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Classmates Cinema
Compañeros de clase Cine
Call Llamar – Llamada Children – Kids Niños – Chicos
Open Abrir – Abierto Beer(s) Cerveza(s)
Weather Clima Have fun Divertirse
Quite Bastante Fast Rápido
Chat Charlar – Chatear Hard Duro

1) Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones.

1. John estaba en su casa: John was in his house
John was in his house.
2. Ellos eran compañeros de clase: They were classmates
They were classmates.
3. Pilar o Carmen estuvo en el cine con Camilo:
Pilar or Carmen was in the cinema with Camilo
Pilar or Carmen was in the cinema with Camilo.
4. Mary estuvo en el hospital esta mañana:
Mary was at the hospital this morning
Mary was in / at the hospital this morning.
5. Yo estuve comiendo pizza el lunes y mi amiga estuvo viendo una película:
I was eating pizza on Monday and my friend was watching a movie
I was eating pizza on Monday and my friend / Girl friend was watching a movie.
6. Mis vecinos estuvieron llamando la policía anoche. La policía estuvo en mi casa:
My neithbors were calling the police last night. The police were in my house
My neighbors were calling the police last night. The police were in my house.
7. Nosotros estábamos en mi casa. Estuvimos cantando y bailando con los niños:
We were in my house. We were singing and dancing with the kids
We were in my house. We were singing and dancing with the children / kids.
8. Ella y él estuvieron en un restaurante chino. Ellos fueron amigos en la escuela:
She and he were in a chinese restaurant. They were friends in the school
She and he were in / At a chinese restaurant. They were friends in the school.
9. Yo estaba con él y él estaba conmigo. Ellos estaban con ella y ella estaba con ellos:
I was with him and he was with me. They were with her and she was with them
I was with him and he was with me. They were with her and she was with them.
10. Claire era la madre de él. Juan era el padre de ellos. Ellos estaban jugando en el parque
Claire was his mother. Juan was their father. They were playing in the park yesterday.
Claire was his mother. Juan was their father. They were playing in the park yesterday.

2) Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando WAS o WERE:

1. Smith was in the street this morning. was
2. Paul or Mark was opening the store. was
3. I was with my boy friend drinking some beers. We were having fun. was were
4. The weather was really cold but we were swimming in the pool. was were
5. She was walking quite fast yesterday. was

Convierte las siguientes oraciones de presente a pasado utilizando WAS y WERE:

1. Jane and Michael are doctors: Jane and Michael were doctors
Jane and Michael were doctors.
2. She’s in the museum: She was in the museum
She was in the museum.
3. It’s a big dog: It was a big dog
It was a big dog.
4. You’re my best friend: You were my best friend
You were my best friend.
5. We are studying French: We were studying French
We were studying french.
6. Paula or Karla is sleeping on my bed: Paula or Karla was sleeping on my bed
Paula or Karla was sleeping on my bed.
7. I’m really busy: I was really bussy
I was really busy.
8. He’s chatting with his girlfriend: He was chatting with his girlfriend
He was chatting with his girlfriend.
9. Lukas and I are tired. We are working hard:
Lukas and I were tired. We were working hard
Lukas and i were tired. we were working hard.

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Classmates Cinema
Compañeros de clase Cine
Call Llamar – Llamada Children – Kids Niños – Chicos
Open Abrir – Abierto Beer(s) Cerveza(s)
Weather Clima Have fun Divertirse
Quite Bastante Fast Rápido
Chat Charlar – Chatear Hard Duro

1) Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones.

1. John estaba en su casa: John was in his house.

2. Ellos eran compañeros de clase: They were classmates.

3. Pilar o Carmen estuvo en el cine con Camilo:

Pilar or Carmen was in the cinema with Camilo.

4. Mary estuvo en el hospital esta mañana:

Mary was in / at the hospital this morning.

5. Yo estuve comiendo pizza el lunes y mi amiga estuvo viendo una película:

I was eating pizza on Monday and my friend / Girl friend was watching a movie.

6. Mis vecinos estuvieron llamando la policía anoche. La policía estuvo en mi casa:

My neighbors were calling the police last night. The police were in my house.

