cut an employee shall be removed or otherwise made safe.


Chemical hazard

All corrosive, toxic or hazardous substances shall be stored and used as not to endanger employees. a. Suitable protective equipment for the use of such substances shall be provided. b. Clean water or appropriate cleansing materials shall be readily available for washing off spillage of any corrosive substances on employees. c. Information in the form of a complete chemical data safety sheet shall be displayed at place of use and storage. d. All workers using such chemicals shall be trained on the handling of this substance.


Electrical hazards.
a. Before work is begun, the contractor shall ascertain by inquiry or direct observation, or by instruments, where any part of an electric power circuit, exposed or concealed, is so located

b. c.

d. e.

that the performance of the work may bring any person, tool or machine into physical or electrical contact with it. The contractor shall post and maintain proper warning signs where such a circuit exists. The contractor shall advise his employees of the location of such lines, the hazards involved and the protective measures to be taken and shall, if practicable, de-energize the electric power circuit. Where electrical appliances and current-carrying equipment have provisions made for earthing, they shall be properly earthed. All temporary electrical installations in building and engineering construction worksites shall be provided with earth leakage circuit breakers.


Electric power-operated tools.

a. The contractor shall not issue or permit the use of unsafe powered tools. All power tools and similar equipment, furnished by the contractor shall be maintained in a safe condition. b. When power-operated tools are designed to accommodate guards, they shall be equipped with such guards when in use. c. Employees using and power tools and exposed to the hazard of falling, flying, abrasive, and splashing objects, or exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapours or gases shall be provided with the necessary personal protective equipment to protect them from hazards. d. Electric power-operated tools shall be insulated in accordance with the requirement of Electrical Inspectorate Regulations 1984[P.U.(A) 313 / 1984]. e. The use of electric cords for hoisting or lowering tools shall not be permitted.

9.4 Ergonomic hazards

a. Contractors shall ensure workers are not subjected to any work conditions which are not conducive to their physiological and psychological needs.

10. Power-driven saws.

a. All portable power-driven hand operated saws which are not mounted with saw shall be equipped with guards above the base plate which will completely protect the operator from contact with the saw blade when in motion and with self-adjusting guards below the base plate which will completely cover the saw to the depth of the teeth when the saw is removed from the cut. b. Every power-driven saw which is mounted with a saw table shall be equipped with a guard which shall cover the saw blade to such an extent as will prevent contact with any part of the teeth which are more than 50 millimetres above the saw table and which are not protected by the spreader or similar device. c. No unauthorised modifications will be allowed or tolerated.


Hand Tools

a. Contractors shall not issue or permit the use of unsafe hand tools. b. All hand tools and similar equipment, whether furnished by the contractor shall be maintained in a safe condition. c. Employees using hand and power tools and exposed to the hazard of falling, flying, abrasive, and splashing objects, or exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapours or gases shall be provided with the necessary personal protective equipment to protect them from hazards.


a. Every ladder and step-ladder shall be of good construction, sound material and adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used. b. Ladders and step-ladders shall not stand on loose packing, but shall have a level and firm footing.


a. Every scaffold and every part thereof shall be of good construction, of suitable and sound material and of adequate strength for the purpose for which it is used. b. Sufficient material shall be provided for and shall be used in the construction of scaffolds. c. Metal parts used for scaffolds shall be of suitable quality and be in good condition and free from corrosion or other patent defect likely to affect their strength materially.


Pneumatic power tools.

a. Pneumatic-power tools shall be secured to the hose or whip by some positive means to prevent the tool from becoming accidentally disconnected. b. Safety clips or retainers shall be securely installed and maintained on pneumatic impact (percussion) tools to prevent attachments from being accidentally expelled. c. Compressed air shall not be used for cleaning clothing or parts of the body. d. The manufacturer's safe operating pressure specification for hoses, pipes, valves, filters and other fittings shall not be exceeded. e. The use of hoses for hoisting or lowering tools shall not be permitted. f. The contractor shall ensure that all pressure vessels or similar equipments have been approved by DOSH.

15. Storage of materials and equipment.

All building materials shall be stored or stacked in a safe and orderly manner so as not to obstruct any passageway or place of work. b. Material piles shall be stored or stacked in such manner as to ensure stability



Disposal of debris.
a. b. c. d. Debris shall be handled and disposed off by a method which will not endanger persons. Debris shall not be allowed to accumulate so as to constitute a hazard. Debris shall be kept sufficiently moist to lay the dust. Protective dust masks are to be worn if the dust are not tolerable.

17. Personnel Protective apparel.

a. Every employee required to pass or work within areas where there is danger of being struck by falling objects or materials shall be provided with safety helmet of a type approved by the Chief Inspector of DOSH b. Every employee required to work in wet concrete or other wet footing shall be provided with a waterproof boots. c. Every employee required to use corrosive or toxic substances shall be provided with appropriate protective apparel and equipment. d. It is mandatory for all workers to use safety shoes. e. Suitable eye protection equipment shall be provided by the employer and shall be used by employees while engaged in welding or cutting operations or in chipping, cutting or grinding any material from which particles may fly, or while engaged in any other operation which may endanger the eyes.

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