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Keys to Test A

Intelligent Business
Final, term 1
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. a
7. deodorant
8. mock
9. grabbing
10. intrigued
11. settlement
12. glossy
13. lawsuit
14. campaign
15. plaintiff
16. coverage
17. jury
18. defendant
19. relentlessly
20. start-up
21. nanotechnology
22. compromising information
23. subscribers
24. advertising campaigns
25. lawyers/attorneys
26. law firm
27. verdict
28. damages
29. legal
30. leaked
31. whose
32. who
33. where
34. whom
35. whose
36. where
37. who
38. whose
39. who
40. who.
41. achieving
42. to present
43. publicize
44. working
45. to attend
46. setting
47. targeting
48. to liaise
49. to provide
50. reaching
51. has been covered in detail
52. is being used for negligence.
53. is to be announced later today.
54. would be paid.
55. is going to be postponed.
56. were delivered
57. had never been produced
58. should have been protected
59. was not disclosed
60. is being designed

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