7. Nosotros estábamos en mi casa. Estuvimos cantando y bailando con los niños:

We were in my house. We were singing and dancing with the children / kids.

8. Ella y él estuvieron en un restaurante chino. Ellos fueron amigos en la escuela:

She and he were in / At a chinese restaurant. They were friends in the school.

9. Yo estaba con él y él estaba conmigo. Ellos estaban con ella y ella estaba con ellos:
I was with him and he was with me. They were with her and she was with them.
10. Claire era la madre de él. Juan era el padre de ellos. Ellos estaban jugando en el parque
Claire was his mother. Juan was their father. They were playing in the park yesterday.

2) Completa las siguientes oraciones utilizando WAS o WERE:

1. Smith was in the street this morning.
2. Paul or Mark was opening the store.
3. I was with my boy friend drinking some beers. We were having fun.
4. The weather was really cold but we were swimming in the pool.
5. She was walking quite fast yesterday.

Convierte las siguientes oraciones de presente a pasado utilizando WAS y WERE:

1. Jane and Michael are doctors: Jane and Michael were doctors.

2. She’s in the museum: She was in the museum.

3. It’s a big dog: It was a big dog.

4. You’re my best friend: You were my best friend.

5. We are studying French: We were studying french.

6. Paula or Karla is sleeping on my bed: Paula or Karla was sleeping on my bed.

7. I’m really busy: I was really busy.

8. He’s chatting with his girlfriend: He was chatting with his girlfriend.

9. Lukas and I are tired. We are working hard:

Lukas and i were tired. we were working hard.

Contenido GRATUITO en:


Candy(ies) Dulce(s) Horror movies Películas de terror.
Together Juntos(as) Uncle Tío
Soccer game Partido de fútbol Beer(s) Cerveza(s)
Sing Cantar Dance Bailar
Plant Plantar – Sembrar Clean Limpiar
Driver Conductor Engineer Ingeniero

1) Completa la siguiente historia usando AM – IS – ARE – WAS – WERE:

Hello,I (1)_____ Victor. Yesterday, I (2)_____ in my house with all my family. We

(3)_____ doing different activities. I (4)_____ with my friend Eduardo; we (5)_____ in
my bedroom studying English and eating candies. Right now, my sister Alejandra
(6)_____ in the living room with her friends; they (7)_____ watching TV. Last night, they
were watching horror movies all night.
The day before yesterday, my mother and my grandmother (8)_____ in the garage. My
father (9)_____ painting the dog’s house, and my uncle (10)_____ fixing his car. They
(11)_____ currently on the sofa watching a soccer game and drinking some beers
together. The other day my grandfather (12)_____ in the garden with my grandmother,
they (13)_____ singing and dancing. Now, my grandpa is planting some flowers.

Utiliza los siguientes espacios para colocar tus respuestas.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
am was were was were is are were was was are was were
am was were was were is are were was was are was were

2) Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones:

a. En este momento ella está limpiando su oficina.
At this moment she is cleaning her office
At this moment she’s cleaning her office.
b. Carol y Jack estuvieron en Bahamas el verano pasado.
Carol and Jack were in Bahamas last summer
Carol and Jack were in Bahamas last summer.
c. Actualmente estoy estudiando inglés, trabajando y practicando deportes.
Currently I am studying english, working and practicing sports
Currently I’m studying English, working, and practicing sports.
d. El viernes pasado Juan estuvo con nosotros, pero hoy está en Perú.
Llast Friday Juan was with us, but today he´s in Peru.
Last Friday Juan was with us, but today he’s in Peru.
e. El año pasado yo era un conductor, hoy en día soy un ingeniero.
Last year I was a driver, nowadays I am an engineer
Last year I was a driver, nowadays I’m an engineer.
f. Mi padre tenía 70 años. Mi madre tiene 60 y mi hija tiene 4.
My father was 70 years: My mother is 60 and my daugther is 4.
My father was 70 years old. My mother is 60 and my daughter is 4.
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Candy(ies) Dulce(s) Horror movies Películas de terror.
Together Juntos(as) Uncle Tío
Soccer game Partido de fútbol Beer(s) Cerveza(s)
Sing Cantar Dance Bailar
Plant Plantar – Sembrar Clean Limpiar
Driver Conductor Engineer Ingeniero

1) Completa la siguiente historia usando AM – IS – ARE – WAS – WERE:

Hello,I (1)_____ Victor. Yesterday, I (2)_____ in my house with all my family. We

(3)_____ doing different activities. I (4)_____ with my friend Eduardo; we (5)_____ in
my bedroom studying English and eating candies. Right now, my sister Alejandra
(6)_____ in the living room with her friends; they (7)_____ watching TV. Last night, they
were watching horror movies all night.
The day before yesterday, my mother and my grandmother (8)_____ in the garage. My
father (9)_____ painting the dog’s house, and my uncle (10)_____ fixing his car. They
(11)_____ currently on the sofa watching a soccer game and drinking some beers
together. The other day my grandfather (12)_____ in the garden with my grandmother,
they (13)_____ singing and dancing. Now, my grandpa is planting some flowers.

Utiliza los siguientes espacios para colocar tus respuestas.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
am was were was were is are were was was are was were

2) Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones:

a. En este momento ella está limpiando su oficina.
At this moment she’s cleaning her office.

b. Carol y Jack estuvieron en Bahamas el verano pasado.

Carol and Jack were in Bahamas last summer.

c. Actualmente estoy estudiando inglés, trabajando y practicando deportes.

Currently I’m studying English, working, and practicing sports.

d. El viernes pasado Juan estuvo con nosotros, pero hoy está en Perú.
Last Friday Juan was with us, but today he’s in Peru.

e. El año pasado yo era un conductor, hoy en día soy un ingeniero.

Last year I was a driver, nowadays I’m an engineer.

f. Mi padre tenía 70 años. Mi madre tiene 60 y mi hija tiene 4.

My father was 70 years old. My mother is 60 and my daughter is 4.

Contenido GRATUITO en:


Look at Mirar Prepare Preparar
All night Toda la noche Take a shower Tomar una ducha
Peel Pelar Potato(es) Papa(s)
Boil Hervir Walk Caminar
Junk food Comida chatarra Explain to Explicar
Write Escribir Ring Sonar - Anillo
Smoke Fumar Snore Roncar

1) Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones teniendo en cuenta lo aprendido en clase.

1. El domingo pasado, ellos estaban cantando mientras miraban la pantalla.

Last Sunday, they were singing while looking at the screen.
Last Sunday, they were singing while looking at the screen.

2. Ayer, mi esposa estaba preparando el desayuno mientras yo estaba tomando una

Yesterday, my wife was preparing breakfast while I was taking a shower
Yesterday, my wife was preparing breakfast while I was taking a shower.
3. El chef estuvo pelando las papas por un rato mientras hervía el agua.
The chef was peeling the potatoes for a while, while boiling the water
The chef was peeling the potatoes for a while while boling the water.
4. Usted estaba caminando mientras nosotros estábamos corriendo.
You were walking while we were runing
You were walking while we were running.
5. El año pasado estuve comiendo comida chatarra de vez en cuando.
Last year I was eating junk food once in a while
Last year I was eating junk food once in a while.
6. Mientras Elizabeth estuvo en el sofá su madre estuvo leyendo un rato.
While Elizabeth was on the sofa, her mother was reading a while
While Elizabeth was on the sofa, her mother was reading a while.
7. Te veo en un rato.
See you in a while
See you in a while.
8. La clase pasada, Pacho estaba explicándome mientras yo estaba escribiendo.
Last class, Pacho was explaining to me while I was writing
Last class, Pacho was explaining to me while I was writing.
9. Tú estabas hablando mientras comías y ella estaba fumando mientras hablaba.

You were speaking

You were talking while eating
/ talking andeating
while she was
she waswhilespeaking
smoking while
speaking / talking.
10. Mientras estuve durmiendo, el teléfono estuvo sonando por un rato.
While I was sleeping, the phone was ringing for a while
While I was sleeping, the phone was ringing for a while.
11. Diego estuvo roncando mientras dormía y yo estuve escuchándolo toda la
Diego was snoring while sleeping and I was listening to him all night
Diego was snoring while sleeping and I was listening to him all night.
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Look at Mirar Prepare Preparar
All night Toda la noche Take a shower Tomar una ducha
Peel Pelar Potato(es) Papa(s)
Boil Hervir Walk Caminar
Junk food Comida chatarra Explain to Explicar
Write Escribir Ring Sonar - Anillo
Smoke Fumar Snore Roncar

1) Escribe en inglés las siguientes oraciones teniendo en cuenta lo aprendido en clase.

1. El domingo pasado, ellos estaban cantando mientras miraban la pantalla.

Last Sunday, they were singing while looking at the screen.

2. Ayer, mi esposa estaba preparando el desayuno mientras yo estaba tomando una

Yesterday, my wife was preparing breakfast while I was taking a shower.

3. El chef estuvo pelando las papas por un rato mientras hervía el agua.
The chef was peeling the potatoes for a while while boling the water.

4. Usted estaba caminando mientras nosotros estábamos corriendo.

You were walking while we were running.

5. El año pasado estuve comiendo comida chatarra de vez en cuando.

Last year I was eating junk food once in a while.

6. Mientras Elizabeth estuvo en el sofá su madre estuvo leyendo un rato.

While Elizabeth was on the sofa, her mother was reading a while.

7. Te veo en un rato.
See you in a while.

8. La clase pasada, Pacho estaba explicándome mientras yo estaba escribiendo.

Last class, Pacho was explaining to me while I was writing.

9. Tú estabas hablando mientras comías y ella estaba fumando mientras hablaba.

You were speaking / talking while eating and she was smoking while
speaking / talking.

10. Mientras estuve durmiendo, el teléfono estuvo sonando por un rato.

While I was sleeping, the phone was ringing for a while.

11. Diego estuvo roncando mientras dormía y yo estuve escuchándolo toda la

Diego was snoring while sleeping and I was listening to him all night.

Contenido GRATUITO en:


Ride Montar Bike(s) Bicicleta(s)
Jog Trotar Chat Chatear - Charlar
Try Intentar Door Puerta

1) Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones. Evita utilizar el traductor o diccionario.

1. Ana was reading a book for a couple of hours while her husband was watching TV.
Escribe aquí tus respuestas.

2. A few days ago, we were on vacation. Now, we are studying for two hours every day.

3. Something was happening in my house four days ago. My dog was barking for 30 minutes while
looking at the door.

4. Mike was drinking some beers while driving last night. He was driving for 1 hour.

5. You were saving money for almost 10 years. Now, you’re enjoying your new car.

2) Subraya los errores que podrían tener algunas oraciones y re-escribe la oración correctamente.

1. Now, we were riding our bikes, but yesterday we were jogging for a while.

2. I’m currently studying while working but I was at the beach with my friends a week ago.

3. The day before yesterday, Maggie and Peggy are walking their dogs for several hours. The dogs
were playing in the park while Maggie and Peggy was chatting for a while.

4. Some minutes ago, I am trying to open the door of my house, now I was on the sofa singing
songs while eating with my wife. We are singing songs for many hours’ yesterday.

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Ride Montar Bike(s) Bicicleta(s)
Jog Trotar Chat Chatear - Charlar
Try Intentar Door Puerta

1) Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones. Evita utilizar el traductor o diccionario.

1. Ana was reading a book for a couple of hours while her husband was watching TV.

Ana estuvo leyendo un libro por / durante un par de horas mientras su esposo estaba viendo TV.

2. A few days ago, we were on vacation. Now, we are studying for two hours every day.
Hace unos cuantos días, estuvimos de vacaciones. Ahora, estamos estudiando por/durante dos
horas cada día.

3. Something was happening in my house four days ago. My dog was barking for 30 minutes while
looking at the door.
Algo estuvo pasando en mi casa hace cuatro días. Mi perro estuvo ladrando por /durante 30
minutos mientras miraba a la puerta.

4. Mike was drinking some beers while driving last night. He was driving for 1 hour.
Mike estuvo tomando algunas cervezas mientras conducía anoche. Él estuvo manejando por 1

5. You were saving money for almost 10 years. Now, you’re enjoying your new car.
Estuviste ahorrando dinero por casi 10 años. Ahora, estás disfrutando tu carro nuevo.

2) Subraya los errores que podrían tener algunas oraciones y re-escribe la oración correctamente.

1. Now, we were riding our bikes, but yesterday we were jogging for a while.
Now, we are riding our bikes, but yesterday we were jogging for a while.

2. I’m currently studying while working but I was at the beach with my friends a week ago.
Esta oración está correcta.

3. The day before yesterday, Maggie and Peggy are walking their dogs for several hours. The dogs
were playing in the park while Maggie and Peggy was chatting for a while.
The day before yesterday, Maggie and Peggy were walking their dogs for several hours. The dogs
were playing in the park while Maggie and Peggy were chatting for a while.

4. Some minutes ago, I am trying to open the door of my house, now I was on the sofa singing
songs while eating with my wife. We are singing songs for many hours’ yesterday.
Some minutes ago, I was trying to open the door of my house, now I am on the sofa singing songs
while eating with my wife. We were singing songs for many hours yesterday.

Contenido GRATUITO en:


Live Vivir Taxi driver Taxista
Change Cambiar Tire(s) Llanta(s)
Party Fiesta Sing Cantar
Many Muchos(as) Visit Visitar
Talk – Speak Hablar Run Correr
Do Hacer Exercise Ejercicio

1) Realiza las siguientes preguntas y respuestas utilizando lo aprendido en clase. Para las
respuestas utiliza el tiempo dado.

1. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuviste viviendo en Canadá? / A. por dos años.

Question: Escribe aquí tus respuestas.

2. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo estuvo Mike en el hospital? / A. hace dos semanas.


3. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo fuiste un taxista? / A. hace un par de semanas.


4. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo estuvo Ana cambiando las llantas del carro? / A. desde esta tarde.

5. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuvimos cantando en la fiesta? / A. por muchas horas.


6. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuvieron ellos visitando a su madre? / A. por tres días.


7. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuvieron Omar y Luis hablando mientras corrían? / A. durante 30 min.


8. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo está Erika haciendo ejercicio? / A. desde ayer en la mañana.

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Live Vivir Taxi driver Taxista
Change Cambiar Tire(s) Llanta(s)
Party Fiesta Sing Cantar
Many Muchos(as) Visit Visitar
Talk – Speak Hablar Run Correr
Do Hacer Exercise Ejercicio

1) Realiza las siguientes preguntas y respuestas utilizando lo aprendido en clase. Para las
respuestas utiliza el tiempo dado.

1. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuviste viviendo en Canadá? / A. por dos años.

Question: How long / How much time were you living in Canada?
Answer: I was living in Canada for two years.

2. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo estuvo Mike en el hospital? / A. hace dos semanas.

Question: How long ago was Mike in / at the hospital?
Answer: He/mike was in / at the hospital two weeks ago.

3. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo fuiste un taxista? / A. hace un par de semanas.

Question: How long ago were you a taxi driver?
Answer: I was a taxi driver a couple of weeks ago.

4. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo estuvo Ana cambiando las llantas del carro? / A. desde esta tarde.
Question: How long ago was Ana changing the tires of the car?
Answer: She / Ana was changing the tires of the car since this afternoon.

5. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuvimos cantando en la fiesta? / A. por muchas horas.

Question: How much time / how long were we singing at the party.
Answer: We were singing for many hours.

6. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuvieron ellos visitando a su madre? / A. por tres días.

Question: How long / how much time were they visiting their mother?
Answer: They were visiting their mother for three days.

7. ¿Cuánto tiempo estuvieron Omar y Luis hablando mientras corrían? / A. durante 30 min.
Question: How long / how much time were Omar and Luis speaking / talking while
Answer: They / Omar and Luis were speaking / talking for 30 / thirty minutes.

8. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo está Erika haciendo ejercicio? / A. desde ayer en la mañana.
Question: How long ago is Erika doing exercise?
Answer: She / Erika is doing exercise since yesterday morning.

Contenido GRATUITO en:

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